2020-11-15 13:16:38 +03:00

172 lines
5.3 KiB

package ethclient
import (
stakingContract "github.com/Secured-Finance/dione/contracts/dioneStaking"
oracleEmitter "github.com/Secured-Finance/dione/contracts/oracleemitter"
// TODO: change artifacts for other contracts
type EthereumClient struct {
client *ethclient.Client
ethAddress *common.Address
authTransactor *bind.TransactOpts
oracleEmitter *oracleEmitter.OracleEmitterSession
aggregator *aggregator.AggregatorSession
dioneStaking *stakingContract.DioneStakingSession
type OracleEvent struct {
RequestType string
CallbackAddress common.Address
CallbackMethodID [4]byte
RequestID *big.Int
type Ethereum interface {
Initialize(ctx context.Context, url, connectionType, privateKey, oracleEmitterContractAddress, aggregatorContractAddress string) error
Balance(context.Context, string) (*big.Int, error)
SubscribeOnSmartContractEvents(context.Context, string)
SubmitRequestAnswer(reqID *big.Int, data string, callbackAddress common.Address, callbackMethodID [4]byte) error
func NewEthereumClient() *EthereumClient {
ethereumClient := &EthereumClient{}
return ethereumClient
func (c *EthereumClient) Initialize(ctx context.Context, url, privateKey, oracleEmitterContractAddress, aggregatorContractAddress, dioneStakingAddress string) error {
client, err := ethclient.Dial(url)
if err != nil {
return err
c.client = client
ecdsaKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(privateKey)
if err != nil {
return err
authTransactor := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(ecdsaKey)
c.authTransactor = authTransactor
c.ethAddress = &c.authTransactor.From
emitter, err := oracleEmitter.NewOracleEmitter(common.HexToAddress(oracleEmitterContractAddress), client)
if err != nil {
return err
aggregatorPlainSC, err := aggregator.NewAggregator(common.HexToAddress(aggregatorContractAddress), client)
if err != nil {
return err
stakingContract, err := dioneStaking.NewDioneStaking(common.HexToAddress(dioneStakingAddress), client)
if err != nil {
return err
c.oracleEmitter = &oracleEmitter.OracleEmitterSession{
Contract: emitter,
CallOpts: bind.CallOpts{
Pending: true,
From: authTransactor.From,
Context: context.Background(),
TransactOpts: bind.TransactOpts{
From: authTransactor.From,
Signer: authTransactor.Signer,
GasLimit: 200000, // 0 automatically estimates gas limit
GasPrice: nil, // nil automatically suggests gas price
Context: context.Background(),
c.aggregator = &aggregator.AggregatorSession{
Contract: aggregatorPlainSC,
CallOpts: bind.CallOpts{
Pending: true,
From: authTransactor.From,
Context: context.Background(),
TransactOpts: bind.TransactOpts{
From: authTransactor.From,
Signer: authTransactor.Signer,
GasLimit: 200000, // 0 automatically estimates gas limit
GasPrice: nil, // nil automatically suggests gas price
Context: context.Background(),
c.dioneStaking = &dioneStaking.DioneStakingSession{
Contract: stakingContract,
CallOpts: bind.CallOpts{
Pending: true,
From: authTransactor.From,
Context: context.Background(),
TransactOpts: bind.TransactOpts{
From: authTransactor.From,
Signer: authTransactor.Signer,
GasLimit: 200000, // 0 automatically estimates gas limit
GasPrice: big.NewInt(1860127603), // nil automatically suggests gas price
Context: context.Background(),
return nil
func (c *EthereumClient) GetEthAddress() *common.Address {
return c.ethAddress
func (c *EthereumClient) SubscribeOnOracleEvents(ctx context.Context) (chan *oracleEmitter.OracleEmitterNewOracleRequest, event.Subscription, error) {
resChan := make(chan *oracleEmitter.OracleEmitterNewOracleRequest)
requestsFilter := c.oracleEmitter.Contract.OracleEmitterFilterer
subscription, err := requestsFilter.WatchNewOracleRequest(&bind.WatchOpts{
Start: nil, //last block
Context: ctx,
}, resChan)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return resChan, subscription, err
func (c *EthereumClient) SubmitRequestAnswer(reqID *big.Int, data string, callbackAddress common.Address, callbackMethodID [4]byte) error {
// privateKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(private_key)
// if err != nil {
// c.Logger.Fatal("Failed to generate private key", err)
// }
// publicKey := privateKey.Public()
// publicKeyECDSA, ok := publicKey.(*ecdsa.PublicKey)
// if !ok {
// c.Logger.Fatal("cannot assert type: publicKey is not of type *ecdsa.PublicKey")
// }
// publicKeyBytes := crypto.FromECDSAPub(publicKeyECDSA)
// c.Logger.Info(hexutil.Encode(publicKeyBytes)[4:])
// fromAddress := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*publicKeyECDSA)
// nonce, err := c.HttpClient.PendingNonceAt(ctx, fromAddress)
// if err != nil {
// c.Logger.Fatal(err)
// }
// gasPrice, err := c.HttpClient.SuggestGasPrice(ctx)
// if err != nil {
// c.Logger.Fatal(err)
// }
_, err := c.aggregator.CollectData(reqID, data, callbackAddress)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil