mirror of https://github.com/ru-de/faq.git synced 2024-12-22 17:01:49 +00:00

sync github pages

This commit is contained in:
Github Actions 2023-08-22 12:08:39 +00:00
parent 123cea514a
commit 9c3d49cebf
2 changed files with 8 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -6,10 +6,7 @@ PWD_DIR=`pwd`
DIR=`dirname $0`
apt-get -yqq update && apt-get install -y curl wget unzip binutils hunspell hunspell-ru hunspell-en-us hunspell-de-de jq
curl -s https://extensions.libreoffice.org/en/extensions/show/russian-spellcheck-dictionary > .dict_page
echo -n "https://extensions.libreoffice.org" > .current_release
strings .dict_page | grep -ozP '<li class="releaseRow">(\n|.)*?</li>' | grep -zoP -m 1 'href=".*?">Download' | head -1 | sed 's/href="//' | sed 's/">Download//' >> .current_release
cat .current_release | wget -q -i - -O /tmp/dictionary.otx
wget https://extensions.libreoffice.org/assets/downloads/48/dict_ru_ru-aot-0.4.5.oxt -O /tmp/dictionary.otx
unzip /tmp/dictionary.otx -d /tmp
cp /tmp/*.dic /usr/share/hunspell
cp /tmp/*.aff /usr/share/hunspell
@ -35,12 +32,12 @@ done
echo "SET UTF-8" >> /tmp/dictionary.aff
mv /tmp/dictionary.* /usr/share/hunspell
go get -u github.com/ewgRa/ci-utils/cmd/diff_liner
go get -u github.com/ewgRa/ci-utils/cmd/hunspell_parser
go get -u github.com/ewgRa/ci-utils/cmd/github_comments_diff
go get -u github.com/ewgRa/ci-utils/cmd/github_comments_send
go install github.com/ewgRa/ci-utils/cmd/diff_liner@latest
go install github.com/ewgRa/ci-utils/cmd/hunspell_parser@latest
go install github.com/ewgRa/ci-utils/cmd/github_comments_diff@latest
go install github.com/ewgRa/ci-utils/cmd/github_comments_send@latest
cd $DIR/go
go build -o /tmp/check_spell check_spell/main.go
go build -o /tmp/check_links check_links/main.go

View File

@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ layout: default
* [Колибри](http://www.fahrschule-colibri.de/), в районе Rosenthaler Platz, хозяин, и он же инструктор - русскоязычный. Делал пересдачу прав - рекомендую
* [Fahrschule am Wittenbergplatz](http://fahrschule-am-wittenbergplatz.de), русскоговорящий инструктор, категории А и Б
* [Автошкола в Kleistpark](http://fahrschule-avatar.de/) - русскоговорящий директор-инструктор, курсы медпомощи быстро и в любое время
* [2DRIVE](https://www.fahrschule-2drive.de/) - еще одна русскоязычная школа
* [Fahrschule Eichert Berlin](https://www.fahrschule-eichert-berlin.de/) - рускоязычный инструктор и он же владелец школы
* [Список англоязычных автошкол](https://www.angloinfo.com/berlin/directory/berlin-driving-schools-instructors-lessons-278)
* ![](files/mu.png)
* [Автошкола 089](https://www.089-fahrschule.de/ru) - крупнейшая русская автошкола в Мюнхене