#!/usr/bin/perl # recursive cvs root fixer. reusable for all sorts of patch operations. -lynX require 'find.pl'; $File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 'DONT!'; my $op = "s#^:pserver:anonymous\@cvs\.psyced\.org:/CVS/anonCVS#:pserver:$ENV{USER}\@cvs\.psyced\.org:/CVS/muveCVS#m"; $grep = shift or die <<X; usage: $0 <filematch> [<operation> [<directories>]] <filematch> would typically be "Root" <operation> by default is to transform anonymous access to the psyced repository into your personal login access. in detail: "s#^:pserver:anonymous\\\@cvs\\\.psyced\\\.org:/CVS/anonCVS#:pserver:$ENV{USER}\\\@cvs\\\.psyced\\\.org:/CVS/muveCVS#m" without <directories> the directory tree starting from the current directory is recursively checked. you can obviously use a completely different regular expression on completely different sets of files. for example here is a command that will remove the /lastlog store from all of psyced's .o save files it encounters. multipatcher '.o' 's:^_log .*\\n\$::m' you can even embed any of \$name, \$dir or \$base, like this: multipatcher .o 's#softnews#id":"psyc://psyced.org/~$base","softnews#' this one inserts an entry 'id' in front of an existing entry called 'softnews' X $_ = shift; $op = $_ if $_; $|=1; my @list; &find($#ARGV >= 0 ? @ARGV : '.'); exit; sub wanted { ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime) = lstat; return unless /$grep/o; my $f = $_; if (open(I, $f)) { $_ = &slurp(I); close I; } else { print STDERR "cannot access $name\n"; return; } my $base = $f =~ m!^(\w+)\b! ? $1 : $f; my $was = $_; eval $op; # print "** $op ** in $_ **\n"; if ($was eq $_) { print "no:\t$name\n"; return; } print "yes:\t$name\n"; if (open(O, ">Nu$f")) { print O $_; close O; } else { print STDERR "cannot create Nu$f in $dir\n"; return; } unless (unlink $f) { print STDERR "cannot delete $f\n"; return; } rename ("Nu$f", $f) or die "the world is not logical"; } # reads a file from a stream into a variable all at once # sub slurp { local(*IN) = @_; local($save) = $/; undef $/; local($data) = <IN>; $/ = $save; return $data; }