Merge branch 'bug-fixes' of into bug-fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ hook OnServerUpdate( )
hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
Weed_RemovePlayerPlants( playerid );
Weed_ResetSellingProperties( playerid );
return 1;
@ -112,8 +113,7 @@ hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys )
CMD:weed( playerid, params[ ] )
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z;
if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN ) return SendError( playerid, "You are not a civilian." );
@ -154,32 +154,29 @@ CMD:weed( playerid, params[ ] )
else if ( !strcmp( params, "sell", false, 4 ) )
new pID, iAmount;
new pID, iAmount, iCost;
if ( !IsPlayerJob( playerid, JOB_DRUG_DEALER ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You are not a drug dealer." );
else if ( p_SellingWeedTick[ playerid ] > g_iTime ) return SendError( playerid, "You must wait a minute before selling weed again." );
else if ( !p_WeedGrams[ playerid ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You don't have any weed with you." );
else if ( sscanf( params[ 5 ], "ud", pID, iAmount ) ) return SendUsage( playerid, "/weed sell [PLAYER_ID] [GRAMS]" );
else if ( sscanf( params[ 5 ], "udd", pID, iAmount, iCost ) ) return SendUsage( playerid, "/weed sell [PLAYER_ID] [GRAMS] [PRICE]" );
else if ( !IsPlayerConnected( pID ) || IsPlayerNPC( pID ) ) return SendError( playerid, "Invalid Player ID." );
else if ( pID == playerid ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot sell yourself weed." );
else if ( p_Class[ pID ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN ) return SendError( playerid, "This person is not a civilian." );
else if ( iAmount > p_WeedGrams[ playerid ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You only have %d grams of weed on you.", p_WeedGrams[ playerid ] );
else if ( iAmount < 1 || iAmount > 25 ) return SendError( playerid, "You can only sell between 1 to 25 grams of weed to a player." );
else if ( iCost <= 0 || iCost > 100000 ) return SendError( playerid, "Price must be between 1 and 100000." );
else if ( GetDistanceBetweenPlayers( playerid, pID ) < 5.0 )
iCost = iAmount * 5000,
iTaxed = floatround( iCost * 0.8 )
if ( GetPlayerCash( pID ) < iCost ) return SendError( playerid, "This person doesn't have enough money." );
p_WeedDealer[ pID ] = playerid;
p_WeedTick[ pID ] = GetServerTime( ) + 120;
p_WeedSellingGrams[ pID ] = iAmount;
p_WeedSellingPrice[ pID ] = iCost;
p_SellingWeedTick[ playerid ] = g_iTime + 60;
SendClientMessageFormatted( pID, -1, ""COL_ORANGE"[DRUG DEAL]{FFFFFF} %s(%d) is selling you %d gram(s) of weed for %s. "COL_ORANGE"/weed buy"COL_WHITE" to buy.", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, iAmount, cash_format( iCost ) );
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_ORANGE"[DRUG DEAL]{FFFFFF} You have sent an offer to %s(%d) to buy a %d gram(s) of weed for "COL_GOLD"%s.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, iAmount, cash_format( iTaxed ) );
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_ORANGE"[DRUG DEAL]{FFFFFF} You have sent an offer to %s(%d) to buy a %d gram(s) of weed for "COL_GOLD"%s.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, iAmount, cash_format( iCost ) );
return 1;
@ -190,21 +187,20 @@ CMD:weed( playerid, params[ ] )
else if ( strmatch( params, "buy" ) )
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( p_WeedDealer[ playerid ] ) ) return SendError( playerid, "Your dealer isn't connected anymore." );
else if ( GetServerTime( ) > p_WeedTick[ playerid ] ) return p_WeedDealer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, SendError( playerid, "This deal has ended, each deal goes for 2 minutes maximum. You were late." );
else if ( GetServerTime( ) > p_WeedTick[ playerid ] ) return Weed_ResetSellingProperties( playerid ), SendError( playerid, "This deal has ended, each deal goes for 2 minutes maximum. You were late." );
dealerid = p_WeedDealer[ playerid ],
iGrams = p_WeedSellingGrams[ playerid ],
iCost = iGrams * 5000,
iTaxed = floatround( iCost * 0.8 )
iCost = p_WeedSellingPrice[ playerid ]
if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < iCost ) return SendError( playerid, "You need %s to buy %d grams of weed.", cash_format( iCost ), iGrams );
else if ( IsPlayerInPaintBall( dealerid ) || IsPlayerDueling( dealerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "Your dealer cannot deal in an arena." );
else if ( p_Class[ dealerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN ) return p_WeedDealer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, SendError( playerid, "This deal has ended, the dealer is not a civilian." );
else if ( p_Class[ dealerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN ) return Weed_ResetSellingProperties( playerid ), SendError( playerid, "This deal has ended, the dealer is not a civilian." );
else if ( !IsPlayerJob( dealerid, JOB_DRUG_DEALER ) ) return SendError( playerid, "Your dealer no longer does drugs." );
else if ( !p_WeedGrams[ dealerid ] ) return p_WeedDealer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, SendError( playerid, "Your dealer doesn't have any more weed." );
else if ( !p_WeedGrams[ dealerid ] ) return Weed_ResetSellingProperties( playerid ), SendError( playerid, "Your dealer doesn't have any more weed." );
//else if ( ( p_WeedGrams[ playerid ] + iGrams ) > MAX_WEED_STORAGE ) return SendError( playerid, "You can only carry %d grams of weed.", MAX_WEED_STORAGE );
@ -212,16 +208,16 @@ CMD:weed( playerid, params[ ] )
p_WeedGrams[ dealerid ] -= iGrams;
GivePlayerCash( playerid, -iCost );
GivePlayerCash( dealerid, iTaxed );
GivePlayerCash( dealerid, iCost );
SendClientMessageFormatted( dealerid, -1, ""COL_ORANGE"[DRUG DEAL]{FFFFFF} %s(%d) has bought %d grams of weed off you for %s.", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, iGrams, cash_format( iTaxed ) );
SendClientMessageFormatted( dealerid, -1, ""COL_ORANGE"[DRUG DEAL]{FFFFFF} %s(%d) has bought %d grams of weed off you for %s.", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, iGrams, cash_format( iCost ) );
SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_ORANGE"[DRUG DEAL]{FFFFFF} You have bought %d grams of weed for %s.", iGrams, cash_format( iCost ) );
GivePlayerWantedLevel( dealerid, 6 );
GivePlayerWantedLevel( playerid, 6 );
Beep( dealerid );
p_WeedDealer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
Weed_ResetSellingProperties( playerid );
return 1;
@ -330,3 +326,11 @@ stock Weed_GetPlantLimit( playerid )
return 5;
stock Weed_ResetSellingProperties( playerid )
Weed_ResetSellingProperties( playerid );
p_WeedSellingGrams[ playerid ] = 0;
p_WeedSellingPrice[ playerid ] = 0;
return 1;
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ new
p_WeedDealer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { INVALID_PLAYER_ID, ... },
p_WeedTick [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_WeedSellingGrams [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_WeedSellingPrice [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_Arrests [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
bool: p_AidsVaccine [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
bool: p_CantUseAsk [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
@ -5124,6 +5124,11 @@ hook OnScriptInit( )
CreateDynamicObject( 2607, -2376.293945, 1553.312988, 1.487188, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -1, -1, -1 );
CreateDynamicObject( 1514, -2375.768554, 1553.325317, 2.117187, 0.000000, 0.000000, 22.000122, -1, -1, -1 );
// Militia Ship Fix
SetDynamicObjectMaterial( CreateDynamicObject( 19368, -2366.884033, 1551.858032, 2.117000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 86.300003, -1, -1, -1 ), 0, 18202, "w_towncs_t", "concretebig4256128", 1 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterial( CreateDynamicObject( 19368, -2369.967041, 1556.052978, 2.117000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -3.900000, -1, -1, -1 ), 0, 18202, "w_towncs_t", "concretebig4256128", 1 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterial( CreateDynamicObject( 19464, -2367.564941, 1554.942993, 3.707000, 0.000000, 90.000000, -3.700000, -1, -1, -1 ), 0, 18202, "w_towncs_t", "concretebig4256128", 1 );
// SF Penis Tower
// tmpVariable = CreateDynamicObject( 8131, -1980.097290, 884.313598, 54.389820, 0.000000, 0.000000, 90.000000, -1, -1, -1 );
// SetDynamicObjectMaterial( tmpVariable, 0, 8460, "vgseland03_lvs", "ceaserwall06_128", 0 );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user