pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol"; import "./interfaces/IDioneStaking.sol"; contract DioneDispute { using SafeMath for uint256; IDioneStaking public dioneStaking; uint256 public voteWindowTime; struct Dispute { bytes32 dhash; // id of dispute - keccak256(_miner,_requestId,_timestamp) uint256 sum; // vote measure (for/against this dispute) bool finished; // dispute was finished (closed) or not bool disputeResult; // true - dispute had basis, false - dispute was false address miner; // the miner against whom the dispute address disputeInitiator; // the miner who started the dispute uint256 timestamp; // dispute creation timestamp address[] voted; // map of miners who vote for/against } mapping(bytes32 => Dispute) disputes; event NewDispute(bytes32 dhash, uint256 requestID, address indexed miner, address indexed disputeInitiator); event NewVote(bytes32 dhash, address indexed votedMiner); event DisputeFinished(bytes32 dhash, bool status); constructor(IDioneStaking _dioneStaking, uint256 _voteWindowTime) { dioneStaking = _dioneStaking; voteWindowTime = _voteWindowTime; } function beginDispute(address miner, uint256 requestID) public { bytes32 dhash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(miner, requestID)); require(disputes[dhash].miner == address(0), "dispute already exists"); Dispute storage dispute = disputes[dhash]; dispute.dhash = dhash; dispute.sum = 0; dispute.finished = false; dispute.disputeResult = false; dispute.miner = miner; dispute.timestamp = block.timestamp; dispute.disputeInitiator = msg.sender; disputes[dhash] = dispute; emit NewDispute(dhash, requestID, miner, msg.sender); } function vote(bytes32 dhash, bool voteStatus) public { Dispute memory dispute = disputes[dhash]; require(dispute.dhash.length != 0, "dispute doesn't exist"); require(dispute.finished == false, "dispute already finished"); require(dioneStaking.isMiner(msg.sender), "caller isn't dione miner"); uint256 stake = dioneStaking.minerStake(msg.sender); if (voteStatus) { disputes[dhash].sum = disputes[dhash].sum.add(stake); } else { disputes[dhash].sum = disputes[dhash].sum.sub(stake); } disputes[dhash].voted.push(msg.sender); emit NewVote(dhash, msg.sender); } function finishDispute(bytes32 dhash) public { require(disputes[dhash].dhash.length != 0, "dispute doesn't exist"); Dispute memory dispute = disputes[dhash]; require((block.timestamp - dispute.timestamp) >= voteWindowTime, "vote window hasn't passed yet"); require(dispute.finished == false, "dispute already finished"); require(dispute.disputeInitiator == msg.sender, "only dispute initiator can call this function"); if (dispute.sum <= 0) { disputes[dhash].disputeResult = false; } else { disputes[dhash].disputeResult = true; disputes[dhash].voted.push(msg.sender); dioneStaking.slashMiner(dispute.miner, disputes[dhash].voted); } disputes[dhash].finished = true; emit DisputeFinished(dhash, disputes[dhash].disputeResult); } }