# Log4Sharp Dead-simple colorful logger for C#/.NET Core. I have not found any simple loggers in the .NET Core ecosystem that are not framework-specific and have easy usage, so I decided to write this one. Mostly inspired by various Golang loggers. ![](./assets/log.png) ## Install ``` dotnet add package Log4Sharp ``` ## Usage ```c# using Log4Sharp; ... Log.Debug("Hello World!"); Log.Info("Hello World!"); Log.Warning("Hello World!"); Log.Error("Hello World!"); Log.Fatal("Hello World!"); ``` You can also change log level output filter (by default it's set to `LogLevel.Error`): ```c# Log.SetLogLevel(LogLevel.Debug); // Allow output of all log levels ``` ## Contributing Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. ## License MIT © ChronosX88