2018-12-22 23:08:20 +11:00
* Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018
* Developed by Lorenc
* Module: cnr\features\passive_mode.pwn
* Purpose: passive mode feature (and anti-spawn kill)
/* ** Includes ** */
#include < YSI\y_hooks >
/* ** Variables ** */
static stock
Text3D: p_SpawnKillLabel [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID, ... },
p_AntiSpawnKill [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
bool: p_AntiSpawnKillEnabled [ MAX_PLAYERS char ]
/* ** Hooks ** */
hook OnPlayerUpdateEx( playerid )
// Remove Anti-Spawn Kill
if ( p_AntiSpawnKillEnabled{ playerid } && g_iTime > p_AntiSpawnKill[ playerid ] ) {
DisablePlayerSpawnProtection( playerid );
2019-01-25 01:04:20 -05:00
if ( GetPlayerWantedLevel( playerid ) > 0 )
if ( IsPassivePlayerInVehicle( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) )
2019-01-25 19:41:05 -05:00
SyncObject( playerid );
2019-01-25 01:04:20 -05:00
SendError( playerid, "You cannot enter vehicles with passive players in it as a wanted criminal." );
2018-12-22 23:08:20 +11:00
return 1;
hook OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
2018-12-24 18:22:55 +00:00
if ( ! IsPlayerInPaintBall( playerid ) )
// Toggle Anti Spawn Kill
DisableRemoteVehicleCollisions( playerid, p_AdminOnDuty{ playerid } );
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, INVALID_PLAYER_ID );
Delete3DTextLabel( p_SpawnKillLabel[ playerid ] );
p_SpawnKillLabel[ playerid ] = Create3DTextLabel( "Spawn Protected!", COLOR_GOLD, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 15.0, 0 );
p_AntiSpawnKill[ playerid ] = g_iTime + 15;
Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer( p_SpawnKillLabel[ playerid ], playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3 );
p_AntiSpawnKillEnabled{ playerid } = true;
2018-12-22 23:08:20 +11:00
2018-12-24 18:22:55 +00:00
// Toggle Passive Mode
SetPlayerPassiveMode( playerid );
2018-12-22 23:08:20 +11:00
return 1;
hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
ResetPlayerPassiveMode( playerid );
Delete3DTextLabel( p_SpawnKillLabel[ playerid ] );
p_SpawnKillLabel[ playerid ] = Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID;
p_AntiSpawnKillEnabled{ playerid } = false;
return 1;
#if defined AC_INCLUDED
hook OnPlayerDeathEx( playerid, killerid, reason, Float: damage, bodypart )
hook OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
ResetPlayerPassiveMode( playerid );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerUnjailed( playerid, reasonid )
SetPlayerPassiveMode( playerid );
return 1;
2019-01-25 01:04:20 -05:00
hook OnPlayerEnterVehicle( playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger )
if ( IsPlayerPassive( playerid ) )
if ( IsWantedPlayerInVehicle( vehicleid ) )
SetPlayerWantedLevel( playerid, 6 );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 3000, "You are now considered wanted for associating yourself with a wanted player." );
return 1;
return 1;
2018-12-22 23:08:20 +11:00
/* ** Functions ** */
2019-01-25 19:41:05 -05:00
stock GivePassivePassengersWanted( playerid, vehicleid )
2019-01-25 01:04:20 -05:00
foreach( new pID : Player )
2019-01-25 19:41:05 -05:00
if ( !IsPlayerPassive( pID ) || IsPlayerNPC( pID ) || pID == playerid )
2019-01-25 01:04:20 -05:00
if ( GetPlayerVehicleID( pID ) == vehicleid )
SetPlayerWantedLevel( pID, 6 );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( pID, 3000, "You are now considered wanted for associating yourself with a wanted player." );
2019-02-18 00:01:37 +11:00
2019-01-25 01:04:20 -05:00
return true;
stock IsPassivePlayerInVehicle( vehicleid )
foreach ( new pID : Player )
if ( !IsPlayerPassive( pID ) || !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( pID ) )
if ( GetPlayerVehicleID( pID ) == vehicleid )
return true;
return false;
2019-02-18 00:01:37 +11:00
stock DisablePlayerSpawnProtection( playerid, Float: default_health = 100.0 )
2018-12-22 23:08:20 +11:00
if ( p_AntiSpawnKillEnabled{ playerid } )
2019-02-18 00:01:37 +11:00
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_AdminOnDuty{ playerid } ? float( INVALID_PLAYER_ID ) : default_health );
2018-12-22 23:08:20 +11:00
DisableRemoteVehicleCollisions( playerid, p_AdminOnDuty{ playerid } );
Delete3DTextLabel( p_SpawnKillLabel[ playerid ] );
p_SpawnKillLabel[ playerid ] = Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID;
p_AntiSpawnKillEnabled{ playerid } = false;
return 1;
stock SetPlayerPassiveMode( playerid )
if ( IsPlayerSettingToggled( playerid, SETTING_PASSIVE_MODE ) )
ResetPlayerPassiveMode( playerid, .passive_disabled = true );
return 0;
// reset any labels etc
ResetPlayerPassiveMode( playerid );
// place label
if ( ! p_WantedLevel[ playerid ] && ! IsPlayerInPaintBall( playerid ) && GetPlayerClass( playerid ) != CLASS_POLICE ) {
p_PassiveModeLabel[ playerid ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "Passive Mode", COLOR_GREEN, 0.0, 0.0, -0.6, 15.0, .attachedplayer = playerid );
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, g_PassiveModeTD );
return 1;
stock IsPlayerPassive( playerid )
return ! p_WantedLevel[ playerid ] && p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_POLICE && ! p_PassiveModeDisabled{ playerid };
stock ResetPlayerPassiveMode( playerid, bool: passive_disabled = false )
DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel( p_PassiveModeLabel[ playerid ] );
//KillTimer( p_PassiveModeExpireTimer[ playerid ] );
p_PassiveModeLabel[ playerid ] = Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID;
//p_PassiveModeExpireTimer[ playerid ] = -1;
p_PassiveModeDisabled{ playerid } = passive_disabled;
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_PassiveModeTD );
return 1;
/*function PassiveMode_Reset( playerid, time_left )
// if you happen to die then have a shot synced ... just reset normally
if ( GetPlayerState( playerid ) == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED ) {
return ResetPlayerPassiveMode( playerid );
if ( p_WantedLevel[ playerid ] > 0 || p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN || -- time_left <= 0 )
ResetPlayerPassiveMode( playerid, .passive_disabled = true );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 2000, "Passive mode is ~r~disabled." );
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( p_PassiveModeLabel[ playerid ], COLOR_RED, sprintf( "Passive Mode Disabled In %d Seconds", time_left ) );
p_PassiveModeExpireTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "PassiveMode_Reset", 980, false, "dd", playerid, time_left );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 1500, "Passive mode disabled in ~r~%d seconds.", time_left );
return 1;
stock IsPlayerSpawnProtected( playerid ) {
return p_AntiSpawnKillEnabled{ playerid };