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// $Id: parse.c,v 1.54 2008/05/17 07:26:53 lynx Exp $ // vim:syntax=lpc
// this code is employed to parse both XML and XMPP.
// if expat has been provided at compiling time, it will try to use it.
// local debug messages - turn them on by using psyclpc -DDxml=<level>
#ifdef Dxml
# undef DEBUG
# define DEBUG Dxml
// until you fix that TODO (please do!)
#undef __EXPAT__
volatile XMLNode currentnode = 0;
volatile XMLNode *nodestack = ({ });
volatile int length = 0;
volatile closure nodeHandler = #'jabberMsg;
volatile string innerxml, lasta, ixbuf;
# endif
# include <net.h>
# include <xml.h>
inherit NET_PATH "xml/common";
volatile string charset;
# define XML_ERROR(code, long) \
P0(("XML parse in %O: %s\n", ME, long))
#if !defined(__EXPAT__) || defined(JABBER_PARSE)
// DOM style XML parser
xmlparse(a) {
XMLNode currentnode = 0;
XMLNode *nodestack = ({ });
string t, tag, data = "", params = "";
int pos, close;
int list;
# ifdef _flag_log_sockets_XMPP
log_file("RAW_XMPP", "\n» %O\t%s", ME, a);
# endif
length += sizeof(a);
pos = index(a, '<', pos) + 1;
data = xmlunquote(a[0..pos -2]);
close = strlen(a) - 1;
if (ixbuf) {
if (lasta) ixbuf += lasta;
lasta = a;
# endif
pos = 0;
close = -1;
// jabber parser doesn't while, so it has one indent step less
while(pos = index(a, '<', pos) + 1) {
data += xmlunquote(a[close + 1..pos - 2]);
#if 1 //def HANDLE_CDATA
// http:/www.techjamaica.com/forums/external.php?type=rss2
// uses <![CDATA[<p>this is<br/>embedded html</p>]]> syntax
// to embed potentially broken html into xml. in fact most
// blogs produce this sort of rss code these days.
// do we want to support ![CDATA[ ]] for XMPP, too? ... then fix here!
if (a[pos..pos+7] == "![CDATA[") {
pos += 8;
close = strstr(a, "]]>", pos);
data += xmlunquote(a[pos..close-1]);
close += 2;
pos = close; // this may seem optional.. but?
P4(("%O unCDATAfied %O\n", ME, data));
# else
// ok, so this doesn't hurt at least..
// but should return here? and what?
# endif
close = index(a, '>', pos);
tag = a[pos..close-1];
pos = close+1; // do not reparse seen things (opt)
sscanf(tag, "%s%t%s", tag, params); //|| (params = 0);
if (tag == "") return -1;
if (strlen(tag) && (tag[0] == '!' || tag[0] == '?')) {
// charset handling currently limited to news parsers
if (lower_case(tag) == "?xml" &&
(sscanf(params, "%sencoding=\"%s\"%s", t, charset, t) >= 2 ||
sscanf(params, "%sencoding=\'%s\'%s", t, charset, t) >= 2)) {
charset = upper_case(charset);
if (charset != SYSTEM_CHARSET) {
// ok, we believe it's working :)
PT(("%O converting from charset %O\n", ME, charset))
iconv(a, charset, SYSTEM_CHARSET);
else {
PT(("%O skipping funny %O tag (%O)\n", ME, tag, params))
} else if (strlen(tag) && tag == "/stream:stream"){
// close_stream();
// quit();
// tag is a close tag
} else if (strlen(tag) && tag[0] == '/') {
P4(("should be closing tag %O and am closing %O\n",
currentnode[Tag], tag[1..]))
if (!currentnode || currentnode[Tag] != tag[1..]) {
"Unbalanced XML encountered");
PT(("%O closing %O instead of tag in %O\n", ME, tag,
// this will trigger disconnect in calling object
} else {
// schliessender tag gefunden, die haben keine Parameter
if (strlen(data) && data != "\r\n" && data != "\n"){
// we just concatenate the cdata!
if (!stringp(currentnode[Cdata]))
currentnode[Cdata] = data;
currentnode[Cdata] += data;
data = "";
// the two ifs can be optimized if we like this
// approach better than three comparisons
if (sizeof(nodestack) == 0) {
// if (tag == "/iq"
// || tag == "/presence"
// || tag == "/message") {
innerxml = ixbuf;
ixbuf = lasta = 0;
P4((" <%s>\n", tag))
P4(("innerxml body %O\n", innerxml))
# endif
if (sizeof(nodestack) == 0) {
currentnode[NodeLen] = length;
// handle stuff
funcall(nodeHandler, currentnode);
currentnode = 0;
length = 0;
// we can probably break/return here
} else {
currentnode = nodestack[<1];
nodestack = nodestack[..<2];
} else { // opening tag
int selfclosing;
XMLNode newnode;
string key, val;
mixed *ptmp;
if (currentnode && data && data != "\r\n" && data != "\n") {
// we just concatenate the cdata!
// watch out, nearly identical code above
if (!stringp(currentnode[Cdata]))
currentnode[Cdata] = data;
currentnode[Cdata] += data;
data = "";
if (strlen(params) && params[<1] == '/') {
params = params[..<2];
selfclosing = 1;
} else if (tag[<1] == '/') {
tag = tag[..<2];
selfclosing = 1;
newnode = new_XMLNode;
if (currentnode) {
t = "/"+ tag;
nodestack += ({ currentnode });
if (mappingp(currentnode[t])) {
// transform
currentnode[t] = ({ currentnode[t], newnode });
currentnode = currentnode[t][<1];
} else if (pointerp(currentnode[t])) {
// append
currentnode[t] += ({ newnode });
currentnode = currentnode[t][<1];
} else {
// create
currentnode[t] = newnode;
currentnode = currentnode[t];
} else {
currentnode = newnode;
currentnode[Tag] = tag;
#if 1
// this will still not be able to handle something like
// <img src='18072006.jpg' alt="5er & s'Weggli" />
// but who sends something like that?
ptmp = regexplode(params, "[a-zA-Z0-9]+=\"[^\"]*\"");
if (sizeof(ptmp) < 2 || sizeof(ptmp) % 2)
ptmp = regexplode(params, "[a-zA-Z0-9]+='[^']*'");
# else
// this method breaks on something like
// <img src="18072006.jpg" alt="5er & s'Weggli" />
ptmp = regexplode(params, "[a-zA-Z0-9]+=(\"|')[^\"']*(\"|')");
# endif
for (int i = 1; i < sizeof(ptmp); i += 2) {
int where = index(ptmp[i], '=');
key = ptmp[i][..where-1];
val = ptmp[i][where+1..];
if (val[0] != val[<1]) {
XML_ERROR("xml-not-well-formed", "Mismatching quotes")
PT(("%O %O %O %O\n", ME, key, val, ptmp))
val = val[1..<2];
currentnode["@"+ key] = val;
// this approach cannot handle param="string with spaces"
foreach(string pa: explode(params, " ")) {
if(sscanf(pa, "%s=\"%s\"", key, val) == 2 ||
sscanf(pa, "%s=\'%s\'", key, val) == 2 ) {
currentnode["@"+ key] = val;
if (selfclosing) {
if (sizeof(nodestack) == 0){
currentnode[NodeLen] = length;
ixbuf = lasta = 0;
innerxml = ixbuf;
# endif
// handle stuff
funcall(nodeHandler, currentnode);
currentnode = 0;
length = 0;
PT(("nodestack empty\n"))
} else {
currentnode = nodestack[<1];
nodestack = nodestack[..<2];
} else if (currentnode[Tag] == "stream:stream") {
nodestack = ({ }); // ?
currentnode = 0;
} else // if (currentnode[Tag] == "iq"
// || currentnode[Tag] == "presence"
// || currentnode[Tag] == "message") {
if (sizeof(nodestack) == 0) {
ixbuf = ""; lasta = 0;
P4((" <%s> ", currentnode[Tag]))
# endif
return currentnode;
#else /* !defined(__EXPAT__) || defined(JABBER_PARSE) */
volatile mixed node = 0;
volatile mixed *nodestack = ({ });
void onStart(string elem, string *params) {
string t = "/"+ elem;
if (node) {
nodestack += ({ node });
if (!node[t]) {
/* no child with that name */
node[t] = new_XMLNode;
node = node[t];
} else {
if (!nodelistp(node[t])) {
/* just a single node with that name, convert it
node[t] = ({ node[t] });
node[t] += ({ new_XMLNode });
node = node[t][<1];
} else {
node = new_XMLNode;
nodestack = ({ });
node[Tag] = elem;
// TODO: das hier funktioniert mit der neuen API nicht so
node[Param] = params;
void onEnd(string elem) {
if (sizeof(nodestack) > 0) {
node = nodestack[<1];
nodestack = nodestack[..<2];
/* else we are finished? */
void onText(string text) {
if (node[Cdata])
node[Cdata] += text;
node[Cdata] = text;
xmlparse(a) {
PT(("expat xmlparse\n"))
int d;
node = 0;
nodestack = ({ });
d = expat_parse(a, #'onStart, #'onEnd, #'onText);
return node;