2009-01-26 20:21:29 +01:00
// this code contributed from symlynX webchat. currently not in use.
2009-01-26 21:12:53 +01:00
#include <ht/http.h>
2009-01-26 20:21:29 +01:00
#include <net.h>
#include <text.h>
#include <person.h>
#include <url.h>
#define NO_INHERIT
#include <user.h>
// #define v(VAR) user->vQuery(VAR)
htget(prot, query, headers, qs) {
string nick, lang, layout, token;
mixed user;
mapping _v, sups;
int newbie;
P2(("edit query: %O\n", query))
nick = query["user"];
user = find_person(nick);
token = query["token"];
lang = query["lang"];
sTextPath(0, lang, "ht");
unless (nick && user && user->validToken(token)) {
write( hthead("edit") +
T("_PAGES_edit_invalid", "Who are you?<br>"));
return 1;
// unless (newbie = user->isNewbie()) _v = user->vMapping();
_v = user->vMapping() || ([]);
unless (lang) lang = v("language");
//newbie = v("password") == 0;
newbie = user->isNewbie();
if (v("name")) nick = v("name");
sups = v("subscriptions") || ([]);
#define FORM_HIDDEN "\n\
<input type=hidden name=user value=\""+nick+"\">\n\
<input type=hidden name=token value=\""+token+"\">\n\
<input type=hidden name=lang value=\""+lang+"\">\n\
<input type=hidden name=layout value=\""+layout+"\">"
#define FORM_OPTS " name=f method=GET action=\"/"+layout+"/modify\""
# define FORM_START "<form" FORM_OPTS
# define FORM_PAGE "_PAGES_register_newsletter"
# define FORM_START "<form target=cout_" CHATNAME FORM_OPTS
# define FORM_PAGE newbie? "_PAGES_register_form": "_PAGES_edit_form"
// here comes the most obvious demonstration
// of the necessity of the psyctext parser :)
write(T("_SCRIPT_edit", 0)
+ hthead(newbie? "register": "edit")
+ psyctext(T(FORM_PAGE, 0), ([
// "_FORM_start" : FORM_START ">" FORM_HIDDEN,
// "_FORM_start_check_email" : FORM_START "\
onSubmit=\"return checkEmail(f.email.value)\">" FORM_HIDDEN,
"_FORM_start" : FORM_START "\
onSubmit=\"return check(f)\">" FORM_HIDDEN,
"_FORM_end" : "</form>",
"_nick" : nick,
"_EDIT_nick" : v("name") || nick,
"_EDIT_nick_size" : strlen(v("name") || nick),
"_EDIT_email" : v("email") || "",
#if 1
: member(sups,"events-weekly")? "checked": "",
: member(sups,"poldi")? "checked": "",
"_EDIT_subscription_events" : "checked",
"_EDIT_subscription_events" : newbie||member(sups,"events")?
"checked": "",
"_EDIT_subscription_politik" : member(sups,"dpa-pl")? "checked": "",
"_EDIT_subscription_wirtschaft" : member(sups,"dpa-wi")? "checked": "",
"_EDIT_subscription_vermischtes": member(sups,"dpa-vm")? "checked": "",
# endif
"_EDIT_place_home" : v("home") || "",
"_EDIT_color" : v("color") || "",
// no longer up to date here..
// might not behave exactly as intended
"_EDIT_checkbox_filter" : v("filter") == FILTER_STRANGERS ?
"checked" : "",
"_EDIT_checkbox_colors_ignored" : v("ignorecolors") ? "checked" : "",
"_EDIT_checkbox_visibility" : v("visibility") == "off" ?
"" : "checked",
"_EDIT_action_speak" : v("speakaction") || "",
"_EDIT_action_motto" : v("me") || "",
"_EDIT_page_public" : v("publicpage") || "",
"_EDIT_page_private" : v("privatepage") || "",
"_EDIT_file_key_public" : v("keyfile") || "",
"_EDIT_description_private" : v("privatetext") || "",
"_EDIT_description_public" : v("publictext") || "",
"_EDIT_description_preferences" : v("likestext") || "",
"_EDIT_description_preferences_not" : v("dislikestext") || "",
"_EDIT_favorite_animal" : v("animalfave") || "",
"_EDIT_favorite_popstar" : v("popstarfave") || "",
"_EDIT_favorite_music" : v("musicfave") || "",
"_EDIT_page_start" : v("startpage") || "",
write("<div class='roomsub'>Room Subscriptions<br/>\n");
foreach(mixed key, mixed val : v("subscriptions")) {
// note: the immediateness is not really used these days
write("<div class='each'><a href='");
unless(is_formal(key)) {
2009-01-29 17:31:32 +01:00
write(SERVER_UNIFORM + "@" + key);
2009-01-26 20:21:29 +01:00
} else {
write("'>" + key + "</a></div>\n");
// build unified data structure for contacts
mapping paliases = ([ ]);
foreach(mixed key, mixed val : v("people")) {
paliases[key] = ({ 0, val });
foreach(mixed key, mixed val : v("aliases")) {
if (paliases[val])
paliases[val][0] = key;
paliases[val] = ({ key, 0 });
// make a link to a edit page for each contact?
write("<div class='friends'>Friends<br/>\n");
foreach(mixed key, mixed val : paliases) {
// note: look at val to determine status
write("<div class='each'><a href='" + key);
write("'>" + (val[0] || key) + "</a>");
if (val[1])
write(sprintf("subscription state %O\n", val[1]));
return 1;