// $Id: profile.c,v 1.2 2007/04/11 13:48:57 lynx Exp $ vim:syntax=lpc // // profile.c, a web based user settings/profile changer, // called from net/http/server. // // TODO: please make use of the new convert_profile(vars, 0, "set") and // convert_profile(settings, "set", 0) to convert a mapping of settings // into a mapping of PSYC variables and back. this should make a lot of // code in here unnecessary. avoiding replication is g00000d. // // i'm unhappy with the way of authing.. first i thought this could be // inherited somehow to be a part of the user object, but thats schmarn. // but i think psyc auth would be a nice way here.. // using checkPassword() the way you do is fine! we are not planning // to use a web-based editor for remote PSYC items.. and the // asynchronicity of it isn't something HTTP can easily handle. // HTTP isn't as cool as PSYC you know? hahahahahahahahahahah // as long as this is in development it could cause security breaches // in production servers. so please only use this on experimental servers. #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL #include #include #include object user; create() { sTextPath(0, 0, "html"); } htget(prot, query, headers, qs) { htok3(prot, "text/html", "Cache-Control: no-cache\n"); w("_PAGES_user_header"); auth(prot, query, headers, qs); } checkAuth(val, prot, query, headers, qs, user) { if(! val) { w("_PAGES_user_login_failed"); return; } w("_PAGES_user_header"); switch(query["action"]) { case "settings": if(query["set"] == "1") settings(prot, query, headers, qs, user); else w("_PAGES_user_settings_body", ([ "_username" : query["username"], "_password" : query["password"], "_speakaction" : user->v("speakaction") ? user->v("speakaction") : "", "_commandcharacter" : user->v("commandcharacter") ? user->v("commandcharacter") : "" ]) ); break; case "profile": if(query["set"] == "1") profile(prot, query, headers, qs, user); else w("_PAGES_user_profile_body", ([ "_username" : query["username"], "_password" : query["password"], "_me" : user->v("me") ? user->v("me") : "", "_publicpage" : user->v("publicpage") ? user->v("publicpage") : "", "_publictext" : user->v("publictext") ? user->v("publictext") : "", "_publicname" : user->v("publicname") ? user->v("publicname") : "", "_animalfave" : user->v("animalfave") ? user->v("animalfave") : "", "_popstarfave" : user->v("popstarfave") ? user->v("popstarfave") : "", "_musicfave" : user->v("musicfave") ? user->v("musicfave") : "", "_privatetext" : user->v("privatetext") ? user->v("privatetext") : "", "_likestext" : user->v("likestext") ? user->v("likestext") : "", "_dislikestext" : user->v("dislikestext") ? user->v("dislikestext") : "", "_privatepage" : user->v("privatepage") ? user->v("privatepage") : "", "_email" : user->v("email") ? user->v("email") : "", "_color" : user->v("color") ? user->v("color") : "", "_language" : user->v("language") ? user->v("language") : "", "_telephone" : user->v("telephone") ? user->v("telephone") : "" ]) ); break; default: w("_PAGES_user_index", ([ "_username" : query["username"], "_password" : query["password"] ])); break; } w("_PAGES_user_footer"); } auth(prot, query, headers, qs) { if(! stringp(query["username"]) || ! stringp(query["password"])) { w("_PAGES_user_login_body"); return 0; } if(query["username"] == "" || query["password"] == "") { w("_PAGES_user_login_empty"); return 0; } user = summon_person(query["username"]); if(!user || user->isNewbie()) { w("_PAGES_user_login_notregistered"); return 0; } int ok = 1; user->checkPassword(query["password"], "plain", "", "", #'checkAuth, prot, query, headers, qs, user); } settings(prot, query, headers, qs, user) { foreach(string k, string v : query) { int ok = 0; switch(k) { case "password": ok = 1; break; case "speakaction": ok = 1; break; case "commandcharacter": ok = 1; break; } if(! ok) continue; if(v == "") { //if(v != "password") // user->vDel(k); // do nothing? maybe every setting is needed.. then this would be bad. } else user->vSet(k, v); // password won't be set? humm. } w("_PAGES_user_settings_changed", ([ "_username" : query["username"], "_password" : query["password"] ]) ); } profile(prot, query, headers, qs, user) { foreach(string k, string v : query) { int ok = 0; switch(k) { case "me": ok = 1; break; case "publicpage": ok = 1; break; case "publictext": ok = 1; break; case "publicname": ok = 1; break; case "animalfave": ok = 1; break; case "popstarfave": ok = 1; break; case "musicfave": ok = 1; break; case "privatetext": ok = 1; break; case "likestext": ok = 1; break; case "dislikestext": ok = 1; break; case "privatepage": ok = 1; break; case "email": ok = 1; break; case "telephone": ok = 1; break; } if(! ok) continue; if(v == "") user->vDel(k); else user->vSet(k, v); } w("_PAGES_user_profile_changed", ([ "_username" : query["username"], "_password" : query["password"] ]) ); } w(mc, vars) { write(psyctext(T(mc, ""), vars)); } #endif