add penalities for pocketing white / opposition + chalk as soon as you press key fire
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ enum E_POOL_TABLE_DATA
@ -92,8 +94,8 @@ new
p_PoolSender [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
bool: p_isPlayingPool [ MAX_PLAYERS char],
bool: p_PoolChalk [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
bool: p_isPlayingPool [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
bool: p_PoolChalking [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
p_PoolCamera [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_PoolScore [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
Float: p_PoolAngle [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ 2 ],
@ -166,37 +168,42 @@ hook OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
return 1;
hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys )
new id = -1;
new Float: pooltable_distance = 99999.99;
new id = GetClosestPoolTable( playerid, pooltable_distance );
if ((id = getNearestPoolTable(playerid)) != -1)
if ( id != -1 && pooltable_distance < 2.5 )
if (g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_STARTED ] && IsPlayerPlayingPool( playerid ) && p_PoolID[ playerid ] == id)
if ( g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_STARTED ] )
// make pressing key fire annoying
if ( IsKeyJustUp( KEY_FIRE, newkeys, oldkeys ) && g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_AIMER ] != playerid && ! p_PoolChalking{ playerid } )
return 0;
// Not the players turn detection (player 1 and/or player 2)
if (IsKeyJustUp(KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK, newkeys, oldkeys))
if ( IsPlayerPlayingPool( playerid ) )
if (IsPlayerPlayingPool( playerid ) && g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_AIMER ] != playerid && !p_PoolChalk[ playerid ])
SetTimerEx("PlayPoolSound", 1400, false, "dd", id, 31807);
SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 338, 6, 0, 0.07, -0.85, 0, 0, 0);
ApplyAnimation(playerid, "POOL", "POOL_ChalkCue", 3.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
p_PoolChalk[ playerid ] = true;
p_PoolChalking{ playerid } = true;
SetTimerEx("RestoreWeapon", 3500, false, "d", playerid);
SetPlayerArmedWeapon( playerid, 0 );
SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 338, 6, 0, 0.07, -0.85, 0, 0, 0 );
ApplyAnimation( playerid, "POOL", "POOL_ChalkCue", 3.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
SetTimerEx( "PlayPoolSound", 1400, false, "dd", playerid, 31807 );
SetTimerEx( "RestoreWeapon", 3500, false, "d", playerid );
print( "Why u clearning" );
ClearAnimations( playerid );
return 1;
// begin gameplay stuff
if ( IsPlayerPlayingPool( playerid ) && p_PoolID[ playerid ] == id )
if (IsKeyJustUp(KEY_JUMP, newkeys, oldkeys))
if (g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_AIMER ] == playerid)
@ -232,18 +239,18 @@ hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if (IsKeyJustUp(KEY_HANDBRAKE, newkeys, oldkeys))
if (AreAllBallsStopped(id))
if ( AreAllBallsStopped( id ) )
if (g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_AIMER ] != playerid)
if (!p_PoolChalk[ playerid ] && g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_AIMER ] == -1)
if ( ! p_PoolChalking{ playerid } && g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_AIMER ] == -1 )
new Float:poolrot,
Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z,
Float:Xa, Float:Ya, Float:Za,
Float:x, Float:y;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
GetPlayerPos( playerid, X, Y, Z );
GetObjectPos( g_poolBallData[ id ] [ E_BALL_OBJECT ] [ 0 ], Xa, Ya, Za );
new Float: distance_to_ball = GetDistanceFromPointToPoint( X, Y, Xa, Ya );
@ -296,13 +303,18 @@ hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if (IsKeyJustUp(KEY_FIRE, newkeys, oldkeys))
if ( IsKeyJustUp( KEY_FIRE, newkeys, oldkeys ) )
if (g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_AIMER ] == playerid)
if ( g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_AIMER ] == playerid )
new Float: speed;
Float: speed;
ApplyAnimation(playerid, "POOL", "POOL_Med_Shot", 3.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_SHOTS_LEFT ] --;
g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_CURRENT_SHOOTER ] = playerid;
Pool_UpdateScoreboard( id );
ApplyAnimation( playerid, "POOL", "POOL_Med_Shot", 3.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
speed = 0.4 + (g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_POWER ] * 2.0) / 100.0;
PHY_SetObjectVelocity(g_poolBallData[id] [E_BALL_OBJECT] [0], speed * floatsin(-p_PoolAngle[ playerid ] [ 0 ], degrees), speed * floatcos(-p_PoolAngle[ playerid ] [ 0 ], degrees));
@ -312,29 +324,36 @@ hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
PlayPoolSound(id, 31810);
g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_AIMER ] = -1;
DestroyObject(g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_AIMER_OBJECT ]);
DestroyObject( g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_AIMER_OBJECT ] );
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 7, 1);
g_poolTableData[ id ] [ E_CURRENT_SHOOTER ] = playerid;
GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, 7, 1 );
else ClearAnimations(playerid);
return 1;
/* ** Functions ** */
stock getNearestPoolTable( playerid )
stock GetClosestPoolTable( playerid, &Float: dis = 99999.99 )
foreach ( new i : pooltables ) if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.5, g_poolTableData[ i ] [ E_X ], g_poolTableData[ i ] [ E_Y ], g_poolTableData[ i ] [ E_Z ]) ) {
return i;
pooltable = -1;
foreach ( new i : pooltables )
Float: dis2 = GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint( playerid, g_poolTableData[ i ] [ E_X ], g_poolTableData[ i ] [ E_Y ], g_poolTableData[ i ] [ E_Z ] );
if ( dis2 < dis && dis2 != -1.00 )
dis = dis2;
pooltable = i;
return -1;
return pooltable;
stock CreatePoolTable( Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: A = 0.0, interior = 0, world = 0 )
@ -491,22 +510,17 @@ stock GetXYBehindObjectInAngle(objectid, Float:a, &Float:x2, &Float:y2, Float:di
y2 += (distance * floatcos(-a+180, degrees));
stock AreAllBallsStopped(poolid)
stock AreAllBallsStopped( poolid )
Float: x,
Float: y,
Float: z;
Float: x, Float: y, Float: z;
for (new i = 0; i < 16; i ++)
for ( new i = 0; i < 16; i ++ ) if ( g_poolBallData[ poolid ] [ E_EXISTS ] [ i ] )
if (g_poolBallData[poolid] [E_EXISTS] [i])
PHY_GetObjectVelocity(g_poolBallData[poolid] [E_BALL_OBJECT] [i], x, y, z);
PHY_GetObjectVelocity( g_poolBallData[ poolid ] [ E_BALL_OBJECT ] [ i ], x, y, z );
if (x != 0.0 || y != 0.0)
return 0;
if ( x != 0.0 || y != 0.0 )
return 0;
return 1;
@ -578,10 +592,11 @@ stock Pool_UpdateScoreboard( poolid, close = 0 )
format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ),
"%sIt's %s's turn.~n~~n~~r~~h~~h~%s Score:~w~ %d~n~~b~~h~~h~%s Score:~w~ %d",
"%sIt's %s's turn.~n~~n~~r~~h~~h~%s Score:~w~ %d~n~~b~~h~~h~%s Score:~w~ %d~n~~n~%d shots remaining",
szBigString, ReturnPlayerName( g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_NEXT_SHOOTER ] ),
ReturnPlayerName( first_player ), p_PoolScore[ first_player ],
ReturnPlayerName( second_player ), p_PoolScore[ second_player ]
ReturnPlayerName( second_player ), p_PoolScore[ second_player ],
g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_PENALTIES ] ? 0 : g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_SHOTS_LEFT ]
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, close, szBigString );
@ -647,23 +662,6 @@ stock IsBallAtPos( objectid, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, Float: radius )
return distance < radius;
/*stock IsBallNearSide(poolid, objectid)
new Float: x_vertex[4],
Float: y_vertex[4];
RotateXY(-0.96, -0.515, 0.0, x_vertex[0], y_vertex[0]);
RotateXY(-0.96, 0.515, 0.0, x_vertex[1], y_vertex[1]);
RotateXY(0.96, -0.515, 0.0, x_vertex[2], y_vertex[2]);
RotateXY(0.96, 0.515, 0.0, x_vertex[3], y_vertex[3]);
if (IsBallAtPos(objectid, x_vertex[0] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_X ], y_vertex[0] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_Y ], x_vertex[1] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_X ], y_vertex[1] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_Y ])) return 1;
if (IsBallAtPos(objectid, x_vertex[1] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_X ], y_vertex[1] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_Y ], x_vertex[3] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_X ], y_vertex[3] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_Y ])) return 1;
if (IsBallAtPos(objectid, x_vertex[2] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_X ], y_vertex[2] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_Y ], x_vertex[3] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_X ], y_vertex[3] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_Y ])) return 1;
if (IsBallAtPos(objectid, x_vertex[0] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_X ], y_vertex[0] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_Y ], x_vertex[2] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_X ], y_vertex[2] + g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_Y ])) return 1;
return 0;
public PlayPoolSound( poolid, soundid ) {
foreach ( new playerid : poolplayers< poolid > ) {
PlayerPlaySound( playerid, soundid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
@ -758,7 +756,7 @@ public OnPoolUpdate(poolid)
if ( g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_SHOOTER ] != -1 && AreAllBallsStopped( poolid ) )
Pool_QueueNextPlayer( poolid, g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_SHOOTER ] );
Pool_QueueNextPlayer( poolid, g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_SHOOTER ], g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_PENALTIES ] ? 2 : 1 );
SetTimerEx("RestoreCamera", 800, 0, "dd", g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_SHOOTER ], poolid);
g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_SHOOTER ] = -1;
@ -808,15 +806,12 @@ public deleteBall(poolid, ballid)
return 1;
public RestoreWeapon(playerid)
public RestoreWeapon( playerid )
RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0);
p_PoolChalk[ playerid ] = false;
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 7, 1);
ApplyAnimation(playerid, "CARRY", "crry_prtial", 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
RemovePlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0 );
p_PoolChalking{ playerid } = false;
GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, 7, 1 );
ClearAnimations( playerid );
return 1;
@ -915,6 +910,9 @@ public PHY_OnObjectUpdate( objectid )
InitBalls( poolid, 0 );
// penalty
g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_PENALTIES ] ++;
else if ( g_poolBallOffsetData[ poolball_index ] [ E_BALL_TYPE ] == E_8BALL )
@ -938,6 +936,7 @@ public PHY_OnObjectUpdate( objectid )
foreach ( new playerid : poolplayers< poolid > ) {
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "%s(%d) has the final potted the Eight Ball and won!", ReturnPlayerName( current_player ), current_player );
p_PoolScore[ current_player ] ++; // shows on the end result if we do it anyway here
return Pool_EndGame( current_player );
@ -953,12 +952,15 @@ public PHY_OnObjectUpdate( objectid )
GameTextForPlayer( current_player, "~n~~n~~n~~r~wrong ball", 3000, 4);
foreach ( new playerid : poolplayers< poolid > ) {
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, COLOR_RED, "* %s(%d) has wrongly hit %s, instead of %s!", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, g_poolBallOffsetData[ poolball_index ] [ E_BALL_TYPE ] == E_STRIPED ? ( "Striped" ) : ( "Solid" ), g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_PLAYER_BALL_TYPE ] [ current_player ] == E_STRIPED ? ( "Striped" ) : ( "Solid" ) );
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, COLOR_RED, "* %s(%d) has wrongly hit %s, instead of %s!", ReturnPlayerName( current_player ), current_player, g_poolBallOffsetData[ poolball_index ] [ E_BALL_TYPE ] == E_STRIPED ? ( "Striped" ) : ( "Solid" ), g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_PLAYER_BALL_TYPE ] [ current_player ] == E_STRIPED ? ( "Striped" ) : ( "Solid" ) );
// penalty
g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_PENALTIES ] ++;
p_PoolScore[ current_player ] += 1;
p_PoolScore[ current_player ] ++;
GameTextForPlayer( current_player, "~n~~n~~n~~w~Score: +1", 3000, 4);
PlayerTextDrawSetString( current_player, g_PoolTextdraw[ current_player ], sprintf("Power:~n~~n~Score: %d", p_PoolScore[ current_player ]));
@ -966,11 +968,14 @@ public PHY_OnObjectUpdate( objectid )
PlayerTextDrawShow( current_player, g_PoolTextdraw[ current_player ] );
foreach ( new playerid : poolplayers< poolid > ) {
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "%s(%d) has potted a %s %s!", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, g_poolBallOffsetData[ poolball_index ] [ E_BALL_TYPE ] == E_STRIPED ? ( "Striped" ) : ( "Solid" ), g_poolBallOffsetData[ poolball_index ] [ E_BALL_NAME ] );
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "%s(%d) has potted a %s %s!", ReturnPlayerName( current_player ), current_player, g_poolBallOffsetData[ poolball_index ] [ E_BALL_TYPE ] == E_STRIPED ? ( "Striped" ) : ( "Solid" ), g_poolBallOffsetData[ poolball_index ] [ E_BALL_NAME ] );
format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "{FFDC2E}%s [%d] - [%d] %s", ReturnPlayerName( first_player ), p_PoolScore[ first_player ], p_PoolScore[ second_player ], ReturnPlayerName( second_player ) );
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_LABEL ], -1, szNormalString );
// extra shot for scoring one's own
g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_SHOTS_LEFT ] ++;
@ -1004,15 +1009,15 @@ public PHY_OnObjectUpdate( objectid )
foreach ( new playerid : poolplayers< poolid > ) {
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, COLOR_RED, "**** %s(%d) has won %s", ReturnPlayerName( winning_player ), winning_player );
return Pool_EndGame( poolid );
else if ( AreAllBallsStopped( poolid ) )
/*else if ( AreAllBallsStopped( poolid ) )
Pool_QueueNextPlayer( poolid, current_player );
print( "Pool_QueueNextPlayer( %d, %d, %d )", poolid, current_player, next_player_shots );
Pool_QueueNextPlayer( poolid, current_player, next_player_shots );
SetTimerEx( "RestoreCamera", 800, false, "dd", g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_SHOOTER ], poolid );
g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_SHOOTER ] = -1;
return 1;
@ -1020,20 +1025,26 @@ public PHY_OnObjectUpdate( objectid )
return 1;
stock Pool_PenaltyShot( poolid, current_player )
stock Pool_QueueNextPlayer( poolid, current_player, next_player_shots = 1 )
if ( g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_SHOTS_LEFT ] > 0 && g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_PENALTIES ] < 1 )
foreach ( new playerid : poolplayers< poolid > ) {
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, COLOR_RED, "%s(%d) has %d shots remaining!", ReturnPlayerName( current_player ), current_player, g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_SHOTS_LEFT ] );
new first_player = Iter_First( poolplayers< poolid > );
new second_player = Iter_Last( poolplayers< poolid > );
g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_CURRENT_PENALTIES ] = 0;
g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_SHOTS_LEFT ] = next_player_shots;
g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_NEXT_SHOOTER ] = current_player == first_player ? second_player : first_player;
stock Pool_QueueNextPlayer( poolid, current_player )
new first_player = Iter_First( poolplayers< poolid > );
new second_player = Iter_Last( poolplayers< poolid > );
g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_NEXT_SHOOTER ] = current_player == first_player ? second_player : first_player;
foreach ( new playerid : poolplayers< poolid > ) {
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, COLOR_RED, "%s(%d)'s turn to %s!", ReturnPlayerName( g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_NEXT_SHOOTER ] ), g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_NEXT_SHOOTER ], ! g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_BALLS_SCORED ] ? ( "break" ) : ( "play" ) );
foreach ( new playerid : poolplayers< poolid > ) {
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, COLOR_RED, "%s(%d)'s turn to %s!", ReturnPlayerName( g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_NEXT_SHOOTER ] ), g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_NEXT_SHOOTER ], ! g_poolTableData[ poolid ] [ E_BALLS_SCORED ] ? ( "break" ) : ( "play" ) );
// update turn
@ -1115,9 +1126,7 @@ CMD:pool(playerid, params[])
else if (strmatch(selection, "invite"))
new id = -1, targetid;
id = getNearestPoolTable(playerid);
new id = GetClosestPoolTable(playerid), targetid;
if (id == -1)
return SendError(playerid, "You are not close enough to a pool table.");
@ -1168,7 +1177,7 @@ CMD:endgame(playerid)
if ( ! IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) )
return 0;
new iPool = getNearestPoolTable( playerid );
new iPool = GetClosestPoolTable( playerid );
if ( iPool == -1 )
return SendError( playerid, "You must be near a pool table to use this command." );
@ -1182,7 +1191,7 @@ CMD:endgame(playerid)
iPool = getNearestPoolTable( playerid );
iPool = GetClosestPoolTable( playerid );
if ( iPool == -1 )
return SendError( playerid, "You are not near a pool table." );
@ -1243,7 +1252,7 @@ CMD:addpool(playerid, params[])
CMD:camtest( playerid, params[ ] )
iPool = getNearestPoolTable( playerid );
iPool = GetClosestPoolTable( playerid );
if ( iPool == -1 )
return SendError( playerid, "You are not near a pool table." );
@ -1262,7 +1271,7 @@ CMD:addpool(playerid, params[])
CMD:setoffset( playerid, params[ ] )
new iPool = getNearestPoolTable( playerid );
new iPool = GetClosestPoolTable( playerid );
new offset;
new Float: x, Float: y;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user