import os
import sys
import platform as _platform

#   Command line options and help

opts = Options('build.conf')
opts.AddOptions(('CONF_DIR', """Directory where the Netsukuku configuration files will be installed""",
        ('DATA_DIR', 'Directory to install data files',
        ('MAN_DIR',  'Where the manuals will be installed',
        ('BIN_DIR' , 'Directory to install the binaries',
        ('PID_DIR',  'Specify location of file',
        ('destdir', 'SCons will copy all the files under destdir during installation',
        EnumOption('debug', 'build the debug code', 'no',
            allowed_values=('yes', 'no', '1', '0'), map={},
        EnumOption('static', 'build statically the binaries', 'no',
            allowed_values=('yes', 'no', '1', '0'), map={},
opts.Add('CC', 'The C compiler.')
opts.Add('CXX', 'The C++ compiler.')

env = Environment(options = opts, ENV = os.environ, CCFLAGS = ' -Wall')

env['platform'] = _platform.system().lower();
env["CC"] = os.getenv("CC") or env["CC"]
env["CXX"] = os.getenv("CXX") or env["CXX"]
env["ENV"].update(x for x in os.environ.items() if x[0].startswith("CCC_"))

env.Append(CPPPATH = ['#src'])
env.Append(LIBPATH = ['#src'])
env.Append(CFLAGS = ['-g'])

opts.Save('build.conf', env)

*** Usage
      'scons' to build the ntkd binary,
      'scons debug=yes' to build the debug version.
      'scons install' to install it in the system.

*** General options
""" + opts.GenerateHelpText(env))

print "===================================================="
print "Compiling Netsukuku for " + env['platform']
print "===================================================="


# Main Sources