psyc:// 3fcd56a1a1 +
2009-04-22 06:25:04 +02:00

118 lines
3.1 KiB
Raw Blame History

// vim:foldmethod=marker:syntax=lpc:noexpandtab
// yeah yeah twitter.. why twitter?
#include <net.h>
persistent int lastid;
volatile object feed;
parse(string body, mapping headers) {
mixed wurst;
string nick;
object o;
mapping d, p;
int i;
if (!body || body == "") {
P1(("%O failed to get its timeline from %O.\n", ME,
PT(("Got headers: %O\n", headers))
//#if DEBUG > 0
rm(DATA_PATH "timeline.json");
write_file(DATA_PATH "timeline.json", body);
unless (pointerp(wurst = parse_json(body))) {
P1(("%O failed to parse its timeline.\n", ME))
unless (sizeof(wurst)) {
P1(("%O received an empty structure.\n", ME))
if (wurst[0]["id"] <= lastid) {
P1(("%O received %d old updates.\n", ME, sizeof(wurst)))
lastid = wurst[0]["id"];
save_object(DATA_PATH "twitter");
for (i=sizeof(wurst)-1; i>=0; i--) {
d = wurst[i];
unless (mappingp(d)) {
P1(("%O got a broken tweet: %O.\n", ME, d))
p = d["user"];
unless (mappingp(p)) {
P1(("%O got a userless tweet.\n", ME))
unless (nick = p["screen_name"]) {
P1(("%O got a nickless tweeter.\n", ME))
P4((" %O", nick))
o = find_place(nick);
// _notice_update_twitter ?
sendmsg(o, "_message_twitter", d["text"], ([
// should i send text as _action?
"_nick": nick,
// _count seems to be the better word for this
"_amount_updates": p["statuses_count"],
"_amount_followers": p["followers_count"],
"_amount_sources": p["friends_count"],
"_color": "#"+ p["profile_sidebar_fill_color"],
"_description": p["description"] || "",
"_page": p["url"] || "",
"_name": p["name"] || "",
// "_contact_twitter": p["id"],
"_description_agent_HTML": d["source"],
"_reference_reply": d["in_reply_to_screen_name"],
// "_twit": d["id"],
"_uniform_photo": p["profile_image_url"] || "",
p["profile_background_image_url"] || ""
]), "/"); // send as root
// der spiegel u.a. twittern <20>brigens in latin-1
// w<>hrend psyc utf-8 erwartet.. eine char guess engine
// muss her.. FIXME
fetch() {
P1(("%O going to fetch from %O since %O\n", ME, feed, lastid))
call_out( #'fetch, 4 * 59 ); // odd is better
feed -> content( #'parse, 1, 1 );
// twitter ignores since_id if count is present. stupid.
feed -> fetch(""
// +( lastid? ("since_id="+ lastid) : "count=23"));
"count="+( lastid? ("23&since_id="+ lastid) : "23"));
create() {
mapping config;
object o = find_object(CONFIG_PATH "config");
if (o) config = o->qConfig();
if (!config) {
P1(("\nNo configuration for twitter gateway found.\n"))
restore_object(DATA_PATH "twitter");
// we could even choose to inherit this instead...
feed = clone_object(NET_PATH "http/fetch");
//feed -> sAgent(SERVER_VERSION " builtin Twitter to PSYC gateway");
feed -> sAuth(config["nickname"], config["password"]);
call_out( #'fetch, 14 );