# editor for .o files						-lynX
# it merely splits long lines at the end of mappings
# so that vi-like editors aren't confronted with
# huge one-liners. after saving it recreates the
# original format after renaming the original file
# into itself with appended tilde.
#sub backupsuffix() { '~' }

($file = shift and $file =~ /\.o$/) or die <<X;
usage: $0 <lpmud-data-file.o>

$tmp = "/tmp/edata.$$";

open(I, $file) or die "$file: $!";
open(O, ">$tmp") or die "cannot create $tmp: $!";

$/ = undef;
while(<I>) {
	s/(,]\),)/\1\n  /gm;
	print O;
close I;
close O;

$edit = $ENV{EDITOR} or 'vi';

$M = -M $tmp; 

system("$edit $tmp");

exit if $M == -M $tmp;
die $! unless rename $file, "$file~";
print STDERR "Backup created in $file~\n";

open(I, $tmp) or die "$tmp: $!";
open(O, ">$file") or die "cannot create $file: $!";
$/ = undef;

while(<I>) {
	s/\n  //gm;
	print O;
close I;
close O;