NAME ANDNA - Abnormal Netsukuku Domain Name Anarchy DESCRIPTION ANDNA is the distributed, non hierarchical and decentralised system of hostname management in Netsukuku. It substitutes the DNS. The ANDNA database is scattered inside all the Netsukuku net and in the worst case every node will have to use about some hundreds Kb of memory. In order to join ANDNA it is necessary to be hooked at Netsukuku with the ntkd(8) daemon. For more information about ANDNA visit: USAGE First of all be sure to have the ntkd(8) daemon up and running. HOSTNAME REGISTRATION You can register up to 256 hostnames. Each hostname can be a string of maximum 512 bytes, which contains a newline (\n) only at its end. The hostnames to be registered must be listed, one per line, in the andna_hostnames file, which is by default in /etc/netsukuku/andna_hostnames. The ntkd(8) daemon reads it when it is started and when it receives the SIGHUP signal. So if you've added a hostname while ntkd was running, just do: killall -HUP ntkd All the hostnames, which are already registered by other nodes, are added in the queue, in this way, when the other nodes won't update them, your hostnames will automatically be the first in the queue. An hostname expires after 3 days, if it isn't updated. ntkd automatically updates the registered hostnames, therefore your hostnames will expire only if you aren't present in the Netsukuku for 3 entire days. If you want to know the result of a registration read the ntkd logs. HOSTNAME RESOLUTION The ntkd(8) daemon runs also a DNS wrapper which receives standard DNS queries for hostnames resolution. The hostnames are resolved in ANDNA, then the DNS wrapper will reply to the requester. When the ntkd(8) daemon is started it copies /etc/resolv.conf in /etc/resolv.conf.bak and adds in the first line of /etc/resolv.conf the "nameserver" string. When it is closed it moves back /etc/resolv.conf.bak to /etc/resolv.conf. Use the -R option if you want to disable this behaviour. All the resolved hostnames are kept, until their expiration date, in the "resolved hostnames cache". The entire cache is flushed each time the ntkd(8) daemon receives the SIGALRM signal. That's all. IP RESOLUTION It is possible to know the list of hostnames registered by a node. You have to simply reverse resolve its ip. For example: dig -x This command shows your currently registered hostnames. You can use it to know what hostnames have been already registered. Note the ip. If you use you get only the local hostname written in /etc/hosts. SCATTERED NAME SERVICE DISGREGATION The Scattered Name Service Disgregation is the ANDNA equivalent of the SRV Record of the Internet Domain Name System. For a complete description of the SNSD read the NTK_RFC 0009: SNSD NODE REGISTRATION * Modify the /etc/netsukuku/snsd_nodes file. * Copy the needed public keys * Send a SIGHUP to the NetsukukuD of the register node: SNSD NODE DELETION Not implemented SNSD HNAME RESOLUTION The utility ntk-resolv(8) can be used to resolve SNSD hostnames. Examples: ntk-resolv -s 53/udp host ntk-resolv -s http host SIGNALS When the SIGHUP signal is sent to ntkd(8), the andna_hostnames and snsd_nodes files will be reloaded and it will try to register all the new added hostnames and snsd records. When the SIGALRM signal is sent to ntkd(8), the resolved hostnames cache will be flushed. FILES /etc/netsukuku/andna_hostnames It is the file where the hostnames to be registerd in ANDNA are kept one per line. It's location can be changed by modifying its option in the netsukuku.conf file. /etc/netsukuku/snsd_nodes The snsd_nodes file keeps the list of the SNSD records which will be register in ANDNA. /usr/share/netsukuku/andna_lcl_keyring In this keyring your ANDNA public and secret keys are saved. Handle this file with care: without it, you won't be able to update your hostnames, thus you'll definitely lose them. /usr/share/netsukuku/andna_cache /usr/share/netsukuku/andna_lcl_cache /usr/share/netsukuku/andna_rh_cache /usr/share/netsukuku/andna_counter_cache They are the saved ANDNA caches. Their locations can be changed in netsukuku.conf. BUGS { Don't panic! } If you encounter any bug, please report it. Use the online bug track system: or the mailing list: and explain what the problem is and if possible a way to reproduce it. CONTACTS Subscribe to the netsukuku mailing to get help, be updated on the latest news and discuss on its development. To subscribe to the list, send a message to: We live night and day in IRC, come to see us in: #netsukuku on the FreeNode irc server ( AUTHORS Main authors and maintainers: Andrea Lo Pumo aka AlpT Main contributors: Andrea Leofreddi , Katolaz , Federico Tomassini For a complete list read the AUTHORS file or visit: SEE ALSO For more information about Netsukuku visit: ntkd(8), ntk-wifi(8), iproute2(8), route(8)