# Dione Proof-of-Stake mechanism Dione oracle network is the distributed network of nodes. And as any distributed network Dione has a risk that the majority of nodes would act maliciously. In order to reduce this risk and incentivize node operators to behave correctly Dione has Proof-of-Stake mechanism, malicious nodes in the network would lose their stakes. In order to run Dione node the operator has to stake at least 10,000 DIONE tokens. The minimum amount of DIONE tokens might be changed by governance decision. # DIONE token DIONE token is a ERC20 token on Ethereum blockchain used as a staking token to run the Dione node and for decentralized governance. Initial supply of DIONE tokens is 2,000,000. By that the maximum amount of nodes participating in Dione is limited to 200 at the initial start of Dione network. 30% of DIONE tokens would be allocated to Secured Finance team. On every block Dione miners would get 50 DIONE tokens as the mining reward. # DIONE token governance Governance mechanism would take place on [snapshot.page](https://snapshot.page/#/). The main application of governance decision is around minimum amount of DIONE tokens to stake in order to run Dione node. Additional governance decision could be proposed by DIONE token holders among the way.