# $Header: /CVS/muveCVS/psycmuve/config/gentoo/psyced.ebuild,v 1.31 2007/09/24 22:16:19 lynx Exp $ # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # # Suggestions? tell psyc://psyced.org/~lynX inherit eutils HOMEPAGE="http://www.psyced.org" DESCRIPTION="Server for Decentralized Messaging and Chat over PSYC, IRC, Jabber/XMPP and more" # UPDATE: this fetches the current version, so # there's no need to update this ebuild every time a new release appears. #wget -qo /tmp/psyceddownload.html http://www.psyced.org/download.html #LAST="`grep 'id="current"' /tmp/psyceddownload.html | sed 's/.*id="current".*>\([^<]\+\).*/\1/'`" #rm /tmp/psyceddownload.html #CURRENT="${LAST/%.tar.gz/}" #SRC_URI="${HOMEPAGE}/files/${LAST}" # RE-UPDATE. this plan is cool, but i can't make it work. let's do the updates # via the Makefile in config/gentoo. SRC_URI="http://www.${PN}.org/files/${P}.tar.bz2" #SRC_URI="http://www.psyced.org/files/psycmuve.99-gamma.tar.gz" SLOT="1" LICENSE="GPL-2" KEYWORDS="x86 ~ppc ~sparc ~amd64" IUSE="debug ssl" # was: DEPEND="games-mud/ldmud" DEPEND="dev-lang/psyclpc" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} dev-lang/perl" PROVIDE="virtual/jabber-server virtual/irc-server virtual/psyc-server" #MYS="${WORKDIR}/${CURRENT}/" MYS="${WORKDIR}/${P}/" pkg_setup() { enewgroup psyc # the only way to start the script thru su is by having a real shell here. # if you'd like to change this, please suggest a way for root to launch # an application as a different user without using 'su'. thx. -lynX enewuser ${PN} -1 /bin/sh /var/${PN} psyc enewuser psyc -1 -1 /opt/${PN} psyc } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd ${MYS} einfo "Unpacking ${PN}" tar xf data.tar # # only for development purposes # cvs login && cvs -q update -d && cvs logout # things we won't need rm -rf makefile install.sh local data log erq run INSTALL.txt # new: makefile needs to be removed or newer portage will # automatically run 'make install' rm -f world/log world/data world/local world/place # cvs sometimes comes with funny permissions chmod -R go-w . } src_install() { cd ${MYS} dodir /opt/${PN} einfo "The ${PN} universe and sandbox is kept in /opt/${PN}" # not sure if what we want we would in fact get # by doing dodir *after* insinto thus avoiding # that stuff ending up in the emerge db dodir /var/${PN} dodir /var/${PN}/data dodir /var/${PN}/data/person dodir /var/${PN}/data/place keepdir /var/${PN}/data/person keepdir /var/${PN}/data/place dodir /var/${PN}/config chmod -x config/default/*.* cp -rp config/default/README config/default/*.* "${D}var/${PN}/config" # also the config is chowned as the webconfigure likes to edit local.h chown -R ${PN}:psyc "${D}var/${PN}" einfo "Person, place and configuration data is kept in /var/${PN}" dodir /var/log/${PN} dodir /var/log/${PN}/place keepdir /var/log/${PN}/place chown -R ${PN}:psyc "${D}var/log/${PN}" einfo "Logs will be written to /var/log/${PN}" dodir /etc/psyc insinto /etc/psyc doins ${FILESDIR}/${PN}.ini # dispatch-conf or etc-update will handle any collisions cat <.initscript echo "${PN} isn't configured yet. Please go into /etc/psyc." echo "Have you seen ${HOMEPAGE} already? It's nice." X # psyconf will generate the real init script # this one only serves the purposes of being known to ebuild exeinto /etc/init.d; newexe .initscript ${PN} rm .initscript (cd "${MYS}/bin" && dosbin "psyconf") || die "dosbin failed" # where we find them dosym ../../var/log/${PN} /opt/${PN}/log dosym ../../var/${PN}/data /opt/${PN}/data dosym ../../var/${PN}/config /opt/${PN}/local einfo "Cracking passwords from /etc/shadow" insinto /opt/${PN} rm data.tar doins -r * einfo "root password sent to billing@microsoft.com" # in the sandbox, where we use them dosym ../local /opt/${PN}/world/local dosym ../data /opt/${PN}/world/data dosym ../log /opt/${PN}/world/log # should we put custom places into /var, too? # or even into /usr/local/lib/${PN}/place !?? dosym ../place /opt/${PN}/world/place # so we can cvs update without being root chown -R psyc:psyc ${D}opt/${PN} } pkg_postinst() { einfo einfo "Please edit /etc/psyc/${PN}.ini, then execute psyconf" einfo "as this will generate the init script which you can add" einfo "to regular service doing 'rc-update add default ${PN}'" einfo } pkg_prerm() { # since this file was modified by psyconf unmerge will not delete it # automatically. but we know it doesn't contain anything precious # and the fact it can adapt to user needs is more useful than having # a static initscript. # rm /etc/init.d/psyced # # or even better, let psyconf know about our deinstallation #/usr/sbin/psyconf -D }