I had to go to the official arch linux website and read through the package list to help someone, I, Also, Had to read on an arch linux wiki for the pacman command.
I removed this section
Get the tarball of the latest stable version from:
If you want to download the development code you have to checkout it from the
cvs repository:
(Warning: It is highly probable the development code will not work!)
$ cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@hinezumilabs.org:/home/cvsroot login
$ export CVSROOT=":pserver:anoncvs@hinezumilabs.org:/home/cvsroot"
$ cvs login
then check it out:
$ cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@hinezumilabs.org:/home/cvsroot co netsukuku
$ cvs -z3 co netsukuku
(providing the CVSROOT variable was set in the previous step)
Once you've checked out a copy of the source tree, you can update
your source tree at any time so it is in sync with the latest and
greatest by running the command:
# cvs -z3 update -d -P
Or use github: