// vim:noexpandtab:syntax=lpc // $Id: library.i,v 1.40 2008/04/27 08:20:47 lynx Exp $ // // HTTP function library -lynx // // (extension to "simul_efun") #include <net.h> #include <services.h> #include <proto.h> #include "driver.h" //#include CONFIG_PATH "ports.h" #include "ht/http.h" #if !HAS_PORT(HTTP_PORT, HTTP_PATH) # undef HTTP_PORT # define HTTP_PORT 44444 // should return null instead? #endif // not worthy of summoning uniform.h for this one.. string htuniform(object server, string prot, mapping headers) { // it is really totally crazy to trust what the browser says string host = headers["host"]; int port = HTTP_PORT; #if __EFUN_DEFINED__(tls_query_connection_state) #ifndef HTTPS_HOST string scheme = "http://"; # endif unless (server) server = this_interactive(); if (tls_query_connection_state(server)) { #ifdef HTTPS_HOST return HTTPS_HOST; #else scheme = "https://"; # if HAS_TLS_PORT(HTTPS_PORT) port = HTTPS_PORT; # endif #endif } # define SCHEME scheme # define PORT port #else # define SCHEME "http://" # define PORT HTTP_PORT #endif unless (host) { #ifdef HTTP_HOST return HTTP_HOST; #else host = SERVER_HOST; // HTTP_SERVICE is 80 from services.h if (port != HTTP_SERVICE) host += ":"+to_string(port); #endif } return SCHEME + host; } varargs string htheaders(string type, string extra) { string out; unless (stringp(type)) type = DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE; out = "Content-type: "+ type +"\n"; // if (length) { // printf("Content-length: %d\n", length); // } if (extra) out += extra; return out; } varargs string htheaders2(string type, string extra) { return htheaders(type, extra) + "Server: " HTTP_SERVER "\nDate: "+ ctime(time()) +"\n"; } void htrequireauth(string prot, string type, string realm) { if (prot) write(HTTP_SVERS + " " + to_string(R_UNAUTHORIZED) + "Your password, please\n"); if (type == "digest") { write("WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"" + realm + "\", nonce=\"" + time() + "\"\n"); } else { write("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"" + realm + "\"\n"); } } varargs string htredirect(string prot, string target, string comment, int permanent, string extra) { if (!comment) comment = "Check this out"; if (!target) target = "/"; if (!extra) extra = ""; if (prot) { printf("%s %d %s\n%s", HTTP_SVERS, permanent ? R_MOVED : R_FOUND, comment, htheaders()); } printf("\ Location: %s\n%s\ \n\ <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>.\n\ ", target, extra, target, comment); return 0; } // written and donated by _Marcus_ // // thanx!! /* convert %XX escapes to real chars */ static int xx2l(string str) { int x; str=lower_case(str); if (str[0]>='0' && str[0]<='9') x=(str[0]-'0')*16; if (str[0]>='a' && str[0]<='f') x=(str[0]-'a'+10)*16; if (str[1]>='0' && str[1]<='9') x+=str[1]-'0'; if (str[1]>='a' && str[1]<='f') x+=str[1]-'a'+10; return x; } /* Content-Encoding: url-encoded */ string urldecode(string txt) { string *xx; int i; txt=implode(explode(txt,"+")," "); #if __EFUN_DEFINED__(regexplode) xx=regexplode(txt,"%.."); for (i=1;i<sizeof(xx)-1;i+=2) xx[i]=sprintf("%c",xx2l(xx[i][1..])); txt=implode(xx,""); #endif return txt; } #if 0 // inline this instead, see below static string c2xx(string c) { return "%"+ upper_case(sprintf("%x", c[0])); } #endif string urlencode(string txt) { return regreplace(txt, "[^A-Za-z0-9._~-]", (: "%"+ upper_case(sprintf("%x", $1[0])) :), 1); } #ifndef DEFAULT_HT_TYPE # define DEFAULT_HT_TYPE "text/plain" #endif string content_type(string suffix) { switch(lower_case(suffix)) { case "html": return "text/html"; case "xml": //return "application/xml"; return "text/xml"; // what type is to be used here? case "bz2": return "application/x-bzip2"; case "class": return "application/octet-stream"; case "css": return "text/css"; case "gif": return "image/gif"; case "gz": return "application/x-gzip"; case "jpeg": case "jpg": return "image/jpeg"; case "js": return "application/x-javascript"; case "pdf": return "application/pdf"; case "png": return "image/png"; case "ps": case "eps": return "application/postscript"; case "tar": return "application/tar"; case "zip": return "application/zip"; case "swf": return "application/x-shockwave-flash"; default: return DEFAULT_HT_TYPE; } return 0; } mapping url_parse_query(mapping query, string qs) { foreach (string pair : explode(qs, "&")) { string key, val; if (sscanf(pair, "%s=%s", key, val)) { P3(("query: pair: %s, %s\n", urldecode(key), urldecode(val))) query[urldecode(key)] = urldecode(val); } else { P3(("query: single: %s\n", urldecode(pair))) query[urldecode(pair)] = 1; } } return query; } varargs string make_query_string(mapping params, int sort) { string q = ""; array(mixed) keys = m_indices(params); if (sort) keys = sort_array(keys, #'>); foreach(string key : keys) { q += (strlen(q) ? "&" : "") + urlencode(to_string(key)) + "=" + urlencode(to_string(params[key])); } return q; } object check_query_token(mapping query) { string nick; object user; if (nick = query["user"]) user = find_person(nick); if (user && user->validToken(query["token"])) return user; return 0; }