/* This file is part of Netsukuku * * This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * Please refer to the GNU Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with * this source code; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "ntk-console.h" #include "console.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include const struct supported_commands { command_t id; const char* command; const char* help; int arguments; } kSupportedCommands[] = { {COMMAND_HELP, "help", "Shows console help", 0}, {COMMAND_UPTIME, "uptime", "Returns the time when ntkd finished the hooking", 0}, {COMMAND_KILL, "kill", "Kills the running instance of netsukuku with SIGINT", 0}, {COMMAND_VERSION, "version", "Shows the running version of the ntk-console, and ntkd.", 0}, {COMMAND_INETCONN, "inet_connected", "Query if Ntkd is connected to the internet", 0}, {COMMAND_CURIFS, "cur_ifs", "Lists all of the interfaces in cur_ifs", 0}, {COMMAND_CURIFSCT, "cur_ifs_n", "Lists the number of interfaces present in `cur_ifs`", 0}, {COMMAND_CURQSPNID, "cur_qspn_id", "The current qspn_id we are processing. It is cur_qspn_id[levels] big", 0}, {COMMAND_CURIP, "cur_ip", "Current IP address", 0}, {COMMAND_CURNODE, "cur_node", "Current node", 0}, {COMMAND_IFS, "ifs", "List all the interfaces in server_opt.ifs", 0}, {COMMAND_IFSCT, "ifs_n", "List the number of interfaces present in server_opt.ifs", 0}, {COMMAND_QUIT, "quit", "Exit the console", 0}, {COMMAND_CONSUPTIME,"console_uptime", "Get the uptime of this console", 0}, }; command_t command_parse(char *request) { if (strlen(request) > CONSOLE_BUFFER_LENGTH) { printf("Error: Command longer than 250 bytes.\n"); return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(kSupportedCommands) / sizeof(kSupportedCommands[0]); i++) { if (strncmp(request, kSupportedCommands[i].command, (int)strlen(request) - 1) == 0) { return kSupportedCommands[i].id; } } printf("Incorrect or unreadable command, Please correct it.\n"); return -1; } static int request_receive(int sock, char message[], int max) { int total = 0; const int bsize = 1024; char buffer[bsize+1]; int read = bsize; message[0] = 0; // initialize for strcat() while(read == bsize) { read = recv(sock, buffer, bsize, 0); if(read < 0) return -1; // error, bail out total += read; if(total > max) return -2; // overflow buffer[read] = 0; strcat(message, buffer); } return total; } /* Sends and receives to ntkd */ void ntkd_request(char *request) { if (sockfd <= 0) { perror("ntkd connection closed unexpectedly!\n"); exit(-1); } int request_length = strlen(request) - 1; request[request_length] = '\0'; printf("request: '%s'\n", request); rc = send(sockfd, request, request_length, 0); if (rc < 0) { perror("send() failed"); exit(-1); } char response[CONSOLE_BUFFER_LENGTH]; request_receive(sockfd, response, CONSOLE_BUFFER_LENGTH); if (rc < 0) { perror("recv() failed"); exit(-1); } printf("Response: %s\n", response); } void opensocket(void) { sockfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) { perror("socket creation failed"); exit(-1); } memset(&serveraddr, 0, sizeof(serveraddr)); serveraddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(serveraddr.sun_path, CONSOLE_SOCKET_PATH); rc = connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr)); if (rc < 0) { perror("connect() failed"); printf("Unable to connect to ntk daemon console.\n"); exit(-1); } printf("ntkd console connection opened successfully.\n"); } void closesocket(void) { const int optVal = 1; const socklen_t optLen = sizeof(optVal); setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*) &optVal, optLen); if (sockfd >= 0) close(sockfd); printf("ntkd console connection closed.\n"); } void console_uptime(void) { int uptime_sec1; int uptime_min1; int uptime_hour1; int uptime_day1; int uptime_month1; int uptime_year1; time(&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); uptime_sec1 = timeinfo->tm_sec; uptime_min1 = timeinfo->tm_min; uptime_hour1 = timeinfo->tm_hour; uptime_day1 = timeinfo->tm_mday; uptime_month1 = timeinfo->tm_mon; uptime_year1 = timeinfo->tm_year; uptime_sec1 -= uptime_sec; uptime_min1 -= uptime_min; uptime_hour1 -= uptime_hour; uptime_day1 -= uptime_day; uptime_month1 -= uptime_month; uptime_year1 -= uptime_year; printf("Total Uptime is: %i Year(s), %i Month(s), %i Day(s), %i Hour(s), %i Minute(s), %i Second(s)\n",uptime_year1, uptime_month1, uptime_day1, uptime_hour1, uptime_min1, uptime_sec1); } static void millisleep(unsigned ms) { usleep(1000 * ms); } void console(char* request) { command_t commandID = command_parse(request); switch (commandID) { case COMMAND_QUIT: closesocket(); exit(0); break; case COMMAND_UPTIME: case COMMAND_INETCONN: case COMMAND_CURIFS: case COMMAND_CURIFSCT: case COMMAND_CURQSPNID: case COMMAND_CURIP: case COMMAND_CURNODE: case COMMAND_IFS: case COMMAND_IFSCT: ntkd_request(request); millisleep(200); break; case COMMAND_VERSION: printf("ntk-console version: %d.%d\n", CONSOLE_VERSION_MAJOR, CONSOLE_VERSION_MINOR); ntkd_request(request); break; case COMMAND_CONSUPTIME: console_uptime(); break; case COMMAND_KILL: closesocket(); system("ntkd -k"); break; case COMMAND_HELP: default: usage(); } } int main(void) { time(&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); uptime_sec = timeinfo->tm_sec; uptime_min = timeinfo->tm_min; uptime_hour = timeinfo->tm_hour; uptime_day = timeinfo->tm_mday; uptime_month = timeinfo->tm_mon; uptime_year = timeinfo->tm_year; opensocket(); printf("This is the Netsukuku Console. Please type 'help' for more information.\n"); for(;;) { char* request = (char*)malloc(CONSOLE_BUFFER_LENGTH); printf("\n> "); fgets(request, 16, stdin); fflush(stdin); console(request); free(request); } closesocket(); return 0; } void usage(void) { printf("Usage:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(kSupportedCommands) / sizeof(kSupportedCommands[0]); i++) { printf(" %16s - %s\n", kSupportedCommands[i].command, kSupportedCommands[i].help); } }