psyc://loupsycedyglgamf.onion/~lynX b47b2e63d1 remove fippo's LPC "SPYC" parser etc
1984-04-04 00:44:06 +00:00

296 lines
9.2 KiB
OpenEdge ABL

// vim:foldmethod=marker:syntax=lpc:noexpandtab
// $Id: render.i,v 1.111 2008/12/01 11:31:33 lynx Exp $
// headermaker functions. we should call it render rather than edit.
volatile mapping isRouting = shared_memory("routing");
volatile string rbuf, ebuf; // pike has no pass-by-reference
static int build_header(string key, mixed val, mapping vars, int checkRouting) {
string s, klopp;
int routeMe = 0;
#ifdef SPYC
int needLen = 0;
unless (stringp(key)) {
s = sprintf("%O encountered key %O value %O (rbuf %O ebuf %O)\n",
ME, key, val, rbuf, ebuf);
log_file("PANIC", s);
monitor_report("_failure_invalid_variable_name", s);
return -9;
routeMe = isRouting[key];
P3(("isRouting[%O] = %O, render? %O\n",
key, routeMe, routeMe & PSYC_ROUTING_RENDER))
if ((routeMe && checkRouting && !(routeMe & PSYC_ROUTING_RENDER))
|| abbrev("_INTERNAL", key)) return -1;
P2(("build_header(%O, %O) into %s vars\n", key, val,
routeMe ? "routing" : "entity"))
if (key[0] == '_') key = ":"+key;
if (objectp(val)) klopp = psyc_name(val);
else if (stringp(val)) {
if (key == "_nick" && (s = vars["_INTERNAL_nick_plain"])) {
P1(("%O sending %O instead of %O\n", ME, s, val))
klopp = s;
} else {
// yeah but we haven't implement the other stuff yet
// and the parser can handle it
#if 0 //def EXPERIMENTAL
// according to
if (index(val, '\n') >=0)
raise_error("Multiline variables no longer permitted.\n");
// indenting of multiline variables ...
// hardly ever happens, that's why indexing first is
// more efficient
# ifdef SPYC
// better even to not look into the variable but we
// need to implement types for that, first
if (index(val, '\n') >=0) {
needLen = 1;
klopp = val;
# else
if (index(val, '\n') >=0)
klopp = replace(val, "\n", "\n\t");
klopp = val;
# endif
} else if (intp(val)) {
#ifdef SPYC
klopp = abbrev("_date", key) ? to_string(val - PSYC_EPOCH)
: to_string(val);
klopp = to_string(val);
} else {
mixed k,d, sep;
// using list syntax here without testing for
// _list in name.. bad?
// fippo likes this variant, but it gives + a wrong
// meaning (non-persistent!)
// also psyc/parse cannot parse this, and shouldnt start
#ifndef SPYC
//sep = key[0] == '_' ? "\n+\t" : "\n"+key[0..]+"\t";
sep = "\n"+key[0..0]+"\t";
//P2(("sep %O, key[0] %O\n", sep, key[0]))
needLen = 1; // is it always necessary?
// no, but it does not hurt much either
if (pointerp(val)) {
klopp = "";
each(d, val) {
#ifndef SPYC
// good-old "simple" syntax
klopp += sep + UNIFORM(d);
k = objectp(d)? psyc_name(d): to_string(d);
klopp += strlen(k) +" "+ k + "|";
#ifdef SPYC
klopp = klopp[..<2];
else if (mappingp(val)) {
#if 1
raise_error("Mappings currently not transmittable.\n");
klopp = "";
mapeach(k, d, val) {
// inofficial table syntax
klopp += sep + UNIFORM(k);
if (d) klopp += " " + UNIFORM(d);
// it could lead to problems if vars is reused since val may
// be an array .. pointer ... so we put stuff in klopp instead
#ifndef SPYC
klopp = strlen(klopp) > 3 ? klopp[3..] : "";
// if (sizeof(val) && stringp(val[0])) val = implode(val, " , ");
// else return;
#ifndef SPYC
if (klopp) klopp = "\n"+ key +"\t"+ klopp;
else klopp = "\n"+ key;
if (klopp) klopp = "\n"+ key +
(needLen? (" "+strlen(klopp)+"\t") : "\t") + klopp;
else klopp = "\n"+ key +"\t"; // with or without TAB here?
#if 1 //def EXPERIMENTAL
if (routeMe) rbuf += klopp;
else ebuf += klopp;
ebuf += klopp;
P4(("build_header (%O, %O) rbuf %O\n", key, val, rbuf))
return 0;
static varargs string render_psyc(mixed source, string mc, mixed data,
mapping vars, int showingLog, vastring target) {
// vaobject obj, vastring target, vaint hascontext)
P4(("%O render_psyc %O for %O\n", ME, vars, previous_object()))
string t, context;
mapping rvars = ([ ]);
int needLen = 0;
mixed key, val;
#ifndef NEW_LINE
int excessiveNewline = 0;
rbuf = ebuf = "";
ASSERT("mc", mc, "Message from "+ to_string(source) +" w/out mc")
if (!stringp(data)) {
#ifdef T // what lynX wants to say here: do we have the textdb
if (abbrev("_message", mc)) data = "";
else {
data = T(mc, "") || "";
P3(("edit: fmt from textdb for %O: %O\n", mc, data))
# ifndef NEW_LINE
if (strlen(data) && char_from_end(data, 1) == '\n')
excessiveNewline = 1;
# endif
PT(("non-string data: %O\n", data))
data = data? to_string(data): "";
else if (data == S_GLYPH_PACKET_DELIMITER ||
# ifdef SPYC
// just some random limit that makes us prefer _length
// over scanning data for illegal characters
strlen(data) > 444 ||
# endif
(strlen(data) > 1 &&
data[0] == C_GLYPH_PACKET_DELIMITER && data[1] == '\n')
|| strstr(data, "\n" S_GLYPH_PACKET_DELIMITER "\n") != -1) {
// we could check what people are typing in usercmd.. then
// again, "illegal" data may also come in from XMPP, and
// anything should be legal in PSYC.. so let's handle it here.
# ifdef SPYC
# else
// old psyc syntax has no clean solution to this problem,
// so we just censor the message. use the new syntax!
P1(("%O: %O tried to send %O via psyc. censored.\n",
previous_object() || ME, vars["_nick"] || vars, data))
data = "*** censored message ***";
return 0;
# endif
# ifndef NEW_LINE
} else
# ifdef SPYC
if (!needLen)
# endif
//# echo net/psyc Warning: Using inaccurate newline guessing strategy.
// textdb still provides formats with extra trailing newline.
// catching this at this point is kind of wrong. it doesn't
// take into consideration data that intentionally ends with
// a newline. This is a minor inconvenience, but still.. FIXME
P4(("Newline guessing for %O (%O) %O\n", data,
char_from_end(data, 1), '\n'))
if (strlen(data) && char_from_end(data, 1) == '\n')
excessiveNewline = 1;
# endif
# if 1
if (context = vars["_INTERNAL_context"]) {
P4(("retransmit: %O - deleting source\n", data))
# ifdef BETA
if (source != context && !vars["_source_relay"])
vars["_source_relay"] = source;
# else
vars["_source_relay"] = source;
# endif
// public lastlog and history are sent with _context and _target
source = 0;
else if (context = vars["_context"]) {
P4(("1st transmit: %O - deleting source and target\n", data))
// we're not multipeering, so no sources here.
# ifdef BETA
if (source != context && !vars["_source_relay"])
vars["_source_relay"] = source;
# else
vars["_source_relay"] = source;
# endif
source = 0;
// if (vars["_INTERNAL_context"]) context = 0; // EXPERIMENTAL
// else {
// at least we get to see when he does that
// vars["_INTERNAL_target"] = target;
// oh he does it a lot currently
P2(("psycrender removing _target %O for %O in %O\n",
target, context, ME))
// history in fact is a state sync so it
// should be sent with _context AND _target TODO
target = 0;
// }
# else
context = vars["_context"];
# endif
if (context) {
rvars["_context"] = UNIFORM(context);
t = source || vars["_source_relay"];
if (t) rvars["_source_relay"] = UNIFORM(t);
// resend of /history transmitted according to spec:
if (showingLog && target) rvars["_target"] = target;
// usually the same as context or a different channel of
// context or the actual recipient of a multicast
// ... not interesting in any case
//else if (target) rbuf += "\n:_target_relay\t"+ target;
} else {
if (source) rvars["_source"] = UNIFORM(source);
if (target) rvars["_target"] = target;
// this is necessary for message forwarding ( /set id )
if (t = vars["_source_relay"])
rvars["_source_relay"] = UNIFORM(t);
#endif /* NEW_RENDER */
int routeMe = 0;
mapping evars = ([ ]);
if (mappingp(vars))
mapeach (key, val, vars) {
// psyc_isRoutingVar() would be faster here I presume
routeMe = isRouting[key];
if ((routeMe &&! (routeMe & PSYC_ROUTING_RENDER))
|| abbrev("_INTERNAL", key))
if (routeMe)
rvars[key] = val;
evars[key] = val;
return psyc_render(({ rvars, evars, mc, data }));
// notice for completeness: the PSYC renderer does not convert_charset
// from SYSTEM_CHARSET to UTF-8, so to produce correct PSYC you must not
// switch to a different SYSTEM_CHARSET, or you have to fix that...
// probably the right thing to do is to remove configurable SYSTEM_CHARSET