# $Id: Makefile,v 1.37 2007/08/14 11:28:00 lynx Exp $ p=/usr/local/portage e=/etc/make.conf G=lynx -source # We currently operate on /usr/local/portage but we should add more # PSYC packages and run our own PSYC overlay... install: $p $p/dev-lang/psyclpc $p/net-im/psyced @echo -- We are done with portage installation. You can now emerge @echo -- from here or postpone to a better moment in life. emerge -av psyced @echo -- Done emerging. Contratulations on your new psyced! -- uninstall: new new: # It complains for missing packages, but does no harm. -emerge --unmerge psyced psyclpc ldmud # This one complains, too. Should we make it shut up? # We can make it shut up next time when we do our own PSYC overlay. -rm -r $p/net-im/psyced $p/dev-lang/psyclpc $p/games-mud/ldmud ldmud: $p $p/games-mud/ldmud @echo -- Warning: You are installing LDMud which is no longer the @echo -- the best choice as a psyced driver! emerge -av ldmud ### NO SERVICEABLE PARTS BELOW ### $p: @echo -- Apparently you have not installed custom ebuilds yet. mkdir $@ @echo -- A $@ directory has therefore been generated for you. echo "" >>$e echo "# Added by psyced's config/gentoo/Makefile" >>$e # Does it replace $p correctly in $e? Yes it does. Good. echo "PORTDIR_OVERLAY=$p" >>$e @echo -- PORTDIR_OVERLAY has been appended to $e to activate $@. $p/dev-lang/psyclpc: psyclpc.ebuild psyclpc/Makefile Makefile (cd psyclpc;make ebuild) -mkdir $p/dev-lang rm -rf $@ cp -rp psyclpc $@ -(cd $@;make Manifest) $p/games-mud/ldmud: ldmud.ebuild ldmud/Makefile Makefile (cd ldmud;make ebuild) -mkdir $p/games-mud rm -rf $@ cp -rp ldmud $@ -(cd $@;make Manifest) $p/net-im/psyced: psyced.ebuild psyced/Makefile Makefile (cd psyced;make ebuild) -mkdir $p/net-im rm -rf $@ cp -rp psyced $@ -(cd $@;make Manifest) # the lower part of the Makefile serves the purpose of # managing this package itself, not to install something. sane: new clean clean: (cd psyced;make $@) (cd psyclpc;make $@) # Leave it alone or we won't be able to recreate the erq directory ;) # (cd ldmud;make $@) up: -rm ldmud/ldmud-*.ebuild psyced/psyced-*.ebuild psyclpc/psyclpc-*.ebuild -mkdir psyced/files # If 'cvs update' updates this Makefile itself, it may be necessary # to run 'make up' twice as the update requirements may have changed. cvs update $G http://www.psyced.org/dist/config/psyced.ini >psyced/files/psyced.ini @(cd psyced;make ebuild) @(cd psyclpc;make ebuild) # We could extend the procedure to actually run the ebuild at building time # so that we get to have the digests in there.. TODO # Now you may have to unmerge and delete psyclpc and psyced from your # portage overlay to have them generated anew. # Use 'make new' to do that. oldup: @(cd ldmud;make ebuild) $G http://www.psyced.org/dist/config/psyced.settings >ldmud/files/psyced.settings