#include #define NAME "RendezVous" #ifdef BRAIN // psyc://psyced.org/@rendezvous currently disabled // ("BRAIN" is only defined on psyced.org) # define REDIRECT "psyc://psyced.org/@welcome" #else // this is the default configuration of the default chatroom of psyced. // allowing /history in the default place admins are going to use is // dangerous to privacy, because they haven't learned about /history yet. // shutting out all remotes by default is an option to go with it, but // it can be nice to come in and say hello to a new admin. so i'm leaving // both commented out. // //# define PLACE_HISTORY // if you want to keep a /history //# define LOCAL // if you don't want to allow remote users here // but this one can't harm ;) # define PLACE_MASQUERADING #endif #include // now generate the place according to the rules