import argparse import asyncio import queue import sys import threading import time import dataset import requests import toml import vk_api from mastodon import Mastodon import utils parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="Config path") parser.add_argument("-i", "--interval", type=int, help="Polling interval", required=True) args = parser.parse_args() if args.interval <= 0: print("interval must be greater than 0") sys.exit(0) config = toml.load(args.config) vk_session = vk_api.VkApi(token=config["vk"]["access_token"]) vk = vk_session.get_api() mastodon_clients = {} bot_threads = {} q = queue.Queue() db = dataset.connect('sqlite:///database.db') uploaded_posts = db['uploaded_posts'] def bot_loop(): while True: # get new post from queue post_chunk = q.get(block=True, timeout=None) m = mastodon_clients.get(post_chunk["group"]) if m is None: print(f"couldn't find corresponding mastodon client for group {post_chunk['group']}") continue for post in post_chunk["items"]: attachments = post.get("attachments") parsed_post = {"id": post["id"], "text": post["text"], "date": post["date"], "pinned": post.get("is_pinned") == 1, "attachments": []} if attachments is not None: for a in attachments: if a["type"] == "photo": # get the biggest resolution of the photo a["photo"]["sizes"].sort(key=lambda e: e["height"], reverse=True) parsed_post["attachments"].append(a["photo"]["sizes"][0]["url"]) uploaded_media = [] for i in parsed_post["attachments"]: resp = requests.get(i) m = m.media_post(resp.content, mime_type='image/jpeg') uploaded_media.append(m) toot = m.status_post(parsed_post["text"], media_ids=uploaded_media, visibility='public') if parsed_post['pinned']: m.status_pin(toot['id']) uploaded_posts.insert({'group': post_chunk["group"], 'post_id': post['id']}) group_last_post_count = db['last_post_count'].find_one(group=post_chunk["group"]) if group_last_post_count is None: group_last_post_count = {'count': 0, 'group': post_chunk["group"]} # FIXME this shouldn't happen group_last_post_count['count'] += 1 db['last_post_count'].upsert(group_last_post_count, ['group']) print(f"Uploaded post {post['id']} for group {post_chunk['group']} successfully!") async def listen_new_posts(): tasks = [] for group in config["mastodon"]: group_last_post_count = db['last_post_count'].find_one(group=group) if group_last_post_count is None: group_last_post_count = {'count': 0, 'group': group} # FIXME need to execute code for full downloading of wall on new group # FIXME this shouldn't happen tasks.append(utils.download_posts_incrementally(vk, group, group_last_post_count['count'])) new_post_chunks = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) for chunk in new_post_chunks: if len(chunk["items"]) > 0: q.put(chunk, block=True, timeout=None) for k in config["mastodon"]: mastodon_clients[k] = Mastodon( access_token=config["mastodon"][k]["access_token"], api_base_url=config["mastodon"][k]["instance"] ) print(k) t = threading.Thread(target=bot_loop) t.start() bot_threads[k] = t print("Bot has been set up, listening events...") while True: try: time.sleep(args.interval) except KeyboardInterrupt: db.close() break