move rank to experience.pwn

This commit is contained in:
Lorenc Pekaj 2018-10-12 19:34:02 +11:00
parent fa0e42c018
commit 1838bf5b50
3 changed files with 172 additions and 162 deletions

View File

@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ enum E_LEVEL_DATA {
Float: E_POINTS, E_NAME[ 32 ], E_MODEL,
static const
Float: EXP_MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL = 100.0;
@ -56,9 +62,28 @@ static const
{ "Drug Production", 10000.0, 6.0 }, // 10k exports drug related
{ "Mining", 1500.0, 3.0 } // 1,500 mining ores
g_aPlayerRanks[ ] [ E_RANK_DATA ] =
{ 11871.5, "Elite V", 19780, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 6627.13, "Elite IV", 19782, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 3699.51, "Elite III", 19781, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 2065.21, "Elite II", 19784, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 1152.88, "Elite I", 19783, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 643.581, "Silver V", 19780, COLOR_GREY },
{ 359.271, "Silver IV", 19782, COLOR_GREY },
{ 200.563, "Silver III", 19781, COLOR_GREY },
{ 111.95, "Silver II", 19784, COLOR_GREY },
{ 62.5, "Silver I", 19783, COLOR_GREY },
{ 0.0, "unranked", 19300, COLOR_GREY }
Float: p_seasonalXP [ MAX_PLAYERS ]
/* ** Variables ** */
static stock
Float: g_playerExperience [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_LEVELS ],
@ -145,7 +170,11 @@ hook OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
return 1;
hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason ) {
hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
p_seasonalXP[ playerid ] = 0.0;
// reset levels
for ( new l = 0; l < sizeof ( g_levelData ); l ++ ) {
g_playerExperience[ playerid ] [ E_LEVELS: l ] = 0;
@ -186,6 +215,22 @@ CMD:level( playerid, params[ ] )
return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_VIEW_LEVEL, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, sprintf( "{FFFFFF}%s's Level - Total Level %d", ReturnPlayerName( watchingid ), player_total_lvl ), szLargeString, "Refresh", "Close" );
CMD:rank( playerid, params[ ] )
if ( sscanf( params, "u", watchingid ) )
watchingid = playerid;
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( watchingid ) )
watchingid = playerid;
format( szBigString, 196, "SELECT uo.NAME, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ui.`SCORE`) FROM `USERS` ui WHERE ui.`SCORE` >= uo.`SCORE`) AS `GLOBAL_RANK` FROM `USERS` uo WHERE `ID`=%d", p_AccountID[ watchingid ] );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, szBigString, true, "currentUserRank", "ii", playerid, watchingid );
return 1;
/* ** SQL Threads ** */
thread Experience_OnLoad( playerid )
@ -208,6 +253,25 @@ thread Experience_OnLoad( playerid )
return 1;
thread currentUserRank( playerid, watchingid )
cache_get_data( rows, tmpVariable );
if ( rows )
iGroupedRank = GetPlayerRank( watchingid ),
iGlobalRank = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "GLOBAL_RANK", dbHandle )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "%s(%d) is grouped in {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE" and is globally "COL_GREY"#%d"COL_WHITE".", ReturnPlayerName( watchingid ), watchingid, g_aPlayerRanks[ iGroupedRank ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_aPlayerRanks[ iGroupedRank ] [ E_NAME ], iGlobalRank );
else SendError( playerid, "Couldn't find a rank for this user, try again later." );
return 1;
/* ** Functions ** */
stock GivePlayerExperience( playerid, E_LEVELS: level, Float: default_xp = 1.0, bool: with_dilation = true )
@ -274,6 +338,99 @@ stock GetPlayerTotalLevel( playerid, &level = 0 ) {
return level;
stock GetRankFromXP( Float: xp ) {
for( iRank = 0; iRank < sizeof( g_aPlayerRanks ); iRank++ )
if ( xp >= g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] )
return iRank;
stock GetPlayerRank( playerid ) {
return GetRankFromXP( p_seasonalXP[ playerid ] );
stock ShowPlayerIrresistibleRank( playerid )
iRank = GetPlayerRank( playerid );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_MODEL ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ] );
stock GivePlayerIrresistiblePoints( playerid, Float: points )
Float: fPreviousPoints = p_seasonalXP[ playerid ],
Float: fCurrentPoints = fPreviousPoints + points
if ( fCurrentPoints < 0.0 )
fCurrentPoints = 0.0;
new Float: upper_limit = g_aPlayerRanks[ 0 ] [ E_POINTS ] + 500.0;
if ( fCurrentPoints > upper_limit )
fCurrentPoints = upper_limit;
for( new iRank = 0; iRank < sizeof( g_aPlayerRanks ); iRank++ )
bGained = ( fPreviousPoints < g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] <= fCurrentPoints ),
bLost = ( fCurrentPoints < g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] <= fPreviousPoints )
if ( bGained || bLost )
if ( bGained )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Congratulations, your grouped ranking has been increased to {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE"!", g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_MODEL ] );
if ( bLost )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Sorry, your grouped ranking has decreased to {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE"!", g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_MODEL ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ] );
//printf( "%s: %f points", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), fCurrentPoints );
p_seasonalXP[ playerid ] = fCurrentPoints;
stock GetRankName( rankid ) {
return g_aPlayerRanks[ rankid ] [ E_NAME ];
stock GetRankColour( rankid ) {
return g_aPlayerRanks[ rankid ] [ E_COLOR ];
/* ** Migrations ** */

View File

@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ new
p_TrainMissions [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_KidnapImmunity [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_GangSplitProfits [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
Float: p_IrresistiblePoints [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_SafeHelperTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { -1, ... },
p_HouseOfferer [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_HouseOfferTicks [ MAX_PLAYERS ],

View File

@ -342,28 +342,6 @@ new
/* ** Rank System ** */
Float: E_POINTS, E_NAME[ 32 ], E_MODEL,
stock const
g_aPlayerRanks[ ] [ E_RANK_DATA ] =
{ 11871.5, "Elite V", 19780, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 6627.13, "Elite IV", 19782, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 3699.51, "Elite III", 19781, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 2065.21, "Elite II", 19784, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 1152.88, "Elite I", 19783, COLOR_GOLD },
{ 643.581, "Silver V", 19780, COLOR_GREY },
{ 359.271, "Silver IV", 19782, COLOR_GREY },
{ 200.563, "Silver III", 19781, COLOR_GREY },
{ 111.95, "Silver II", 19784, COLOR_GREY },
{ 62.5, "Silver I", 19783, COLOR_GREY },
{ 0.0, "unranked", 19300, COLOR_GREY }
/* ** Hitmarker ** */
@ -2263,7 +2241,6 @@ public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
p_GangSplitProfits[ playerid ] = 0;
p_IrresistibleCoins[ playerid ] = 0.0;
p_QuitToAvoidTimestamp[ playerid ] = 0;
p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ] = 0.0;
p_AntiExportCarSpam[ playerid ] = 0;
p_TruckedCargo[ playerid ] = 0;
p_PilotMissions[ playerid ] = 0;
@ -4552,41 +4529,6 @@ CMD:highscores( playerid, params[ ] )
return 1;
CMD:rank( playerid, params[ ] )
if ( sscanf( params, "u", watchingid ) )
watchingid = playerid;
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( watchingid ) )
watchingid = playerid;
format( szBigString, 196, "SELECT uo.NAME, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ui.`SCORE`) FROM `USERS` ui WHERE ui.`SCORE` >= uo.`SCORE`) AS `GLOBAL_RANK` FROM `USERS` uo WHERE `ID`=%d", p_AccountID[ watchingid ] );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, szBigString, true, "currentUserRank", "ii", playerid, watchingid );
return 1;
thread currentUserRank( playerid, watchingid )
cache_get_data( rows, tmpVariable );
if ( rows )
iGroupedRank = GetPlayerRank( watchingid ),
iGlobalRank = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "GLOBAL_RANK", dbHandle )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "%s(%d) is grouped in {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE" and is globally "COL_GREY"#%d"COL_WHITE".", ReturnPlayerName( watchingid ), watchingid, g_aPlayerRanks[ iGroupedRank ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_aPlayerRanks[ iGroupedRank ] [ E_NAME ], iGlobalRank );
else SendError( playerid, "Couldn't find a rank for this user, try again later." );
return 1;
CMD:request( playerid, params[ ] )
/* ** Anti Spammy Commands ** */
@ -10334,7 +10276,7 @@ thread OnAttemptPlayerLogin( playerid, password[ ] )
p_MethYielded[ playerid ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "METH_YIELDED", dbHandle );
p_drillStrength[ playerid ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "DRILL", dbHandle );
p_IrresistibleCoins[ playerid ] = cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "COINS", dbHandle );
p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ]= cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "RANK", dbHandle );
p_seasonalXP[ playerid ] = cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "RANK", dbHandle );
p_ExtraAssetSlots{ playerid } = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "EXTRA_SLOTS", dbHandle );
p_forcedAnticheat[ playerid ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "FORCE_AC", dbHandle );
@ -11656,7 +11598,7 @@ public OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[ ] )
""COL_GREY"Admin Level:{FFFFFF} %d\n"\
""COL_GREY"Time Online:{FFFFFF} %s\n"\
""COL_GREY"Irresistible Rank:{FFFFFF} %s\n"\
""COL_GREY"Irresistible Coins:{FFFFFF} %f\n", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, p_AccountID[ pID ], p_AdminLevel[ pID ], secondstotime( p_Uptime[ pID ] ), g_aPlayerRanks[ GetPlayerRank( pID ) ] [ E_NAME ], p_IrresistibleCoins[ pID ] );
""COL_GREY"Irresistible Coins:{FFFFFF} %f\n", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, p_AccountID[ pID ], p_AdminLevel[ pID ], secondstotime( p_Uptime[ pID ] ), GetRankName( GetPlayerRank( pID ) ), p_IrresistibleCoins[ pID ] );
format( szLargeString, 750, "%s"COL_GREY"V.I.P Level:{FFFFFF} %s\n"\
""COL_GREY"V.I.P Expiry:{FFFFFF} %s\n"\
@ -12985,16 +12927,10 @@ thread OnHighScoreCheck( playerid, highscore_item )
case 0:
Float: score_value = cache_get_field_content_float( row, "SCORE_VAL", dbHandle ), rank;
new Float: score_value = cache_get_field_content_float( row, "SCORE_VAL", dbHandle );
new rank = GetRankFromXP( score_value );
for( rank = 0; rank < sizeof( g_aPlayerRanks ); rank++ ) {
if ( score_value >= g_aPlayerRanks[ rank ] [ E_POINTS ] ) {
format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%s%s%s\t{%06x}%s\n", szLargeString, strmatch( name, ReturnPlayerName( playerid ) ) ? COL_GREEN : COL_WHITE, name, g_aPlayerRanks[ rank ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_aPlayerRanks[ rank ] [ E_NAME ] );
format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%s%s%s\t{%06x}%s\n", szLargeString, strmatch( name, ReturnPlayerName( playerid ) ) ? COL_GREEN : COL_WHITE, name, GetRankColour( rank ) >>> 8, GetRankName( rank ) );
@ -13357,7 +13293,7 @@ stock SavePlayerData( playerid, bool: logout = false )
p_JailsBlown[ playerid ], p_BankBlown[ playerid ], p_CarsJacked[ playerid ],
p_MethYielded[ playerid ], mysql_escape( ReturnPlayerIP( playerid ) ),
p_VIPJob{ playerid }, p_TruckedCargo[ playerid ], p_IrresistibleCoins[ playerid ],
p_ExplosiveBullets[ playerid ], p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ],
p_ExplosiveBullets[ playerid ], p_seasonalXP[ playerid ],
!logout, p_HitmarkerSound{ playerid }, p_ExtraAssetSlots{ playerid },
p_PilotMissions[ playerid ], p_TrainMissions[ playerid ],
p_AccountID[ playerid ] );
@ -16581,88 +16517,6 @@ stock SplitPlayerCashForGang( playerid, Float: cashRobbed )
return 1;
stock GetPlayerRank( playerid )
for( iRank = 0; iRank < sizeof( g_aPlayerRanks ); iRank++ )
if ( p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ] >= g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] )
return iRank;
stock ShowPlayerIrresistibleRank( playerid )
iRank = GetPlayerRank( playerid );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_MODEL ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ] );
stock GivePlayerIrresistiblePoints( playerid, Float: points )
Float: fPreviousPoints = p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ],
Float: fCurrentPoints = fPreviousPoints + points
if ( fCurrentPoints < 0.0 )
fCurrentPoints = 0.0;
new Float: upper_limit = g_aPlayerRanks[ 0 ] [ E_POINTS ] + 500.0;
if ( fCurrentPoints > upper_limit )
fCurrentPoints = upper_limit;
for( new iRank = 0; iRank < sizeof( g_aPlayerRanks ); iRank++ )
bGained = ( fPreviousPoints < g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] <= fCurrentPoints ),
bLost = ( fCurrentPoints < g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_POINTS ] <= fPreviousPoints )
if ( bGained || bLost )
if ( bGained )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Congratulations, your grouped ranking has been increased to {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE"!", g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank ] [ E_MODEL ] );
if ( bLost )
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Sorry, your grouped ranking has decreased to {%06x}%s"COL_WHITE"!", g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] >>> 8, g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_NAME ] );
PlayerTextDrawColor( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_COLOR ] );
PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ], g_aPlayerRanks[ iRank + 1 ] [ E_MODEL ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTD[ playerid ] );
PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, p_PlayerRankTextTD[ playerid ] );
//printf( "%s: %f points", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), fCurrentPoints );
p_IrresistiblePoints[ playerid ] = fCurrentPoints;
stock ShowPlayerTogglableTextdraws( playerid, bool: force = false )
// Current Coins