netsukuku.conf - Netsukuku daemon configuration file


    ntkd(8) loads its options from the command line and from netsukuku.conf.
    The options that are changed infrequently resides in the configuration
    file. The netsukuku.conf file is typically installed at

    The comments starts with a '#'. If an option is commented, ntkd will use
    its default value.

    The character '=' is used to assign a value to an option.

    All the options will be overridden by their command line equivalent.

    ntk_restricted_mode = *bool*
        When set to 1, ntkd will be started in restricted mode to be
        compatible with Internet. In the restricted mode, only IPs of the
        largest private subnet, i.e. 10.x.x.x are chosen.

        Default: *0*

    ntk_restricted_class = *bool*
        When set to 1 the IPs will be chosen from the range (use this option only if you can't
        use the 10.x.x.x class).

        Default: *0*

    All these Internet options requires ntk_restricted_mode set to 1.

    internet_connection = *bool*
        When set to 1, it specifies that this computer has an active
        Internet connection. Note that ntkd will overwrite any default route
        if this option is set to 0 and the shared Internet connections of
        other nodes are used.

        Default: *0*

    internet_gateway = *IP:interface*
        It specifies the default gateway used by *localhost* to reach the
        Internet. This option is necessary only if you don't have the
        default route set when you run ntkd (i.e. you haven't connected
        yet). If this option isn't specified, ntkd will automatically
        retrieve the default Internet gateway from the routing table.
        Example: internet_gateway =

        Default: *(null)*

    internet_download_rate = *Kb*
        This option is required if the internet_connection option has been
        set to 1. It must be set to the download rate of the Internet
        connection in KiloBytes. Example:

                internet_download_rate = 640

        Default: *(null)*

    internet_upload_rate = *Kb*
        This option is required if the internet_connection option has been
        set to 1. It must be set to the upload rate of the Internet
        connection in KiloBytes. Example:

                internet_upload_rate = 30

        Default: *(null)*

    internet_ping_hosts = *host1:host2:host3:...*
        Specifies a list of Internet hostnames which ntkd will ping
        periodically to verify the status of the Internet connection. If all
        the hosts specified aren't reachable, it will assume that the
        Internet connection isn't available anymore. When one them becoms
        pingable, ntkd will enable again the Internet Gateway Search.

                internet_ping_hosts =

        This option hasn't a default value, it must be specified in the
        netsukuku.conf file.

    share_internet = *bool*
        When set to 1, ntkd shares the Internet connection among all the
        other Netsukuku nodes.

        Default: *1*

    shape_internet = *bool*
        Specifies if ntkd will execute the /etc/netsukuku/
        script to activate the traffic shaping of the Internet connection.

        Default: *0*

    use_shared_internet = *bool*
        Specifies if ntkd will load balance the Internet traffic of this
        host using the Inet connections shared by the Netsukuku nodes. When
        set to 0, localhost (this machine) uses only its local Internet
        connection (if any).

        Default: *1*

    disable_andna = *bool*
        When set to 1, ntkd won't load the ANDNA(8) daemon. Note that when
        the ANDNA daemon is disabled, the andna system will not work at all,
        so it will be impossible to resolve, register or update hostnames.

        Default: *0*

    disable_resolvconf = *bool*
        When ntkd starts it modifies /etc/resolv.conf writing in the first
        line "nameserver". The old /etc/resolv.conf is copied in
        /etc/resolv.conf.bak. When the daemon is closed /etc/resolv.conf is
        restored. If you want to disable this set disable_resolvconf to 1.
        If it is disabled you won't be able to resolve hostnames!

        Default: *0*

    Note: in the current ntkd version these limits aren't effective.

    ntk_max_connections = *number*
        How many connection the netsukuku daemons can simultaneusly handle.

        Default: *512*

    ntk_max_accepts_per_host = *number*
        How many simultaneusly connections to the daemons from a single host
        are allowed.

        Default: *16*

    max_accepts_per_host_time = *seconds*
        The wait time necessary for a host to reconnect to the daemons after
        all the ntk_max_accepts_per_host were used.

        Default: *4*

    pid_file = *filename*
        ntkd will save its process id in this file. It is used to check if
        other instances of ntkd are already running. Only one instance is

        Default: */var/run/*

    ntk_ext_map_file = *filename*
    ntk_int_map_file = *filename*
    ntk_bnode_map_file = *filename*
        Specify the paths of the maps saved by the daemon.

        Default: */usr/share/netsukuku/ext_map_file*

        Default: */usr/share/netsukuku/int_map_file*

        Default: */usr/share/netsukuku/bnode_map_file*

    andna_hnames_file = *filename*
        Specify the path of the file which keeps the ANDNA hostnames of the
        local host. These hostnames will be registerd in ANDNA.

        Default: */etc/netsukuku/andna_hostnames*

    snsd_nodes_file = *filename*
        The snsd_nodes_file keeps the list of the SNSD records which will be
        register in ANDNA.

        Default: */etc/netsukuku/snsd_nodes*

    andna_lclkey_file = *filename*
        Specifies the location of the *local keyring* file. In this keyring
        the ANDNA public and secret keys are saved. Handle this file with
        care: without it, you won't be able to update your hostnames, thus
        you'll definitely lose them.

        Default: */usr/share/netsukuku/andna_lcl_keyring*

    andna_cache_file = *filename*
    andna_lcl_file = *filename*
    andna_rhc_file = *filename*
    andna_counter_c_file = *filename*
        Specify the paths of the caches used by the ANDNA daemon.

        Default: */usr/share/netsukuku/andna_cache*

        Default: */usr/share/netsukuku/andna_lcl_cache*

        Default: */usr/share/netsukuku/andna_rh_cache*

        Default: */usr/share/netsukuku/andna_counter_cache*

    ip_masquerade_script = *filename*
        Specifies the path of the IP masquerading script. This script is
        launched by NetsukukuD, at its start, when it shares the Internet
        connection. The script will activate the IP masquerading. The script
        is also used to disable the IP masquerading when ntkd is closed.

        Default: */etc/netsukuku/*

    tc_shaper_script = *filename*
        Specifies the path of the traffic shaping script. This script
        manages the traffic shaping for the upload bandwidth. It is executed
        by ntkd at its start if its relative option has been enabled.

        Default: */etc/netsukuku/*

    Subscribe to the netsukuku mailing to get help, be updated on the latest
    news and discuss on its development.

    To subscribe to the list, send a message to:

    We live night and day in IRC, come to see us in: #netsukuku on the
    FreeNode irc server (

    Main authors and maintainers:

    Andrea Lo Pumo aka AlpT <>

    Main contributors:

    Andrea Leofreddi <>, Katolaz
    <>, Federico Tomassini <>

    For a complete list read the AUTHORS file or visit:

    For more information about Netsukuku visit:

    ntkd(8), ntk-wifi(8), andna(8), iproute2(8), route(8)