#include <net.h> #include <services.h> inherit NET_PATH "connect"; inherit NET_PATH "queue"; /* * this connects to a nntp server as client and does some fancy things. * the ultimate goal is to peer a nntp server and get notifications * or even the whole articles fed into PSYC */ #define NEWSSERVER "news.btx.dtag.de" #define NEWSGROUP "de.comm.chatsystems" int busy; request(cmd, cb) { if (busy) return enqueue(ME, ({ cmd, cb })); // should be an input_to to idle() remove_input_to(ME); binary_message(cmd + "\n"); next_input_to(cb); } // call this whenever you're idle do_request() { mixed *a; a = shift(ME); request(a...); } idle(a) { int numeric; PT(("server said %O\n", a)) sscanf(a, "%d %s\n", numeric, a); switch(numeric) { case 200: // HACK // fetchXHeader("Subject", 0, 0, "<dj4ve0$t40$1@online.de>"); // HACK 2 // fetchGroup(NEWSGROUP); // this is what should be really done busy = 0; do_request(); default: next_input_to(#'idle); } } string *buffer; doBuffer(a, whendone) { PT(("dobuffer %O\n", a)) if (a == ".") { apply(whendone, buffer, 0); // dont flatten buffer = ({ }); next_input_to(#'idle); return; } buffer += ({ a }); input_to(#'doBuffer, INPUT_IGNORE_BANG, whendone); } // NNTP library below _gotGroup(a) { int numeric; sscanf(a, "%d%t%s", numeric, a); switch(numeric) { case 211: { int num, low, high; if (sscanf(a, "%d %d %d %s", num, low, high, a) == 4) { gotGroup(a, num, low, high); } else { P0(("%O broken 211 command?\n")) } } break; default: PT(("_gotGroup status code %d - %O\n", numeric, a)) break; } // 211 -> ok // 411 -> No such group %s } gotGroup(group, num, low, high) { PT(("got group %O with %d articles from %d to %d\n", group, num, low, high)) // HACK 3 fetchXHeader("Subject", high - 5, high); } fetchGroup(group) { request(sprintf("GROUP %s", group), #'_gotGroup); } _gotXHdr2(buffer) { PT(("_gotXHdr2 %O\n", buffer)) } _gotXHdr(a) { int numeric; PT(("_gotXHdr(%O)\n", a)) sscanf(a, "%d %s", numeric, a); switch(numeric) { case 430: // no such article case 221: buffer = ({ }); input_to(#'doBuffer, INPUT_IGNORE_BANG, #'_gotXHdr2); break; } } fetchXHeader(what, low, high, id) { string q; q = "XHDR " + what + " "; if (id) q += id; else if (low == 0 && high == 0) ; // NOOP else if (high == 0) q += low + "-"; else if (low == 0) q += "-" + high; else q += low + "-" + high; request(q, #'_gotXHdr); } logon(result) { int ret; ret = ::logon(result); busy = 1; next_input_to(#'idle); fetchGroup(NEWSGROUP); return ret; } create() { qCreate(); qInit(ME, 30); connect(NEWSSERVER, NNTP_SERVICE); return 1; }