move dispose weapon to weapon_drop

This commit is contained in:
Lorenc Pekaj 2018-10-14 16:12:00 +11:00
parent 749f52ca73
commit 0c467299d4

@ -3121,12 +3121,11 @@ public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, g_currentXPTD );
HidePlayerTogglableTextdraws( playerid );
/* ** Tax And Medical Fees ** */
/* ** Tax And Medical Fees **
if ( GetPlayerTotalCash( playerid ) > 0 && ! ( IsPlayerInPaintBall( playerid ) || IsPlayerDueling( playerid ) || IsPlayerInEvent( playerid ) ) ) {
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, sprintf( "~w~You have paid ~r~$100~w~ in medical fees" ) );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, -100 );
/* ** End Of Tax And Medical Fees ** */
} */
playerGangId = p_GangID[ playerid ];
@ -4352,45 +4351,6 @@ CMD:race( playerid, params[ ] )
CMD:dw( playerid, params[ ] ) return cmd_disposeweapon( playerid, params );
CMD:disposeweapon(playerid, params[]) {
if ( p_Spectating{ playerid } ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot use such commands while you're spectating." );
iCurrentWeapon = GetPlayerWeapon( playerid ),
iWeaponID[ 13 ],
iWeaponAmmo[ 13 ]
if ( iCurrentWeapon != 0 )
for( new iSlot = 0; iSlot < sizeof( iWeaponAmmo ); iSlot++ )
GetPlayerWeaponData( playerid, iSlot, iWeapon, iAmmo );
if ( iWeapon != iCurrentWeapon ) {
GetPlayerWeaponData( playerid, iSlot, iWeaponID[ iSlot ], iWeaponAmmo[ iSlot ] );
ResetPlayerWeapons( playerid );
for( new iSlot = 0; iSlot < sizeof( iWeaponAmmo ); iSlot++ ) {
GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, iWeaponID[ iSlot ], 0 <= iWeaponAmmo[ iSlot ] < 16384 ? iWeaponAmmo[ iSlot ] : 16384 );
SetPlayerArmedWeapon( playerid, 0 ); // prevent driveby
return SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have dropped your weapon." );
} else {
return SendError( playerid, "You are not holding any weapon." );
CMD:suggest( playerid, params[ ] ) return cmd_feedback( playerid, params );
CMD:feedback( playerid, params[ ] )
@ -15464,7 +15424,7 @@ stock getCurrentTime( )
p_HideHelpDialogTimer[ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 0xFFFF, ... };
p_HideHelpDialogTimer[ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { -1, ... };
stock ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, timeout, format[ ], va_args<> )
@ -15481,17 +15441,21 @@ stock ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, timeout, format[ ], va_args<> )
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_HelpBoxTD[ playerid ] );
KillTimer( p_HideHelpDialogTimer[ playerid ] );
p_HideHelpDialogTimer[ playerid ] = -1;
if ( timeout != 0 )
if ( timeout != 0 ) {
p_HideHelpDialogTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "HidePlayerHelpDialog", timeout, false, "d", playerid );
return 1;
function HidePlayerHelpDialog( playerid )
p_HideHelpDialogTimer[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_HelpBoxTD[ playerid ] );
if ( p_HideHelpDialogTimer[ playerid ] != -1 )
p_HideHelpDialogTimer[ playerid ] = -1;
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_HelpBoxTD[ playerid ] );
stock fix_NightThermalVisionHack( playerid ) // Created by wups