ntk-resolv - Andns Lookup Resolver

    ntk-resolv [-vnPtrspShbml] host ntk-resolv -H host

    Ntk-resolv is an interface to ANDNA daemon: it performs andns queries
    and displays the answers to stdout. It is able to formule questions for
    objects in Internet and Netsukuku realms. It uses the 'andns protocol'
    to encode his contents, as explained in Netsukuku RFC 006.

    The simplest example is:

            ntk-resolv hname

    With this comand, it asks ANDNA which IP registered the hostname
    'hname'. The default behavior is to perform the query in the Netsukuku

    -v --version
        Print Version, then exit.

    -n --nameserver=host
        Specify the nameserver to use. The default is localhost.

    -P --port=n
        Uses the port <n> of nameserver. Default is 53.

    -t --query-type=snsd --query-type=ptr --qury-type=global --query-type=mx
        Specify the query type . Default is snsd. See the section QUERY

    -r --realm=inet --realm=ntk
        Specify the realm of the query: Internet or Netsukuku. Default is

    -s --service=n[/proto]
        Specify the SNSD service and the relative protocol to search. See
        services(5). The service can be specified in alfanumeric or numeric
        format. The default service and protocol are 0 and tcp. Example:

                ntk-resolv -s domain/udp host
                ntk-resolv -s 53/udp host

        See the section QUERY TYPE, SERVICES AND PROTOCOL for a better

    -S --silent
        With this option, ntk-resolv will be very discrete.

    -b --block-recursion
        Set recursion OFF. If recursion is ON (default), when a SNSD service
        is requested, and the service is specified with a hostname instead
        of an IP, the IP of that hostname will be searched. In the case of a
        success research, the answer will contain the IP of the hostname,
        and NOT the hostname HASH.

    -m --md5-hash
        If this option is set, the hostname specified is interpreted as a
        MD5 hash. This is useful when you want to know a hostname IP, but
        you know only the hash of his name.

    -H --compute-hash
        Compute the hash of specified hostname and print it to stdout.

                ntk-resolv -H hname

        It will print the md5 hash of `hname'. This is useful to debug SNSD
        configurations. In fact, if a query is not recursive, the results
        are hash'ed hostnames: so, it's possible to verify if the ANDNA
        cache is storing the correct hash-value for your SNSD hostnames.

    -l --parsable-output
        Print answers in a synthetic way. The format of output is:

                ~ IP                               (SNSD s=0)
                - hname                            (Inverse)
                - hname prio weight                (SNSD s!=0)
                ~ ip prio weight                   (SNSD s!=0)  
                ~ ip service proto prio weight     (Global)
                - hname service proto prio weight  (Global)

        Note that when an answer contains an IP, the first character is `~';
        if the answer contains a hostname (hash'ed or not) the line begins
        with `-'.

    -h --help
        Prints to stdout a short explanation of ntk-resolv.

    Final note:
        All options that take string arguments could be expressed in a
        shorter way, by specifing univoque abbreviation of argument. So,
        there is the equivalence:

                ntk-resolv -r i = ntk-resolv -r inet

        with the exception of option -s, wich requires a valid service.

        You can formule different kind of queries.

        With a `ptr' query, you specify an IP, and you will have, if exists,
        the hostname that registered that IP.

        With a `snsd' query, you specify a hostname, a service and a
        protocol. If service and protocol are not specified, they are set to
        0, and you will have the IP assigned to the hostname at this moment.
        If you specify a service and a protocol, the answer will contain the
        IP that gives the specified service/protocl for the hostname. See
        the section SNSD, SERVICES AND PROTOCOL to understand better the
        SNSD behavior.

        A global query will return the complete SNSD configuration for a
        hostname. Ie, you will have an answer for each service that hostname

        The `mx' query is equivalent to a snsd query with service 25 and
        proto TCP.

        SNSD Query Type gives a hostname resolution. With SNSD (Scattered
        Name Service Disgregation) ANDNA lets the user to ask for a domain
        and a service. If service is 0, the resolution will show which IP
        registered the hostname. If service is non-0, the resolution will
        show which IP gives specified service for the hostname (considering
        the protocol too). See services(5).

        You can specify a service as expressed in /etc/services. It can be
        expressed also in numeric form. It is also possible to specify the

                "domain", "53", "53/udp", "domain/udp"

        are valid service/proto strings.

        For example, the next commands will retrieve the IP(s) that offers
        web-pages for the hostname "host":

                ntk-resolv -s http/tcp host
                ntk-resolv -s 80/tcp   host
                ntk-resolv -s 80       host
                ntk-resolv -s http     host

        To configure the SNSD delegations, see the SNSD HowTo.

        If the delegation for a service (say http) is not set, the IP
        returned is the IP that registered the hostname. So, if you do not
        want to set SNSD delegations for specific services, the main
        hostname IP will be used and you don't need to do nothing.

        The hope is that every client will build different queries: browsers
        will make queries with service=80 and proto=tcp, mail-clients will
        build queries with service=25 and proto tcp and so on.

        The service is useless if the query realm is Internet.

        The default service is 0: ie, the query will return the IP that
        registered the hostname. Default protocol is tcp. Protocol is
        ignored when service requested is 0.

        Note: service and proto are also ignored when the query type is
        `ip->host` (ptr query type).

        { Don't panic! }

        If you encounter any bug, please report it. Use the online bug track
        system: <>

        or the mailing list: <>

        and explain what the problem is and if possible a way to reproduce

        Subscribe to the netsukuku mailing to get help, be updated on the
        latest news and discuss on its development.

        To subscribe to the list, send a message to:

        We live night and day in IRC, come to see us in: #netsukuku on the
        FreeNode irc server (

        Main authors and maintainers:

        Federico Tomassini <> wrote ntk-resolv and network

        Andrea Lo Pumo aka AlpT <> wrote ANDNA and
        Netsukuku Core.

        Main contributors:

        Andrea Leofreddi <>, Katolaz

        For a complete list read the AUTHORS file or visit:

        ntkd(8), andna(8), services(5)