mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 17:31:46 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
#include "STh.h"
#include "externData.h"
#include "externFunctions.h"
#include <Connector.h>
#include <Utils.h>
void getSubStrEx(char *src, char *startStr, char *endStr, char *dest, int szDest)
void getSubStrEx(const char *src, char *startStr, char *endStr, char *dest, int szDest)
ZeroMemory(dest, szDest);
char *ptr1 = strstri((const char*)src, startStr);
@ -48,214 +50,47 @@ int KeyCheckerMain()
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key check] Key length is not valid.");
return -1;
char msg[1024] = {0};
char ndbServer[64] = {0};
char ndbScript[64] = {0};
sockaddr_in sockAddr;
sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
sockAddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(trcSrvPortLine));
std::vector<std::string> headerVector;
headerVector.push_back("X-Nescav3: True");
strcpy(msg, "GET ");
strcat(msg, "/");
strcat(msg, trcScr);
strcat(msg, " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ");
strcat(msg, trcSrv);
strcat(msg, "\r\nX-Nescav3: True");
strcat(msg, "\r\nConnection: close");
strcat(msg, "\r\n\r\n");
std::string buffer;
Connector::nConnect((std::string(trcSrv) + std::string(trcScr)).c_str(), std::stoi(trcSrvPortLine), &buffer, NULL, &headerVector);
HOSTENT *host;
int hostStringIndex = Utils::ci_find_substr(buffer, std::string("\r\n\r\n"));
if(hostStringIndex != -1) {
const char *ptr1 = buffer.c_str() + hostStringIndex + 4;
Connector::nConnect((std::string(ptr1) + std::string("/api/checkaccount?key=") + std::string(trcPersKey)).c_str(),
std::stoi(trcSrvPortLine), &buffer, NULL, &headerVector);
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
if(inet_addr(trcSrv) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(trcSrv);
else if(host=gethostbyname (trcSrv)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
if(inet_addr(trcSrv) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(trcSrv);
else if(host=gethostbyname (trcSrv)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[Key check] Requesting server ip...");
int test = connect(sock, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
if(test == -1)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key check] -connect() returned. Cannot connect to balancer! " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ".");
return -1;
test = send(sock, msg, strlen(msg), 0);
if(test == -1)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key check] -send() returned. Cannot send to balancer! " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ".");
return -1;
ZeroMemory(msg, sizeof(msg));
test = recv(sock, msg, sizeof(msg), 0);
char buff[512] = {0};
while((test = recv(sock, msg, sizeof(msg), 0)) != 0)
strcat(msg, buff);
if(test == -1)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key check] -recv() returned. Cannot recv from balancer! " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ".");
return -1;
char *t1;
char *t2;
if(strstr(msg, "http://") != NULL)
t1 = strstr(msg, "http://");
if(strstr((char*)(t1 + 7), "/") != NULL)
t2 = strstr((char*)(t1 + 7), "/");
int ln = t2 - t1 - 7;
if(ln > 64)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key check] -Received server string is not valid!");
return -1;
else strncpy(ndbServer, (char*)(t1 + 7), ln);
if(strlen(t2) > 64)
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[Key check] -Fragmentation detected!");
if(strstr(t2, "\r\n") != NULL)
char *t3 = strstr(t2, "\r\n");
int y = (int)(t3 - t2);
if(y > 64)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key check] -Received server string is not valid!");
return -1;
strncpy(ndbScript, t2, y);
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key check] -Received server string is not valid!");
return -1;
} else strcpy(ndbScript, t2);
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key check] -Cannot receive script value!");
return -1;
ZeroMemory(msg, sizeof(msg));
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("[Key check] -OK. -Server string aquired! Checking key...");
sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
sockAddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(trcSrvPortLine));
strcpy(msg, "GET ");
strcat(msg, "/api/checkaccount?key=");
strncat(msg, trcPersKey, 32);
strcat(msg, " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ");
strcat(msg, ndbServer);
strcat(msg, "\r\nConnection: close");
strcat(msg, "\r\n\r\n");
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
if(inet_addr(ndbServer) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(ndbServer);
else if(host=gethostbyname (ndbServer)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
if(inet_addr(ndbServer) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ndbServer);
else if(host=gethostbyname (ndbServer)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
int c = connect(sock, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key check] -Connection timeout.");
return -1;
c = send(sock, msg, strlen(msg), 0);
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key check] -Send error.");
return -1;
ZeroMemory(msg, sizeof(msg));
test = recv(sock, msg, 512, 0);
if(strstr(msg, "202 Accepted") != NULL)
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("[Key check] -OK. Key is valid!");
if(emitIfOK == 0) stt->doEmitionStartScanIP();
else if(emitIfOK == 1) stt->doEmitionStartScanDNS();
else if(emitIfOK == 2) stt->doEmitionStartScanImport();
return 1;
else if(strstr(msg, "400 Bad Request") != NULL)
QString errorDef = GetNSErrorDefinition(msg, "notify");
if(errorDef == "Invalid access key") stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[NS-Track] [Key is unauthorized] A valid key is required.");
else stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[NS-Track] -FAIL! [400 Bad Request : " + GetNSErrorDefinition(msg, "notify") + "]");
return -1;
else if(strstr(msg, "503 Bad Gateway") != NULL)
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[NS-Track] 503 Backend not responding!");
return -1;
char header[64] = {0};
getSubStrEx(msg, "http/1.1 ", "\r\n", header, 64);
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[Key check] -FAIL! An error occured. (" + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ") Header: <u>" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(header) + "</u>");
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData(QString(msg));
return -1;
ZeroMemory(msg, sizeof(msg));
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key check] -Balancer replied with invalid string.");
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData(QString(msg));
return -1;
if(Utils::ci_find_substr(buffer, std::string("202 Accepted")) != -1) {
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("Key is valid.");
if(emitIfOK == 0) stt->doEmitionStartScanIP();
else if(emitIfOK == 1) stt->doEmitionStartScanDNS();
else if(emitIfOK == 2) stt->doEmitionStartScanImport();
return 1;
} else if(Utils::ci_find_substr(buffer, std::string("400 Bad Request")) != -1) {
QString errorDef = GetNSErrorDefinition(buffer.c_str(), "notify");
if(errorDef == "Invalid access key") stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[NS-Track] [Key is unauthorized] A valid key is required.");
else stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[Key checker] -FAIL! [400 Bad Request : " + GetNSErrorDefinition(buffer.c_str(), "notify") + "]");
return -1;
} else if(Utils::ci_find_substr(buffer, std::string("503 Bad Gateway")) != -1) {
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[Key checker] 503 Backend not responding!");
return -1;
} else {
char header[64] = {0};
getSubStrEx(buffer.c_str(), "http/1.1 ", "\r\n", header, 64);
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key checker] -FAIL! An error occured. (" + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()) + ") Header: <u>" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(header) + "</u>");
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData(QString(buffer.c_str()));
return -1;
} else {
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Key checker] Cannot acquire host string.");
void CheckKey_Th::run()
@ -1,8 +1,93 @@
#include <Connector.h>
#include <Utils.h>
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
int _pingMyTarget(char *ip)
HANDLE hIcmpFile;
unsigned long ipaddr = INADDR_NONE;
DWORD dwRetVal = 0;
char SendData[32] = "Data Buffer";
LPVOID ReplyBuffer = NULL;
DWORD ReplySize = 0;
ipaddr = inet_addr(ip);
if (ipaddr == INADDR_NONE)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Pinger] INADDR_NONE! [" + QString(ip) + "]");
return 0;
hIcmpFile = IcmpCreateFile();
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Pinger] Unable to open handle. [" + QString::number(GetLastError()) + "]");
return 0;
ReplySize = sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) + sizeof(SendData);
ReplyBuffer = (VOID*) malloc(ReplySize);
if (ReplyBuffer == NULL)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Pinger] Unable to allocate memory.");
return 0;
dwRetVal = IcmpSendEcho(hIcmpFile, ipaddr, SendData, sizeof(SendData),
NULL, ReplyBuffer, ReplySize, gPingTimeout*1000);
if (dwRetVal != 0) {
struct in_addr ReplyAddr;
ReplyAddr.S_un.S_addr = pEchoReply->Address;
printf("\tSent icmp message to %s\n", "");
if (dwRetVal > 1)
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[Pinger] Received " + QString::number(dwRetVal) + " icmp message responses.");
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[Pinger] Received " + QString::number(dwRetVal) + " icmp message responses.");
int Connector::_sshConnect(char *user, char *pass, char *host, int port)
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[Pinger] Received from: " + QString(inet_ntoa( ReplyAddr )) + "; Status = " + QString::number(pEchoReply->Status) + "; Roundtrip time = " + QString::number(pEchoReply->RoundTripTime) + "ms.");
return 1;
printf("\tCall to IcmpSendEcho failed.\n");
printf("\tIcmpSendEcho returned error: %ld\n", GetLastError() );
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Pinger] Call to IcmpSendEcho failed. IcmpSendEcho returned error: " + QString::number(GetLastError()));
return 0;
int _pingMyTarget(char *ip)
FILE *pipe = popen(("ping -w " + std::to_string(gPingTimeout) + " " + ip).c_str(), "r");
if(!pipe) {
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("Ping pipe failed: cannot open pipe.");
return 0;
char buffer[128] = {0};
std::string result;
while(!feof(pipe)) {
if(fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL){
result += buffer;
if(strstr((char*)result.c_str(), "100% packet loss") != NULL) return 0;
return 1;
int _sshConnect(char *user, char *pass, char *host, int port)
char hostStr[128] = {0};
ZeroMemory(hostStr, sizeof(hostStr));
@ -50,7 +135,7 @@ int Connector::_sshConnect(char *user, char *pass, char *host, int port)
return 0;
char Connector::_get_ssh_banner(char *ip, int port)
char _get_ssh_banner(char *ip, int port)
char recvBuff[256] = {0};
std::string buffer;
@ -66,7 +151,7 @@ char Connector::_get_ssh_banner(char *ip, int port)
return *recvBuff;
int Connector::check_ssh_pass(char *user, char *pass, char *userPass, char *host, int port, std::string *buffer, const char *banner)
int check_ssh_pass(char *user, char *pass, char *userPass, char *host, int port, std::string *buffer, const char *banner)
int res = -1;
if(BALogSwitched) stt->doEmitionBAData("Probing SSH: " + QString(user) + ":" + QString(pass) + "@" + QString(host) + ":" + QString::number(port));
@ -84,7 +169,7 @@ int Connector::check_ssh_pass(char *user, char *pass, char *userPass, char *host
return res;
int Connector::_EstablishSSHConnection(char *host, int port, std::string *buffer, const char *banner)
int _EstablishSSHConnection(char *host, int port, std::string *buffer, const char *banner)
char login[32] = {0};
char pass[32] = {0};
@ -138,19 +223,101 @@ int Connector::_SSHLobby(char *ip, int port, std::string *buffer)
return -1;
struct data {
char trace_ascii; /* 1 or 0 */
void dump(const char *text,
FILE *stream, unsigned char *ptr, size_t size,
char nohex)
size_t i;
size_t c;
unsigned int width=0x10;
/* without the hex output, we can fit more on screen */
width = 0x40;
fprintf(stream, "%s, %10.10ld bytes (0x%8.8lx)\n",
text, (long)size, (long)size);
for(i=0; i<size; i+= width) {
fprintf(stream, "%4.4lx: ", (long)i);
if(!nohex) {
/* hex not disabled, show it */
for(c = 0; c < width; c++)
if(i+c < size)
fprintf(stream, "%02x ", ptr[i+c]);
fputs(" ", stream);
for(c = 0; (c < width) && (i+c < size); c++) {
/* check for 0D0A; if found, skip past and start a new line of output */
if (nohex && (i+c+1 < size) && ptr[i+c]==0x0D && ptr[i+c+1]==0x0A) {
fprintf(stream, "%c",
(ptr[i+c]>=0x20) && (ptr[i+c]<0x80)?ptr[i+c]:'.');
/* check again for 0D0A, to avoid an extra \n if it's at width */
if (nohex && (i+c+2 < size) && ptr[i+c+1]==0x0D && ptr[i+c+2]==0x0A) {
fputc('\n', stream); /* newline */
int my_trace(CURL *handle, curl_infotype type,
char *data, size_t size,
void *userp)
struct data *config = (struct data *)userp;
const char *text;
(void)handle; /* prevent compiler warning */
switch (type) {
//fprintf(stderr, "== Info: %s", data);
default: /* in case a new one is introduced to shock us */
return 0;
if(MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddOutData(QString("size"), QString(data));
dump(text, stderr, (unsigned char *)data, size, config->trace_ascii);
return 0;
static size_t nWriteCallback(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp)
((std::string*)userp)->append((char*)contents, size * nmemb);
return size * nmemb;
int Connector::nConnect(char *ip, int port, std::string *buffer,
const char *postData = NULL,
const std::vector<std::string> *customHeaders = NULL){
int Connector::nConnect(const char *ip, const int port, std::string *buffer,
const char *postData,
const std::vector<std::string> *customHeaders){
CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
struct data config;
config.trace_ascii = 1; /* enable ascii tracing */
if (curl)
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION, my_trace);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA, &config);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, ip);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PORT, port);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0");
@ -160,8 +327,11 @@ int Connector::nConnect(char *ip, int port, std::string *buffer,
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, nWriteCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, buffer);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, "--");
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, 3128);
int proxyPort = std::atoi(gProxyPort);
if(strlen(gProxyIP) != 0 && (proxyPort > 0 && proxyPort < 65535)) {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, gProxyIP);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, proxyPort);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, gTimeOut);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, gTimeOut);
@ -175,15 +345,16 @@ int Connector::nConnect(char *ip, int port, std::string *buffer,
struct curl_slist *chunk = NULL;
for(auto &ch : customHeaders) {
for(auto &ch : *customHeaders) {
chunk = curl_slist_append(chunk, *ch);
chunk = curl_slist_append(chunk, ch.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, chunk);
if(MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddIncData(QString(ip), QString(buffer->c_str()));
} else {
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("Curl error.");
@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
#include <mainResources.h>
#include <externData.h>
#include <STh.h>
class Connector {
int _sshConnect(char *user, char *pass, char *host, int port);
int _get_ssh_banner(char *ip, int port);
int check_ssh_pass(char *user, char *pass, char *userPass,
char *host, int port, std::string *buffer, const char *banner);
int _EstablishSSHConnection(char *host, int port, std::string *buffer, const char *banner);
static int nConnect(char *ip, int port, std::string *buffer,
static int nConnect(const char *ip, const int port, std::string *buffer,
const char *postData = NULL,
const std::vector<std::string> *customHeaders = NULL);
static int _ConnectToPort(char *ip, int port, char *hl);
@ -147,6 +147,6 @@ void DrawerTh_ME2Scanner::run()
Alive = 0;
Susp = 0;
@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
#include <Utils.h>
template<typename T> int Utils::ci_find_substr(const T& str1,
const T& str2,
const std::locale& locale) {
char *getSystemProxy() {
auto it = std::search(str1.begin, str1.end, str2.begin, str2.end,
my_equal<typename T::value_type>(locale));
if(it != str1.end()) return it - str1.begin();
else return -1;
int Utils::getProxyPort() {
char * Utils::getProxy() {
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
@ -19,7 +19,16 @@ public:
// find substring (case insensitive)
template<typename T> static int ci_find_substr(const T& str1,
const T& str2,
const std::locale& loc = std::locale());
const std::locale& loc = std::locale()) {
auto it = std::search(str1.begin(), str1.end(), str2.begin(), str2.end(),
my_equal<typename T::value_type>(loc));
if(it != str1.end()) return it - str1.begin();
else return -1;
char * getProxy();
int getProxyPort();
#endif // UTILS_H
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#include <WebformWorker.h>
bool WFClass::active = false;
lopaStr WFClass::parseResponse(const char *ip,
const int port,
const std::string *buffer,
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <externFunctions.h>
#include <Utils.h>
#include "STh.h"
#include "Connector.h"
class WFClass {
@ -25,12 +26,12 @@ public:
active = true;
this->active = true;
passCounter = 1;
active = false;
this->active = false;
@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ lopaStr _BABrute(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *pathT, char *method)
return lps;
lopaStr _BALobby(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *path, char *method, char *data = NULL)
lopaStr _BALobby(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *path, char *method)
while(BrutingThrds >= gMaxBrutingThreads) Sleep(700);
@ -1752,91 +1752,7 @@ lopaStr _IPCameraBLobby(char *ip, int port, char *SPEC)
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
int _pingMyTarget(char *ip)
HANDLE hIcmpFile;
unsigned long ipaddr = INADDR_NONE;
DWORD dwRetVal = 0;
char SendData[32] = "Data Buffer";
LPVOID ReplyBuffer = NULL;
DWORD ReplySize = 0;
ipaddr = inet_addr(ip);
if (ipaddr == INADDR_NONE)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Pinger] INADDR_NONE! [" + QString(ip) + "]");
return 0;
hIcmpFile = IcmpCreateFile();
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Pinger] Unable to open handle. [" + QString::number(GetLastError()) + "]");
return 0;
ReplySize = sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) + sizeof(SendData);
ReplyBuffer = (VOID*) malloc(ReplySize);
if (ReplyBuffer == NULL)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Pinger] Unable to allocate memory.");
return 0;
dwRetVal = IcmpSendEcho(hIcmpFile, ipaddr, SendData, sizeof(SendData),
NULL, ReplyBuffer, ReplySize, gPingTimeout*1000);
if (dwRetVal != 0) {
struct in_addr ReplyAddr;
ReplyAddr.S_un.S_addr = pEchoReply->Address;
printf("\tSent icmp message to %s\n", "");
if (dwRetVal > 1)
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[Pinger] Received " + QString::number(dwRetVal) + " icmp message responses.");
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[Pinger] Received " + QString::number(dwRetVal) + " icmp message responses.");
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[Pinger] Received from: " + QString(inet_ntoa( ReplyAddr )) + "; Status = " + QString::number(pEchoReply->Status) + "; Roundtrip time = " + QString::number(pEchoReply->RoundTripTime) + "ms.");
return 1;
printf("\tCall to IcmpSendEcho failed.\n");
printf("\tIcmpSendEcho returned error: %ld\n", GetLastError() );
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[Pinger] Call to IcmpSendEcho failed. IcmpSendEcho returned error: " + QString::number(GetLastError()));
return 0;
int _pingMyTarget(char *ip)
FILE *pipe = popen(("ping -w " + std::to_string(gPingTimeout) + " " + ip).c_str(), "r");
if(!pipe) {
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("Ping pipe failed: cannot open pipe.");
return 0;
char buffer[128] = {0};
std::string result;
while(!feof(pipe)) {
if(fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL){
result += buffer;
if(strstr((char*)result.c_str(), "100% packet loss") != NULL) return 0;
return 1;
@ -23,20 +23,22 @@ extern volatile int BA, cons, BrutingThrds, gThreads;
extern char **loginLst, **passLst, **wfLoginLst, **wfPassLst, **sshlpLst, **GlobalNegatives;
extern bool trackerOK, __savingBackUpFile, globalScanFlag, MapWidgetOpened,
widgetIsHidden, OnlineMsgSentFlag, utfIRCFlag, HTMLDebugMode, gNegDebugMode,
gDebugMode, horLineFlag, gPingNScan, gShuffle;
gDebugMode, horLineFlag, gPingNScan, gShuffle,
extern int found, indexIP, gMode,
MaxPass, MaxLogin, MaxWFLogin, MaxWFPass, MaxSSHPass,
GlobalNegativeSize, isActive, gMaxBrutingThreads,
gTimeOut, PieAnomC1, PieSusp, PieBA, PieLowl, PieWF, PieSSH,
gThreadDelay, AnomC1, Filt, Overl, Lowl, Alive, saved,
offlines, ssh, globalPinger, gPingTimeout, nickFlag, offlineFlag;
offlines, ssh, globalPinger, gPingTimeout, nickFlag, offlineFlag;
extern char trcSrv[256], trcScr[256], trcProxy[128], trcPersKey[32],
ircServer[32], ircPort[32], ircProxy[64], ircProxyPort[8], ircNick[32],
trcPort[32], trcSrvPortLine[32], saveStartIP[128], saveEndIP[128],
gRange[128], gFirstDom[128], gPorts[65536], endIP2[128],
gProxyIP[64], gProxyPort[8];
struct pl{
int loginCounter;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ extern void GetNicks();
extern int startScan(char* argv);
extern void BConInc();
extern void BConDec();
extern QString GetNSErrorDefinition(char *str, char *defin);
extern QString GetNSErrorDefinition(const char *str, const char *defin);
extern void _SaveBackupToFile();
extern char* strstri(const char *_Str, const char *_SubStr);
extern char* _getAttribute(char *str, char *attrib);
@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ extern void nCleanup();
extern void getSubStr(char *src, char *startStr, char *endStr, char *dest, int szDest);
extern void getSubStrEx(char *src, char *startStr, char *endStr, char *dest, int szDest);
extern std::string xcode(LPCSTR src, UINT srcCodePage, UINT dstCodePage);
extern void _SaveBackupToFile();
//extern int nConnect(char *ip, int port, std::string *buffer);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "externData.h"
#include "WebformWorker.h"
#include "Connector.h"
#include <memory>
char* strstri(const char *_Str, const char *_SubStr)
@ -1322,7 +1323,7 @@ void _specWEBIPCAMBrute(char *ip, int port, char *hl, char *finalstr, int flag,
void _specBrute(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *hl, char *finalstr, int flag, char *path, char *comment, char *cp, int recd, char *data)
void _specBrute(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *hl, char *finalstr, int flag, char *path, char *comment, char *cp, int recd)
isActive = 1;
lopaStr lps;
@ -1333,8 +1334,8 @@ void _specBrute(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *hl, char *finalstr, int
char tport[32] = {0};
sprintf(tport, ":%d", port);
if(strcmp(comment, "[DIGEST]") == 0) lps = _BALobby(cookie, ip, port, path, "[DIGEST]", data);
else lps = _BALobby(cookie, ip, port, path, "[NORMAL]", "");
if(strcmp(comment, "[DIGEST]") == 0) lps = _BALobby(cookie, ip, port, path, "[DIGEST]");
else lps = _BALobby(cookie, ip, port, path, "[NORMAL]");
if(strstr(lps.login, "UNKNOWN") == NULL && strlen(lps.other) == 0)
@ -1725,47 +1726,47 @@ int Lexems::_filler(int p, char* buffcpy, char* ip, int recd, Lexems *lx, char *
else if(flag == 21) //Eyeon
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Eyeon Camera", flag, "/user/index.htm", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Eyeon Camera", flag, "/user/index.htm", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 22) //IP Camera control
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP camera Control webpage", flag, "/main/cs_motion.asp", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP camera Control webpage", flag, "/main/cs_motion.asp", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 23) //Network Camera BB-SC384
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Network Camera BB-SC384", flag, "/live/index2.html", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Network Camera BB-SC384", flag, "/live/index2.html", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 24) //Network Camera VB-M40
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Network Camera VB-M40", flag, "/-wvhttp-01-/open.cgi?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Network Camera VB-M40", flag, "/-wvhttp-01-/open.cgi?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 25) //Panasonic WTFISTHISAreaOMGIDONTEVEN-camera
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, 60002, hl, "Panasonic WTFISTHISAreaOMGIDONTEVEN-camera", flag, "/SnapshotJPEG", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, 60002, hl, "Panasonic WTFISTHISAreaOMGIDONTEVEN-camera", flag, "/SnapshotJPEG", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 26) //Sony Network Camera
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Sony Network Camera", flag, "/oneshotimage?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Sony Network Camera", flag, "/oneshotimage?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 27) //UA Network Camera
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "UA Network Camera", flag, "/webs.cgi?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "UA Network Camera", flag, "/webs.cgi?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 28) //Network Camera VB-M40
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Network Camera VB-??", flag, "/-wvhttp-01-/open.cgi?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Network Camera VB-??", flag, "/-wvhttp-01-/open.cgi?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 29) //LG Smart IP Device
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "LG Smart IP Device Camera", flag, "/digest.php", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "LG Smart IP Device Camera", flag, "/digest.php", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 30) //NAS
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "NAS", flag, "/cgi-bin/data/viostor-220/viostor/viostor.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "NAS", flag, "/cgi-bin/data/viostor-220/viostor/viostor.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 31) //ip cam
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP Camera", flag, "/check_user.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP Camera", flag, "/check_user.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 32) //IPC WEB ip cam
@ -1777,7 +1778,7 @@ int Lexems::_filler(int p, char* buffcpy, char* ip, int recd, Lexems *lx, char *
else if(flag == 34) //Hikvision ip cam
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Hikvision] IP Camera", flag, "/PSIA/Custom/SelfExt/userCheck", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Hikvision] IP Camera", flag, "/PSIA/Custom/SelfExt/userCheck", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 35) //EasyCam
@ -1785,11 +1786,11 @@ int Lexems::_filler(int p, char* buffcpy, char* ip, int recd, Lexems *lx, char *
else if(flag == 36) //Panasonic Cam
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Panasonic] IP Camera", flag, "/config/index.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Panasonic] IP Camera", flag, "/config/index.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 37) //Panasonic Cam
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Panasonic] IP Camera", flag, "/view/getuid.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Panasonic] IP Camera", flag, "/view/getuid.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 38) //Foscam
@ -1797,11 +1798,11 @@ int Lexems::_filler(int p, char* buffcpy, char* ip, int recd, Lexems *lx, char *
else if(flag == 39) //EagleEye
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[EagleEye] IP Camera", flag, "/cgi-bin/guest/Video.cgi?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[EagleEye] IP Camera", flag, "/cgi-bin/guest/Video.cgi?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 40) //Network Camera VB-C??
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Network Camera VB-C??] IP Camera", flag, "/admin/index.shtml?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Network Camera VB-C??] IP Camera", flag, "/admin/index.shtml?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 41) //AVIOSYS-camera
@ -1809,19 +1810,19 @@ int Lexems::_filler(int p, char* buffcpy, char* ip, int recd, Lexems *lx, char *
else if(flag == 42) //NW_camera
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[NW_camera] IP Camera", flag, "/cgi-bin/getuid?FILE=indexnw.html", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[NW_camera] IP Camera", flag, "/cgi-bin/getuid?FILE=indexnw.html", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 43) //NW_camera
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Micros] IP Camera", flag, "/gui/rem_display.shtml", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Micros] IP Camera", flag, "/gui/rem_display.shtml", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 44) //Hikvision ip cam 2
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Hikvision] IP Camera 2", flag, "/ISAPI/Security/userCheck", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Hikvision] IP Camera 2", flag, "/ISAPI/Security/userCheck", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 45) //Panasonic ip cam
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Panasonic] IP Camera", flag, "/config/index.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "[Panasonic] IP Camera", flag, "/config/index.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 46) //Buffalo disk
@ -1841,39 +1842,39 @@ int Lexems::_filler(int p, char* buffcpy, char* ip, int recd, Lexems *lx, char *
else if (flag == 50) //IP Camera
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP Camera", flag, "/app/multi/single.asp", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP Camera", flag, "/app/multi/single.asp", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 20) //AXIS Camera
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "AXIS Camera", flag, "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "AXIS Camera", flag, "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 19) //reecam cameras
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Reecam (network camera)", flag, "/videostream.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Reecam (network camera)", flag, "/videostream.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 18) //linksys camera
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Linksys camera", flag, "/img/main.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Linksys camera", flag, "/img/main.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 17) //Real-time IP Camera Monitoring System
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Real-time IP Camera Monitoring System", flag, "/live.htm", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Real-time IP Camera Monitoring System", flag, "/live.htm", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 11)
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Netwave IP Camera", flag, "/videostream.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "Netwave IP Camera", flag, "/videostream.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 12)
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP Camera", flag, "/view/view.shtml?videos=", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP Camera", flag, "/view/view.shtml?videos=", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 13)
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP Camera", flag, "/eng/view/indexjava.html", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP Camera", flag, "/eng/view/indexjava.html", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 14)
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP Camera", flag, "/rdr.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, "IP Camera", flag, "/rdr.cgi", "Basic Authorization", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 15) //For HFS
@ -1882,7 +1883,7 @@ int Lexems::_filler(int p, char* buffcpy, char* ip, int recd, Lexems *lx, char *
isActive = 1;
lps = _BALobby(ps.cookie, ip, p, "/~login", "[NORMAL]", "");
lps = _BALobby(ps.cookie, ip, p, "/~login", "[NORMAL]");
sprintf(log, "[HFS]:<font color=\"#ff6600\">%s :: </font><a href=\"http://%s:%s/\"><span style=\"color: #a1a1a1;\">%s:%s</span></a><font color=\"#0084ff\"> T: </font><font color=\"#ff9600\">%s Pass: %s:%s</font>",
hl, ip, port, ip, port, finalstr, lps.login, lps.pass);
@ -1910,11 +1911,11 @@ int Lexems::_filler(int p, char* buffcpy, char* ip, int recd, Lexems *lx, char *
else if(flag == 1)
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, finalstr, flag, pps, "[NORMAL]", cp, recd, "");
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, finalstr, flag, pps, "[NORMAL]", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 101)
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, finalstr, flag, pps, "[DIGEST]", cp, recd, buffcpy);
_specBrute(ps.cookie, ip, p, hl, finalstr, flag, pps, "[DIGEST]", cp, recd);
else if(flag == 10)
@ -1929,11 +1930,6 @@ int Lexems::_filler(int p, char* buffcpy, char* ip, int recd, Lexems *lx, char *
return flag;
const char *rbuff1 = "GET ";
const char *rbuff2 = " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ";
const char *rbuff3 = "\r\nCookie:";
const char *rbuff4 = "\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: us-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n";
int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, PathStr *ps, std::vector<std::string> *redirStrLst, char *buff)
if(ls->iterationCount++ == 5)
@ -1949,8 +1945,7 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
char tempIP[MAX_ADDR_LEN] = {0};
strcpy(tempIP, ip);
int tempPort = port;
char tempPath[1024] = {0};
char mes[2048]= {0};
char tempPath[1024] = {0};
if(strstri(str, "https://") != NULL)
@ -2002,32 +1997,16 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
strcpy(tempPath, "/");
strcpy(mes, rbuff1);
if(tempPath[0] != '/') strcat(mes, "/");
strcat(mes, tempPath);
strcat(mes, rbuff2);
strcat(mes, tempIP);
if(tempPort != 80){
strcat(mes, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", tempPort);
strcat(mes, tbuff);
if(strlen(cookie) != 0)
strcat(mes, rbuff3);
strcat(mes, cookie);
strcat(mes, rbuff4);
std::unique_ptr<char[]> nip(new char[strlen(tempIP) + strlen(tempPath) + 1]);
sprintf(nip.get(), "%s%s", tempIP, tempPath);
std::string buffer;
int cSz = Connector::nConnect(tempIP, tempPort, buffer);
int cSz = Connector::nConnect(nip.get(), tempPort, &buffer);
if(cSz > -1)
strncpy(buff, buffer.c_str(), (cSz < 65535 ? cSz : 65535));
strcpy(ps->codepage, GetCodePage(buff));
ls->flag = ContentFilter(cstr.lowerBuff, tempPort, tempIP, ps->codepage);
ls->flag = ContentFilter(buff, tempPort, tempIP, ps->codepage);
ps->flag = ls->flag;
if(ls->flag == -1)
@ -2058,7 +2037,7 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
strcat(ps->headr, " -> ");
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(buff));
if (ls->_header(tempIP, tempPort, cstr.lowerBuff, ls, ps, redirStrLst, buff) == -1)
if (ls->_header(tempIP, tempPort, buff, ls, ps, redirStrLst, buff) == -1)
ps->flag = -1;
strcpy(ps->headr, "[IGNR_ADDR]");
@ -2068,16 +2047,16 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
ps->port = tempPort;
if(strlen(buff) < 1)
ps->flag = 3;
ls->flag = 3;
else if(cstr.overflow == true)
ls->flag = 0;
ps->flag = 0;
// if(strlen(buff) < 1)
// {
// ps->flag = 3;
// ls->flag = 3;
// }
// else if(cstr.overflow == true)
// {
// ls->flag = 0;
// ps->flag = 0;
// };
@ -2113,6 +2092,7 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
strcpy(tempPath, "/");
sz = ptr2 - ptr1 - 7;
char tPort[8] = {0};
strncpy(tPort, ptr2 + 1, sz < 8 ? sz : 5);
tempPort = atoi(tPort);
@ -2138,32 +2118,16 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
strcpy(tempPath, "/");
strcpy(mes, rbuff1);
if(tempPath[0] != '/') strcat(mes, "/");
strcat(mes, tempPath);
strcat(mes, rbuff2);
strcat(mes, tempIP);
if(tempPort != 80){
strcat(mes, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", tempPort);
strcat(mes, tbuff);
if(strlen(cookie) != 0)
strcat(mes, rbuff3);
strcat(mes, cookie);
strcat(mes, rbuff4);
std::unique_ptr<char[]> nip(new char[strlen(tempIP) + strlen(tempPath) + 1]);
sprintf(nip.get(), "%s%s", tempIP, tempPath);
std::string buffer;
int cSz = Connector::nConnect(tempIP, tempPort, buffer);
int cSz = Connector::nConnect(nip.get(), tempPort, &buffer);
if(cSz > -1)
strncpy(buff, cstr.lowerBuff, (cSz< 65535 ? cSz : 65535));
strcpy(ps->codepage, GetCodePage(cstr.lowerBuff));
strncpy(buff, buffer.c_str(), (cSz < 65535 ? cSz : 65535));
strcpy(ps->codepage, GetCodePage(buff));
ls->flag = ContentFilter(cstr.lowerBuff, tempPort, tempIP, ps->codepage);
ls->flag = ContentFilter(buff, tempPort, tempIP, ps->codepage);
ps->flag = ls->flag;
if(ls->flag == -1)
@ -2177,7 +2141,7 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
if(ls->flag >= 17 || ls->flag == 11 || ls->flag == 12
|| ls->flag == 13 || ls->flag == 14 || ls->flag == 1 || ls->flag == 10)
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(cstr.lowerBuff));
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(buff));
ps->flag = ls->flag;
strcpy(ps->path, tempPath);
ps->port = tempPort;
@ -2191,9 +2155,11 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
ps->port = tempPort;
return -2;
strcat(ps->headr, " -> ");
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(cstr.lowerBuff));
if (ls->_header(tempIP, tempPort, cstr.lowerBuff, ls, ps, redirStrLst, buff) == -1)
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(buff));
if (ls->_header(tempIP, tempPort, buff, ls, ps, redirStrLst, buff) == -1)
ps->flag = -1;
strcpy(ps->headr, "[IGNR_ADDR]");
@ -2203,16 +2169,16 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
ps->port = tempPort;
if(strlen(buff) < 1)
ps->flag = 3;
ls->flag = 3;
else if(cstr.overflow == true)
ls->flag = 0;
ps->flag = 0;
// if(strlen(buff) < 1)
// {
// ps->flag = 3;
// ls->flag = 3;
// }
// else if(cstr.overflow == true)
// {
// ls->flag = 0;
// ps->flag = 0;
// };
@ -2220,6 +2186,7 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
ls->flag = -1;
if(gNegDebugMode) stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("[<a href=\"http://" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "/\"><font color=\"#0084ff\">" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "</font></a>" + "] Rejecting in _header::redirect [Dead host].");
return -2;
else if(str[0] == '/' || (str[0] == '.' && str[1] == '/') || (str[0] == '.' && str[1] == '.' && str[2] == '/'))
@ -2228,61 +2195,33 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
else if(str[0] == '.') strcpy(tempPath, str + 1);
else strcpy(tempPath, str);
strcpy(mes, rbuff1);
if(tempPath[0] != '/') strcat(mes, "/");
strcat(mes, tempPath);
strcat(mes, rbuff2);
strcat(mes, ip);
if(tempPort != 80){
strcat(mes, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", tempPort);
strcat(mes, tbuff);
if(strlen(cookie) != 0)
std::unique_ptr<char[]> nip(new char[strlen(tempIP) + strlen(tempPath) + 1]);
sprintf(nip.get(), "%s%s", tempIP, tempPath);
std::string buffer;
int cSz = Connector::nConnect(nip.get(), tempPort, &buffer);
if(cSz > -1)
strcat(mes, rbuff3);
strcat(mes, cookie);
strcat(mes, rbuff4);
strncpy(buff, buffer.c_str(), (cSz < 65535 ? cSz : 65535));
strcpy(ps->codepage, GetCodePage(buff));
conSTR cstr;
cstr.size = 0;
cstr.lowerBuff = NULL;
int cRes = 0;
if(port == 443) cRes = con._EstablishSSLConnection(ip, 443, mes, &cstr);
else cRes = con._EstablishConnection(ip, port, mes, &cstr);
if(cstr.size < 65535)
strncpy(buff, cstr.lowerBuff, cstr.size);
strncpy(buff, cstr.lowerBuff, 65535);
if(cRes > -1)
strcpy(ps->codepage, GetCodePage(cstr.lowerBuff));
ls->flag = ContentFilter(cstr.lowerBuff, port, ip, ps->codepage);
ls->flag = ContentFilter(buff, port, ip, ps->codepage);
ps->flag = ls->flag;
if(ls->flag == -1)
ps->flag = -1;
strcpy(ps->headr, "[IGNR_ADDR]");
strcpy(ps->path, tempPath);
delete []cstr.lowerBuff;
strcpy(ps->path, tempPath);
return -2;
if(ls->flag >= 17 || ls->flag == 11 || ls->flag == 12
|| ls->flag == 13 || ls->flag == 14 || ls->flag == 1 || ls->flag == 10)
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(cstr.lowerBuff));
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(buff));
ps->flag = ls->flag;
strcpy(ps->path, tempPath);
delete []cstr.lowerBuff;
strcpy(ps->path, tempPath);
ps->port = port;
strcpy(ps->ip, ip);
@ -2294,30 +2233,30 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
ps->port = tempPort;
return -2;
strcat(ps->headr, "->");
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(cstr.lowerBuff));
if (ls->_header(tempIP, tempPort, cstr.lowerBuff, ls, ps, redirStrLst, buff) == -1)
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(buff));
if (ls->_header(tempIP, tempPort, buff, ls, ps, redirStrLst, buff) == -1)
ps->flag = -1;
strcpy(ps->headr, "[IGNR_ADDR]");
strcpy(ps->path, tempPath);
strcpy(ps->path, tempPath);
return -1;
ps->port = tempPort;
if(strlen(cstr.lowerBuff) < 1)
ps->flag = 3;
ls->flag = 3;
else if(cstr.overflow == true)
ls->flag = 0;
ps->flag = 0;
// if(strlen(buff) < 1)
// {
// ps->flag = 3;
// ls->flag = 3;
// }
// else if(cstr.overflow == true)
// {
// ls->flag = 0;
// ps->flag = 0;
// };
delete []cstr.lowerBuff;
@ -2328,42 +2267,23 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
return -2;
else if(strlen(str) > 2)
strcpy(tempPath, str);
strcpy(mes, rbuff1);
if(tempPath[0] != '/') strcat(mes, "/");
strcat(mes, tempPath);
strcat(mes, rbuff2);
strcat(mes, ip);
if(tempPort != 80){
strcat(mes, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", tempPort);
strcat(mes, tbuff);
if(strlen(cookie) != 0)
std::unique_ptr<char[]> nip(new char[strlen(ip) + strlen(str) + 1]);
sprintf(nip.get(), "%s%s", ip, str);
std::string buffer;
int cSz = Connector::nConnect(nip.get(), port, &buffer);
if(cSz > -1)
strcat(mes, rbuff3);
strcat(mes, cookie);
strcat(mes, rbuff4);
conSTR cstr;
cstr.size = 0;
cstr.lowerBuff = NULL;
if(con._EstablishConnection(ip, port, mes, &cstr) != -1)
strncpy(buff, cstr.lowerBuff, (cstr.size < 65535 ? cstr.size : 65535));
strcpy(ps->codepage, GetCodePage(cstr.lowerBuff));
strncpy(buff, buffer.c_str(), (cSz < 65535 ? cSz : 65535));
strcpy(ps->codepage, GetCodePage(buff));
ls->flag = ContentFilter(cstr.lowerBuff, port, ip, ps->codepage);
ls->flag = ContentFilter(buff, port, ip, ps->codepage);
ps->flag = ls->flag;
if(ls->flag == -1)
ps->flag = -1;
strcpy(ps->headr, "[IGNR_ADDR]");
strcpy(ps->path, tempPath);
delete []cstr.lowerBuff;
strcpy(ps->path, tempPath);
return -1;
@ -2371,39 +2291,37 @@ int redirectReconnect(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *str, Lexems *ls, P
if(ls->flag >= 17 || ls->flag == 11 || ls->flag == 12
|| ls->flag == 13 || ls->flag == 14 || ls->flag == 1 || ls->flag == 10)
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(cstr.lowerBuff));
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(buff));
ps->flag = ls->flag;
strcpy(ps->path, tempPath);
delete []cstr.lowerBuff;
strcpy(ps->path, tempPath);
ps->port = port;
strcpy(ps->ip, ip);
return -2;
if(ls->flag == 6)
ps->flag = ls->flag;
ps->port = tempPort;
return -2;
if(ls->flag == 6)
ps->flag = ls->flag;
ps->port = tempPort;
return -2;
strcat(ps->headr, " -> ");
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(cstr.lowerBuff));
ls->_header(ip, port, cstr.lowerBuff, ls, ps, redirStrLst, buff);
strcat(ps->headr, GetTitle(buff));
ls->_header(ip, port, buff, ls, ps, redirStrLst, buff);
ps->port = tempPort;
if(strlen(cstr.lowerBuff) < 1)
ps->flag = 3;
ls->flag = 3;
else if(cstr.overflow == true)
ls->flag = 0;
ps->flag = 0;
delete []cstr.lowerBuff;
// if(strlen(buff) < 1)
// {
// ps->flag = 3;
// ls->flag = 3;
// }
// else if(cstr.overflow == true)
// {
// ls->flag = 0;
// ps->flag = 0;
// };
@ -158,5 +158,5 @@ class Connector_old
extern lopaStr _IPCameraBLobby(char *ip, int port, char *SPEC);
extern lopaStr _BALobby(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *path, char *method, char *data = NULL);
extern lopaStr _BALobby(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *path, char *method);
extern lopaStr _FTPLobby(char *ip, int port, PathStr *ps);
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
void MSGCheckerThread::doEmitionShowNewMsg(QString str)
emit mct->showNewMsg(str);
void _getNewMsg()
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ SOURCES +=\
STh.cpp \
vercheckerthread.cpp \
finder.cpp \
Utils.cpp \
WebformWorker.cpp \
Connector.cpp \
connector_old.cpp \
HEADERS += ActivityDrawerTh_HorNet.h \
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ int ver = 100*(100*(date.year()%100) + date.month()) + date.day();
#define WIDGET_WIDTH 500
//#define IRC_CHAN "iskopasi_lab01"
bool utfIRCFlag = true;
bool HTMLDebugMode = false;
bool code160 = false;
@ -74,6 +76,8 @@ char trcProxy[128] = {0};
char trcSrv[256] = {0};
char trcScr[256] = {0};
char trcPersKey[32] = {0};
char gProxyIP[64] = {0};
char gProxyPort[8] = {0};
@ -738,37 +742,39 @@ void nesca_3::slotAddLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
void nesca_3::slotAddPolyLine()
double uu = 0.0;
QPainterPath path;
if(vect.size() > 0)
for(int i = 1; i < vect.size(); ++i)
QGraphicsPathItem* itm = new QGraphicsPathItem(path);
int vSz = sceneGraph->items().size();
for(int i = 0; i < vSz; ++i)
QPainterPath path;
if(vect.size() > 0)
sceneGraph->items()[i]->setY(u+i + 1);
sceneGraph->items()[i]->setOpacity(1 - uu);
for(int i = 1; i < vect.size(); ++i)
QGraphicsPathItem* itm = new QGraphicsPathItem(path);
if(vSz == 50)
double uu = 0.0;
int vSz = sceneGraph->items().count();
for(int i = 0; i < vSz; ++i)
if(u > 10) u = 1;
sceneGraph->items()[i]->setY(u + i + 1);
sceneGraph->items()[i]->setOpacity(0 + uu);
uu += 0.027;
u += 1;
while(sceneGraph->items().count() > 38)
if(u > 10) u = 1;
@ -2977,6 +2983,21 @@ void nesca_3::ConnectEvrthng()
connect ( irc_nmb, SIGNAL(sBlinkMessage()), this, SLOT(slotBlinkMessage()) );
QString loadNescaSetup(char *resStr, char *option) {
char *lex = NULL;
if(strstr(resStr, option) != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, option) + strlen(option);
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
return QString(lex);
} return "";
return "";
void RestoreSession()
FILE *resFile = fopen("restore", "r");
@ -2985,7 +3006,6 @@ void RestoreSession()
if(resFile != NULL)
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("Previous session file found! Restoring...");
while(fgets(resStr, 128, resFile) != NULL)
@ -3087,176 +3107,32 @@ void RestoreSession()
if(strstr(resStr, "[NDBSERVER]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[NDBSERVER]:") + strlen("[NDBSERVER]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[NDBSCRIPT]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[NDBSCRIPT]:") + strlen("[NDBSCRIPT]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[NDBPORT]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[NDBPORT]:") + strlen("[NDBPORT]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[PROXY]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[PROXY]:") + strlen("[PROXY]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[PROXYPORT]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[PROXYPORT]:") + strlen("[PROXYPORT]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[PING]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[PING]:") + strlen("[PING]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
ui->pingingOnOff->setChecked(strcmp(lex, "true") == 0 ? true : false);
else if(strstr(resStr, "[PING_TO]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[PING_TO]:") + strlen("[PING_TO]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[THREAD_DELAY]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[THREAD_DELAY]:") + strlen("[THREAD_DELAY]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[TIMEOUT]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[TIMEOUT]:") + strlen("[TIMEOUT]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[MAXBTHR]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[MAXBTHR]:") + strlen("[MAXBTHR]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[PERSKEY]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[PERSKEY]:") + strlen("[PERSKEY]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[IRCSERVER]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[IRCSERVER]:") + strlen("[IRCSERVER]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[IRCPORT]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[IRCPORT]:") + strlen("[IRCPORT]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[IRCPROXY]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[IRCPROXY]:") + strlen("[IRCPROXY]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[IRCPROXYPORT]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[IRCPROXYPORT]:") + strlen("[IRCPROXYPORT]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
else if(strstr(resStr, "[IRCNICK]:") != NULL)
lex = strstr(resStr, "[IRCNICK]:") + strlen("[IRCNICK]:");
if(strlen(lex) > 1)
lex[strlen(lex) - 1] = '\0';
ui->ircNickBox->setText("ns_" + QString::number(qrand() % 8999 + 1000 ));
if(strstr(resStr, "[NDBSERVER]:") != NULL) ui->lineTrackerSrv->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[NDBSERVER]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[NDBSCRIPT]:") != NULL) ui->lineTrackerScr->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[NDBSCRIPT]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[NDBPORT]:") != NULL) ui->trcSrvPortLine->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[NDBPORT]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[PING]:") != NULL) ui->pingingOnOff->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[PING]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[PING_TO]:") != NULL) ui->PingTO->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[PING_TO]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[THREAD_DELAY]:") != NULL) ui->threadDelayBox->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[THREAD_DELAY]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[TIMEOUT]:") != NULL) {
ui->iptoLine_value->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[TIMEOUT]:"));
ui->iptoLine_value_2->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[TIMEOUT]:"));
ui->iptoLine_value_3->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[TIMEOUT]:"));
if(strstr(resStr, "[MAXBTHR]:") != NULL) ui->maxBrutingThrBox->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[MAXBTHR]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[PERSKEY]:") != NULL) ui->linePersKey->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[PERSKEY]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[IRCSERVER]:") != NULL) ui->ircServerBox->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[IRCSERVER]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[IRCPORT]:") != NULL) ui->serverPortBox->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[IRCPORT]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[IRCPROXY]:") != NULL) ui->ircProxy->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[IRCPROXY]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[IRCPROXYPORT]:") != NULL) ui->ircProxyPort->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[IRCPROXYPORT]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[SYSTEMPROXYIP]:") != NULL) ui->systemProxyIP->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[SYSTEMPROXYIP]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[SYSTEMPROXYPORT]:") != NULL) ui->systemProxyPort->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[SYSTEMPROXYPORT]:").simplified());
if(strstr(resStr, "[IRCNICK]:") != NULL) ui->ircNickBox->setText(loadNescaSetup(resStr, "[IRCNICK]:").simplified());
ZeroMemory(resStr, sizeof(resStr));
stt->doEmitionGreenFoundData("Previous session restored.");
@ -3336,13 +3212,6 @@ void _startMsgCheck()
static size_t WriteCallback(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp)
((std::string*)userp)->append((char*)contents, size * nmemb);
return size * nmemb;
nesca_3::nesca_3(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
setWindowFlags ( Qt::FramelessWindowHint );
@ -3500,8 +3369,6 @@ void nesca_3::saveOptions()
int ci = ui->tabMainWidget->currentIndex();
if(ci == 0)
ZeroMemory(saveStartIP, sizeof(saveStartIP));
@ -3570,6 +3437,10 @@ void nesca_3::saveOptions()
strcpy(ircProxy, ui->ircProxy->text().toLocal8Bit().data());
strcpy(ircProxyPort, ui->ircProxyPort->text().toLocal8Bit().data());
strcpy(ircNick, ui->ircNickBox->text().toLocal8Bit().data());
strncpy(gProxyIP, ui->systemProxyIP->text().toLocal8Bit().data(), 64);
strncpy(gProxyPort, ui->systemProxyPort->text().toLocal8Bit().data(), 8);
void nesca_3::STTTerminate()
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#include <mainResources.h>
extern Ui::nesca_3Class *ui;
extern bool widgetIsHidden, IRCLogToggled, BALogSwitched, blinkFlag, disableBlink, debugFileOK, QOSWait,
extern bool widgetIsHidden, IRCLogToggled, blinkFlag, disableBlink, debugFileOK, QOSWait,
connectedToIRC, ME2ScanFlag, QoSScanFlag, VoiceScanFlag, PieStatFlag, proxyEnabledFlag,
smBit_8, smBit_7, smBit_6, smBit_5, smBit_4, smBit_3, smBit_2, smBit_1, printDelimiter;
extern float QoSStep;
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
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<property name="toolTip">
@ -3912,6 +4019,7 @@ color: rgb(71, 71, 71);</string>
<property name="font">
<property name="toolTip">
@ -3939,6 +4047,7 @@ color: rgb(71, 71, 71);</string>
<property name="font">
<property name="toolTip">
@ -3969,6 +4078,7 @@ color: rgb(71, 71, 71);</string>
<property name="font">
<property name="toolTip">
@ -121,15 +121,15 @@ void SaveErrorLog(char *sender, char *MesSent, char *ReplRecv)
QString GetNSErrorDefinition(char *str, char *elem)
QString GetNSErrorDefinition(const char *str, const char *elem)
char *temp = strstr(str, elem);
const char *temp = strstr(str, elem);
if(temp != NULL)
char definition[128] = {0};
char *firstComma = strstr(temp + strlen(elem) + 1, "\"");
char *lastComma = strstr(firstComma + 1, "\"");
const char *firstComma = strstr(temp + strlen(elem) + 1, "\"");
const char *lastComma = strstr(firstComma + 1, "\"");
int sz = lastComma - firstComma - 1;
@ -351,8 +351,16 @@ void _SaveBackupToFile()
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
sprintf(saveStr, "[MAXBTHR]: %d\n", gMaxBrutingThreads);
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
sprintf(saveStr, "[SYSTEMPROXYIP]: %s\n", gProxyIP);
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
sprintf(saveStr, "[SYSTEMPROXYPORT]: %s\n", gProxyPort);
strcat(saveBuffer, saveStr);
ZeroMemory(saveStr, sizeof(saveStr));
strcpy(saveStr, "[PERSKEY]:");
strcat(saveStr, trcPersKey);
@ -1127,7 +1135,9 @@ void _passLoginFapper()
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("BA: ~" + QString(std::to_string(MaxLogin * MaxPass/gTimeOut/60).c_str()) + "; WF: ~" + QString(std::to_string(MaxWFLogin * MaxWFPass/gTimeOut/60).c_str()) + "; SSH: ~" + QString(std::to_string(MaxSSHPass/gTimeOut/60).c_str()));
stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("BA: ~" + QString(std::to_string(MaxLogin * MaxPass/gTimeOut/60).c_str())
+ "; WF: ~" + QString(std::to_string(MaxWFLogin * MaxWFPass/gTimeOut/60).c_str())
+ "; SSH: ~" + QString(std::to_string(MaxSSHPass/gTimeOut/60).c_str()));
void ReadUTF8(FILE* nFile, char *cp)
@ -2271,7 +2281,7 @@ int _GetDNSFromMask(char *mask, char *saveMask, char *saveMaskEnder)
int startScan(char* args)
OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); /* Load cryptos, et.al. */
SSL_load_error_strings(); /* Bring in and register error messages */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user