psyc://loupsycedyglgamf.onion/~lynX d52b7ee982 sql ifdefs
1984-04-04 00:44:08 +00:00

41 lines
1.0 KiB

#include <net.h>
#if defined(STORAGE_MYSQL)
# if __EFUN_DEFINED__(db_connect)
* from ldmud's concepts/mysql:
* As mySQL "limits" the number of connections to 100 and as every
* connection to the mySQL-server takes time, you should use
* database serverobjects in your MUD which constantly keep the
* connection to the mySQL-server.
* hence we use this instead of letting each object have its own connection.
* Actually we aren't using this code at all, since psyced makes no
* operations by which it makes sense to use SQL rather than flat files.
volatile int handle;
create() {
mixed query(string q, varargs mixed args) {
// TODO: it might be wise to db_conv_string on each arg to
// avoid sql injections
int res;
mixed row;
mixed *data = ({ });
res = db_exec(handle, sprintf(q, args...));
unless(res) return ({ });
while(row = db_fetch(handle))
data += ({ row });
return data;
# endif