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2013-09-16 13:53:25 +04:00

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- Close the world, txEn eht nepO -
0. Preface
1. The old wired
2. The Netsukuku wired
2.1 Gandhi
2.2 No name, no identity
2.3 So, WTF is it?
2.4 Other implementations
2.5 The born
3. Netukuku Protocol v7: the seventh son of Ipv7
3.1 #define Npv7
4. Npv7_II: Laser Broadcast
5. Npv7 Hybrid Theory: the final way
5.1 QSPN: Quantum Shortest Path Netsukuku
5.1.1 QSPN screenshot
5.1.2 Continual qspn starters
5.1.3 The Qspn sickness: RequestForRoute
5.1.4 Qspn round
5.2 Npv7_HT Hook & Unhook
5.2.1 Qspn Hook & Unhook
5.3 The truly Gnode^n for n<=INFINITE
5.3.1 Groupnode: one entity
5.3.2 Gnode fusion
6. Broadcast: There can be only one!
6.1 Tracer pkt: one flood, one route
7. ANDNA: Abnormal Netsukuku Domain Name Anarchy
7.1 ANDNA Metalloid elements: registration recipe
7.1.1 ANDNA hook
7.1.2 Don't rob my hostname!
7.1.3 Count again
7.1.4 Registration step by step
7.1.5 Endless rest and rebirth
7.1.6 Hash_gnodes mutation
7.1.7 Yaq: Yet another queue
7.8 Hostname resolution
7.8.1 Distributed cache for hostname resolution
7.8.2 noituloser emantsoh esreveR
7.9 dns wrapper
7.10 Scattered Name Service Disgregation
7.10.1 Service, priority and weight number Service number Priority Weight
7.10.2 SNSD Registration Zero SNSD IP SNSD chain
8. Heavy Load: flood your ass!
9. Spoof the Wired: happy kiddies
10. /dev/Accessibility
11. Internet compatibility
11.1 Private IP classes in restricted mode
11.1.1 Netsukuku private classes
11.1.2 Notes on the restricted mode
11.2 Internet Gateway Search
11.2.1 Multi-gateways Anti loop multi-inet_gw shield
11.2.2 Load sharing
11.2.3 The bad
11.2.5 Traffic shaping
11.2.6 Sharing willingness
11.2.7 See also
12. Implementation: let's code
13. What to do
14. The smoked ones who made Netsukuku
0. Preface
This document and the relative source code are available on:
Future extensions to this document can be found and added here:
1. The old wired
The Internet is a hierarchic network managed by multinational companies and
organizations supported by governments. Each bit of Internet traffic passes
through proprietary backbones and routers.
The Internet Service Providers give the connectivity to all the users, who
are in the lowest rank of this hierarchic pyramid. There is no way to share
the ownership of Internet and people can join the Net only in accordance
with conditions and terms imposed by the Majors.
The Internet represents, today, the means to access information, knowledge
and communication. About 1 billion of people can connect to this great
proprietary network, but the remaining 5 billion of people, which don't have
enough economic resource, are still waiting the multinationals to supply a
service with in their reach.
The Internet was born with the intent of warranting a secure and
unattackable communication between the various nodes of the network, but
now, paradoxally, when an ISP decide to stop to provide its service, entire
nations are immediately cut out of the Internet.
Beside that, Internet is not anonymous: the ISP and the multinationals can
trace back and analyse the traffic of data going through their servers,
without any limits.
The centralised and hierarchical structure of Internet creates, as a
consequence, other identical systems, based on it, i.e. the DNS.
The servers of the Domain Name System are managed by different ISPs, as well
and the domains are literally sold through a similar centralised system.
This kind of structures allows, in a very simple and efficient way, to
physically localise any computers, which are connected to the Internet, in a
very short time and without any particular efforts.
In China, the whole net is constantly watched by several computers filtering
the Internet traffic: a Chinese will never be able to see or came to know
about a site containing some keywords, such as "democracy", censored by
the government. Beside that, he'll never be able to express his own ideas on
the net, e.g. about his government's policy, without risking till the death
Internet was born to satisfy the military needs of security for the
administration of the American defence, not to ensure freedom of
communication and information: in order to communicate each other the
Internet users are obliged to submit themselves to the control and to the
support of big multinationals, whose only aim is to expand their own
As long as all the efforts to bring more freedom, privacy and accessibility
in the Internet face aversions, fears, contrary interests of governments and
private companies, the very alternative solution to this problem is to let
the users migrate toward a distributed, decentralised and fully efficient
net, in which all the users interact at the same level, with no privilege
and no conditioning means, as authentic citizens of a free world wide
2. The Netsukuku wired
Netsukuku is a mesh network or a p2p net system that generates and sustains
itself autonomously. It is designed to handle an unlimited number of nodes
with minimal CPU and memory resources. Thanks to this feature it can be
easily used to build a worldwide distributed, anonymous and not controlled
network, separated from the Internet, without the support of any servers,
ISPs or authority controls.
This net is composed by computers linked physically each other, therefore
it isn't build upon any existing network. Netsukuku builds only the routes
which connects all the computers of the net.
In other words, Netsukuku replaces the level 3 of the model iso/osi with
another routing protocol.
Being Netsukuku a distributed and decentralised net, it is possible to
implement real distributed systems on it, e.g. the Abnormal Netsukuku Domain
Name Anarchy (ANDNA) which will replace the actual hierarchic and
centralized system of DNS.
2.1 Gandhi
Netsukuku is self-managed. It generates itself and can stand alone.
A node hooks to Netsukuku, the net automatically rewrites itself and all the
other nodes known which are the fastest and more efficient routes to
communicate with the new arrived.
The nodes don't have privileges or limitation, when compared with other
nodes, they are part of the net and give their contribution to its expansion
and efficiency.
The more they increase in number the more the net grows and becomes
In Netsukuku there is no any differences among private and public nets and
talking about LAN became meaningless.
It can be neither controlled nor destroyed because it is totally
decentralised and distributed.
The only way to control or demolish Netsukuku is knocking physically down
each single node which is part of it.
2.2 No name, no identity
Inside Netsukuku everyone, in any place, at any moment, can hook immediately
to the net without coming trough any bureaucratic or legal compliance.
Moreover, every elements of the net is extremely dynamic and it's never the
same. The ip address which identify a computer is chosen randomly,
therefore it's impossible to associate it to a particular physical place,
and the routes themselves, been composed by a huge number of node, show the
tendence to have such a high complexity and density to make the trace of a
node a titanic task.
Since there isn't any contract with any organisations, the speed of the data
transfer is uniquely limited by the actual tecnology of the network cards.
2.3 So, WTF is it?
Netsukuku is a mesh network or a p2p net composed by a net protocol for
dynamic routing called Npv7_HT.
Currently there is wide number of protocols and algorithms for the dynamic
routing, but they differ from the Npv7_HT, 'cause they are solely utilized
to create small and medium nets. The routers of Internet are also managed
by different protocols as the OSPF, the RIP, or the BGP, based on different
classical algorithms, able to find out the best path to reach a node in the
These protocols require a very high waste of cpu and memory, this is the
reason why the Internet routers are computers specifically dedicated to
this purpose. It would be impossible to implement one these protocols in
order to create and maintain such a net as Netsukuku is, where every each
node is a router by itself, because the map of all the routes would require
a space, on each pc connected to the net, of about ten Gb.
The Npv7 structures the entire net as a fractal and, in order to calculate
all the needed routes which are necessary to connect a node to all the other
nodes, it makes use of a particular algorithm called
Quantum Shortest Path Netsukuku (QSPN).
A fractal is a mathematical structure which can be compressed up to the
infinite, because inside it, every part itself is composed by the same
fractal. Thus there is a high compression of a structure which can be
infinitely expanded. This means that we need just a few Kb to keep the whole
Netsukuku map.
The map structure of Netsukuku can be also defined more precisely by
calling it a highly clusterised graph of nodes.
On the other hand, the QSPN is a meta-algorithm in the sense that it
doesn't follow any predefined mathematical instructions but exploits the
chance and the chaos, which both don't need any heavy computation.
The QSPN has to be executed on a real (or simulated) network. The nodes have
to send the QSPN packets in order to "execute" it.
For this reason it is not always true that a determinated pkt will be sent
before another one.
2.4 Other implementations
Netsukuku is not restricted solely to the creation of a net of computers, it
is a protocol which implements a mesh net, and alike every net protocol can
be used in all the situations in which it's necessary to connect different
nodes to each other.
Let's take in exam the case of mobile phones. Also the mobile phone net is a
hierarchic and centralised net. Thousands of nodes hook to a same cell,
which will sort the traffic to the other cells and these, finally, will send
the data to the destination-nodes. Well, Netsukuku can be used also by
mobile phones, making pointless the existence of all the mobile
telecommunication companies.
This can be applied to all the systems of communication which are used
2.5 The born
The story of how the idea of Netsukuku was born is quite a long and
complicated story.
During a historical transmission of radio Cybernet at the Hackmeeting 2000,
the idea of Ipv7, nocoder, nocrypt came to life. They were absurd theoric
jokes about a IP protocols, intelligent compiler and crypto programs.
In the far 2003, a crew of crazy freaks continued to expand the concepts of
the Ipv7: a net in which all the packets were sent in broadcasted, compressed
with the zlib7, an algorithm which could compress all the existent Internet
into just 32 byte ( See ).
In Ipv7 the nodes were devoid of an ip address, it was an extremely
decentralised and totally free net. Those people were really happy after the
first draft of the RFC.
One year later, the project was lost in the infinite forks of time, but after
some time, the dust was shaked off the great Ipv7 book.
We started to delineate the idea of the implementation of a pure net. Month
by month the net became more and more refined, and the project became
something concrete.
<<But it has also to support a sort of anti-flood and anti-spoofing>>.
<<Yep! And the main target is to make the routes always different from each
other >>.
<<Yea, yea, and why don't we make found out a way to abolish all the central
Other three months passed by and after many mystical meditations, the
theoretical kernel was ready. The algorithms were defined.
We started to code. The curse of the protocols coders of Pharaon
Mortedelprimogenito invaded the Netsukuku code. The delirium is the right
reward to all those who dare to create protocols of pure nets.
In spite of all, exactly after one year and after fourteen thousand lines of
code, Netsukuku Beta version was ready and immediately presented at the
National Hackmeeting 2005 in Naples. The ANDNA was completed and
In October, the first public version of Netsukuku was released.
By now, in May 2006, the protocol has been greatly improved, and feature
after feature the daemon has reached forty thousand lines of code.
What's left sleeps in our minds and still have to become.
-- --
The Netsukuku Protocol
3. Netsukukuku protocol v7
Netsukuku uses its own protocol, the Npv7 (Netsukuku protocol version 7),
which derives from three different previous versions.
The first one was quite similar to the current dynamic routing protocols:
the network was in fact divided into several groups of nodes, and every
single node had a distinct map of the entire network.
This system, absolutely not optimal, cannot be employed by Netsukuku 'cause
it needs continuous and subsequent updates of the early map, and each update
will bring an overload in the net.
Moreover, each time the map changes, it's necessary to recalculate all the
Future extensions to the Npv7 can be found and added here:
3.1 #define Npv7
The basic definitions used in Netsukuku are:
src_node: Source node. It is the node who send a packet to the dst_node.
dst_node: Destination node. It is the node which receives the packet from
the src_node.
r_node: Remote node, given a node X, it is any other node directly linked to
g_node: Group node, a group of nodes, or a group of a group of nodes, and so
b_node: Border node, a node connected to rnodes of different gnode.
h_node: Hooking node, a node hooking to Netsukuku.
int_map: Internal map. The internal map of the node X contains the
informations about the gnode, which the node X belongs to.
ext_map: External map. The external map contains the informations about the
bmap / bnode_map: Border node map. It's the map which keeps the list of
quadro_group: A node or a groupnode located at any level, disassembled in
its essential parts.
4. Npv7_II: Laser Broadcast
Npv7_II is the second version of the Npv7.
Netsukuku is divided into many smaller groupnodes, which contains up to six
hundred nodes each and every node will solely have an external map.
All the groupnodes are grouped into multi-groupnodes, calle quadro
In order to create a new route and connect to a given dst_node, the
src_node, using the external map, firstly tries to find out the best path to
reach the destination gnode, which the dst_node belongs to.
In this way the founded route is stored in the pkt broadcasted inside the
gnode, which the src_node belongs to.
The border_nodes of the gnode of the src_node receive the pkt and check if
the next gnode, to which the pkt has to be broadcasted, is the proper
neighbor gnode. If the condition is true, the border_nodes broadcast the pkt
to that same neighbor gnode. Otherwise the pkt is dropped.
And so on...
In this way the packet will reach the destination gnode.
When the dst_node receives the pkt it has just to set an inverse route, using
the route already stored in the pkt.
The Npv7_II and its previous version are not utilised, but they are just the
theoretical base of the Npv7_HT, the present version of the Netsukuku
5. Npv7 Hybrid Theory: the final way
From the union of the Npv7 and Npv7_II
Npv7 Hybrid Theory was born from the union of the Npv7 and Npv7_II.
This new version, exploits the advantages of both the internal map and the
laser broadcast and in this way it can overpass their limits.
In Npv7_HT the maximum number of nodes, present in a group node
(MAXGROUPNODE) is equal to 2^8, thus the groupnodes are relatively small.
The main change in Npv7_HT is about its own essence, in fact, it's based on a
algorithm appositely created for Netsukuku, which is called
Quantum Shortest Path Netsukuku, which allows to obtain at once all the
informations related to the complete situation of the gnode, all the best
routes, the reduction of the load of the gnode, an efficient
management of high dynamic gnodes and moreover it's not even necessary to
authenticate each node.
5.1 QSPN: Quantum Shortest Path Netsukuku
In Netsukuku, as well as in Nature, there is no any need of using
mathematical schemes. Does a stream calculate the best route to reach the
sea when it is still at the top of the mountain?
The stream simply flows and its flux will always find its ideal route.
Netsukuku exploits the same chaotic principle. The result of its net
discovery algorithm can be different each time, even if the net hasn't
changed at all. This is because the discovery algorithm is "executed" by the
net itself.
The use of a map, for a protocol of dynamic nets, creates a lot of
troubles, since it has to be continuously updated. The solution is simple: to
avoid totally the use of maps and make every broadcasted request a
tracer_pkt (See 6.1 Tracer pkt).
In this way every node, which will receive the pkt, will known the best
route to reach the src_node and all the nodes which are at the middle of the
route itself, it will record these informations inside its internal map, it
will add its own entry inside the tracer_pkt and will continue to broadcast
the pkt.
The left problem is: in order to obtain all the routes for all the nodes
it's necessary that all the nodes broadcast a tracer_pkt. Currently this
problem doesn't exist at all. In fact, with the tracer_pkt we can obtain
also the routes for the middle-nodes: that means we need a smaller number
of n packets, where n is the number of nodes.
If every time a node receives a tracer_pkt, it sends it back to the
src_node, in this way we are sure that all the nodes can receive all the
possible routes. By using this system we obtain the same result achieved by
making every node send a tracer_pkt.
Those who already know the physic of waves, can easily understand how the
qspn works. If we throw a pebble at a mirror of water, contained in a
basin, circular waves begin to propagate themself from the point of impact.
Each wave generates a child wave that continues to spread and to generate
child waves, as well, which generate children, and so on...
When a wave hits the borders of the basin, it is reflected and goes back to
the start point. The same happens if the wave meets an obstacle.
The qspn_starter is the pebble thrown inside the groupnode and each wave is a
tracer_pkt. Each child wave carries with itself the information of the
parent wave. When the wave arrives at an extreme_node (an obstacle or a dead
road), the qspn_open (the reflected wave) starts.
The QSPN is based on this principle. To begin the tracing of the gnode, any
node sends a qspn_pkt called qspn_close and then this node becomes a
A qspn_pkt is a normal tracer_pkt, but its broadcasting method is lightly
different from the normal one.
Each node, which receives a qspn_close "closes" the link the pkt was
received and sends the pkt to all its other links. All the following
qspn_close pkts, which will arrive to the node, will be sent to all the
links, which have not been already closed.
When the qspn_close is totally diffused, some nodes will have all their
links closed. These nodes will be the extreme_nodes, which will send another
qspn_pkt (called qspn_open) in order to reply. The qspn_open contains all
the information already stored in the last qspn_close receveid. The
extreme_nodes will send the qspn_open to all their links, except the one
from which they have received the last qspn_close and to which they'll send
an empty qspn_open.
The qspn_open is a normal qspn_pkt, so it "opens" all the links in the same
way of the qpsn_close. The nodes, which will have all their links opened
will do absolutely nothing, in this way the end of the qspn_close is
A qspn_open pkt has also a sub_id, a number that identifies, in the internal
map, the extreme node, which has generated the qspn_open pkt itself. The
sub_id, which remains unmodified in all the child qspn_open pkts, generated
from the first packet, is used to manage simultaneusly more qspn_pkts, since
each extreme_node generates one qspn_open and each of them has to be
independent from the others.
Indeed all the nodes, which have only one link, are surely e_nodes (extreme
nodes), in fact, when they receive a qspn_close they are already closed.
A node, after sending a qspn_open, cannot reply anymore to any qspn_pkts that
it is going to receive and so it will send no more qspn_pkts.
The qspn_starter, the node which has triggered the qspn, acts as a normal
node but will not send qspn_opens, since it already sent the very first
qspn_close. Moreover, in order to update its own map, it will use all the
qspn_closes which are going to be received, excepting those which have been
already sent by the qspn_starter and those which already crossed more than
one hop. In this way, even if there is more than one qspn_starter, the
stability is maintained.
The in-depth description of the qspn_starter is in the following paragraph
At the end, the total number of packets, which are sent in broadcast are equal
to the number of e_nodes, exactly 2 per cyclic net segment and 1 per single
non-cyclic segment.
Every time a tracer_pkt goes trough the net, the information about the
crossed routes, which it carries, are stored by all the nodes which receive
the tracer_pkt.
A node will probably receive different routes to reach the same node, but it
will memorize only the best MAXROUTES (10) routes.
The qspn_pkt id, which is stored in the pkt itself, is at the beginning set
as 1 and is incremented by 1 every time a new qspn_pkt is sent by any nodes.
Because of that, all the nodes know the current qspn_pkt id. Each time a
node desires to globally update the internal or external map, it sends a
qspn_close, but only if it hasn't received, in the previous QSPN_WAIT
seconds, another qspn_close yet.
If two nodes send, at the same time, a qspn_close, they will use the same
pkt id 'cause they don't know that another qspn_close, with the same id, was
already sent; in this case the way of working of the qspn doesn't change, in
fact, if the two qspn_pkt were sent from very distant places, the qspn_pkt
will spread more rapidly.
When a node downloads the internal map from another node, it has to restore
the map before making use of it. To do that the node has to just to insert the
r_node, from which it has downloaded the map, to the beginning of all the
routes. If the node downloads the map from more than one rnode, it will have
to compare all the routes and choose the best one. The resulting map will
have all the best routes.
The routes of the internal and external maps will be always copied in the
kernel routing table. In this way, it will not be necessary to create every
time different routes to reach different destination nodes.
5.1.1 QSPN screenshot
/ | \ | \
(E) | \ | (F)
\ | \ | /
Let's recap, then! All the extreme nodes shall send a tracer_pkt, but we
cannot know which are they. In the above picture it's easy to point them
out, because, indeed, they are drawn in a map, but in reality (inside the
Netsukuku code) a topologic map doesn't exist at all, so we cannot know
where a group of nodes begins and where it ends.
This is what will happen, in a theoretical simulation, if the node E sends a
E has sent the first qspn_close of a new qspn_round, so it is now a
Let's consider the case when the node A receives before C the qspn_close.
A closes the link E and sends the pkt to B, C and D.
C receives the pkt, closes the link E and sends it to A and D.
C receives the pkt from A and closes the link.
B e D have received the pkt and close the respective links.
Let's consider the case when B sends the pkt before F.
D, immediately, sends it to F, but at the same time F sends it to D.
D receives the pkt from B, too.
D and F have all the links closed.
They send a qspn_open.
The qspn_open propagates itself in the opposite sense.
The qspn_open ends.
Each node has the routes to reach all the other nodes.
In general, the basic topology of a map for the qspn is a rhomb with the
nodes at the vertexes, then, to have a more complex topology it's possible
to add other rhombs united each other from the vertexes.
5.1.2 Continual qspn starters
If more qspn_starters, which launch a qspn, are contiguous among them, so
the way of working of the qspn is slightly different.
A group of qspn_starter nodes is contiguous when all its nodes are linked to
other nodes, which are qspn_starters, as well. In this scenary the
qspn_starters continue to mutually forward solely the qspn_closes sent by
the qspn_starters; in fact, they acts as normal nodes, but whenever they
receive pkts coming from outside of the contiguous group of qspn_starters,
they follow again their basic instructions. So, if A sends a qspn_close and
B has already sent a qspn_close, as well, when B receives the qspn_close of
A, B forwards it as a normal tracer_pkt with the BCAST_TRACER_STARTERS flag,
which will spread only among the other starters.
The reason why all this happens is that in the contiguous group of nodes,
every single node send a tracer_pkt, therefore, the qspn_pkts are
declassified as normal tracer_pkts.
5.1.3 The Qspn sickness: RequestForRoute
/* To code, and maybe not really necessary */
The only big hole in the qspn is the impossibility of having a vast number
of routes in order to reach the same node. With the qspn we are sure to
obtain just the best routes, but currently qspn can also generate uncountable
routes, all what we need is to let the broadcast working forever, without
interruption. Surely, it's unthinkable to wait for the eternity, that's why
we use the RequestForRoute! The RFR will be used all the time a node gets
connected to another node.
This is what happens:
the node sends to all its rnodes a RFR request for a specific route. This
request contains also the number of sub-requests (total_routes), which the
rnodes have to send to their rnodes. Practically, the node decides how many
routes wants to receive and calculates the number of sub-requests, which its
rnode will send: subrfr=(total_routes-r_node.links)/r_node.links.
After that it sends the rfr request. After having sent the route, used to
reach the dst_node specified inside the rfr_pkt, its rnodes sends, in the
same way, an rfr with the number of total_routes equal to the number of
subrfr. The rnodes of the rnodes will execute the same procedure and will
directly answer to the requester node.
5.1.4 Qspn round
If a node finds a change around itself, e.g. one of its rnodes is dead, or
the rtt, between it and its rnode, has considerably changed, then it will
send a qspn. In order to avoid to continuously generate qspns the node must
firstly verify that QSPN_WAIT_ROUND (60 seconds) has expired. The
QSPN_WAIT_ROUND expires at the same moment for all the nodes belonging to
the same gnode. In order to make the nodes which hook to the gnode
synchronised to the nodes of the gnode itself, the rnodes give to the
hooking nodes the number of seconds passed since the previous qspn, in this
way all the nodes will know when the next deadline will be, i.e. it will be
after (current_time-prev_qspn_round)+QSPN_WAIT_ROUND seconds.
When a qspn_starter sends a new qspn_pkt, it increases by 1 the id of the
If a node receiving a qspn_pkt notices that its id is greater than the
previous already recorded qspn_round id, it means that it has received a new
qspn_round. In this case it will update its local id and its qspn_time (the
variable, which indicates when the last qspn has been received or sent).
For updating the qspn_tim, it has to set it on
current_time - sum_of_the_rtt_contained_in_the_tracer_pkt.
5.2 Npv7_HT Hook & Unhook
In order to make a node join Netsukuku, it has to be hooked to its rnodes.
Hook in Netsukuku doesn't refer to a physical hooking to the net, 'cause we
assume that a node has been already physically linked to other (r)_nodes.
The hooking of a node is the way the node communicate to its nearest rnodes,
if it doesn't receive any answer it will choose another rnode. Practically
during the hooking, the node gains the internal map, the external one, the
border node map and chooses a free ip. Now it is officially a member of the
net, therefore it sends a normal tracer_pkt and its rnodes will send, later,
a qspn.
This is in details what really happens:
The node chooses an ip included in <= x <=,
removes the loopback nets from the routing table and sets as default gateway
the choosen ip.
The step number one is to launch the first radar to see what its rnodes are.
If there are no rnodes, it creates a new gnode and the hooking ends here.
Then it asks to nearest rnode the list of all the available free nodes
(free_nodes) presents inside the gnode of the rnode. If the rnode rejects
the request (the gnode might be full), the node asks for the list of another
It chooses an ip from all the received free_nodes and sets it on the network
interface, modifying the default gw.
The step number two is to ask the external map to the same rnode from which
it obtained the list of free nodes. Using this list it checks if it has to
create a new gnode. If it found it unnecessary it downloads the int_map from
every rnode.
Then, it joins all the received int_map into a unique map, in this way it
knows all the routes. At the end, it gets the bnode_map.
If everything has worked properly, it re-launch a second radar, sends a
simple tracer_pkt and updates its routing table. Fin.
5.2.1 Qspn Hook & Unhook
After having been hooked to a gnode, what the node has to do is to send a
tracer_pkt. In this way all the nodes will already have an exact route to
reach it, so they will update some routes and they will be happy. Then for
what the secondary routes may concern the match will be played at the next
qspn round.
When a node dies or un-hooks itself from Netsukuku, doesn't warn anyone.
When its rnodes notice its death, they will send a new qspn round.
5.3 The truly Gnode^n for n<=INFINITE
In the world there are 6*10^9 people and if we colonize other planets they
will increase to about (6*10^9)^n, where n is a random number > 0.
It is also true that they will extinguish themself with one of the usual
stupid war. Practically, Netsukuku has to manage a HUGE number of nodes and
for this reason, as you already are aware, the gnodes are used.
But they are not enough, 'cause, even using them, it would be still
necessary to have an external and internal map of 300Mb. How can the problem
be solved then?
The gnodes are divided in further groups, which doesn't contain normal nodes
but, on the contrary, whole gnodes. The contained gnodes are considered as
single nodes... Continuing recursively with groups of groups, Netsukuku can
contain about an infinite number of nodes with a small effort.
The way of working of all the Netsukuku system remains unchanged.
In order to implement the fractal gnodes we use more than one extern map,
which will contain information about these groups of groups. A "group of
group" is still called "groupnode".
Every map of groupnodes belong to a specific level, thus the basic
groupnode, which includes the single nodes, is in level 0. The map of
the first groupnodes of groupnodes of nodes is located in level 1 and the map
of the groupnodes of groupnodes of groupnoes is in the second level, and so
A node, in order to reach any other node it must only have its internal map,
which is the map of level 0 and all the maps of all the upper levels where
it belongs to.
With simple calculations, it's easy to know that to use all the IPs of the
ipv4, the total number of levels is 3 (considering a group composed by
MAXGROUPNODE of members). In the ipv6, instead, there are a huge number of
IPs, therefore the number of levels if 16. A simple estimation tells us
that, in the ipv4, all the maps needs 144K of memory, while in the ipv6
1996K are required.
As usual, the QSPN is utilised to find all the routes, which connects the
groupnodes. The QSPN will be restricted and started in each level, in this
way, for example, it will find all the routes which links the gnodes
belonging to the second level.
The use of the levels isn't so complicated, just think about the way of
working of the internal map, then apply it recursively to the external maps.
Just consider every groupnode a single node.
In order to use a route to reach a gnode, we store in the routing table
range of ips (i.e. from ip x to ip y), instead of a single ip. In this way,
the total number of routes necessary to reach all the nodes of Netsukuku is
about is about MAXGROUPNODE*(levels+1). Let's take in exam the case of the
ipv4 which has 3 levels. First of all, a node must have all the routes to
reach every node of its groupnode at level 0, thus we have MAXGROUPNODE
routes, then we have to add all the routes to reach the groupnodes of its
upper level, so we add other MAXGROUPNODE routes. Continuing we arrive at
the last level and we finally have MAXGROUPNODE*(3+1) routes. In the end we
have 1024 routes for the ipv4 and 4352 for the ipv6. All of them are kept in
the routing table of the kernel.
5.3.1 Groupnode: one entity
The real QSPN of groupnodes changes a bit.
The difference between a groupnode and a single node is subtle: the node is
a single entity, which maintains its links directly by itself, the
groupnode, instead, is a node composed by more nodes and its links are
managed by other nodes, which are the border nodes.
In order to transform the gnode in a single entity the bnodes of the
gnode have to communicate each other. When a bnode receives a qspn_close
from another gnode, it closes its links, then it will communicate to the
other bnode of the same gnode when all its links to the external gnodes are
closed. The other bnodes, of that gnode, will do the same. In this way, the
qspn_open will be sent only when _all_ the bnodes have all their external
links closed.
The situation changes again when we consider gnode of high level, because
the bnode aren't anymore a single node but a complete gnode. The procedure
remains the same: the bnode-gnode is formed by all its internal bnodes.
How is possible for the bnode to communicate each other?
Obviously they talk passively: when a bnode closes all its external links,
having received a qspn_close, it sets in the tracer_pkt, which is going to be
forwarded, the BNODE_CLOSED flag, in this way all the other bnodes, noticing
that flag, will increment their counter of closed bnodes. When the number of
closed bnodes is equal to the that of the total bnodes, which are in the same
gnode, then the bnodes will send the qspn_open.
One last trick: when a bnode receives a qspn_close sent from a bnode of its
same gnode, then, it considers itself a QSPN_STARTER and forwards the
tracer_pkt without adding its entry, that's because the gnode has to appear
as a single node. Moreover, the bnodes close and open only the external
links, which connect them to the bnodes of the bording gnodes.
All this strategy is also valid for the qspn_open.
5.3.2 Gnode fusion
When a node creates a new group_node, it will chose it completely randomly,
using a random ip. If two gnode, originally isolated, unfortunately have the
same groupnode id, (and also the same range of IPs), one of them must
change, that means to change the IPs of all the nodes of the gnode.
The solution is described in the NTK_RFC 0001:
6. Broadcast: There can be only one!
The broadcasted packet, generally, are not sent to being forwarded forever
in Netsukuku ;). Each node keeps a cache with MAXGROUPNODE members, which is
stored in the internal map. Each member is associated to a node of the
gnode and it contains the pkt_id of the last pkt broadcasted from that node
When a broadcast pkt is received by a node, first of all, it is analysed:
if the pkt_id is less or equal to that memorised in the cache, it will be
dropped, because it is surely an old pkt.
It's useless to say that the pkt_id of the broadcast pkt being sent are
incremented by one each time. If the pkt passes the test, the node executes
the action requested by it and forwards it to all its rnode, excluding the
one from which it has received the pkt.
The number of hops the broadcast pkt has to cross can also be choosen with
the ttl (time to live) of the pkt.
6.1 Tracer pkt: one flood, one route
The tracer_pkt is just the way to find the best route using the broadcast.
If the broadcasted pkt uses the "tracer_pkt" flag, then each crossed node
will append in the pkt its ip. In this way the entire route crossed by the
pkt is memorised in the pkt itself. The first pkt, which will arrive at
destination, will be surely the pkt which has passed through the best route,
therefore the dst_node will set the memorised route and it connects to the
The first tracer_pkt has also another subtle benefit, in fact, the
tracer_pkt carries the route to reach all the nodes which are part of the
memorised route. That is because, if the pkt has really gone through the
best route it has also crossed _all_ the best routes for the middle hops.
The conclusion is that a tracer_pkt can memorise the best route to reach the
src_node, and thus all the routes to reach all the middle nodes, which have
been crossed.
The border_node, in order to append their ip in a tracer_pkt, set the
"b_node" flag and adds the id of the bording gnode, but only if that gnode
belongs to a level higher than the one where the tracer_pkt is spreading.
In order to optimise the utilised space in a tracer_pkt, the IPs of the
nodes are stored in the IP2MAP format, which is equivalent to the IDs of the
nodes in the gnode of level 0. With this format only a u_char (one byte) is
required, instead of 20.
7. ANDNA: Abnormal Netsukuku Domain Name Anarchy
ANDNA is the distributed, non hierarchical and decentralised system of
hostname management in Netsukuku. It substitutes the DNS.
The ANDNA database is scattered inside all the Netsukuku and the worst of
cases every node will have to use about 355 Kb of memory.
ANDNA works basically in the following way:
in order to resolve a hostname we just have to calculate its hash.
The hash is nothing more than a number and we consider this number as an ip
and the node related to that ip is called andna_hash_node.
Practically the hash_node will keep a small database, which associates all
the hostnames related to it with the ip of the node, which has registered
the same hostnames.
Node X
hash( hostname: "andna.acus" ) ==
Node Y
{ [ Andna database of the node Y ] }
{hash_11.22.33.44 --->}
The revocation requests don't exist, the hostname is automagically deleted
when it isn't updated.
7.1 ANDNA Metalloid elements: registration recipe
It is very probable that the hash_node doesn't exist at all in the net,
'cause it can be one ip among the available 2^32 ips, and even if it is up,
it can also die soon and exist from the net. The adopted solution to this
ugly problem is to let the hostnames be kept by whole gnodes, in this way
the working of the ANDNA and a minum of hostnames backup is warranted.
The gnodes related to the hash of the hostname is the hash_gnode. Inside the
hash_gnode there is the hash_node too.
Since even the hash_gnodes cannot exist, a approximation strategy is
utilised: the nearest gnode to the hash_gnode is the rounded_hash_gnode and
it is consider as a normal hash_gnode. For example, if the hash_gnode is the
210, the nearest gnode to it will be the 211 or the 209. Generally, when we
are referring to the gnode, which has accepted a registration, there is no
difference between the two kind of gnodes, they are always called
There are also gnodes, which backup the hash_gnode when it dies. A
backup_gnode is always a rounded_gnode, but the number of its nodes, which
backup the data is proportional to the total number of its nodes (seeds):
if(seeds > 8) { backup_nodes = (seeds * 32) / MAXGROUPNODE ); }
else { backup_nodes = seeds; }
The maximum number of backup_gnodes per hostname is about
7.1.1 ANDNA hook
When a node hooks to Netsukuku becoming automatically part of a ash_gnode,
it will also wonder about hooking to ANDNA through the andna_hook.
With the andna_hook it will get from its rnodes all the caches and
databases, which are already inside the nodes of that gnode.
Obviously it is first necesarry the hooking of the node to Netsukuku.
7.1.2 Don't rob my hostname!
Before making a request to ANDNA, a node generates a couple of RSA keys,
i.e. a public one (pub_key) and a private (priv_key). The size of the
pub_key will be limitated due to reasons of space.
The request of a ostname made to ANDNA will be signed with the private key
and in the same request the public key will be attached.
In this way, the node will be able to certify the true identity of its
future requests.
7.1.3 Count again
The maximum number of hostnames, which can be registered is 256, in order to
prevent the massive registration of hostnames, formed by common keyword, by
The problem in ANDNA is to count. The system is completely distributed,
therefore is cannot know how many hostnames a node has registered. However a
there is a solution: a new element will be added, the andna_counter_node.
A counter_node is a node with an ip equal to the hash of the public key of
the node, which registers its hostnames, in this way there is always a
counter_node for each register_node.
The counter_node keeps the number of hostnames registered by the
register_node related to it.
When a hash_gnode receives a registration request, it contacts the relative
counter_node, which reply by telling how many hostnames have been registered
by the register_node. If the register_node has not exceeded its limit, the
counter_node will increments its counter and the hash_gnode finally register
the hostname.
A counter_node is activated by the check request the hash_gnode sends. The
register_node has to keep the counter_node active following the same rules
of the hibernation (see the chapter below). Practically, if the counter_node
receives no more chech requests, it will deactivate itself, and all the
registered hostnames become invalid and cannot be updated anymore.
The same hack of the hash_gnode is used for the counter_node: there will be
a whole gnode of counter_nodes, which is called, indeed, counter_gnode.
7.1.4 Registration step by step
Let's see the hostname registration step by step:
The node x, which wants to register its hostname, finds the nearest gnode to
the hash_gnode, contacts a random node belonging to that gnode (say the node
y) and sends it the request.
The request includes a public key of its key pair. which is valid for all
the future requests. The pkt is also signed with its private key.
The node y verifies to be effectively the nearest gnode to the hash_gnode,
on the contrary it rejects the request. The signature validity is also
checked. The node y contacts the counter_gnode and sends to it the ip, the
hostname to be registered and a copy of the registration request itself.
The counter_gnode checks the data and gives its ok.
The node y, after the affermative reply, accepts the registration request
and adds the entry in its database, storing the date of registration.
Finally it forwards in broadcast, inside the its gnode, the request.
The other nodes of the hash_gnode, which receive the forwarded request, will
check its validity and store the entry in their db.
At this point the node x sends the request to the backup_gnodes with the
same procedure.
7.1.5 Endless rest and rebirth
The hash_gnode keeps the hostname in an hibernated state for about 3 days
since the moment of their registration or update.
The expiration time is very long to stabilise the domains. In this way, even
if someone attacks a node to steal its domain, it will have to wait 3 days
to fully have it.
When the expiration time runs out, all the expired hostnames are deleted and
substituted with the other in queue.
A node has to send an update request for each of its hostnames, each time it
changes ip and before the hibernation time expires, in this way it's
hostname won't be deleted.
The packet of the update request has an id, which is equal to the number of
updates already sent. The pkt is also signed with the private key of the
node to warrant the true identity of the request.
The pkt is sent to any node of the hash_gnode, which will send a copy of the
request to the counter_gnode, in order to verify if it is still active and
that the entry related to the hostname being updated exists. On the
contrary, the update request is rejected.
If all it's ok, the node of the hash_gnode broadcasts the update request
inside its gnode.
The register_node has to send the update request to the backup_gnodes too.
If the update request is sent too early it will be considered invalid and
will be ignored.
7.1.6 Hash_gnodes mutation
If a generical rounded_gnode is overpassed by a new gnode, which is nearer
to the hash_gnode, it will exchange its rule with that of the second one,
and so the old rounded_gnode is transformed into the new one.
This transition takes place passively: when the register_node will update
its hostname, will directly contact the new rounded_gnode and since the
hostname stored inside the old rounded_gnode is not up to date, they'll be
In the while, when the hostname has not been updated, all the nodes trying
to resolve it, will find the new rounded_gnode as the gnode nearest to the
hash_gnode and so they'll send the requests to the new gnode.
Since the new rounded_gnode doesn't have the database yet, it will ask to
the old hash_gnode to let it get its andna_cache related to the hostname to
resolve. Once it receives the cache, it will answer the node and in the
while it will broadcast, inside its gnode, the just obtained andna_cache.
In this way, the registration of that hostname is automatically transfered
into the new gnode.
In order to avoid a node to take the hostname away from the legitimate owner
before the starting of the transfer, all the nodes of the new hash_gnode,
will double check a registration request. In this way, they will come to
know if that hostname already exists. In case of positive response, they
will start the transfer of the andna_cache and they'll add the node asking
for the hname registration in queue.
7.1.7 Yaq: Yet another queue
Every node is free to choose any hostname, even if the hostname has been
already chosen by another node.
The node sends a request to the gnode which will keep the hostname, the
request is accepted and it is added in the queue, which can have a maximum
of MAX_ANDNA_QUEUE (5) elements.
The node is associated to the registered hostname and the date of the request
is memorized by the hash_node.
When the hostname on top of the queue expires, it will be automatically
substituted by the second hostname, and so on.
A node which wants to resolve the hostname can also request the list of the
nodes stored in the andna_queue. In this way, if the first node is
unreacheble, it will try to contact the other ones.
7.8 Hostname resolution
In order to resolve a hostname the X node has to simply find the hash_gnode
related to the hostname itself and randomly send to any node of that gnode
the resolution request.
7.8.1 Distributed cache for hostname resolution
In order to optimise the resolution of a hostname, a simple strategy is
used: a node, each time it resolves a hostname, stores the result in a
cache. For each next resolution of the same hostname, the node has already
the result in its cache. Since in the resolution packet is written the last
time when the hostname has been registered or updated, an entry in the cache
expires exactly when that hostname is not valid anymore in ANDNA and has to
be updated.
The resolved_hnames cache is readable by any node.
A node X, exploiting this feature, can ask to any bnode Y randomly choosen
insied its same gnode to resolve for itself the given hostname.
The bnode Y, will search in its resoved cache the hostname and on negative
result the bnode will resolve it in the standard way, sending the result to
the node X.
These tricks avoid the overload of the hash_gnodes, which keep very famous
7.8.2 noituloser emantsoh esreveR
If a node wants to know all the related hostnames associated to an ip, it
will directly contact the node which possides that ip.
7.9 dns wrapper
The work of a DNS requests wrapper will be to send to the ANDNA daemon the
hostnames to resolve and to return the IPs associated to them.
Thanks to the wrapper it will be possible to use the ANDNA without modifying
any preexistent programs: it will be enough to use its own computer as a dns
See the ANDNS RFC:
the andna manual:
7.10 Scattered Name Service Disgregation
The updated "SNSD" can be found here:
The Scattered Name Service Disgregation is the ANDNA equivalent of the
SRV Record of the Internet Domain Name System, which is defined here:
For a brief explanation you can read:
SNSD isn't the same of the "SRV Record", in fact, it has its own unique
With the SNSD it is possible to associate IPs and hostnames to another
Each assigned record has a service number, in this way the IPs and hostnames
which have the same service number are grouped in an array.
In the resolution request the client will specify the service number too,
therefore it will get the record of the specified service number which is
associated to the hostname. Example:
The node X has registered the hostname "angelica".
The default IP of "angelica" is
X associates the "depausceve" hostname to the `http' service number (80) of
X associates the "" IP to the `ftp' service number (21) of
When the node Y resolves normally "angelica", it gets, but when
its web browser tries to resolve it, it asks for the record associated to
the `http' service, therefore the resolution will return "depausceve".
The browser will resolve "depausceve" and will finally contact the server.
When the ftp client of Y will try to resolve "angelica", it will get the
"" IP.
The node associated to a SNSD record is called "SNSD node". In this example
"depausceve" and are SNSD nodes.
The node which registers the records and keeps the registration of the main
hostname is always called "register node", but it can also be named "Zero SNSD
node", in fact, it corresponds to the most general SNSD record: the service
number 0.
Note that with the SNSD, the NTK_RFC 0004 will be completely deprecated.
7.10.1 Service, priority and weight number Service number
The service number specifies the scope of a SNSD record. The IP associated to
the service number `x' will be returned only to a resolution request which has
the same service number.
A service number is the port number of a specific service. The port of the
service can be retrieved from /etc/services.
The service number 0 corresponds to a normal ANDNA record. The relative IP
will be returned to a general resolution request. Priority
The SNSD record has also a priority number. This number specifies the priority
of the record inside its service array.
The client will contact first the SNSD nodes which have the higher priority,
and only if they are unreachable, it will try to contact the other nodes
which have a lower priority. Weight
The weight number, associated to each SNSD record, is used when there are
more than one records which have the same priority number.
In this case, this is how the client chooses which record using to contact
the servers:
The client asks ANDNA the resolution request and it gets, for example, 8
different records.
The first record which will be used by the client is chosen in a pseudo-random
manner: each record has a probability to be picked, which is proportional to its
weight number, therefore the records with the heavier weight are more likely to
be picked.
Note that if the records have the same priority, then the choice is completely
It is also possible to use a weight equal to zero to disable a record.
The weight number has to be less than 128.
7.10.2 SNSD Registration
The registration method of a SNSD record is similar to that described in the
NTK_RFC 0004.
It is possible to associate up to 16 records to a single hostname.
The maximum number of total records which can be registered is 256.
The registration of the SNSD records is performed by the same register_node.
The hash_node which receives the registration won't contact the counter_node,
because the hostname is already registered and it doesn't need to verify
anything about it. It has only to check the validity of the signature.
The register node can also choose to use an optional SNSD feature to be sure
that a SNSD hostname is always associated to its trusted machine. In this
case, the register_node needs the ANDNA pubkey of the SNSD node to send a
periodical challenge to the node.
If the node fails to reply, the register_node will send to ANDNA a delete
request for the relative SNSD record.
The registration of SNSD records of hostnames which are only queued in the
andna_queue is discarded.
Practically, the steps necessary to register a SNSD record are:
* Modify the /etc/netsukuku/snsd_nodes file.
register_node# cd /etc/netsukuku/
register_node# cat snsd_nodes
# SNSD nodes file
# The format is:
# hostname:snsd_hostname:service:priority:weight[:pub_key_file]
# or
# hostname:snsd_ip:service:priority:weight[:pub_key_file]
# The `pub_key_file' parameter is optional. If you specify it, NetsukukuD will
# check periodically `snsd_hostname' and it will verify if it is always the
# same machine. If it isn't, the relative snsd will be deleted.
register_node# scp frenzu:/usr/share/andna_lcl_keyring snsd/frenzu.pubk
* Send a SIGHUP to the NetsukukuD of the register node:
register_node# killall -HUP ntkd
# or, alternatively
register_node# rc.ntk reload
}}} Zero SNSD IP
The main IP associated to a normal hostname has these default values:
IP = register_node IP # This value can't be changed
service = 0
priority = 16
weight = 1
It is possible to associate other SNSD records in the service 0, but it isn't
allowed to change the main IP. The main IP can only be the IP of the
Although it isn't possible to set a different association for the main IP, it
can be disabled by setting its weight number to 0.
The string used to change the priority and weight value of the main IP is:
# For example:
register_node# echo depausceve:depausceve:0:23:12 >> /etc/netsukuku/snsd_nodes
}}} SNSD chain
Since it is possible to assign different aliases and backup IPs to the zero
record, there is the possibility to create a SNSD chain.
For example:
depausceve registers: depausceve:80 --> pippo
pippo registers: pippo:0 --> frenzu
frenzu registers: frenzu:0 --> angelica
However the SNSD chains are ignored, only the first resolution is considered
valid. Since in the zero service there's always the main IP, the resolution is
always performed.
In this case ("depausceve:80 --> pippo:0") the resolution will return the main
IP of "pippo:0".
The reply to a resolution request of service zero, returns always IPs and not
8. Heavy Load: flood your ass!
The routes set by Netsukuku are created with the nexthop support, which
allows a node to reach another node using more than one route simultaneusly
(multipath), warranting a balanced sorting of the pkts traffic.
The anti-flood shield is a consequence of this multipath routes system, in
fact, also when a node is bombed by a continuous and consistent flux of
data, it receives that flux subdivided into different routes and links,
therefore it is always be able to communicate with other nodes.
9. Spoof the Wired: happy kiddies
If a node hooks Netsukuku spoofing an ip, it will obtain nothing simply
because no nodes will know how to reach it, as the exact route to reach the
true node is already known.
Moreover, the rnodes will not allow a hooking an ip which was already
present inside the maps.
10. /dev/accessibility
The best medium to make the nodes linked each other is, obviously, the wifi,
but any kind of links, which connects two nodes can be used for the same
The mobile phones are a great device, where Netsukuku can run.
Some of the newest models use Linux as kernel.
11. Internet compatibility
Netsukuku cannot instantaneusly spread and it's impossibile to imagine to
move from the Internet to Netsukuku immediately.
Currently, during its early phase of diffusion, we need to make it compatible
with the old Internet and the only way is to temporarily limitate the
growing of Netsukuku.
A node which uses Netsukuku cannot enter inside the Internet because when
ntkd is launched, it can take any random ip and there's an high probability
of a collision with an IP address of the Internet. For example it can take
the IP, but that, in the Internet, is the IP of
In order to keep the compatibility with the Internet, Netsukuku has to be
restricted to a subclass of ip, so that it doesn't interfere with the
normal default classes of the Internet.
We use the private A class of ip for the ipv4 and the Site-Local class for
the ipv6.
The passage from the restricted Netsukuku to the complete one is easy:
at the same moment the user decides to abandon the Internet, he will
restart NetsukukuD without any options of restriction.
Obviously all the other private classes are not influenced, to let the user
create a LAN with just one gw/node Netsukuku.
11.1 Private IP classes in restricted mode
The updated "Restricted IP classes" can be found here:
The user can decide to use, in restricted mode, a different private IP
class from the default one ( 10.x.x.x ). This is useful if the 10.x.x.x class
cannot be used, for example in Russia, it is very popular to provide Internet
access through big LANs which use the 10.x.x.x class.
The other available classes are: - = 16*2^16 = 1048576 IPs - = 2^16 = 65536 IPs
The 192.168.x.x class cannot be used as an alternate restricted mode IP class
because it is the default Netsukuku private class, thus the only alternative
to 10.x.x.x is the " -" IP class.
However it is adviced to always use the default class.
11.1.1 Netsukuku private classes
It necessary to provide at least one private IP class inside Netsukuku to
allow the creation of private LANs which are connected to Netsukuku with just
one node.
The default Netsukuku private class is 192.168.x.x.
The random IPs choosen by the nodes will be never one of that class.
The default private class is valid both in normal and restricted mode.
Only in normal mode the " -" class becomes private.
This class is assigned to very large private networks.
The 10.x.x.x class IS NOT private since it is too big and it would be just a
waste of IP addresses to use it as a private class.
Note also that for each Netsukuku node you can have a private network,
therefore with just 16 Netsukuku nodes you can form a private network of
16777216 nodes, which is equivalent to a 10.x.x.x class.
11.1.2 Notes on the restricted mode
A node which runs in restricted mode cannot be compatible with normal mode
nodes, for this reason a restricted node will drop any packets coming from a
normal node.
While in restricted mode the " -" class IS NOT
In restricted mode, when two different networks which use different
private classes (say 10.x.x.x and 192.168.x.x) are linked, nothing happens
and they will not rehook, this is necessary because it's assumed that the
specified private class is the only choice the user can utilize.
This leds to some problems, consider this scenario: <->
In this case the rehook isn't launched, so it is possible that there will be
a lot of collision.
11.2 Internet Gateway Search
The updated "Internet Gateway Search" can be found here:
If the nodes are in restricted mode (compatibility with the Internet), they
should share their Internet connection. This can be easily done, in fact, if
a node X, connected to the Internet, activates the masquerading, it is
possible for the other nodes to connect by setting as the default gateway
their rnode which lead to the node X.
This can be automated by Netsukuku itself and it requires small changes in the
code: it is just necessary that the nodes connected to the Internet set a flag
in the qspn_pkt, in this way the other nodes will know the routes to reach the
11.2.1 Multi-gateways
The situation becomes a little complex when there is more than one node which
shares its internet connection. Let's consider this scenario:
A(gw) B(gw)
\ /
\___ ___/
Ntk nodes (10.x.x.x)
A and B are nodes which shares their internet connection, we call them
gateways. Let's call X the node which wants to connect to an Internet host.
In this case, the nodes near A, might find useful to use A itself to
reach the Internet, the same happens for the nodes near B.
Instead, the nodes in the middle don't know what is the best choice and they
might continuosly change their gw. This means that a tcp connection
(to an inet host), which was established trough A, when is then routed trough
B dies because A and B have different public IPs on the Internet.
The node X has to create an IPIP tunnel to the gateway it wants to use, and
set as default gw the tunnel. In this way, the node X is sure to always use
the same gateway while the routing of the packets between it and the gw is
made transparently by the other Netsukuku nodes. Anti loop multi-inet_gw shield
An inet-gw is a normal node like all the other, therefore it can use the
Internet connections of the other inet-gws in conjunction with its own one.
Consider the previous scenario, A and B are two inet-gw.
A sets in his internet default route the adsl modem and B.
B does the same, but sets A as the second default route.
What would happen if the default route, written in the routing cache of A, is
B and, at the same time, the default route set in the routing cache of B is A?
The packets would jump endlessy in a infinite loop loosing themself forever.
That's why we need the "anti loop multi-inet_gw shield".
It's working way is simple: each inet-gw has a netfilter rule which marks
all the packets coming from the outside and directed to the Internet. These
packets are then routed directly to the Internet without being sent, again, to
an inet-gw. In the example:
A wants to send a packet to the Internet and its looks in its routing cache.
It decide to forward the packet to B. B receives the packet, recognizes it is
an extern packet directed to the Internet and shoots it on its modem.
11.2.2 Load sharing
Let's consider the previous scenario.
The node X can also decide to use both A and B to reach the Internet, using
at the same time their connections! Even the gw A can use at the same time
its own line and the connection of the gw B.
The procedure to implement this is what follows:
* X creates a tunnel to A and another one to B
* X adds in the routing table the default route using A and B as multipath
gateways. The gateway for the connections is chosen randomly.
* X adds a rule in the routing table to route all the packets of established
connections trough the same gateway used to create the same connection.
The rule is linked to some netfilter rules which track and mark each
connection. The method is described in details here:
11.2.3 The bad
The implementation of the Load sharing is very Linux specific, so it will be
very difficult to port it to other kernels, therefore this feature will be
available only to nodes which run Linux (ehi, one more reason to use Linux ;).
Each node sharing the Internet connection (inet-gw) has to masquerade its
interfaces, so iptables must be used.
In order to keep the daemon portable, NetsukukuD will launch the script found
at /etc/netsukuku/, which in Linux will be a simple script that
executes "iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE".
When NetsukukuD is closed the added firewall rules are flushed with
"/etc/netsukuku/ close"
11.2.5 Traffic shaping
The inet-gw can also shape its internet connection in order to prioritize its
local outgoing traffic (the traffic coming from its 192.168.x.x LAN).
In this way, even if it shares its Internet connection, it won't notice any
difference 'cause it will have the first priority. Moreover with the traffic
shaper, the inet-gw can also prioritize some protocol, i.e. SSH.
The traffic shaper will activated at the start of NetsukukuD. The daemon will
run the /etc/netsukuku/ script, which in Linux utilizes the
iproute2 userspace utility.
When the daemon is closed the traffic shaping will be disabled with
"/etc/netsukuku/ close".
11.2.6 Sharing willingness
If your ISP isn't very kind, it might decide to ban you because your sharing
your Internet connection.
It's a pity, but it is for your ISP, not for you, that's because probably
someone is also sharing its Inet connection and you can use it too.
What if you want to be completely sure that you'll have a backup connection?
An idea would be to share your Inet connection only when you're sure that you
can reach someone which is doing the same. In this way you won't share it
when you are still alone in your area and you can't contact other Netsukuku
nodes. This is a good compromise: until another node doesn't guarantees you a
backup connection, you won't share your.
This can be done automatically by activating the `share_on_backup' option in
netsukuku.conf. NetsukukuD will start to share your Internet connection _only_
when it will be in contact with another node which is sharing, or it is willingly
to share, its own connection.
11.2.7 See also
For more information on the necessity of using ipip tunnels in an adhoc
network used to share internet connections, you can read this paper:
12. Implementation: let's code
The Netsukuku protocol isn't low-level, 'cause all it has to do is to set
the routes in the routing table of the kernel, therefore the daemon
NetsukukuD runs in userspace.
All the system is, in fact, maintained by the daemon, which runs on every
node. NetsukukuD communicates with the other nodes using the tcp and the udp
ad sets the routes in the kernel table.
All the code is written in C and is well commented, thus it should be easy
to follow the flux of the program, but, before reading a .c is adviced to
peep the relative .h.
The code in netsukuku.c launches the main threads.
Every port listened by NetsukukuD is owned by a daemon, which runs as a
single thread. The used ports are the 269-udp , 269-tcp, 271-udp, 277-udp,
All the packets received by the daemons are filtered by accept.c and
request.c, which avoid flood attacks using a small table. (accept.c is the
same code used to patch the user-level-denial-of-service OpenSSH
vulnerability). Secondly, the packets are given to pkts.c/pkt_exec().
When all the daemons are up and running, hook.c/netsukuku_hook(), which is
the code used to hook at Netsukuku, is called.
Hook.c will launch the first radar scan calling radar.c/radar_scan().
The radar_scan thread will then launch a radar scan every MAX_RADAR_WAIT
seconds. When radar_update_map() notices a change in its rnodes, it sends a
new qspn_close with qspn.c/qspn_send().
All the code relative to the qspn and the tracer_pkts is in qspn.c and
The ANDNA code was subdivided in andna_cache.c. which contains all the
functions used to manage the caches and in andna.c, where the code for the
ANDNA packets is written.
The sockets, sockaddr, connect, recv(), send, etc... are all in inet.c and
are mainly utilsed by pkts.c.
Pkts.c is the code which receives the requests with pkt_exec() and sends
them with send_rq(), a front end used to packet and send the majority of
Ipv6-gmp.c makes use of GMP (GNU multiple precision arithmetic library) in
order to manipulate the 16 bytes of the ipv6, considering them as a unique
big number. That is essential for some formulas, which modify directly the
ip to know many information, in fact, in Netsukuku, an ip is truly a number.
The code for the kernel interface, used to set the routes in the routing
table and to configure a network interface is in:
krnl_route.c, if.c, ll_map.c, krnl_rule.c, libnetlink.c.
Route.c is the middleman between the code of the Netsukuku protocol and the
functions which communicates with the kernel.
The cares of the internal map are up to map.c. All the other maps are based
on it and they are:
bmap.c for the border node map. gmap.c for the external maps.
In order to compile the Netsukuku code, it isn't necessary to use autoconf,
automake and the others, but it's just needed the handy scons
The latest version of the code is always available on the hinezumilabs cvs:
cvs -d login
or give a look on the online web cvs:
13. What to do
- Testing on large Netsukuku and ANDNA.
- Complete what is in src/TODO.
- Code, code and code.
- Something else is always necessary.
If you wants to get on board, just blow a whistle.
14. The smoked ones who made Netsukuku
Main theory and documentation:
Andrea Lo Pumo aka AlpT <>
The NTK_RFC 0006 "Andna and dns":
Federico Tomassini aka Efphe <>
The NTK_RFC 0001 "Gnode contiguity":
Andrea Lo Pumo aka AlpT <>
Enzo Nicosia aka Katolaz <>
Andrea Milazzo aka Mancausoft <>
Emanuele Cammarata aka U scinziatu <>
Special thanks to:
Valvoline the non-existent entity for the implementation advices,
Newmark, the hibernated guy who helped in some ANDNA problems,
Crash aka "il nipponico bionico" who takes BSD, breathes the 2.4Ghz and
worship the great Disagio,
Tomak aka "il magnanimo" who watches everything with his crypto eyes and
talks in the unrandomish slang,
Asbesto aka "l'iniziatore" who lives to destroy the old to build the new,
Nirvana who exists everywhere to bring peace in your data,
Ram aka "il maledetto poeta" who builds streams of null filled with the
Quest who taught me to look in the Code,
Martin, the immortal coder and our beloved father,
Elibus, the eternal packet present in your lines,
Pallotron, the biatomic super AI used to build stream of consciousness,
Entropika, the Great Mother of Enea,
Uscinziatu, the attentive,
Shezzan, the holy bard of the two worlds,
the list goes on...
and finally thanks to all the
Freaknet Medialab <>
whose we are all part, and the poetry
Poetry Hacklab < ->
About the translator of this document, you have to thank this great guy:
Salahuddin, the hurd-nipponese old british one, which is always joyful.
This file is part of Netsukuku.
This text is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version. For more information read the COPYING file.