import { ethers } from "hardhat"; import { Contract } from "ethers"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { soliditySha3 } from "web3-utils"; import deploy from "../common/deployment"; describe("DioneDispute", function () { let dioneDispute: Contract; let dioneStaking: Contract; beforeEach(async function () { const contracts = await deploy({ reward: 100, minStake: 5000, voteWindowTime: 2, randomizeStake: false, maxStake: 0, // don't use this deployment feature actualStake: 9000, nodeCount: 4, logging: false, minStakeForDisputeVotes: 100 }); dioneDispute = contracts.dioneDispute; dioneStaking = contracts.dioneStaking; }); it("should create dispute, vote it by various eth addresses and then finish", async function () { const addresses = await (await ethers.getSigners()).slice(0, 4); const dhash = soliditySha3(addresses[1].address, 1); await expect(dioneDispute.beginDispute(addresses[1].address, 1)) .to.emit(dioneDispute, 'NewDispute') .withArgs(dhash, 1, addresses[1].address, addresses[0].address); for (const x of addresses) { if (x == addresses[1] || x == addresses[0]) continue; await expect(dioneDispute.connect(x).vote(dhash, true)) .to.emit(dioneDispute, 'NewVote') .withArgs(dhash, x.address); } await ethers.provider.send("evm_increaseTime", [2]); await expect(dioneDispute.finishDispute(dhash)) .to.emit(dioneDispute, 'DisputeFinished') .withArgs(dhash, true); expect(await dioneStaking.minerStake(addresses[1].address)) .to.equal(0); for (const x of addresses) { if (x == addresses[1]) continue; expect(await dioneStaking.minerStake(x.address)) .to.equal(ethers.constants.WeiPerEther.mul(12000)); } }); it("should fail voting on non-existing dispute", async function() { const [addr1] = await ethers.getSigners(); const dhash = soliditySha3(addr1.address, 1); await expect(, true))"dispute doesn't exist"); }); it("should fail finishing non-existing dispute", async function() { const [addr1] = await ethers.getSigners(); const dhash = soliditySha3(addr1.address, 1); await expect(dioneDispute.finishDispute(dhash))"dispute doesn't exist"); }) it("should finish dispute with \"false\" result", async function () { const addresses = await (await ethers.getSigners()).slice(0, 4); const dhash = soliditySha3(addresses[1].address, 1); await dioneDispute.beginDispute(addresses[1].address, 1); await dioneDispute.connect(addresses[2]).vote(dhash, false); await dioneDispute.connect(addresses[3]).vote(dhash, false); await ethers.provider.send("evm_increaseTime", [2]); await expect(dioneDispute.finishDispute(dhash)) .to.emit(dioneDispute, 'DisputeFinished') .withArgs(dhash, false); // check if stakes of miners is same as initial for (const x of addresses) { expect(await dioneStaking.minerStake(x.address)); } }); it("should fail when finishing dispute before exceeding vote window time", async () => { const [, addr1 ] = await ethers.getSigners(); const dhash = soliditySha3(addr1.address, 1); await dioneDispute.beginDispute(addr1.address, 1); await expect(dioneDispute.finishDispute(dhash))"vote window hasn't passed yet"); }); it("should fail when voting as dispute initiator", async () => { const [, addr1 ] = await ethers.getSigners(); const dhash = soliditySha3(addr1.address, 1); await dioneDispute.beginDispute(addr1.address, 1); await expect(, true))"dispute initiator isn't allowed to vote"); }); it("should fail when voting as miner against whom dispute has beginned", async () => { const [, addr1 ] = await ethers.getSigners(); const dhash = soliditySha3(addr1.address, 1); await dioneDispute.beginDispute(addr1.address, 1); await expect(dioneDispute.connect(addr1).vote(dhash, true))"the miner against whom dispute has beginned isn't allowed to vote"); }); describe("DioneDispute - insufficient funds", () => { let dioneDispute: Contract; before(async () => { const contracts = await deploy({ reward: 100, minStake: 0, voteWindowTime: 2, randomizeStake: false, maxStake: 0, // don't use this deployment feature actualStake: 50, nodeCount: 1, logging: false, minStakeForDisputeVotes: 100 }); dioneDispute = contracts.dioneDispute; }); it("should fail when voting with insufficient funds", async () => { const [, addr1, addr2] = await ethers.getSigners(); const dhash = soliditySha3(addr1.address, 1); await dioneDispute.beginDispute(addr1.address, 1); await expect(dioneDispute.connect(addr2).vote(dhash, true))"miner doesn't have minimum stake to vote"); }); }); });