/* packet-replication.c * Routines for Replication * Copyright 2007, David Dugoujon * * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "packet-replication.h" #include "packet-freepastry.h" static int proto_replication = -1; static int hf_replication_type = -1; static int hf_replication_version = -1; static int hf_replication_num_bloomfilters = -1; static int hf_replication_num_ranges = -1; static int hf_replication_num_rows = -1; static int hf_replication_num_cols = -1; static int hf_bloom_filter_length = -1; static int hf_bloom_filter_num_params = -1; static int hf_bloom_filter_param = -1; static int hf_bloom_filter_num_bits = -1; static int hf_bloom_filter_bits = -1; static int hf_id_range_cw = -1; static int hf_id_range_ccw = -1; static int hf_id_range_empty = -1; static gint ett_replication = -1; static gint ett_replication_bloomfilter = -1; static gint ett_replication_idrange = -1; static dissector_handle_t replication_handle; static const value_string replication_msg_type[] = { { REP_REQUEST_MSG, "Request"}, { REP_RESPONSE_MSG, "Response"}, { 0, NULL } }; gint decode_bloom_filter(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *parent_tree, gint offset, gchar *attribute_name) { proto_item *ti = NULL; proto_tree *bloomfilter_tree = NULL; guint32 length; guint32 num_params; guint32 num_bits; guint32 num_bytes; guint32 i; ti = proto_tree_add_text(parent_tree, tvb, offset, 1, attribute_name); bloomfilter_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_replication_bloomfilter); length = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset); proto_tree_add_uint(bloomfilter_tree, hf_bloom_filter_length, tvb, offset, 4, length); offset += 4; /* if ((guint32) tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset) < length){ proto_tree_add_text(bloomfilter_tree, tvb, offset, -1, "Malformed bloom filter!"); return -1; }*/ num_params = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset); proto_tree_add_uint(bloomfilter_tree, hf_bloom_filter_num_params, tvb, offset, 4, num_params); offset += 4; for (i = 0; i < num_params; ++i){ proto_tree_add_item(bloomfilter_tree, hf_bloom_filter_param, tvb, offset, 4, FALSE); offset += 4; } num_bits = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset); proto_tree_add_uint(bloomfilter_tree, hf_bloom_filter_num_bits, tvb, offset, 4, num_bits); offset += 4; if (num_bits != 0) { num_bytes = num_bits >> 3; if ((num_bits % 8) != 0){ num_bytes++; } proto_tree_add_item(bloomfilter_tree, hf_bloom_filter_bits, tvb, offset, num_bytes, FALSE); offset += num_bytes; } else { proto_tree_add_item(bloomfilter_tree, hf_bloom_filter_bits, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE); offset += 1; } proto_item_set_end(ti, tvb, offset); return offset; } gint decode_id_range(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *parent_tree, gint offset, gchar *attribute_name) { proto_item *ti = NULL; proto_tree *idrange_tree = NULL; ti = proto_tree_add_text(parent_tree, tvb, offset, 1, attribute_name); idrange_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_replication_idrange); if (tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset) < 41){ proto_tree_add_text(idrange_tree, tvb, offset, -1, "Malformed ID range attribute!"); return -1; } proto_tree_add_string(idrange_tree, hf_id_range_cw, tvb, offset, 20, get_id_full(tvb, offset)); offset += 20; proto_tree_add_string(idrange_tree, hf_id_range_ccw, tvb, offset, 20, get_id_full(tvb, offset)); offset += 20; proto_tree_add_item(idrange_tree, hf_id_range_empty, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE); offset++; proto_item_set_end(ti, tvb, offset); return offset; } void decode_replication_request(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree, gint offset) { if (tree){ guint32 num_filters; guint32 num_ranges; guint32 i, j; num_filters = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset); proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_replication_num_bloomfilters, tvb, offset, 4, num_filters); offset += 4; for (i = 0; i < num_filters; ++i){ offset = decode_bloom_filter(tvb, tree, offset, ep_strdup_printf("Bloom filter #%d", i+1)); if (offset == -1){ return; } } num_ranges = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset); proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_replication_num_ranges, tvb, offset, 4, num_ranges); offset += 4; for (j = 0; j < num_ranges; ++j){ offset = decode_id_range(tvb, tree, offset, ep_strdup_printf("ID range #%d", j+1)); if (offset == -1){ return; } }/*end for each range*/ } } void decode_replication_response(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree, gint offset) { if (tree){ guint32 num_rows; guint32 i, k; guint32 num_ranges; num_rows = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset); proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_replication_num_rows, tvb, offset, 4, num_rows); offset += 4; for (i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i){ guint32 num_cols; guint32 j; num_cols = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset); proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_replication_num_cols, tvb, offset, 4, num_cols); offset += 4; for (j = 0; j < num_cols; ++j){ offset = decode_type_and_id(tvb, tree, offset); if (offset == -1){ return; } } }/*end for each rows*/ num_ranges = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset); proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_replication_num_ranges, tvb, offset, 4, num_ranges); offset += 4; for (k = 0; k < num_ranges; ++k){ offset = decode_id_range(tvb, tree, offset, ep_strdup_printf("ID range #%d", k+1)); if (offset == -1){ return; } }/*end for each range*/ } } static void dissect_replication(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree) { proto_item *ti = NULL; proto_tree *replication_tree = NULL; const gchar *type_string = NULL; guint16 type; gint offset = 0; if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL)) col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "Replication"); type = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset); type_string = val_to_str(type, replication_msg_type, ""); if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO)){ col_clear (pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO); col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%d > %d %s", pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, type_string); } if (tree){ ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_replication, tvb, 0, -1, FALSE); replication_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_replication); proto_tree_add_item(replication_tree, hf_replication_type, tvb, offset, 2, FALSE); proto_tree_add_item(replication_tree, hf_replication_version, tvb, offset + 2, 1, FALSE); offset = decode_nodehandle(tvb, replication_tree, offset + 3 , "Source"); } else { offset = get_node_handle_len(tvb, offset + 3); } if (offset == -1){ return; } switch (type){ case REP_REQUEST_MSG: decode_replication_request(tvb, replication_tree, offset); break; case REP_RESPONSE_MSG: decode_replication_response(tvb, replication_tree, offset); break; default: return;/*stop dissection*/ } } void proto_register_replication(void) { static hf_register_info hf[] = { { &hf_replication_type, { "Type", "replication.type", FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, VALS(replication_msg_type), 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_replication_version, { "Version", "replication.version", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_replication_num_bloomfilters, { "Number of Bloom filters", "replication.num_bloomfilters", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_replication_num_ranges, { "Number of ID ranges", "replication.num_ranges", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_replication_num_rows, { "Number of rows", "replication.num_rows", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_replication_num_cols, { "Number of columns", "replication.num_cols", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_bloom_filter_length, { "Set lenght", "replication.bloomfilter.length", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_bloom_filter_num_params, { "Number of parameter", "replication.bloomfilter.num_params", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_bloom_filter_param, { "Parameter", "replication.bloomfilter.param", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_bloom_filter_num_bits, { "Number of bits", "replication.bloomfilter.num_bits", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_bloom_filter_bits, { "Bits field", "replication.bloomfilter.bits", FT_BYTES, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_id_range_cw, { "Clockwise ID", "replication.idrange.cw", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_id_range_ccw, { "Counter clockwise ID", "replication.idrange.ccw", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, { &hf_id_range_empty, { "Is empty", "replication.idrange.empty", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL }}, }; /* Setup protocol subtree array */ static gint *ett[] = { &ett_replication, &ett_replication_bloomfilter, &ett_replication_idrange }; module_t *replication_module; if (proto_replication == -1) { proto_replication = proto_register_protocol ( "Replication Manager (Common API Application)", /* name */ "Replication", /* short name */ "replication" /* abbrev */ ); } replication_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_replication, NULL); proto_register_field_array(proto_replication, hf, array_length(hf)); proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett)); } void proto_reg_handoff_replication(void) { static int Initialized=FALSE; if (!Initialized) { replication_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_replication, proto_replication); dissector_add("commonapi.app", REPLICATION_SUB_ADDRESS, replication_handle); } }