#!/bin/bash if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" = "false" ]; then echo "Skip, because not a PR" exit 0 fi DIR=`dirname $0` git config --global core.quotepath false git diff HEAD^ --name-status | grep "^D" -v | sed 's/^.\t//g' | grep "\.md$" > /tmp/changed_files curl "https://github-api-bot.herokuapp.com/diff?repo=$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG&pr=$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" > /tmp/pr.diff if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "Can't get github pull request diff, probably rate limit? Try to restart CI build" exit 1 fi cat /tmp/pr.diff | diff_liner > /tmp/pr_liner.json rm -f /tmp/comments.json touch /tmp/comments.json while read FILE; do COMMIT=$(git log --pretty=format:"%H" -1 "$FILE"); echo "Проверка изменений в файле $FILE на опечатки... "; cat "$FILE" | sed 's/https\?:[^ ]*//g' | sed "s/[(][^)]*\.md[)]//g" | sed "s/[(]files[^)]*[)]//g" | hunspell -d dictionary,russian-aot-utf8,ru_RU,de_DE-utf8,en_US-utf8 > /tmp/hunspell.out cat /tmp/hunspell.out | hunspell_parser > /tmp/hunspell_parsed.json /tmp/check_spell -file "$FILE" -commit=$COMMIT -pr-liner /tmp/pr_liner.json -hunspell-parsed-file /tmp/hunspell_parsed.json >> /tmp/comments.json echo "Проверка изменений в файле $FILE на недоступные ссылки... "; /tmp/check_links -file "$FILE" -commit=$COMMIT -pr-liner /tmp/pr_liner.json -expected-codes files/expected_codes.csv >> /tmp/comments.json echo done < /tmp/changed_files jq -s '[.[][]]' /tmp/comments.json > /tmp/comments_array.json cat /tmp/comments_array.json EXIT_CODE=0 if [ "$(cat /tmp/comments_array.json)" != "[]" ]; then curl "https://github-api-bot.herokuapp.com/comments?repo=$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG&pr=$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" > /tmp/pr_comments.json if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "Can't get github comments, probably rate limit? Try to restart ci build" exit 1 fi github_comments_diff -comments /tmp/comments_array.json -exists-comments /tmp/pr_comments.json > /tmp/send_comments.json curl -XPOST "https://github-api-bot.herokuapp.com/send_review?repo=$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG&pr=$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST&body=Спасибо%20за%20PR.%20Обратите%20внимание%20на%20результаты%20автоматической%20проверки%20орфографии%20и%20ссылок" -d @/tmp/send_comments.json EXIT_CODE=1 fi exit $EXIT_CODE