// $Id: xmlrpc.c,v 1.23 2008/03/11 13:42:26 lynx Exp $ // vim:syntax=lpc // // TODO: shares to much code with url fetcher // in the ideal world this would only contain marshal/unmarshal code // for xmlrpc // possibly we can come up with an marshal/unmarshal api and use // the same framework for xml-rpc, soap and other things // #include #include #include #include #include virtual inherit NET_PATH "output"; // virtual: in case we get inherited.. inherit NET_PATH "http/fetch"; inherit NET_PATH "xml/parse"; volatile string postbody; volatile closure callback; int parse_status(string all); int parse_header(string all); int buffer_content(string all); // recursively dump a structure dump(mixed value) { /* TODO: what happens if we feed a recursive structure here? */ string t; switch(typeof(value)) { case T_NUMBER: return sprintf("%d", value); case T_FLOAT: return sprintf("%O", value); case T_STRING: // in theory we would have to convert this to utf-8! // must to encode '<' and '&' return sprintf("%s", value); case T_MAPPING: // -> struct // NOTE: THIS DOES NOT SUPPORT mappings with m_width > 2 t = "\n"; foreach(string key, mixed val : value) { t += sprintf("\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "\n", key, dump(val)); } t += ""; return t; case T_POINTER: // array t = "\n"; foreach(mixed val : value) { t += dump(val) + "\n"; } t += ""; return t; default: PT(("do not know how to serialize %O type %d\n", value, typeof(value))) PT(("yes, this is a bug!\n")) break; } return ""; } marshal(params) { string s = "\n"; foreach(mixed param : params) { s += sprintf("\n%s\n\n", dump(param)); } return s + "\n"; } void fetch(string murl) { if (url) return; url = murl; } void request(string method, mixed params, closure cb) { // TODO: errback API if (fetching) { enqueue(ME, ({ method, params, cb })); return; } callback = cb; postbody = sprintf("\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" // last is a \r\n! "\r\n", method, marshal(params)); P3(("%O: request(%O)\n", ME, url)) connect(); } int logon(int arg) { buffer = ""; httpheaders = ([ ]); http_status = 500; // this is all not https: compatible.. unless(::logon(arg, 1)) return -1; unless (url) return -3; unless (resource) sscanf(url, "http://%s/%s", host, resource); // do somthing emit("POST /" + resource + " HTTP/1.0\r\n" + "Host: " + host + "\r\n" + "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n" + "Content-Length: " + sizeof(postbody) + "\r\n"); emit("\r\n"); //+ "User-Agent: " + SERVER_VERSION + "\r\n"); emit(postbody); next_input_to(#'parse_status); return 0; // duh. } mixed * innerMarshal(mixed val) { mixed args; string type; // TODO: methodSignature behaves strangely XMLNode value; foreach(mixed key, mixed vval : val) { if (stringp(key) && key[0] == '/') { type = key[1..]; value = val[key]; break; } } switch(type) { case "boolean": // map to 0, 1 // should probably check if this string is really "0" or "1" case "int": return ({ to_int(value[Cdata]) }); case "double": // sigh... this is not double return ({ to_float(value[Cdata]) }); case "dateTime.iso8601": // uhm... what do we map this to? // unix timestamp probably? break; case "base64": // probably containing binary data return ({ decode_base64(value[Cdata]) }); // these two are complicated case "array": args = ({ }); value = value["/data"]["/value"]; unless(nodelistp(value)) value = ({ value }); foreach(mixed v : value) { args += innerMarshal(v); } return ({ args }); case "struct": // mapping args = ([ ]); unless(nodelistp(value["/member"])) value["/member"] = ({ value["/member"] }); foreach(mixed v: value["/member"]) { args[v["/name"][Cdata]] = innerMarshal(v["/value"])[0]; } return ({ args }); case "fault": // something is wrong break; default: // if no type is indicated, the type is string case "string": // utf-8 encoded! return ({ value[Cdata] }); } return ({ }); } mixed unMarshal(XMLNode parsed) { XMLNode params; mixed *helper; mixed args = ({ }); // could be pre-allocated unless(parsed["/fault"]) { if (parsed["/params"]) { params = parsed["/params"]["/param"]; } else { params = ({ }); } unless(nodelistp(params)) params = ({ params }); // special case foreach(mixed param : params) { args += innerMarshal(param["/value"]); } // should probably watch for HTTP 200 return args; } else { // TODO: fault handling return -1; } } void disconnected(remainder) { mixed *args; httpheaders["_fetchtime"] = isotime(ctime(time()), 1); if (httpheaders["last-modified"]) modificationtime = httpheaders["last-modified"]; if (httpheaders["etag"]) etag = httpheaders["etag"]; // heise does not work with etag fetched = buffer; fheaders = httpheaders; buffer = httpheaders = 0; fetching = 0; if (pointerp(args)) // no fault funcall(callback, args...); if (qSize(ME)) { args = shift(ME); call_out(#'request, 0, args...); // at next heart_beat // request(args...); } return 1; // kind of expected } // helper methods, useful at least for ORA meerkat // could do caching for these things void listMethods(closure cb) { request("system.listMethods", ({ }), cb); } void methodHelp(string method, closure cb) { request("system.methodHelp", ({ method }), cb); } void methodSignature(string method, closure cb) { request("system.methodSignature", ({ method }), cb); } varargs string content(closure cb, int force, int willbehave) { return ""; } // makes no sense create() { qCreate(); qInit(ME, 150, 5); #ifdef MODULE_TESTS selftest(); #endif } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * MODULE TESTS * you should run them whenever you change the code * if they fail, debug! * do not check in code that does not pass the tests *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef MODULE_TESTS // automatic test cases // add some if you like selftest() { // self tests... // be careful, the order for structs is not guaranteed int i, result; mixed *structures = ({ ({ 1, 2, 3, 4 }), // ({ (["a" : 1, "b" : "boo" ]) }), ({ 1, 1.5, "a", ({ 1 }), (["a" : "foo" ]) }) }); mixed *strings = ({ "\n\n1\n\n\n2\n\n\n3\n\n\n4\n\n\n", // "\n\n\n\na\n1\n\n\nb\nboo\n\n\n\n\n", "\n\n1\n\n\n1.5\n\n\na\n\n\n\n1\n\n\n\n\n\na\nfoo\n\n\n\n\n" }); i = 0; foreach(mixed test : structures) { result = marshal(test) == strings[i]; if (result) { PT(("passed marshal test %d\n", i)) } else { PT(("marshal test %d failed\n", i)) PT(("%O\n%O\n", marshal(test), strings[i])) break; } i++; } i = 0; foreach(mixed test : strings) { // set callback internally! it is safe to do so as we are // doing only synchronus operations XMLNode x = new_XMLNode; x["/params"] = xmlparse(test); result = sprintf("%O", unMarshal(x)) == sprintf("%O", structures[i]); if (result) { PT(("passed unmarshal test %d\n", i)) } else { PT(("unmarshal test %d failed\n", i)) PT(("%O\n%O\n", unMarshal(x), structures[i])) break; } i++; } } #endif