I have done a little bit of work trying to resolve some compilation errors, However, I cannot check if there are any compilation errors now because my root partition is full, again. My compiler needs to do something with /tmp so I can only see a portion of the error logs, All of which are warnings up until the no space error.
I will do some more testing and debugging on my other machine, Help is appreciated, Enjoy!
ng console with the bindings in ntkd to receive, process, and respond to command
s! Now, I just need to test stuff, And figure out how to deal with server_opt be
cause that is a type and not just a struct. Anyway, Enjoy!
Anyway! The netsukuku console is almost ready! I just keep getting this weird issue around fgets() not working at all in console(). It causes the program to spam the > symbol. It functions in main()! However, After that, It has a segmentation fault. I've been trying everything I can think of, One thing made it not do a segmentation fault, However! The fgets() inside of console() still didn't work, So, It just spammed endlessly. Anyone who can, Please help! I've been working on this for a while! :/