2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
#pragma once
#include "STh.h"
#include "resource.h"
QJsonArray *jsonArr = new QJsonArray();
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
static int portArr[65536] = {0};
int gC = 0;
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
int gTimeOut = 3;
int PieAnomC1 = 0, PieBA = 0, PieSusp = 0, PieLowl = 0, PieWF = 0, PieSSH = 0;
int AnomC1 = 0, Filt = 0, Overl = 0, Lowl = 0, Alive = 0, Activity = 0, saved = 0, Susp = 0, WF = 0, offlines = 0, ssh = 0;
int GlobalWSAErr = 0;
int GlobalNegativeSize = 0;
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
int ovrlIPs = 0, ipCounter = 0;
int mode;
int found = 0, fillerFlag = 0, indexIP = 1;
int gMaxSize = 65536;
int gMode;
int OnLiner = 0;
int MaxPass = 0, MaxLogin = 0, MaxTags = 0, MaxWFLogin = 0, MaxWFPass = 0, MaxSSHPass = 0;
int ipsstart[4], ipsend[4], ipsstartfl[8192][4], ipsendfl[8192][4], starterIP[8192][4],
startNum, endNum, overallPorts, flCounter, octet[4];
double ips = 0;
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
char top_level_domain[128] = {0};
char startM[64] = {0}, endM[64] = {0};
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
char endIP2[128] = {0};
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
char **GlobalNegatives = 0;
char **loginLst, **passLst;
char **wfLoginLst, **wfPassLst;
char **sshlpLst;
char des1[64] = {0}, res[32]= {0};
char saveStartIP[128] = {0};
char saveEndIP[128] = {0};
char gRange[128] = {0};
char gFirstDom[128] = {0};
char gPorts[65536] = {0};
char metaIPDNS[256] = {0};
char metaRange[256] = {0};
char metaPercent[256] = {0};
char metaIPS[256] = {0};
char metaTargets[256] = {0};
char metaETA[256] = {0};
char metaOffline[256] = {0};
bool ErrLogFirstTime = true;
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
volatile bool ConnLocked = false;
unsigned long long gTargets = 0, gTargetsOverall = 1, targets;
volatile int gThreads;
volatile int cons = 0;
volatile int BA = 0;
volatile int BrutingThrds = 0;
volatile int threads = 20;
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
void SaveErrorLog(char *sender, char *MesSent, char *ReplRecv)
FILE *errFile = fopen("./logs/ns-track_errors.html", "r");
if(errFile != NULL)
#if defined(WIN32)
CreateDirectory(L"./logs", NULL);
struct stat st = {0};
if (stat("./logs", &st) == -1) {
mkdir("./logs", 0700);
time_t rtime;
char cdate[32] = {0};
strcpy (cdate, ctime (&rtime));
char *totalErrLog = NULL;
char stylePart[] = {"<style>html{background-color:#373737;}#mainblock{background-color:#646464;width:100%;border:1px dotted black;}#sender-time{color:#ffffff;}#msr{color:#b9b9b9;}#msc{width:99,8%;border:1px solid black;}pre{width:99,8%;border:1px solid gray;white-space:-moz-pre-wrap;white-space:-pre-wrap;white-space:-o-pre-wrap;white-space:pre-wrap;word-wrap:break-word;}</style>"};
char firstPart[] = {"<div id=\"mainblock\"><div id=\"sender-time\">"};
char secondPart[] = {"</div><span id=\"msr\">Message sent:</span><pre>"};
char thirdPart[] = {"</pre><span id=\"msr\">Reply received:</span><pre><iframe width=\"100%\" height=\"600px\" id=\"msc\" src=\"data:text/html;base64,"};
char forthPart[] = {"\"></iframe></pre></div>"};
int sz = strlen(stylePart) + strlen(firstPart) + strlen(secondPart) + strlen(thirdPart) + strlen(forthPart) + strlen(QByteArray(MesSent).replace("\r\n", "\n").data()) + (strlen(ReplRecv) + 50*strlen(ReplRecv)/100) + strlen(cdate) + strlen(sender);
totalErrLog = new char[sz + 4];
ZeroMemory(totalErrLog, sz);
if(ErrLogFirstTime) strcat(totalErrLog, stylePart);
strcat(totalErrLog, firstPart);
strcat(totalErrLog, sender);
strcat(totalErrLog, " - ");
strcat(totalErrLog, cdate);
strcat(totalErrLog, secondPart);
strcat(totalErrLog, QByteArray(MesSent).replace("\r\n", "\n").data());
strcat(totalErrLog, thirdPart);
strcat(totalErrLog, base64_encode((const unsigned char *)ReplRecv, strlen(ReplRecv)).c_str());
strcat(totalErrLog, forthPart);
memset(totalErrLog + sz, '\0', 1);
errFile = fopen("./logs/ns-track_errors.html", "a");
if(errFile != NULL)
fwrite(totalErrLog, sz, 1, errFile);
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Log] -Cant open log file!");
if(totalErrLog != NULL)
delete []totalErrLog;
totalErrLog = NULL;
QString GetNSErrorDefinition(char *str, char *elem)
char *temp = strstr(str, elem);
if(temp != NULL)
char definition[128] = {0};
char *firstComma = strstr(temp + strlen(elem) + 1, "\"");
char *lastComma = strstr(firstComma + 1, "\"");
int sz = lastComma - firstComma - 1;
strncpy(definition, firstComma + 1, (sz < 128 ? sz : 128));
return QString(definition);
else return QString("No definition found!");
void ConInc()
while(ConnLocked) Sleep(20);
ConnLocked = true;
add cons, 1;
ConnLocked = false;
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionThreads(QString::number(cons) + "/" + QString::number(gThreads));
#pragma endregion
volatile bool ConnLocked2 = false;
void ConDec()
while(ConnLocked) Sleep(10 + (rand() % 5 + 1));
ConnLocked = true;
while(ConnLocked2) Sleep(18);
ConnLocked2 = true;
if(cons > 0)
sub cons, 1;
ConnLocked2 = false;
ConnLocked = false;
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionThreads(QString::number(cons) + "/" + QString::number(gThreads));
#pragma endregion
void _SaveBackupToFile()
char saveStr[512] = {0};
char saveBuffer[65536] = {0};
char endStr[128] = {0};
if(gMode == 0 || gMode == 1)
if(gMode == 1)
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
strcpy(endStr, endIP2);
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
if(strstr(endIP2, "-") != NULL) strcpy(endStr, strstr(endIP2, "-"));
else if(strstr(endIP2, "/") != NULL) strcpy(endStr, strstr(endIP2, "/"));
char temp[512] = {0};
strncpy(temp, endIP2, 512);
strcat(endIP2, "-");
strcat(endIP2, temp);
strcpy(endStr, strstr(endIP2, "-"));
if(strlen(endIP2) > 0)
strcpy(saveStr, "[SESSION]:");
strcat(saveStr, std::to_string((long double)gMode).c_str());
strcat(saveStr, " ");
if(gMode == 0) strcat(saveStr, saveStartIP);
strcat(saveStr, endStr);
if(gMode == 1)
strcat(saveStr, " ");
strcat(saveStr, top_level_domain);
strcat(saveStr, " ");
strcat(saveStr, std::to_string((long double)gThreads).c_str());
strcat(saveStr, " ");
strcat(saveStr, gPorts);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
else if(gMode == -1)
char curIpStart[16] = {0};
char curIpEnd[16] = {0};
char ipRange[128] = {0};
if(flCounter > 0)
FILE *savingFile = fopen("tempIPLst.bk", "w");
if (savingFile != NULL)
for(int tCounter = gC; tCounter < flCounter; ++tCounter)
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
strcat(curIpStart, std::to_string((long double)ipsstartfl[tCounter][i]).c_str());
if ( i != 3) strcat(curIpStart, ".");
strcat(curIpEnd, std::to_string((long double)ipsendfl[tCounter][i]).c_str());
if ( i != 3) strcat(curIpEnd, ".");
strcpy(ipRange, curIpStart);
strcat(ipRange, "-");
strcat(ipRange, curIpEnd);
strcat(ipRange, "\n");
fputs(ipRange, savingFile);
ZeroMemory(ipRange, sizeof(ipRange));
ZeroMemory(curIpStart, sizeof(curIpStart));
ZeroMemory(curIpEnd, sizeof(curIpEnd));
else stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[_saver] Cannot open file.");
strcpy(saveStr, "[SESSION]:");
strcat(saveStr, std::to_string((long double)gMode).c_str());
strcat(saveStr, " RESTORE_IMPORT_SESSION");
strcat(saveStr, " ");
strcat(saveStr, std::to_string((long double)gThreads).c_str());
strcat(saveStr, " ");
strcat(saveStr, gPorts);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[NDBSERVER]:");
strcat(saveStr, trcSrv);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[NDBSCRIPT]:");
strcat(saveStr, trcScr);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[NDBPORT]:");
strcat(saveStr, trcSrvPortLine);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[PROXY]:");
strcat(saveStr, trcProxy);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[PROXYPORT]:");
strcat(saveStr, trcPort);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[IRCSERVER]:");
strcat(saveStr, ircServer);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[IRCPORT]:");
strcat(saveStr, ircPort);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[IRCPROXY]:");
strcat(saveStr, ircProxy);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[IRCPROXYPORT]:");
strcat(saveStr, ircProxyPort);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[IRCNICK]:");
strcat(saveStr, ircNick);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[PERSKEY]:");
strcat(saveStr, trcPersKey);
strcat(saveStr, "\n");
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
FILE *savingFile = fopen("restore", "w");
if (savingFile != NULL)
fputs(saveBuffer, savingFile);
else stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[_saver] Cannot open file.");
ZeroMemory(saveStr, strlen(saveStr));
ZeroMemory(saveBuffer, strlen(saveBuffer));
void _saver()
#if defined(WIN32)
void _timer()
void *_timer()
char dbuffer[32] = {0}, timeLeft[64] = {0}, b[32] = {0};
int ticks = 0;
ovrlIPs = 0;
ips = 1;
ovrlIPs += ipCounter;
ipCounter = 0;
ips = ovrlIPs/ticks;
strncpy(b, QString::number(ips).toLocal8Bit().data(), 5);
strcpy(metaIPS, b);
strcat(timeLeft, b);
strcat(timeLeft, "/s (");
if(ips > 0)
strncpy(dbuffer, std::to_string((long double)((gTargets + 1)/ips/3600/24)).c_str(), 5);
else strcpy(dbuffer, "INF");
strcpy(metaETA, dbuffer);
strcat(dbuffer, "d)");
strcat(timeLeft, (strcmp(dbuffer, "1.$d)") == 0 ? "INF)" : dbuffer));
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
#pragma endregion
ZeroMemory(timeLeft, sizeof(timeLeft));
ZeroMemory(dbuffer, sizeof(dbuffer));
bool trackAlreadyGoing = false;
#if defined(WIN32)
void _tracker()
void *_tracker()
if(trackAlreadyGoing == false)
if(globalScanFlag == false && jsonArr->size() == 0) break;
char rBuffT[250000] = {0};
char *msg = new char[4096];
ZeroMemory(msg, sizeof(msg));
char ndbServer[64] = {0};
char ndbScriptT[64] = {0};
char ndbScript[64] = {0};
sockaddr_in sockAddr;
sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
sockAddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(trcSrvPortLine));
strcpy(msg, "GET /");
strcat(msg, trcScr);
strcat(msg, " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
strcat(msg, trcSrv);
strcat(msg, "\r\nX-Nescav3: True\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
HOSTENT *host;
#if defined(WIN32)
if(inet_addr(trcSrv) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(trcSrv);
else if(host=gethostbyname (trcSrv)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
if(inet_addr(trcSrv) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(trcSrv);
else if(host=gethostbyname (trcSrv)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
int test = connect(sock, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
if(test == -1)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] -Cannot connect to balancer! " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ".");
#pragma endregion
test = send(sock, msg, strlen(msg), 0);
if(test == -1)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] -Cannot send to balancer! " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ".");
#pragma endregion
ZeroMemory(rBuffT, sizeof(rBuffT));
char rBuff[512] = {0};
test = recv(sock, rBuff, sizeof(rBuff), 0);
strcpy(rBuffT, rBuff);
while((test = recv(sock, rBuff, sizeof(rBuff), 0)) != 0)
if(strlen(rBuffT) > 200000)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] (Outer) -Large error received from server (>200000b) " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ".");
SaveErrorLog("NS-Track", msg, rBuffT);
strcat(rBuffT, rBuff);
if(test == -1)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] -Cannot recv from balancer! " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ".");
#pragma endregion
char *t1;
char *t2;
if(strstr(rBuffT, "http://") != NULL)
t1 = strstr(rBuffT, "http://");
if(strstr((char*)(t1 + strlen("http://")), "/") != NULL)
t2 = strstr((char*)(t1 + strlen("http://")), "/");
int ln = t2 - t1 - strlen("http://");
if(ln > 64)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] -Received server string is not valid!");
SaveErrorLog("NS-Track", msg, rBuffT);
#pragma endregion
else strncpy(ndbServer, (char*)(t1 + strlen("http://")), ln);
if(strlen(t2) > 64)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[NS-Track] -Fragmentation detected!");
#pragma endregion
if(strstr(t2, "\r\n") != NULL)
char *t3 = strstr(t2, "\r\n");
int y = (int)(t3 - t2);
if(y > 64)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] -Received server string is not valid!");
#pragma endregion
SaveErrorLog("NS-Track", msg, rBuffT);
strncpy(ndbScriptT, t2, y);
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("[NS-Track] -OK! -Fragmented server string aquired! Starting NS-Track loop...");
#pragma endregion
strncpy(ndbScript, ndbScriptT, strlen(ndbScriptT) );
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] -Received server string is not valid!");
#pragma endregion
SaveErrorLog("NS-Track", msg, rBuffT);
strcpy(ndbScriptT, t2);
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("[NS-Track] -OK! -Server string aquired! Starting NS-Track loop...");
#pragma endregion
strncpy(ndbScript, ndbScriptT, strlen(ndbScriptT) - 2 );
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] -Cannot receive script value!");
#pragma endregion
ZeroMemory(rBuffT, sizeof(rBuffT));
if(globalScanFlag == false && jsonArr->size() == 0) break;
trackAlreadyGoing = true;
if(jsonArr->size() > 0)
QJsonObject jsonKey;
if(jsonArr == NULL) jsonArr = new QJsonArray();
QJsonObject jsonMeta;
if(mode == 0) jsonMeta.insert("mode", QJsonValue(QString("IP"))); //
else if(mode == 1) jsonMeta.insert("mode", QJsonValue(QString("DNS"))); //Mode
else if(mode == -1) jsonMeta.insert("mode", QJsonValue(QString("Import"))); //
jsonMeta.insert("range", QJsonValue(QString(metaRange)) );
jsonMeta.insert("current", QJsonValue(QString(metaIPDNS)) );
if(mode == 1) jsonMeta.insert("tld", QJsonValue(QString(top_level_domain))); //TLD
jsonMeta.insert("targets", QJsonValue(QString(metaTargets)) );
jsonMeta.insert("percent", QJsonValue(QString(metaPercent)) );
jsonMeta.insert("saved", QJsonValue(QString::number(saved)) );
jsonMeta.insert("found", QJsonValue(QString::number(found)) );
jsonMeta.insert("speed", QJsonValue(QString(metaIPS)) );
jsonMeta.insert("eta", QJsonValue(QString(metaETA)) );
jsonMeta.insert("threads", QJsonValue(QString::number(cons) + "/" + QString::number(gThreads)) );
jsonMeta.insert("bads", QJsonValue(QString::number(offlines)) );
jsonMeta.insert("version", QJsonValue(QString(gVER)) );
jsonArr->push_front(QJsonValue(jsonMeta) );
memset(trcPersKey + 32, '\0', 1);
jsonKey.insert("key", QJsonValue(QString(trcPersKey)) );
QJsonDocument js;
QByteArray r = js.toJson();
sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
sockAddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(trcSrvPortLine));
if(msg != NULL)
delete []msg;
msg = 0;
msg = new char[r.size() + 1024];
ZeroMemory(msg, sizeof(msg));
strcpy(msg, "POST /");
strcat(msg, ndbScript);
strcat(msg, " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
strcat(msg, ndbServer);
strcat(msg, "\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nAccept-Encoding: application/json\r\nContent-Length: ");
strcat(msg, std::to_string((long double)r.size()).c_str());
strcat(msg, "\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
strcat(msg, r.data());
delete jsonArr;
jsonArr = new QJsonArray();
#if defined(WIN32)
if(inet_addr(ndbServer) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(ndbServer);
else if(host=gethostbyname (ndbServer)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
if(inet_addr(ndbServer) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ndbServer);
else if(host=gethostbyname (ndbServer)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("Connecting to " + QString(ndbServer));
test = connect(sock, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
if(test == -1)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] -connect() returned " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ".");
#pragma endregion
stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("Key: [" + QString(trcPersKey) + "]");
stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("MSG: [" + QString(msg) + "]");
test = send(sock, msg, strlen(msg), 0);
if(test == -1)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] -send() returned " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ".");
#pragma endregion
SaveErrorLog("NS-Track", msg, "");
ZeroMemory(rBuffT, sizeof(rBuffT));
char msgR[32] = {0};
test = recv(sock, rBuff, 512, 0);
stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("Received: " + QString(rBuff));
strncpy(msgR, rBuff, 32);
strcpy(rBuffT, rBuff);
while(test > 0)
if(test <= 0) break;
if(strlen(rBuffT) > 200000)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] (Inner) -Large error received from server (>200000b) " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ".");
SaveErrorLog("NS-Track", msg, rBuffT);
strcat(rBuffT, rBuff);
test = recv(sock, rBuff, 512, 0);
stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("Received: " + QString(rBuff));
if(test == -1)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] -recv() returned " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ".");
#pragma endregion
SaveErrorLog("NS-Track", msg, "");
if(strstr(rBuffT, "201 Created") != NULL)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[NS-Track] -OK. Data saved!");
#pragma endregion
else if(strstr(rBuffT, "400 Bad Request") != NULL)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
QString errorDef = GetNSErrorDefinition(rBuffT, "notify");
if(errorDef == "Invalid access key") stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[NS-Track] [Key is unauthorized] A valid key is required.");
else stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[NS-Track] -FAIL! [400 Bad Request : " + errorDef + "]");
#pragma endregion
SaveErrorLog("NS-Track", msg, rBuffT);
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[NS-Track] -FAIL! An error occured [" + QString(msgR) + "]");
#pragma endregion
SaveErrorLog("NS-Track", msg, rBuffT);
ZeroMemory(msgR, sizeof(msgR));
ZeroMemory(rBuffT, sizeof(rBuffT));
ZeroMemory(msg, sizeof(msg));
if(msg != NULL)
delete []msg;
msg = 0;
shutdown(sock, 2);
shutdown(sock, 2);
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[NS-Track] -Balancer replied with invalid string.");
SaveErrorLog("NS-Track", msg, rBuffT);
#pragma endregion
trackAlreadyGoing = false;
unsigned long int numOfIpsFL()
for(int i = 0; i < flCounter; ++i)
gTargets += (ipsendfl[i][3]-ipsstartfl[i][3])*(ipsendfl[i][2]-ipsstartfl[i][2])*(ipsendfl[i][1]-ipsstartfl[i][1])*(ipsendfl[i][0] - ipsstartfl[i][0]);
if (gTargets < 0) gTargets *= (-1);
gTargets += (ipsendfl[i][3]-ipsstartfl[i][3]) * (ipsendfl[i][2]-ipsstartfl[i][2]) * (ipsendfl[i][1] - ipsstartfl[i][1]);
if (gTargets < 0) gTargets *= (-1);
gTargets += (ipsendfl[i][3]-ipsstartfl[i][3] + 1) * (ipsendfl[i][2] - ipsstartfl[i][2] + 1);
if (gTargets < 0) gTargets *= (-1);
gTargetsOverall = gTargets;
return gTargets;
unsigned long int numOfIps(int ipsstart[], int ipsend[])
gTargets += 256*256*256*(ipsend[0] - ipsstart[0]);
if (gTargets < 0) gTargets *= (-1);
gTargets += 256 * 256 * (ipsend[1] - ipsstart[1]);
if (gTargets < 0) gTargets *= (-1);
gTargets += 256 * (ipsend[2] - ipsstart[2]);
if (gTargets < 0) gTargets *= (-1);
gTargets += (ipsend[3] - ipsstart[3]);
if (gTargets < 0) gTargets *= (-1);
gTargetsOverall = gTargets;
return gTargets;
//#include <sys/types.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <signal.h>
//#include <adns.h>
//char *GetHost(char *ip)
// char res[256] = {0};
// adns_state ads = NULL;
// adns_init(&ads, adns_if_nosigpipe, 0);
// adns_query aquery = 0;
// adns_answer* answer = NULL;
// sockaddr_in sockAddr;
// sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
// sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(ip);
// adns_submit_reverse(ads,
// (struct sockaddr *)&sockAddr,
// (adns_rrtype)adns_r_ptr,
// (adns_queryflags)adns_qf_quoteok_anshost,
// NULL,
// &aquery);
// adns_wait(ads, &aquery, &answer, NULL);
// if(answer->status == adns_s_ok)
// {
// strncpy(res, (const char*)answer->rrs.bytes, 256);
// };
// adns_finish(ads);
// //struct hostent *result;
// //unsigned long addr = inet_addr(ip);
// //result = gethostbyaddr((char*)&addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET);
// return res;
//#pragma region Reverse-ip
// //struct hostent *result;
// //unsigned long addr = inet_addr(ip);
// //result = gethostbyaddr((char*)&addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET);
// //char res[256] = {0};
// //if( result == NULL )
// //{
// // strcpy(res, "");
// //}
// //else
// //{
// // if( result->h_name == NULL )
// // {
// // strcpy(res, "");
// // }
// // else
// // {
// // strcpy(res, "Hostname: ");
// // //if(result->h_length != NULL) strcat(res, std::to_string((long double)result->h_length).c_str());
// // //strcat(res, " ");
// // //if(result->h_name != NULL) strcat(res, (result->h_name));
// // //strcat(res, ":");
// // if(result->h_addr_list[0] != NULL)
// // {
// // int sz = strlen((result->h_addr_list[0] + 4));
// // if(sz > 200) stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[LOL] Very long host detected [<a href=\"http://" + QString(ip) + "/\">" + QString(ip) + "</a>]");
// // strncpy(res, (result->h_addr_list[0] + 4), sz < 256 ? sz : 256);
// // };
// // };
// //};
//#pragma endregion
// return res;
#if defined(WIN32)
void _connect(void* ss)
void *_connect(void* ss)
char ip[MAX_ADDR_LEN] = {0};
strcpy(ip, ((sockstruct*)ss)->argv);
delete []ss;
//char hostLog[256] = {0};
//strcpy(hostLog, GetHost(ip));
Connector con;
for(int i = 0; i <= overallPorts; ++i)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
con._ConnectToPort( ip, std::to_string((long double)portArr[i]).c_str(), "" );
void targetAndIPWriter(unsigned long int target, char *buff)
char curIPBuff[256] = {0}, targetNPers[32] = {0}, dbuffer[32] = {0};
strcpy(metaIPDNS, buff);
char b[32] = {0};
sprintf(b, "%Lu", target);
strcpy(targetNPers, b);
strcpy(metaTargets, targetNPers);
if(gTargetsOverall != 0) sprintf(dbuffer, "%.1f", (100 - target/(double)gTargetsOverall * 100));
else strcpy(dbuffer, "0");
strcat(targetNPers, " (");
strcat(targetNPers, dbuffer);
strcat(targetNPers, "%)");
strcpy(metaPercent, dbuffer);
strcpy(curIPBuff, "--->");
strcat(curIPBuff, buff);
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
#pragma endregion
void _passLoginFapper()
MaxLogin = 0;
MaxPass = 0;
FILE *loginList;
FILE *passList;
char buffFG[32] = {0};
int i = 0;
loginList = fopen("login.txt", "r");
passList = fopen("pass.txt", "r");
if(passList != NULL && loginList != NULL)
while(fgets(buffFG, 32, loginList) != NULL)
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
while(fgets(buffFG, 32, passList) != NULL)
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
loginLst = new char*[MaxLogin];
passLst = new char*[MaxPass];
for(int j = 0; j < MaxLogin; j++)
loginLst[j] = new char[32];
for(int j = 0; j < MaxPass; j++)
passLst[j] = new char[32];
while(fgets(buffFG, 32, passList) != NULL)
memset(passLst[i], 0, strlen(buffFG) + 1);
if(strstr(buffFG, "\n") != NULL) strncat(passLst[i++], buffFG, strlen(buffFG) - 1);
else strncat(passLst[i++], buffFG, strlen(buffFG));
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("Password list loaded (" + QString(std::to_string((long double)MaxPass).c_str()) + " entries)");
#pragma endregion
i = 0;
while(fgets(buffFG, 32, loginList) != NULL)
memset(loginLst[i], 0, strlen(buffFG) + 1);
if(strstr(buffFG, "\n") != NULL) strncat(loginLst[i++], buffFG, strlen(buffFG) - 1);
else strncat(loginLst[i++], buffFG, strlen(buffFG));
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("Login list loaded (" + QString(std::to_string((long double)MaxLogin).c_str()) + " entries)");
#pragma endregion
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("No password/login list found");
#pragma endregion
MaxWFLogin = 0;
MaxWFPass = 0;
FILE *wfLoginList;
FILE *wfPassList;
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
i = 0;
wfLoginList = fopen("wflogin.txt", "r");
wfPassList = fopen("wfpass.txt", "r");
if(wfPassList != NULL && wfLoginList != NULL)
while(fgets(buffFG, 32, wfLoginList) != NULL)
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
while(fgets(buffFG, 32, wfPassList) != NULL)
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
wfLoginLst = new char*[MaxWFLogin];
wfPassLst = new char*[MaxWFPass];
for(int j = 0; j < MaxWFLogin; j++)
wfLoginLst[j] = new char[32];
for(int j = 0; j < MaxWFPass; j++)
wfPassLst[j] = new char[32];
while(fgets(buffFG, 32, wfPassList) != NULL)
memset(wfPassLst[i], 0, strlen(buffFG) + 1);
if(strstr(buffFG, "\n") != NULL) strncat(wfPassLst[i++], buffFG, strlen(buffFG) - 1);
else strncat(wfPassLst[i++], buffFG, strlen(buffFG));
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("WFPassword list loaded (" + QString(std::to_string((long double)MaxWFPass).c_str()) + " entries)");
#pragma endregion
i = 0;
while(fgets(buffFG, 32, wfLoginList) != NULL)
memset(wfLoginLst[i], 0, strlen(buffFG) + 1);
if(strstr(buffFG, "\n") != NULL) strncat(wfLoginLst[i++], buffFG, strlen(buffFG) - 1);
else strncat(wfLoginLst[i++], buffFG, strlen(buffFG));
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("WFLogin list loaded (" + QString(std::to_string((long double)MaxWFLogin).c_str()) + " entries)");
#pragma endregion
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("No password/login list found");
#pragma endregion
#pragma region SSHPASS
MaxSSHPass = 0;
FILE *sshlpList;
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
i = 0;
sshlpList = fopen("sshpass.txt", "r");
if(sshlpList != NULL)
while(fgets(buffFG, 32, sshlpList) != NULL)
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
sshlpLst = new char*[MaxSSHPass];
for(int j = 0; j < MaxSSHPass; j++)
sshlpLst[j] = new char[32];
while(fgets(buffFG, 32, sshlpList) != NULL)
memset(sshlpLst[i], 0, strlen(buffFG) + 1);
if(strstr(buffFG, "\n") != NULL) strncat(sshlpLst[i++], buffFG, strlen(buffFG) - 1);
else strncat(sshlpLst[i++], buffFG, strlen(buffFG));
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("SSH Password list loaded (" + QString(std::to_string((long double)MaxSSHPass).c_str()) + " entries)");
#pragma endregion
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("No password/login list found");
#pragma endregion
#pragma endregion
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("BA: ~" + QString(std::to_string((long double)MaxLogin * MaxPass/gTimeOut/60).c_str()) + "; WF: ~" + QString(std::to_string((long double)MaxWFLogin * MaxWFPass/gTimeOut/60).c_str()) + "; SSH: ~" + QString(std::to_string((long double)MaxSSHPass/gTimeOut/60).c_str()));
#pragma endregion
void ReadUTF8(FILE* nFile, char *cp)
char buffFG[256] = {0};
int i = 0;
GlobalNegativeSize = 0;
if(nFile != NULL)
while(fgets((char*)buffFG, sizeof(buffFG), nFile) != NULL)
if(buffFG[0] != '#' && buffFG[0] != ' ' && buffFG[0] != '\n' && buffFG[0] != '\r' && strcmp(buffFG, "") != 0 &&
((buffFG[0] == '/' && buffFG[1] == '/') == false) && ((buffFG[0] == '\t' && buffFG[1] == '\t' && buffFG[2] == '\t' && (buffFG[3] == 13 || buffFG[3] == 10 || buffFG[3] == '#')) == false)
&& (buffFG[0] == '\t' && buffFG[1] == '\t' && buffFG[2] == '\t' && (buffFG[3] == '/' && buffFG[4] == '/')) == false)
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
if(strcmp(cp, "UTF") == 0) fseek(nFile, 3, 0);
GlobalNegatives = new char*[GlobalNegativeSize + 2];
char buffcpy[256] = {0};
while(fgets(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG), nFile) != NULL)
if(buffFG[0] == '#' || buffFG[0] == ' ' || buffFG[0] == '\n' || buffFG[0] == '\r' || strcmp(buffFG, "") == 0 ||
(buffFG[0] == '/' && buffFG[1] == '/'))
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
if(buffFG[0] == '\t' && buffFG[1] == '\t' && buffFG[2] == '\t')
char buffFGT[256] = {0};
strcpy(buffFGT, buffFG);
char *ptr1 = strstr(buffFGT, "\t\t\t");
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
strcpy(buffFG, ptr1 + 3);
int bSz = strlen(buffFG);
if((bSz == 2 && buffFG[0] == 13 && buffFG[1] == 10) || (bSz == 1 && (buffFG[0] == 13 || buffFG[0] == 10)))
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
if(buffFG[bSz] == 13 || buffFG[bSz] == 10)
buffFG[bSz] = '\0';
if(buffFG[bSz - 1] == 13 || buffFG[bSz - 1] == 10)
buffFG[bSz - 1] = '\0';
if(buffFG[bSz - 2] == 13 || buffFG[bSz - 2] == 10)
buffFG[bSz - 2] = '\0';
if(strstr((char*)buffFG, "\n") != 0)
std::string res = xcode(buffFG, CP_UTF8, CP_ACP);
int sz = res.size();
GlobalNegatives[i] = new char[sz + 1];
ZeroMemory(GlobalNegatives[i], sizeof(GlobalNegatives[i]));
memcpy(GlobalNegatives[i], toLowerStr(res.c_str()).c_str(), sz - 1);
memset(GlobalNegatives[i] + sz - 1, '\0', 1);
std::string res = xcode(buffFG, CP_UTF8, CP_ACP);
int sz = res.size();
GlobalNegatives[i] = new char[sz + 1];
ZeroMemory(GlobalNegatives[i], sizeof(GlobalNegatives[i]));
memcpy(GlobalNegatives[i], toLowerStr(res.c_str()).c_str(), sz);
memset(GlobalNegatives[i] + sz, '\0', 1);
unsigned char buffcpy2[256] = {0};
int sz = strlen((char*)buffFG);
#ifdef WIN32
strncpy((char*)buffcpy2, xcode(buffFG, CP_ACP, CP_UTF8).c_str(), sz);
strncpy((char*)buffcpy2, buffFG, sz);
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("Negative list loaded (" + QString::number(GlobalNegativeSize) + " entries)");
#pragma endregion
ZeroMemory(buffFG, sizeof(buffFG));
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("No negative list found");
#pragma endregion
#ifdef WIN32
string xcode(LPCSTR src, UINT srcCodePage, UINT dstCodePage)
string res;
int wsize = MultiByteToWideChar(srcCodePage, 0, src, -1, 0, 0);
LPWSTR wbuf = (LPWSTR)new char[wsize * sizeof(WCHAR)];
MultiByteToWideChar(srcCodePage, 0, src, -1, wbuf, wsize);
int size = WideCharToMultiByte(dstCodePage, 0, wbuf, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
char * buf = (char *)new char[size];
WideCharToMultiByte(dstCodePage, 0, wbuf, -1, buf, size, 0, 0);
delete [] wbuf;
delete [] buf;
return res;
void _NegativeFapper()
FILE *nFile = fopen("negatives.txt", "rb");
char buffFG[256] = {0};
unsigned char buffcpy[256] = {0};
if( nFile != NULL)
unsigned char b[3] = {0};
fread(b,1,2, nFile);
if( b[0] == 0xEF && b[1] == 0xBB)
fread(b,1,1,nFile); // 0xBF
ReadUTF8(nFile, "UTF");
ReadUTF8(nFile, "1251");
void CheckMaskBits(char *res, int index)
char *bitsStr = strstr(res, "/");
int bitsNum = atoi(bitsStr + 1);
int finalBit = 1;
int bitCounter = 0;
if(bitsNum <= 32 && bitsNum > 24) //4 octet
bitCounter = 32 - bitsNum;
for(int i = 0; i < bitCounter; i++) finalBit *= 2;
ipsstartfl[index][0] = ipsendfl[index][0] = octet[0];
ipsstartfl[index][1] = ipsendfl[index][1] = octet[1];
ipsstartfl[index][2] = ipsendfl[index][2] = octet[2];
ipsstartfl[index][3] = octet[3];
ipsendfl[index][3] = octet[3] + finalBit - 1;
else if(bitsNum <= 24 && bitsNum > 16) //3 octet
bitCounter = 24 - bitsNum;
for(int i = 0; i < bitCounter; i++) finalBit *= 2;
ipsstartfl[index][0] = ipsendfl[index][0] = octet[0];
ipsstartfl[index][1] = ipsendfl[index][1] = octet[1];
ipsstartfl[index][2] = octet[2];
ipsendfl[index][2] = octet[2] + finalBit - 1;
ipsstartfl[index][3] = octet[3];
ipsendfl[index][3] = 255;
else if(bitsNum <= 16 && bitsNum > 8) //2 octet
bitCounter = 16 - bitsNum;
for(int i = 0; i < bitCounter; i++) finalBit *= 2;
ipsstartfl[index][0] = ipsendfl[index][0] = octet[0];
ipsstartfl[index][1] = octet[1];
ipsendfl[index][1] = octet[1] + finalBit - 1;
ipsstartfl[index][2] = octet[2];
ipsendfl[index][2] = 255;
ipsstartfl[index][3] = octet[3];
ipsendfl[index][3] = 255;
else if(bitsNum <= 8 && bitsNum > 0) //1 octet
bitCounter = 8 - bitsNum;
for(int i = 0; i < bitCounter; i++) finalBit *= 2;
ipsstartfl[index][0] = octet[0];
ipsendfl[index][0] = octet[0] + finalBit - 1;
ipsstartfl[index][1] = octet[1];
ipsendfl[index][1] = 255;
ipsstartfl[index][2] = octet[2];
ipsendfl[index][2] = 255;
ipsstartfl[index][3] = octet[3];
ipsendfl[index][3] = 255;
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[CheckMaskBits] Cannot parse IP list");
#pragma endregion
void GetOctets(char *curIP)
char *str1;
char *str2;
char temp[8] = {0};
if(strstr(curIP, ".") != NULL)
str1 = strstr(curIP, "."); //1
strncpy(temp, curIP, str1 - curIP);
octet[0] = atoi(temp);
ZeroMemory(temp, sizeof(temp));
str1 = strstr(curIP, "/");
strncpy(temp, curIP, str1 - curIP);
octet[0] = atoi(temp);
octet[1] = 0;
octet[2] = 0;
octet[3] = 0;
if(strstr(str1 + 1, ".") != NULL)
str2 = strstr(str1 + 1, "."); //2
strncpy(temp, str1 + 1, str2 - str1);
octet[1] = atoi(temp);
ZeroMemory(temp, sizeof(temp));
str2 = strstr(str1 + 1, "/");
strncpy(temp, str1 + 1, str2 - str1);
octet[1] = atoi(temp);
octet[2] = 0;
octet[3] = 0;
if(strstr(str2 + 1, ".") != NULL)
str1 = strstr(str2 + 1, "."); //3
strncpy(temp, str2 + 1, str1 - str2);
octet[2] = atoi(temp);
ZeroMemory(temp, sizeof(temp));
str1 = strstr(str2 + 1, "/");
strncpy(temp, str2 + 1, str1 - str2);
octet[2] = atoi(temp);
octet[3] = 0;
if(strstr(str1 + 1, ".") != NULL)
str2 = strstr(str1 + 1, "."); //4
strncpy(temp, str1 + 1, str2 - str1);
octet[3] = atoi(temp);
ZeroMemory(temp, sizeof(temp));
str2 = strstr(str1 + 1, "/");
strncpy(temp, str1 + 1, str2 - str1 - 1);
octet[3] = atoi(temp);
int fInit(int InitMode, char *gR)
strcpy(metaRange, gR);
if (InitMode == 0)
if(strstr(gR, "/") != NULL)
char *str1;
char *str2;
char res[8] = {0};
if(strstr(gR, ".") != NULL)
str1 = strstr(gR, "."); //1 byte
strncpy(res, gR, (int)((char*)str1 - gR));
else strcpy(res, gR);
if(strstr(res, "/") != NULL)
CheckMaskBits(res, flCounter);
starterIP[flCounter][0] = atoi(res);
ipsstartfl[flCounter][0] = atoi(res);
ipsendfl[flCounter][0] = atoi(res);
ZeroMemory(res, sizeof(res));
if(strstr(str1 + 1, ".") != NULL)
str2 = strstr(str1 + 1, "."); //2 byte
strncpy(res, str1 + 1, (int)((char*)str2 - str1) - 1);
else strcpy(res, str1 + 1);
if(strstr(res, "/") != NULL)
CheckMaskBits(res, flCounter);
starterIP[flCounter][1] = atoi(res);
ipsstartfl[flCounter][1] = atoi(res);
ipsendfl[flCounter][1] = atoi(res);
ZeroMemory(res, sizeof(res));
if(strstr(str2 + 1, ".") != NULL)
str1 = strstr(str2 + 1, "."); //3 byte
strncpy(res, str2 + 1, (int)((char*)str1 - str2) - 1);
else strcpy(res, str2 + 1);
if(strstr(res, "/") != NULL)
CheckMaskBits(res, flCounter);
starterIP[flCounter][2] = atoi(res);
ipsstartfl[flCounter][2] = atoi(res);
ipsendfl[flCounter][2] = atoi(res);
ZeroMemory(res, sizeof(res));
if(strstr(str1 + 1, ".") != NULL)
str2 = strstr(str1 + 1, "."); //4 byte
strncpy(res, str1 + 1, (int)((char*)str2 - str1) - 1);
else strcpy(res, str1 + 1);
if(strstr(res, "/") != NULL)
CheckMaskBits(res, flCounter);
starterIP[flCounter][3] = atoi(res);
ipsstartfl[flCounter][3] = atoi(res);
ipsendfl[flCounter][3] = atoi(res);
ipsstart[0] = ipsstartfl[flCounter][0];
ipsstart[1] = ipsstartfl[flCounter][1];
ipsstart[2] = ipsstartfl[flCounter][2];
ipsstart[3] = ipsstartfl[flCounter][3];
ipsend[0] = ipsendfl[flCounter][0];
ipsend[1] = ipsendfl[flCounter][1];
ipsend[2] = ipsendfl[flCounter][2];
ipsend[3] = ipsendfl[flCounter][3];
int x;
memcpy(res, "\0", sizeof(res));
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) //Filling the range-starting ip mass.
x = strcspn(gR, ".");
memcpy(des1, gR, x*sizeof(int));
memset(gR, ' ', x + 1);
ipsstart[i] = atoi(des1);
ZeroMemory(des1, sizeof(des1));
if(ipsstart[i] > 255)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Error] Incorrect range.");
#pragma endregion
return -1;
x = strcspn(gR, "-");
if(strstr(gR, "-") == NULL)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Error] Incorrect range.");
#pragma endregion
return -1;
memcpy(des1, gR, x);
ipsstart[3] = atoi(des1);
memset(gR, ' ', x + 1);
if(strstr(gR, ".") == NULL)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Error] Incorrect range.");
#pragma endregion
return -1;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) //Filling the range-closing ip mass.
x = strcspn(gR, ".");
memcpy(des1, gR, x);
memset(gR, ' ', x + 1);
ipsend[i] = atoi(des1);
if(ipsend[i] > 255)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Error] Incorrect range.");
#pragma endregion
return -1;
if((ipsstart[0] > ipsend[0])
(ipsstart[0] >= ipsend[0]) && (ipsstart[1] > ipsend[1])
) ||
(ipsstart[0] >= ipsend[0]) && (ipsstart[1] >= ipsend[1]) && (ipsstart[2] > ipsend[2])
) ||
(ipsstart[0] >= ipsend[0]) && (ipsstart[1] >= ipsend[1]) && (ipsstart[2] >= ipsend[2]) && (ipsstart[3] > ipsend[3])
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Error] Incorrect range.");
#pragma endregion
return -1;
targets = numOfIps(ipsstart, ipsend);
else if (InitMode == -1)
targets = numOfIpsFL();
void FileLoader(char *str)
char res[64] = {0};
char curIP[64] = {0}, curIPCopy[64] = {0};
char tempBuff[4] = {0};
FILE *fl = fopen(str, "r");
if(fl != NULL)
while(fgets(curIP, 64, fl) != NULL)
strcpy(curIPCopy, curIP);
char *ptr1 = strstr(curIP, " ");
if(ptr1 != NULL) curIP[(int)(ptr1 - curIP)] = '\0';
ptr1 = strstr(curIP, " ");
if(ptr1 != NULL) curIP[(int)(ptr1 - curIP) - 1] = '\0';
ptr1 = strstr(curIP, "#");
if(ptr1 != NULL) curIP[(int)(ptr1 - curIP) - 1] = '\0';
if(strcmp(curIP, "") == 0 || strcmp(curIP, " ") == 0 || strcmp(curIP, "\r\n") == 0 || strcmp(curIP, "\n") == 0 || curIP[0] == ' ' || curIP[0] == '#')
ZeroMemory(curIPCopy, sizeof(curIPCopy));
ZeroMemory(curIP, sizeof(curIP));
if(strstr(curIP, "-") != NULL)
bool firstPart = true;
int offset = 0;
int curNIndex = 0;
char curS;
char curN[32] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(curIP); ++i)
curS = curIP[i];
if(curS == '.')
starterIP[flCounter][offset] = atoi(curN);
ipsstartfl[flCounter][offset] = atoi(curN);
else ipsendfl[flCounter][offset] = atoi(curN);
curNIndex = 0;
ZeroMemory(curN, 32);
if(curS == '-')
starterIP[flCounter][offset] = atoi(curN);
ipsstartfl[flCounter][offset] = atoi(curN);
else ipsendfl[flCounter][offset] = atoi(curN);
offset = 0;
firstPart = false;
curNIndex = 0;
ZeroMemory(curN, 32);
curN[curNIndex++] = curS;
if(i == strlen(curIP) - 1)
ipsendfl[flCounter][offset] = atoi(curN);
if(ipsstartfl[flCounter][0] > ipsendfl[flCounter][0]
|| ipsstartfl[flCounter][1] > ipsendfl[flCounter][1]
|| ipsstartfl[flCounter][2] > ipsendfl[flCounter][2]
|| ipsstartfl[flCounter][3] > ipsendfl[flCounter][3])
char tempMsg[64] = {0};
strcpy(tempMsg, "[IP Loader]Error in IP list. Line-> [");
strcat(tempMsg, std::to_string((long double)flCounter).c_str());
strcat(tempMsg, "] String-> [");
strcat(tempMsg, curIPCopy);
strcat(tempMsg, "]");
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
#pragma endregion
else if(strstr(curIP, "/") != NULL)
char *str1;
char *str2;
char res[8] = {0};
if(strstr(curIP, ".") != NULL)
str1 = strstr(curIP, "."); //1 byte
strncpy(res, curIP, (int)((char*)str1 - curIP));
else strcpy(res, curIP);
if(strstr(res, "/") != NULL)
CheckMaskBits(res, flCounter);
starterIP[flCounter][0] = atoi(res);
ipsstartfl[flCounter][0] = atoi(res);
ipsendfl[flCounter][0] = atoi(res);
ZeroMemory(res, sizeof(res));
if(strstr(str1 + 1, ".") != NULL)
str2 = strstr(str1 + 1, "."); //2 byte
strncpy(res, str1 + 1, (int)((char*)str2 - str1) - 1);
else strcpy(res, str1 + 1);
if(strstr(res, "/") != NULL)
CheckMaskBits(res, flCounter);
starterIP[flCounter][1] = atoi(res);
ipsstartfl[flCounter][1] = atoi(res);
ipsendfl[flCounter][1] = atoi(res);
ZeroMemory(res, sizeof(res));
if(strstr(str2 + 1, ".") != NULL)
str1 = strstr(str2 + 1, "."); //3 byte
strncpy(res, str2 + 1, (int)((char*)str1 - str2) - 1);
else strcpy(res, str2 + 1);
if(strstr(res, "/") != NULL)
CheckMaskBits(res, flCounter);
starterIP[flCounter][2] = atoi(res);
ipsstartfl[flCounter][2] = atoi(res);
ipsendfl[flCounter][2] = atoi(res);
ZeroMemory(res, sizeof(res));
if(strstr(str1 + 1, ".") != NULL)
str2 = strstr(str1 + 1, "."); //4 byte
strncpy(res, str1 + 1, (int)((char*)str2 - str1) - 1);
else strcpy(res, str1 + 1);
if(strstr(res, "/") != NULL)
CheckMaskBits(res, flCounter);
starterIP[flCounter][3] = atoi(res);
ipsstartfl[flCounter][3] = atoi(res);
ipsendfl[flCounter][3] = atoi(res);
else if(strstr(curIP, "RESTORE_IMPORT_SESSION") != NULL)
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[IP Loader] Wrong list format. String: " + QString(curIP));
#pragma endregion
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("Finished. Stopping threads...");
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[IP Loader] Cannot open IP list.");
#pragma endregion
char *GetCIDRRangeStr(char *str)
char result[128] = {0};
char start[32] = {0};
char end[32] = {0};
char buff[16] = {0};
CheckMaskBits(str, flCounter);
strncpy(start, str, strstr(str, "/") - str);
strcpy(end, itoa(ipsendfl[0][0], buff, 10));
strcat(end, ".");
strcat(end, itoa(ipsendfl[0][1], buff, 10));
strcat(end, ".");
strcat(end, itoa(ipsendfl[0][2], buff, 10));
strcat(end, ".");
strcat(end, itoa(ipsendfl[0][3], buff, 10));
strcpy(result, start);
strcat(result, "-");
strcat(result, end);
return result;
int ParseArgs(int argc, char *argv[])
int s = 0;
int indexPorts = 0;
if(strstr(argv[1], "-f") != NULL)
gThreads = atoi(argv[3]);
threads = gThreads;
gMode = -1;
gMode = atoi(argv[1]);
if(gMode == 0) //Mode 0 (IP scan)
gThreads = atoi(argv[3]);
else if(gMode == 1) //Mode 1 (DNS scan)
strcpy(gFirstDom, argv[3]);
gThreads = atoi(argv[4]);
threads = gThreads;
if(gMode == 0)
if(strstr(argv[2], "-") != NULL)
strcpy(gRange, argv[2]);
strcpy(saveEndIP, argv[2]);
strcpy(endIP2, argv[2]);
if(strstr(argv[2], "/") != NULL)
strcpy(gRange, GetCIDRRangeStr(argv[2]));
strcpy(gRange, argv[2]);
strcat(gRange, "-");
strcat(gRange, argv[2]);
strcpy(saveEndIP, gRange);
strcpy(endIP2, gRange);
else if(gMode == 1)
if(strstr(argv[2], "/") != NULL)
strcpy(gRange, argv[2]);
strcpy(saveEndIP, argv[2]);
strcpy(endIP2, argv[2]);
strcpy(gRange, argv[2]);
strcpy(saveEndIP, gRange);
strcpy(endIP2, gRange);
for(int i = 1; i <= argc - 1; i++)
s += strlen(argv[i]) + 2;
char *argString = new char [s + 1];
ZeroMemory(argString, sizeof(argString));
for(int i = 1; i <= argc - 1; i++)
strcat(argString, argv[i]);
if(i != argc - 1) strcat(argString, "::");
if(strstr(argString, "-p") != NULL)
char *portString = strstr(argString, "-p");
char p[4096] = {0};
if(strstr(portString, "::") != NULL)
strncpy(gPorts, portString, (int)(strstr(portString, "::") - portString));
strncpy(p, strstr(argString, "-p") + 2, (int)(strstr(portString, "::") - portString));
strcpy(gPorts, portString);
strcpy(p, strstr(argString, "-p") + 2);
char *lex;
if(strstr(p, ",") != NULL)
lex = strtok(p, ",");
portArr[indexPorts++] = atoi(lex);
while ((lex = strtok(NULL, ",")) != NULL)
portArr[indexPorts++] = atoi(lex);
else if(strstr(p, "-") != NULL)
char *startp;
char *endp;
char buffForPorts[16] = {0};
lex = strtok(p, "-p");
startp = lex;
lex = strtok(NULL, "-");
endp = lex;
for(int i = atoi(startp); i <= atoi(endp); i++ )
portArr[indexPorts++] = i;
ZeroMemory(buffForPorts, sizeof(buffForPorts));
lex = strtok(p, "-p");
portArr[indexPorts++] = atoi(lex);
portArr[0] = 80;
portArr[1] = 81;
portArr[2] = 88;
portArr[3] = 8080;
portArr[4] = 8081;
portArr[5] = 60002;
portArr[6] = 8008;
portArr[7] = 8888;
portArr[8] = 441;
portArr[9] = 4111;
portArr[10] = 6667;
portArr[11] = 3536;
portArr[12] = 22;
portArr[13] = 21;
overallPorts = 13;
strcpy(gPorts, "--DEFAULT");
ZeroMemory(argString, sizeof(argString));
delete[] argString;
return 0;
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
char charAll[38] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n',
'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '_', '-'};
sockstruct *st = NULL;
char iip[256] = {0};
int _getPos(char l)
for(int i = 0; i < 38; ++i)
if(l == charAll[i]) return i;
return -1;
int _getChunkCount(char *data)
int firstPos = _getPos(data[1]);
int secondPos = _getPos(data[2]);
return secondPos - firstPos + 1;
int _GetDNSFromMask(char *mask, char *saveMask, char *saveMaskEnder)
if(strstr(mask, "[") != NULL)
char maskEnd[1024] = {0};
char maskRes[1024] = {0};
char *ptr1 = strstr(mask, "[");
char *ptr2 = strstr(ptr1, "]");
int sz = ptr2 - ptr1;
char chunk[8] = {0};
strncpy(chunk, ptr1, sz + 1);
int firstPos = _getPos(chunk[1]);
int secondPos = _getPos(chunk[2]);
if(firstPos > secondPos)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("Error at mask (Wrong letter sequence)");
return -1;
char maskStart[1024] = {0};
int startPosition = strstr(mask, "[") - mask;
strncpy(maskStart, mask, startPosition);
char maskEntry[1024] = {0};
if(saveMaskEnder != NULL)
int startSavePosition = strstr(saveMaskEnder, "[") - saveMaskEnder;
strncpy(maskEntry, saveMaskEnder, startSavePosition);
int szMask = strlen(mask);
int szOffset = startPosition + 2;
if(szMask != szOffset) strcpy(maskEnd, strstr(mask, "]") + 1);
ZeroMemory(maskEnd, sizeof(maskEnd));
char maskSaver[128] = {0};
if(firstPos != -1 && secondPos != -1)
for(int i = firstPos; i <= secondPos; ++i)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
strcpy(maskSaver, saveMask);
strcat(maskSaver, maskEntry);
chunk[1] = charAll[i];
strcat(maskSaver, chunk);
strcpy(maskRes, maskStart);
maskRes[startPosition] = charAll[i];
strcat(maskRes, maskEnd);
if(_GetDNSFromMask(maskRes, maskSaver, maskEnd) == -1) return -1;
ZeroMemory(maskSaver, sizeof(maskSaver));
ZeroMemory(maskRes, sizeof(maskRes));
#pragma region DNS-SCAN
if(globalScanFlag == false) return 0;
strcpy(endIP2, saveMask);
st = new sockstruct();
ZeroMemory(st->argv, sizeof(st->argv));
ZeroMemory(iip, sizeof(iip));
while(cons >= gThreads) Sleep(300);
strcpy(iip, mask);
strcpy(saveStartIP, iip);
strcat(iip, top_level_domain);
strcpy(st->argv, iip);
targetAndIPWriter(--gTargets, st->argv);
#if defined(WIN32)
if(globalScanFlag) _beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_connect, 0, st );
pthread_t thrc;
pthread_create(&thrc, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_connect, st );
#pragma endregion
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
int startScan(char* args)
flCounter = 0;
PieAnomC1 = 0, PieWF = 0, PieBA = 0, PieSusp = 0, PieLowl = 0, PieSSH = 0;
AnomC1 = 0, BA = 0, Filt = 0, Overl = 0, Lowl = 0, Alive = 0, Activity = 0, saved = 0, Susp = 0, WF = 0, offlines = 0;
BrutingThrds = 0;
found = 0;
gTargets = 0;
targets = 0;
cons = 0;
overallPorts = 0;
found = 0;
indexIP = 0;
ZeroMemory(starterIP, sizeof(starterIP));
ZeroMemory(ipsstartfl, sizeof(ipsstartfl));
ZeroMemory(ipsendfl, sizeof(ipsendfl));
ZeroMemory(ipsstartfl, sizeof(ipsstartfl));
ZeroMemory(octet, sizeof(octet));
ZeroMemory(ipsstart, sizeof(ipsstart));
ZeroMemory(ipsend, sizeof(ipsend));
int argc = 0;
char *argv[512] = {0};
char *tStr = strtok(args, "|");
#if defined(WIN32)
CreateDirectory(L"./result_files", NULL);
struct stat st = {0};
if (stat("./result_files", &st) == -1) {
mkdir("./result_files", 0700);
while(tStr != NULL)
argv[argc++] = tStr;
tStr = strtok(NULL, "|");
ParseArgs(argc, argv);
mode = gMode;
int resInit = fInit(gMode, gRange);
if(resInit == -1 )
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Error] fInit failure");
#pragma endregion
return -1;
stt->doEmitionThreads(QString::number(0) + "/" + QString::number(gThreads));
if(gMode == 0)
#if defined(WIN32)
_beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_saver, 0, NULL );
pthread_t thrs;
pthread_create(&thrs, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_saver, NULL);
#if defined(WIN32)
if(trackerOK) _beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_tracker, 0, NULL );
_beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_timer, 0, NULL );
pthread_t thrt;
pthread_t thrtt;
if(trackerOK) pthread_create(&thrt, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_tracker, NULL);
pthread_create(&thrtt, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_timer, NULL);
int eor0 = 0, eor1 = 0, eor2 = 0, eor3 = 0;
sockstruct *st = NULL;
while ((eor0 == 0 || eor1 == 0 || eor2 == 0 || eor3 == 0 ) && globalScanFlag)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
while(ipsstart[0] < 256 && eor0 == 0)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
if(ipsstart[0] == ipsend[0]) eor0 = 1;
while(ipsstart[1] < 256 && eor1 == 0)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
if(ipsstart[1] == ipsend[1] && eor0 == 1) eor1 = 1;
while(ipsstart[2] < 256 && eor2 == 0)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
if(ipsstart[2] == ipsend[2] && eor1 == 1) eor2 = 1;
while(ipsstart[3] < 256 && eor3 == 0)
st = new sockstruct();
ZeroMemory(st->argv, sizeof(st->argv));
ZeroMemory(res, sizeof(res));
while(cons >= gThreads) Sleep(300);
if(ipsstart[3] == ipsend[3] && eor2 == 1) eor3 = 1;
strcat(res, std::to_string((long double)ipsstart[0]).c_str());
strcat(res, ".");
strcat(res, std::to_string((long double)ipsstart[1]).c_str());
strcat(res, ".");
strcat(res, std::to_string((long double)ipsstart[2]).c_str());
strcat(res, ".");
strcat(res, std::to_string((long double)ipsstart[3]).c_str());
strcpy(st->argv, res);
strcpy(saveStartIP, res);
targetAndIPWriter(gTargets--, st->argv);
#if defined(WIN32)
if(globalScanFlag) _beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_connect, 0, st );
pthread_t thrc;
pthread_create(&thrc, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_connect, st);
ipsstart[3] = 0;
ipsstart[3] = 0;
ipsstart[2] = 0;
ipsstart[3] = 0;
ipsstart[2] = 0;
ipsstart[1] = 0;
ipsstart[3] = 0;
ipsstart[2] = 0;
ipsstart[1] = 0;
else if(gMode == 1 )
#if defined(WIN32)
_beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_saver, 0, NULL );
pthread_t thrs;
pthread_create(&thrs, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_saver, NULL);
char iipFinish[64] = {0};
strcpy(top_level_domain, gFirstDom);
#if defined(WIN32)
if(trackerOK) _beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_tracker, 0, NULL );
pthread_t thrt;
if(trackerOK) pthread_create(&thrt, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_tracker, NULL);
#if defined(WIN32)
_beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_timer, 0, NULL );
pthread_t thrtt;
pthread_create(&thrtt, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_timer, NULL);
char dataEntry[1024] = {0};
strcpy(dataEntry, saveEndIP);
int sz = strlen(saveEndIP);
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
if(dataEntry[i] == '[')
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
for(int j = i + 1; j < i + 3; ++j)
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
if((dataEntry[j] < '0' || dataEntry[j] > '9')
&& (dataEntry[j] < 'a' || dataEntry[j] > 'z')
&& dataEntry[j] != '_'
&& dataEntry[j] != '-'
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
QString errStr = "Error at mask (" + QString::number(j-1);
errStr += ") \"";
errStr += QString(dataEntry).mid(0, j-1);
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
errStr += "<u>";
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
errStr += QString(dataEntry).mid(j-1, j+1);
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
errStr += "</u>";
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
errStr += QString(dataEntry).mid(j+1, strlen(dataEntry));
errStr += "\"";
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
return -1;
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
i += 3;
else if(dataEntry[i] == ']')
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
QString errStr = "Error at mask (" + QString::number(i-1);
errStr += ") \"";
errStr += QString(dataEntry).mid(0, i-1);
errStr += "<u>";
errStr += QString(dataEntry).mid(i-1, i+1);
errStr += "</u>";
errStr += QString(dataEntry).mid(i+1, strlen(dataEntry));
errStr += "\"";
return -1;
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
unsigned long long dnsCounter = 1;
char *dnsPtr1 = strstr(dataEntry, "[");
while(dnsPtr1 != NULL)
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
2014-08-11 21:53:50 +00:00
dnsCounter *= _getChunkCount(dnsPtr1);
dnsPtr1 = strstr(dnsPtr1 + 1, "[");
gTargets = dnsCounter;
gTargetsOverall = gTargets;
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("Starting DNS-scan...");
if(_GetDNSFromMask(dataEntry, "", dataEntry) == -1)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("DNS-Mode error");
2014-08-08 23:02:44 +00:00
else if(gMode == -1)
if(flCounter == 0)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("Empty IP list.");
OnLiner = 0;
globalScanFlag = false;
return -1;
#if defined(WIN32)
_beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_saver, 0, NULL );
pthread_t thrs;
pthread_create(&thrs, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_saver, NULL);
#if defined(WIN32)
_beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_tracker, 0, NULL );
pthread_t thrt;
pthread_create(&thrt, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_tracker, NULL);
#if defined(WIN32)
_beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_timer, 0, NULL );
pthread_t thrtt;
pthread_create(&thrtt, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_timer, NULL);
int eor0 = 0, eor1 = 0, eor2 = 0, eor3 = 0;
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
#pragma endregion
sockstruct *st = NULL;
for(gC = 0; gC < flCounter; ++gC)
strcpy(metaRange, std::to_string((long double)ipsstartfl[gC][0]).c_str());
strcat(metaRange, ".");
strcat(metaRange, std::to_string((long double)ipsstartfl[gC][1]).c_str());
strcat(metaRange, ".");
strcat(metaRange, std::to_string((long double)ipsstartfl[gC][2]).c_str());
strcat(metaRange, ".");
strcat(metaRange, std::to_string((long double)ipsstartfl[gC][3]).c_str());
strcat(metaRange, "-");
strcat(metaRange, std::to_string((long double)ipsendfl[gC][0]).c_str());
strcat(metaRange, ".");
strcat(metaRange, std::to_string((long double)ipsendfl[gC][1]).c_str());
strcat(metaRange, ".");
strcat(metaRange, std::to_string((long double)ipsendfl[gC][2]).c_str());
strcat(metaRange, ".");
strcat(metaRange, std::to_string((long double)ipsendfl[gC][3]).c_str());
eor0 = 0, eor1 = 0, eor2 = 0, eor3 = 0;
while ((eor0 == 0 || eor1 == 0 || eor2 == 0 || eor3 == 0) && globalScanFlag)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
while(ipsstartfl[gC][0] < 256 && eor0 == 0)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
if(ipsstartfl[gC][0] == ipsendfl[gC][0]) eor0 = 1;
while(ipsstartfl[gC][1] < 256 && eor1 == 0)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
if(ipsstartfl[gC][1] == ipsendfl[gC][1] && eor0 == 1) eor1 = 1;
while(ipsstartfl[gC][2] < 256 && eor2 == 0)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
if(ipsstartfl[gC][2] == ipsendfl[gC][2] && eor1 == 1) eor2 = 1;
while(ipsstartfl[gC][3] < 256 && eor3 == 0)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
st = new sockstruct();
ZeroMemory(st->argv, sizeof(st->argv));
ZeroMemory(res, sizeof(res));
while(cons >= gThreads) Sleep(300);
if(ipsstartfl[gC][3] == ipsendfl[gC][3] && eor2 == 1) eor3 = 1;
strcat(res, std::to_string((long double)ipsstartfl[gC][0]).c_str());
strcat(res, ".");
strcat(res, std::to_string((long double)ipsstartfl[gC][1]).c_str());
strcat(res, ".");
strcat(res, std::to_string((long double)ipsstartfl[gC][2]).c_str());
strcat(res, ".");
strcat(res, std::to_string((long double)ipsstartfl[gC][3]).c_str());
strcpy(st->argv, res);
strcpy(saveStartIP, res);
targetAndIPWriter(gTargets--, st->argv);
#if defined(WIN32)
if(globalScanFlag) _beginthread( (void(*)(void*))_connect, 0, st );
pthread_t thrc;
pthread_create(&thrc, NULL, (void *(*)(void*))&_connect, st );
if(ipsstartfl[gC][3] <= ipsendfl[gC][3]) ++ipsstartfl[gC][3];
ipsstartfl[gC][3] = 0;
if(ipsstartfl[gC][2] <= ipsendfl[gC][2]) ++ipsstartfl[gC][2];
ipsstartfl[gC][3] = 0;
ipsstartfl[gC][2] = 0;
if(ipsstartfl[gC][1] <= ipsendfl[gC][1]) ++ipsstartfl[gC][1];
ipsstartfl[gC][3] = 0;
ipsstartfl[gC][2] = 0;
ipsstartfl[gC][1] = 0;
if(ipsstartfl[gC][0] <= ipsendfl[gC][0]) ++ipsstartfl[gC][0];
ipsstartfl[gC][3] = 0;
ipsstartfl[gC][2] = 0;
ipsstartfl[gC][1] = 0;
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("Wrong parameters.");
#pragma endregion
Sleep(gTimeOut + 1);
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("Stopping threads...");
#pragma endregion
while(cons > 0 || OnLiner == 1 || jsonArr->size() > 0) Sleep(2000);
if(loginLst != NULL)
for(int i = 0; i < MaxLogin; ++i) delete []loginLst[i];
delete []loginLst;
loginLst = NULL;
if(passLst != NULL)
for(int i = 0; i < MaxPass; ++i) delete []passLst[i];
delete []passLst;
passLst = NULL;
if(GlobalNegatives != NULL)
char temp[512] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < GlobalNegativeSize; ++i)
delete []GlobalNegatives[i];
delete []GlobalNegatives;
GlobalNegatives = NULL;
if(wfPassLst != NULL)
for(int i = 0; i < MaxWFPass; ++i) delete []wfPassLst[i];
delete []wfPassLst;
wfPassLst = NULL;
if(wfLoginLst != NULL)
for(int i = 0; i < MaxWFLogin; ++i) delete []wfLoginLst[i];
delete []wfLoginLst;
wfLoginLst = NULL;
if(sshlpLst != NULL)
for(int i = 0; i < MaxSSHPass; ++i) delete []sshlpLst[i];
delete []sshlpLst;
sshlpLst = NULL;
#pragma region QTGUI_Area
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("Done. Saved: " + QString::number(saved) + "; Alive: " + QString::number(found) + ".");
stt->doEmitionChangeParsed(QString::number(saved) + "/" + QString::number(found));
#pragma endregion