pawn - anticheat
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (, Emmet_ (no email)
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#include < a_samp >
#include < anticheat\global >
#include < anticheat\player >
// Forwards
public AC_ResetABDetected( playerid );
// Function Hook (SetPlayerPos)
stock AC_SetPlayerPos( playerid, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z )
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
return SetPlayerPos( playerid, x, y, z );
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerPos
#undef SetPlayerPos
#define _ALS_SetPlayerPos
#define SetPlayerPos AC_SetPlayerPos
// Function Hook (SetPlayerPosFindZ)
stock AC_SetPlayerPosFindZ(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
return SetPlayerPosFindZ( playerid, x, y, z );
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerPosFindZ
#undef SetPlayerPosFindZ
#define _ALS_SetPlayerPosFindZ
#define SetPlayerPosFindZ AC_SetPlayerPosFindZ
// Functions
stock bCheckForAirbrake( playerid, iTicks, iState )
if( iState == 0 || iState == 2 || iState == 3 || iState == 7 || iState == 9 )
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = iTicks + 1000;
else if( !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) && GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID( playerid ) == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID && GetPlayerSurfingObjectID( playerid ) == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID ) // && !IsPlayerNPC( playerid )
Float: iPacketLoss = NetStats_PacketLossPercent( playerid );
if( iTicks > p_abLastTick[ playerid ] && iPacketLoss < 0.8 )
Float: x, Float: y, Float: z,
Float: distance
GetPlayerPos( playerid, x, y, z );
if( floatabs( p_abLastPosition[ playerid ] [ 2 ] - z ) < 1.0 )
distance = GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint( playerid, p_abLastPosition[ playerid ] [ 0 ], p_abLastPosition[ playerid ] [ 1 ], p_abLastPosition[ playerid ] [ 2 ] );
if( floatabs( distance ) >= 75.0 && ( floatabs( p_abLastPosition[ playerid ] [ 1 ] - y ) >= 50.0 || floatabs( p_abLastPosition[ playerid ] [ 0 ] - x ) >= 50.0 ) )
if( ++p_abDetected{ playerid } >= 3 )
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCheatDetected", "dd", playerid, CHEAT_TYPE_AIRBRAKE );
if( p_abResetTimer[ playerid ] == -1 )
p_abResetTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "AC_ResetABDetected", 60000, false, "d", playerid );
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = iTicks + 1000;
if( iTicks > p_abPosTick[ playerid ] )
p_abPosTick[ playerid ] = iTicks + 1000;
GetPlayerPos( playerid, p_abLastPosition[ playerid ] [ 0 ], p_abLastPosition[ playerid ] [ 1 ], p_abLastPosition[ playerid ] [ 2 ] );
return 1;
public AC_ResetABDetected( playerid )
p_abDetected{ playerid } = 0;
p_abResetTimer[ playerid ] = -1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
#include < a_samp >
Float: E_X, Float: E_Y, Float: E_Z,
Float: E_RX, Float: E_RY, Float: E_RZ,
Float: E_SX, Float: E_SY, Float: E_SZ,
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ 10 ] [ E_ATTACHED_OBJECTS ]
// Function Hook (GivePlayerWeapon)
stock AOFX_SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, index, modelid, bone, Float: fOffsetX = 0.0, Float: fOffsetY = 0.0, Float: fOffsetZ = 0.0, Float: fRotX = 0.0, Float: fRotY = 0.0, Float: fRotZ = 0.0, Float: fScaleX = 1.0, Float: fScaleY = 1.0, Float: fScaleZ = 1.0, materialcolor1 = 0, materialcolor2 = 0 )
if( 0 < index < 9 )
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_ENABLED ] = true;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_MODEL ] = modelid;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_BONE ] = bone;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_COLOR_1 ] = materialcolor1;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_COLOR_2 ] = materialcolor2;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_X ] = fOffsetX;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_Y ] = fOffsetY;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_Z ] = fOffsetZ;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_RX ] = fRotX;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_RY ] = fRotY;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_RZ ] = fRotZ;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_SX ] = fScaleX;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_SY ] = fScaleY;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_SZ ] = fScaleZ;
return SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, index, modelid, bone, Float: fOffsetX = 0.0, Float: fOffsetY = 0.0, Float: fOffsetZ = 0.0, Float: fRotX = 0.0, Float: fRotY = 0.0, Float: fRotZ = 0.0, Float: fScaleX = 1.0, Float: fScaleY = 1.0, Float: fScaleZ = 1.0, materialcolor1 = 0, materialcolor2 = 0 );
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerAttachedObject
#undef SetPlayerAttachedObject
#define _ALS_SetPlayerAttachedObject
#define SetPlayerAttachedObject AOFX_SetPlayerAttachedObject
// Function Hook (ResetPlayerWeapons)
stock AC_IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed( playerid, index )
if( 0 < index < 9 && g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_MODEL ] != INVALID_OBJECT_ID )
return true;
return RemovePlayerAttachedObject( playerid, index );
#if defined _ALS_IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed
#undef IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed
#define _ALS_IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed
#define IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed AC_IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed
// Function Hook (ResetPlayerWeapons)
stock AC_RemovePlayerAttachedObject( playerid, index )
if( 0 < index < 9 )
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_MODEL ] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID;
return RemovePlayerAttachedObject( playerid, index );
#if defined _ALS_RemovePlayerAttachedObject
#undef RemovePlayerAttachedObject
#define _ALS_RemovePlayerAttachedObject
#define RemovePlayerAttachedObject AC_RemovePlayerAttachedObject
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerEditAttachedObject)
public OnPlayerEditAttachedObject( playerid, response, index, modelid, boneid, Float: fOffsetX, Float: fOffsetY, Float: fOffsetZ, Float: fRotX, Float: fRotY, Float: fRotZ, Float: fScaleX, Float: fScaleY, Float: fScaleZ )
// If the attached object was saved, update some variables.
if( response && ( 0 < index < 9 ) ) {
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_ENABLED ] = true;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_MODEL ] = modelid;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_BONE ] = boneid;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_X ] = fOffsetX;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_Y ] = fOffsetY;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_Z ] = fOffsetZ;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_RX ] = fRotX;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_RY ] = fRotY;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_RZ ] = fRotZ;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_SX ] = fScaleX;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_SY ] = fScaleY;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ index ] [ E_SZ ] = fScaleZ;
#if defined AOFX_OnPlayerEditAttachedObject
return AOFX_OnPlayerEditAttachedObject( playerid, response, index, modelid, boneid, Float: fOffsetX, Float: fOffsetY, Float: fOffsetZ, Float: fRotX, Float: fRotY, Float: fRotZ, Float: fScaleX, Float: fScaleY, Float: fScaleZ );
return 1;
#if defined AOFX_OnPlayerEditAttachedObject
forward AOFX_OnPlayerEditAttachedObject( playerid, response, index, modelid, boneid, Float: fOffsetX, Float: fOffsetY, Float: fOffsetZ, Float: fRotX, Float: fRotY, Float: fRotZ, Float: fScaleX, Float: fScaleY, Float: fScaleZ );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerEditAttachedObject
#undef OnPlayerEditAttachedObject
#define _ALS_OnPlayerEditAttachedObject
#define OnPlayerEditAttachedObject AOFX_OnPlayerEditAttachedObject
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerKeyStateChange)
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys ) {
weaponid = GetPlayerWeapon( playerid );
if( weaponid == WEAPON_SNIPER ) {
// Pressed key
if( ( newkeys & 0x80 ) == 0x80 ) {
TogglePlayerAttachedObjects( playerid, false );
// Released aim key
else if( ( ( newkeys & 0x80 ) != 0x80 ) && ( ( oldkeys & 0x80 ) == 0x80 ) ) {
TogglePlayerAttachedObjects( playerid, true );
#if defined AOFX_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
return AOFX_OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys );
return 1;
#if defined AOFX_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
forward AOFX_OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#undef OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#define _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#define OnPlayerKeyStateChange AOFX_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
// Function (TogglePlayerAttachedObjects)
stock TogglePlayerAttachedObjects( playerid, bool: show = true ) {
for( new i = 0, modelid; i < sizeof( g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ ] ); i++ ) {
if( show ) {
if( g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_MODEL ] != INVALID_OBJECT_ID ) {
SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, i, g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_MODEL ], g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_BONE ],
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_X ], g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_Y ], g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_Z ],
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_RX ], g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_RY ], g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_RZ ],
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_SX ], g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_SY ], g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_SZ ],
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_COLOR_1 ], g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_COLOR_2 ]
} else {
if( ( modelid = g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_MODEL ] ) != INVALID_OBJECT_ID ) {
RemovePlayerAttachedObject( playerid, i );
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_ENABLED ] = false;
g_aofix_AttachedPlayerData[ playerid ] [ i ] [ E_MODEL ] = modelid; // Gets reset to INVALID_OBJECT_ID otherwise
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#include < anticheat\global >
#include < anticheat\player >
// Definitions (Global)
#define AUTOCBUG_TICKS_DEAGLE ( 500 ) // prev 600
// Functions (Player)
stock vAutoCbugKeyState( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys )
if( !p_cbugKeyTicks[ playerid ] )
p_cbugKeyTicks[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ), p_cbugWarns{ playerid } = 0;
if( ( ( ( newkeys & ( KEY_CROUCH ) ) == ( KEY_CROUCH ) ) || ( ( oldkeys & ( KEY_CROUCH ) ) == ( KEY_CROUCH ) ) ) )
p_cbugKeyTicks[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ), p_cbugWarns{ playerid } = 0;
stock vCheckForAutoCbug( playerid, weaponid )
// Anti-Rapid Fire
if( !p_cbugFireTicks[ playerid ] ) p_cbugFireTicks[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
iTicks = GetTickCount( ),
iInterval = iTicks - p_cbugFireTicks[ playerid ],
iKeyInterval = iTicks - p_cbugKeyTicks[ playerid ],
iHardInterval = 1000
if( weaponid == WEAPON_DEAGLE || weaponid == WEAPON_SHOTGUN || weaponid == WEAPON_RIFLE || weaponid == WEAPON_SNIPER )
iCompare = iKeyInterval - iInterval,
Float: fOwnPacketLoss = NetStats_PacketLossPercent( playerid )
switch( weaponid )
if( iInterval < iHardInterval && iCompare > 1500 && fOwnPacketLoss < 0.8 ) {
if( p_cbugWarns{ playerid }++ >= 2 ) {
printf( "[autocbug detect] %d detected (wep %d, interval %d, compare %d, warns %d)", playerid, weaponid, iInterval, iCompare, p_cbugWarns{ playerid });
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCheatDetected", "dd", playerid, CHEAT_TYPE_AUTOCBUG );
p_cbugFireTicks[ playerid ] = iTicks;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#include < anticheat\global >
#include < anticheat\player >
#define squared(%0) (%0*%0)
static const Float: aWaterPlaces[ 20 ] [ 4 ] =
{ 30.00, 2313.00, -1417.0, 23.000 }, { 15.00, 1280.00, -773.00, 1083.0 }, { 25.00, 2583.00, 2385.00, 15.000 }, { 20.00, 225.000, -1187.0, 74.000 },
{ 50.00, 1973.00, -1198.0, 17.000 }, { 180.0, 1937.00, 1589.00, 9.0000 }, { 55.00, 2142.00, 1285.00, 8.0000 }, { 45.00, 2150.00, 1132.00, 8.0000 },
{ 55.00, 2089.00, 1915.00, 10.000 }, { 32.00, 2531.00, 1567.00, 9.0000 }, { 21.00, 2582.00, 2385.00, 17.000 }, { 33.00, 1768.00, 2853.00, 10.000 },
{ 47.00, -2721.0, -466.00, 4.0000 }, { 210.0, -671.00, -1898.0, 6.0000 }, { 45.00, 1240.00, -2381.0, 9.0000 }, { 50.00, 1969.00, -1200.0, 18.000 },
{ 10.00, 513.000, -1105.0, 79.000 }, { 20.00, 193.000, -1230.0, 77.000 }, { 30.00, 1094.00, -672.00, 113.00 }, { 20.00, 1278.00, -805.00, 87.000 }
stock vCheckForFlyHacks( playerid, iTicks )
if( iTicks > p_FlyHacksTick[ playerid ] )
pSurfingObject = GetPlayerSurfingObjectID( playerid ),
pSurfingVehicle = GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID( playerid )
if( pSurfingVehicle == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID && pSurfingObject == INVALID_OBJECT_ID )
iAnimation = GetPlayerAnimationIndex( playerid );
if( iAnimation == 1538 || iAnimation == 1539 || iAnimation == 1543 )
if( !ac_IsPlayerInWater( playerid ) )
if( p_FlyHacksWarns{ playerid }++ >= 2 )
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCheatDetected", "dd", playerid, CHEAT_TYPE_FLYHACKS ), p_FlyHacksWarns{ playerid } = 3;
else p_FlyHacksWarns{ playerid } = 0;
p_FlyHacksTick[ playerid ] = iTicks + 1000;
stock ac_IsPlayerInWater( playerid )
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, i;
if( GetPlayerPos( playerid, X, Y, Z ) )
if( ac_IsPointInArea( X, Y, 2347.080, 521.70, 2372.65, 545.1971 ) || ac_IsPointInArea( X, Y, 2286.61, 521.70, 2301.45, 545.1971 ) )
return false; // Kar Fix
if( ac_PointDistance( X, Y, -965.0, 2438.0 ) <= squared( 700.0 ) && Z < 44.0 )
return true;
for( i = 0; i < sizeof( aWaterPlaces ); i++ )
if( ac_PointDistance( X, Y, aWaterPlaces[ i ] [ 1 ], aWaterPlaces[ i ] [ 2 ] ) <= squared( aWaterPlaces[ i ] [ 0 ] ) && Z < aWaterPlaces[ i ] [ 3 ] )
return true;
return Z < 1.9 ? !( ac_PointDistance( X, Y, 618.4129, 863.3164 ) < squared( 200.0 ) ) : false;
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#include < a_samp >
// Definitions (Global)
#define AC_MAX_DETECTIONS ( 13 )
#define AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ( 1337 )
#define AC_DEBUG ( true )
#if !defined MAX_CLASSES
#define MAX_CLASSES ( 300 )
#if !defined MAX_WEAPONS
#define MAX_WEAPONS ( 55 )
// Variables (Global)
bool: bIsDetectionEnabled [ AC_MAX_DETECTIONS ] = { true, ... },
mAvailableSpawns [ MAX_CLASSES ] [ E_CLASS_DATA ],
//g_iWeaponPickup [ MAX_PICKUPS ],
s_ValidDamageGiven[] = {
1, // 0 - Fist
1, // 1 - Brass knuckles
1, // 2 - Golf club
1, // 3 - Nitestick
0, // 4 - Knife
1, // 5 - Bat
1, // 6 - Shovel
1, // 7 - Pool cue
1, // 8 - Katana
1, // 9 - Chainsaw
1, // 10 - Dildo
1, // 11 - Dildo 2
1, // 12 - Vibrator
1, // 13 - Vibrator 2
1, // 14 - Flowers
1, // 15 - Cane
0, // 16 - Grenade
0, // 17 - Teargas
0, // 18 - Molotov
0, // 19 - Vehicle M4 (custom)
0, // 20 - Vehicle minigun
0, // 21
1, // 22 - Colt 45
1, // 23 - Silenced
1, // 24 - Deagle
1, // 25 - Shotgun
1, // 26 - Sawed-off
1, // 27 - Spas
1, // 28 - UZI
1, // 29 - MP5
1, // 30 - AK47
1, // 31 - M4
1, // 32 - Tec9
1, // 33 - Cuntgun
1, // 34 - Sniper
0, // 35 - Rocket launcher
0, // 36 - Heatseeker
0, // 37 - Flamethrower
1, // 38 - Minigun
0, // 39 - Satchel
0, // 40 - Detonator
1, // 41 - Spraycan
1, // 42 - Fire extinguisher
0, // 43 - Camera
0, // 44 - Night vision
0, // 45 - Infrared
1, // 46 - Parachute
0, // 47 - Fake pistol
0, // 48 - Pistol whip (custom)
0, // 49 - Vehicle
0, // 50 - Helicopter blades
0, // 51 - Explosion
0, // 52 - Car park (custom)
0, // 53 - Drowning
0 // 54 - Splat
Float: s_ValidMaxDamage[] = {
6.6, // 0 - Fist
6.6, // 1 - Brass knuckles
6.6, // 2 - Golf club
6.6, // 3 - Nitestick
6.7, // 4 - Knife (varies with back stab)
6.6, // 5 - Bat
6.6, // 6 - Shovel
6.6, // 7 - Pool cue
6.6, // 8 - Katana
27.1, // 9 - Chainsaw
6.6, // 10 - Dildo
6.6, // 11 - Dildo 2
6.6, // 12 - Vibrator
6.6, // 13 - Vibrator 2
6.6, // 14 - Flowers
6.6, // 15 - Cane
82.5, // 16 - Grenade
0.0, // 17 - Teargas
0.1, // 18 - Molotov
0.0, // 19 - Vehicle M4 (custom)
0.0, // 20 - Vehicle minigun
0.0, // 21
8.25, // 22 - Colt 45
13.2, // 23 - Silenced
46.2, // 24 - Deagle
49.5, // 25 - Shotgun
49.5, // 26 - Sawed-off
39.6, // 27 - Spas
6.6, // 28 - UZI
8.3, // 29 - MP5
9.9, // 30 - AK47
9.9, // 31 - M4
6.6, // 32 - Tec9
24.8, // 33 - Cuntgun
61.9, // 34 - Sniper
82.5, // 35 - Rocket launcher
82.5, // 36 - Heatseeker
0.1, // 37 - Flamethrower
46.2, // 38 - Minigun
0.0, // 39 - Satchel (apparently 20, not synced anyway)
0.0, // 40 - Detonator
0.4, // 41 - Spraycan
0.4, // 42 - Fire extinguisher
0.0, // 43 - Camera
0.0, // 44 - Night vision
0.0, // 45 - Infrared
6.6 // 46 - Parachute
Float: s_WeaponRange[] = {
0.0, // 0 - Fist
0.0, // 1 - Brass knuckles
0.0, // 2 - Golf club
0.0, // 3 - Nitestick
0.0, // 4 - Knife
0.0, // 5 - Bat
0.0, // 6 - Shovel
0.0, // 7 - Pool cue
0.0, // 8 - Katana
0.0, // 9 - Chainsaw
0.0, // 10 - Dildo
0.0, // 11 - Dildo 2
0.0, // 12 - Vibrator
0.0, // 13 - Vibrator 2
0.0, // 14 - Flowers
0.0, // 15 - Cane
0.0, // 16 - Grenade
0.0, // 17 - Teargas
0.0, // 18 - Molotov
90.0, // 19 - Vehicle M4 (custom)
75.0, // 20 - Vehicle minigun (custom)
0.0, // 21
35.0, // 22 - Colt 45
35.0, // 23 - Silenced
35.0, // 24 - Deagle
40.0, // 25 - Shotgun
35.0, // 26 - Sawed-off
40.0, // 27 - Spas
35.0, // 28 - UZI
45.0, // 29 - MP5
70.0, // 30 - AK47
90.0, // 31 - M4
35.0, // 32 - Tec9
100.0, // 33 - Cuntgun
320.0, // 34 - Sniper
0.0, // 35 - Rocket launcher
0.0, // 36 - Heatseeker
0.0, // 37 - Flamethrower
75.0, // 38 - Minigun
0.0, // 39 - Satchel (apparently 20, not synced anyway)
0.0, // 40 - Detonator
0.0, // 41 - Spraycan
0.0, // 42 - Fire extinguisher
0.0, // 43 - Camera
0.0, // 44 - Night vision
0.0, // 45 - Infrared
0.0 // 46 - Parachute
// Forwards (Global)
public OnPlayerCheatDetected( playerid, detection );
// Functions (Global)
stock detectionToString( iDetection ) {
szString[ 16 ] = "unknown";
switch( iDetection ) {
case CHEAT_TYPE_ARMOUR: szString = "Armour Hacks";
case CHEAT_TYPE_HEALTH: szString = "Health Hacks";
case CHEAT_TYPE_WEAPON: szString = "Weapon Hacks";
case CHEAT_TYPE_SPECTATE: szString = "Spectate Hacks";
case CHEAT_TYPE_AIRBRAKE: szString = "Airbrake";
case CHEAT_TYPE_PROAIM: szString = "Silent Aimbot";
case CHEAT_TYPE_AUTOCBUG: szString = "Auto CBUG";
case CHEAT_TYPE_FLYHACKS: szString = "Fly Hacks";
case CHEAT_TYPE_REMOTE_JACK: szString = "Remote Jacking";
return szString;
stock ac_IsPointInArea( Float: X, Float: Y, Float: minx, Float: maxx, Float: miny, Float: maxy )
return ( X > minx && X < maxx && Y > miny && Y < maxy );
stock Float: ac_PointDistance( Float: X, Float: Y, Float: dstX, Float: dstY )
return ( ( X - dstX ) * ( X - dstX ) ) + ( ( Y - dstY ) * ( Y - dstY ) );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#include < a_samp >
#include < anticheat\global >
#include < anticheat\player >
// Forwards
public OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage ( playerid, issuerid, &Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart );
public OnPlayerDeathEx ( playerid, killerid, reason, Float: damage, bodypart );
// Function (AC_GetPlayerHealth)
stock Float: AC_GetPlayerHealth( playerid )
return p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ];
// Function (AddPlayerHealth)
stock AC_AddPlayerHealth( playerid, Float:amount )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] += amount;
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false;
return SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
// Function Hook (SetPlayerHealth)
stock AC_SetPlayerHealth( playerid, Float:amount )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = amount;
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false;
if( amount <= 0.0 && p_acSpawned{ playerid } )
if( ( GetTickCount( ) - p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] ) > 2500 )
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = 47;
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead!
OnPlayerDeathEx( playerid, p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ], p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ], 3.3, 3 );
return SetPlayerHealth( playerid, amount );
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerHealth
#undef SetPlayerHealth
#define _ALS_SetPlayerHealth
#define SetPlayerHealth AC_SetPlayerHealth
// Function Hook (SetPlayerArmour)
stock AC_SetPlayerArmour( playerid, Float:amount )
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = amount;
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false;
return SetPlayerArmour( playerid, amount );
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerArmour
#undef SetPlayerArmour
#define _ALS_SetPlayerArmour
#define SetPlayerArmour AC_SetPlayerArmour
// Function Hook (SetPlayerTeam)
stock AC_SetPlayerTeam( playerid, teamid )
if( teamid != AC_DEFAULT_TEAM )
printf("[ACWarning] You cannot use SetPlayerTeam as you have hitpoint hack detection enabled (teamid %d, default %d).", teamid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM );
return SetPlayerTeam( playerid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM );
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerTeam
#undef SetPlayerTeam
#define _ALS_SetPlayerArmour
#define SetPlayerTeam AC_SetPlayerTeam
// Functions (Player)
stock vCheckForHealthHacks( playerid, iTicks )
Float: currentHealth,
Float: currentArmour
GetPlayerHealth( playerid, currentHealth );
GetPlayerArmour( playerid, currentArmour );
// Lag Calculations
Float: fHitDamage = p_LastDamageIssued[ playerid ],
Float: fArmourDamage,
Float: fHealthDamage
if( fHitDamage > currentArmour ) {
fArmourDamage = currentArmour;
fHealthDamage = fHitDamage - currentArmour;
else fArmourDamage = fHitDamage;
// Begin Health Hack Detection
if( iTicks > p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] )
new currentHealthInt = floatround( currentHealth, floatround_floor );
new healthShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
if( currentHealthInt == healthShouldBeInt )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = true;
if( !p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] )
if( currentHealthInt > healthShouldBeInt )
switch( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ]++ )
case 0 .. 9: SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
case 10: SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xa9c4e4ff, "You have been kicked as you are desynced from the server. Please relog!" ), KickPlayerTimed( playerid ), printf("[health] Player %d was desynced thus kicked.", playerid);
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
if( healthShouldBeInt > currentHealthInt )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = currentHealth;
if( currentHealthInt > healthShouldBeInt && currentHealthInt <= 255 && currentHealthInt > 0 )
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
currentHealthInt = floatround( currentHealth, floatround_floor );
healthShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
new dmgOne = floatround( currentHealthInt - fHealthDamage, floatround_floor );
new dmgTwo = floatround( currentHealthInt - fHealthDamage, floatround_ceil );
if( !( currentHealthInt == healthShouldBeInt || dmgOne == healthShouldBeInt || dmgTwo == healthShouldBeInt ) )
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
//printf("[health][%d] %d seems to health hack (server health: %d and client health: %d, health dmg: %f, armour dmg: %f).", playerid, playerid, healthShouldBeInt, currentHealthInt, fHealthDamage, fArmourDamage );
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] = iTicks + 1000;
// Begin Armour Hack Detection
if( iTicks > p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] )
new currentArmourInt = floatround( currentArmour, floatround_floor );
new ArmourShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
if( currentArmourInt == ArmourShouldBeInt )
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = true;
if( !p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] )
if( currentArmourInt > ArmourShouldBeInt )
switch( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ]++ )
case 0 .. 9: SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
case 10: SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xa9c4e4ff, "You have been kicked as you are desynced from the server. Please relog!" ), KickPlayerTimed( playerid ), printf("[armour] Player %d was desynced thus kicked.", playerid);
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
if( ArmourShouldBeInt > currentArmourInt )
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = currentArmour;
if( currentArmourInt > ArmourShouldBeInt && currentArmourInt <= 255 && currentArmourInt > 0 )
SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
currentArmourInt = floatround( currentArmour, floatround_floor );
ArmourShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
new dmgOne = floatround( currentArmourInt - fArmourDamage, floatround_floor );
new dmgTwo = floatround( currentArmourInt - fArmourDamage, floatround_ceil );
if( !( currentArmourInt == ArmourShouldBeInt || dmgOne == ArmourShouldBeInt || dmgTwo == ArmourShouldBeInt ) )
SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
//printf("[armour] %d seems to armour hack (server armour: %d and client armour: %d, health dmg: %f, armour dmg: %f).", playerid, ArmourShouldBeInt, currentArmourInt, fHealthDamage, fArmourDamage );
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] = iTicks + 1000;
@function ForcePlayerKill
@description forces a kill on a player
@return void
stock ForcePlayerKill( playerid, killerid, weaponid )
SetPVarInt( playerid, "KillerID", killerid );
SetPVarInt( playerid, "WeaponID", weaponid );
SetPVarInt( playerid, "CustomKill", 1 );
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, -1 );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#if !defined AC_INCLUDED
#include < a_samp >
// Function Hook (PutPlayerInVehicle)
stock AC_PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, seatid)
// Remote Jacking
p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_VEH ] = vehicleid;
// Airbreak
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
return PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, seatid);
#if defined _ALS_PutPlayerInVehicle
#undef PutPlayerInVehicle
#define _ALS_PutPlayerInVehicle
#define PutPlayerInVehicle AC_PutPlayerInVehicle
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerConnect)
public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
// Remove Vending Machines
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1302, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1209, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 955, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.00 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 956, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.00 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1775, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1776, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1977, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
// Reset Variables
p_PlayerHealth [ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
p_PlayerArmour [ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
p_acSpawned { playerid } = false;
//p_SpectatePermission { playerid } = false;
p_abDetected { playerid } = 0;
p_abResetTimer [ playerid ] = -1;
p_abLastTick [ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
p_FlyHacksWarns { playerid } = 3;
p_cbugWarns { playerid } = 0;
for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++ )
p_PlayerHasWeapon [ playerid ] { i } = false;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerConnect
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerConnect( playerid );
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerConnect
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerConnect( playerid );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#undef OnPlayerConnect
#define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#define OnPlayerConnect SAMPAC_OnPlayerConnect
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerSpawn)
public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
// General
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = true;
// Health/Armour Hack
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 100.0;
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
SetPlayerTeam( playerid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ); // Set everyone the same team
// Weapon Hack
for ( new i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
weaponid = mAvailableSpawns[ p_SelectedClassID[ playerid ] ] [ E_WEAPONS ] [ i ];
if( weaponid != -1 && weaponid < MAX_WEAPONS )
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { weaponid } = true;
// Airbrake
p_abDetected{ playerid } = 0;
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerSpawn
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerSpawn( playerid );
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerSpawn
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerSpawn( playerid );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
#undef OnPlayerSpawn
#define _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
#define OnPlayerSpawn SAMPAC_OnPlayerSpawn
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerDeath)
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
// Health/Armour Hack
if( GetPVarInt( playerid, "CustomKill" ) )
customKiller = GetPVarInt( playerid, "KillerID" );
OnPlayerDeathEx( playerid, customKiller != playerid ? customKiller : INVALID_PLAYER_ID, GetPVarInt( playerid, "WeaponID" ), 3.3, 3 );
DeletePVar( playerid, "KillerID" );
DeletePVar( playerid, "WeaponID" );
DeletePVar( playerid, "CustomKill" );
else if( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) && ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) ) // Died in Vehicle
if( ( GetTickCount( ) - p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] ) > 2500 )
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = 51;
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead!
OnPlayerDeathEx( playerid, p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ], p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ], 3.3, 3 );
// General
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false;
// Airbrake
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerDeath
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason);
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerDeath
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason);
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerDeath
#undef OnPlayerDeath
#define _ALS_OnPlayerDeath
#define OnPlayerDeath SAMPAC_OnPlayerDeath
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerTakeDamage)
public OnPlayerTakeDamage( playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart )
is_npc = IsPlayerNPC( issuerid );
p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = issuerid;
p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = weaponid;
p_LastDamageIssued[ playerid ] = amount;
//if( !( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( issuerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( issuerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) ) )
// return 0;
// Allow hunter damage/sparrow
if( !( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( issuerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( issuerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) ) && !is_npc )
// Ignore unreliable and invalid damage
if( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidDamageGiven ) || s_ValidDamageGiven[ weaponid ] )
return 0;
if( ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
if( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && ! is_npc )
if( OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage( playerid, issuerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart ) )
new Float: tmp, Float: tmp_amount = amount;
if( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] )
if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ];
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
} else {
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp;
tmp_amount = 0.0;
if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead!
OnPlayerDeathEx( playerid, issuerid, weaponid, amount, bodypart );
SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
new Float: tmp, Float: tmp_amount = amount;
if( !( weaponid == 53 || weaponid == 54 || weaponid == 50 ) && p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] )
if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ];
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
} else {
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp;
tmp_amount = 0.0;
//printf("OnPlayerTakeDamage( %d, %d, %f, %d, %d ) %f", playerid, issuerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) <= ( weaponid == 37 ? 0.99999 : 0.0 ) ) {
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead!
if ( weaponid == 37 ) SetPlayerHealth( playerid, -1 );
OnPlayerDeathEx( playerid, issuerid, weaponid, amount, bodypart );
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerTakeDamage
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart);
return 0;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerTakeDamage
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart);
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerTakeDamage
#undef OnPlayerTakeDamage
#define _ALS_OnPlayerTakeDamage
#define OnPlayerTakeDamage SAMPAC_OnPlayerTakeDamage
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerGiveDamage)
public OnPlayerGiveDamage( playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart )
// Ignore unreliable and invalid damage
if ( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidDamageGiven ) || !s_ValidDamageGiven[ weaponid ] )
return 0;
if( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidMaxDamage ) || amount > s_ValidMaxDamage[ weaponid ] + 2.0 ) // 2.0 safety margin
return 0;
if( damagedid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
return 0;
if( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( playerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) )
return 0;
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( damagedid ) )
if( !ac_IsPlayerSpawned( damagedid ) )
return 0;
if( ( !IsPlayerStreamedIn( playerid, damagedid ) && !( GetTickCount( ) - p_acUpdateTime[ damagedid ] >= 2595 ) ) || !IsPlayerStreamedIn( damagedid, playerid ) )
return 0;
//printf("OnPlayerGiveDamage( %d, %d, %f, %d, %d )", playerid, damagedid, amount, weaponid, bodypart );
//p_LastTookDamage[ damagedid ] = GetTickCount( );
//p_LastDamageIssuer[ damagedid ] = playerid;
//p_LastWeaponIssuer[ damagedid ] = weaponid;
//p_LastDamageIssued[ damagedid ] = amount;
if( OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage( damagedid, playerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart ) )
Float: tmp,
Float: distance = GetDistanceBetweenPlayers( playerid, damagedid ), // Calc distance between players
Float: tmp_amount = amount // this amount is extremely unreliable
//printf("Proposed dmg %f kinda %f (min: %f, max: %f, rng: %f)", amount, tmp_amount, GetWeaponMinRange( weaponid ), GetWeaponMaxRange( weaponid ), distance );
if( distance > s_WeaponRange[ weaponid ] + 2.0 )
return 0; //printf(" INVALID RANGE %f (MAX %f)", distance, GetWeaponMaxRange( weaponid ) ), 0;
if( p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] )
if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ];
p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
} else {
p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp;
tmp_amount = 0.0;
if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
p_acSpawned{ damagedid } = false; // They're dead!
OnPlayerDeathEx( damagedid, playerid, weaponid, amount, bodypart );
SetPlayerArmour( damagedid, p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
SetPlayerHealth( damagedid, p_PlayerHealth[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerGiveDamage
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerGiveDamage( playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart );
return 0;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerGiveDamage
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerGiveDamage( playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerGiveDamage
#undef OnPlayerGiveDamage
#define _ALS_OnPlayerGiveDamage
#define OnPlayerGiveDamage SAMPAC_OnPlayerGiveDamage
// Hook (OnPlayerStateChange)
public OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate )
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
// Spectate Hacks
/*if( oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING && newstate != PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING ) {
p_PlayerSpectateUpdateTime[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 1250;
p_SpectatePermission{ playerid } = false; // Bugs otherwise dunno why
// Weapon Hacks - credits to wups
if( newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || newstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER )
switch ( GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) )
case 457:
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { 2 } = true;
case 592, 577, 511, 512, 520, 593, 553, 476, 519, 460, 513, 548, 425, 417, 487, 488, 497, 563, 447, 469, 539:
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { 46 } = true;
case 596, 597, 598, 599:
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { 25 } = true;
// Airbrake
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerStateChange
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate );
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerStateChange
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerStateChange
#undef OnPlayerStateChange
#define _ALS_OnPlayerStateChange
#define OnPlayerStateChange SAMPAC_OnPlayerStateChange
// Hook (OnPlayerUpdate)
public OnPlayerUpdate( playerid )
if( !ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
return 0; // Not Spawned, No SYNC!
if( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
iState = GetPlayerState( playerid );
p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
//bCheckForSpectatingHacks ( playerid, iState, iTicks );
bCheckForAirbrake ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ], iState );
vCheckForHealthHacks ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] );
vCheckForFlyHacks ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] );
//vWeaponHackCheck ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] );
bCheckPlayerRemoteJacking ( playerid );
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerUpdate
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerUpdate( playerid );
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerUpdate
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerUpdate( playerid );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
#undef OnPlayerUpdate
#define _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
#define OnPlayerUpdate SAMPAC_OnPlayerUpdate
// Hook (OnPlayerRequestClass)
public OnPlayerRequestClass( playerid, classid )
// General
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false;
p_SelectedClassID[ playerid ] = classid;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerRequestClass
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerRequestClass( playerid, classid );
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerRequestClass
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerRequestClass( playerid, classid );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerRequestClass
#undef OnPlayerRequestClass
#define _ALS_OnPlayerRequestClass
#define OnPlayerRequestClass SAMPAC_OnPlayerRequestClass
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerKeyStateChange)
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
vWeaponHackCheck ( playerid, newkeys );
vAutoCbugKeyState ( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys );
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#undef OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#define _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#define OnPlayerKeyStateChange SAMPAC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerWeaponShot)
public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ)
//printf("OnPlayerWeaponShot(%d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %f)",playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, fX, fY, fZ);
iState = GetPlayerState( playerid );
if( iState == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED || !ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
return 0; // Why bother, he's dead!
vCheckForAutoCbug( playerid, weaponid );
vCheckForSilentAimbot( playerid, hittype, hitid );
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerWeaponShot
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, fX, fY, fZ);
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerWeaponShot
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ);
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerWeaponShot
#undef OnPlayerWeaponShot
#define _ALS_OnPlayerWeaponShot
#define OnPlayerWeaponShot SAMPAC_OnPlayerWeaponShot
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#include < a_samp >
#include < foreach >
#if !defined AC_INCLUDED
#include < anticheat\global >
#include < anticheat\player >
#include < anticheat\hitpoints >
#include < anticheat\weapon >
//#include < anticheat\spectate >
#include < anticheat\airbrake >
#include < anticheat\proaim >
#include < anticheat\autocbug >
#include < anticheat\flying >
#include < anticheat\hooks >
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#include < a_samp >
// Macro Definitions (Global)
#define ac_IsPlayerSpawned(%0) (p_acSpawned{%0})
// Variables (Player)
bool: E_SYNCED
Float: E_LAST_X, Float: E_LAST_Y, Float: E_LAST_Z,
// General
bool: p_acSpawned [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
p_acUpdateTime [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
// Health/Armour
Float: p_PlayerHealth [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_PLAYER_HITPOINTS ],
Float: p_PlayerArmour [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_PLAYER_HITPOINTS ],
Float: p_LastDamageIssued [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_LastTookDamage [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_LastDamageIssuer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { INVALID_PLAYER_ID, ... },
p_LastWeaponIssuer [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
// Weapon Hacks
bool: p_PlayerHasWeapon [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ MAX_WEAPONS char ],
//p_PlayerWeaponUpdateTime [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_SelectedClassID [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
// Spectating
//bool: p_SpectatePermission [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
//p_PlayerSpectateUpdateTime [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
// Airbrake
Float: p_abLastPosition [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ 3 ],
p_abLastTick [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_abPosTick [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_abDetected [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
p_abResetTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
// Pro-Aim
p_silentAimbotLastCalled [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
// Auto Cbug
p_cbugKeyTicks [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_cbugFireTicks [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_cbugWarns [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
// Flying
p_FlyHacksTick [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_FlyHacksWarns [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
// Remote Jacking
// Functions (Player)
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#include < a_samp >
#include < anticheat\global >
#include < anticheat\player >
#define ac_GetDistanceBetweenPoints(%0,%1,%2,%3,%4,%6) \
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerWeaponShot)
stock vCheckForSilentAimbot( playerid, hittype, hitid )
Float: fVictimX, Float: fVictimY, Float: fVictimZ,
Float: fCameraX, Float: fCameraY, Float: fCameraZ,
Float: fVectorX, Float: fVectorY, Float: fVectorZ,
Float: fHitPosX, Float: fHitPosY, Float: fHitPosZ
if( hittype == BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER && IsPlayerConnected( hitid ) && ! IsPlayerNPC( hitid ) )
GetPlayerPos( hitid, fVictimX, fVictimY, fVictimZ );
GetPlayerCameraPos( playerid, fCameraX, fCameraY, fCameraZ );
GetPlayerCameraFrontVector( playerid, fVectorX, fVectorY, fVectorZ );
GetPlayerLastShotVectors( playerid, fHitPosX, fHitPosY, fHitPosZ, fHitPosX, fHitPosY, fHitPosZ );
//printf("%f = %f, %f = %f, %f = %f\n", fX + fVictimX, fHitPosX, fY + fVictimY, fHitPosY, fZ + fVictimZ, fHitPosZ );
fCameraX += 4.0 * fVectorX;
fCameraY += 4.0 * fVectorY;
fCameraZ += 4.0 * fVectorZ;
new Float: fCamera = ac_GetDistanceBetweenPoints( fHitPosX, fHitPosY, fHitPosZ, fCameraX, fCameraY, fCameraZ );
new Float: fRadius = ac_GetDistanceBetweenPoints( fHitPosX, fHitPosY, fHitPosZ, fVictimX, fVictimY, fVictimZ );
new Float: fPlayerDis = GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint( playerid, fVictimX, fVictimY, fVictimZ );
if( GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID( playerid ) == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID && GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID( hitid ) == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( hitid ) )
Float: fHitPacketLoss = NetStats_PacketLossPercent( hitid ),
Float: fOwnPacketLoss = NetStats_PacketLossPercent( playerid ),
iLastUpdateInterval = GetTickCount( ) - p_acUpdateTime[ hitid ] // AFK Check
if( fCamera < 1.20 && fPlayerDis > 4.0 && fPlayerDis < 300.0 && fRadius > 4.0 && fOwnPacketLoss < 0.8 && fHitPacketLoss < 0.8 && iLastUpdateInterval < 3000 ) {
iTicks = GetTickCount( );
if( iTicks - p_silentAimbotLastCalled[ playerid ] <= 5000 ) {
printf("[PRO-AIM] Detected %d - last %dms", playerid, iTicks - p_silentAimbotLastCalled[ playerid ]);
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCheatDetected", "dd", playerid, CHEAT_TYPE_PROAIM );
p_silentAimbotLastCalled[ playerid ] = iTicks;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#include < a_samp >
#include < anticheat\global >
#include < anticheat\player >
// Function (bCheckPlayerRemoteJacking)
stock bCheckPlayerRemoteJacking( playerid )
new iVehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid );
if( !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) )
GetPlayerPos( playerid, p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_X ], p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_Y ], p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_Z ] );
if( ( iVehicle != p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_VEH ] ) && ( iVehicle != 0 ) && ( GetPlayerState( playerid ) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER ) )
Float: fDistance = GetVehicleDistanceFromPoint( iVehicle, p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_X ], p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_Y ], p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_Z ] ),
Float: fOffset = 10.0
if( ( GetVehicleModel( iVehicle ) == 577 ) || ( GetVehicleModel( iVehicle ) == 592 )) fOffset = 25.0; // Andromanda | AT-400
if( fDistance > fOffset )
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCheatDetected", "dd", playerid, CHEAT_TYPE_REMOTE_JACK );
GetPlayerPos( playerid, p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_X ], p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_Y ], p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_Z ] );
p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_VEH ] = iVehicle;
return 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#include < a_samp >
#include < anticheat\global >
#include < anticheat\player >
// Function Hook (GivePlayerWeapon)
stock AC_TogglePlayerSpectating( playerid, toggle )
p_PlayerSpectateUpdateTime[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 1250;
p_SpectatePermission{ playerid } = true;
return TogglePlayerSpectating( playerid, toggle );
#if defined _ALS_TogglePlayerSpectating
#undef TogglePlayerSpectating
#define _ALS_TogglePlayerSpectating
#define TogglePlayerSpectating AC_TogglePlayerSpectating
// Function (bCheckForSpectatingHacks)
stock bCheckForSpectatingHacks( playerid, iState, iTicks )
if( iTicks > p_PlayerSpectateUpdateTime[ playerid ] )
if( iState == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING && !p_SpectatePermission{ playerid } ) {
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCheatDetected", "dd", playerid, CHEAT_TYPE_SPECTATE );
printf("[spectate] [%d] %d seems to spectate hack (state id %d, perm %d).", GetTickCount( ), playerid, iState, p_SpectatePermission{ playerid } );
p_PlayerSpectateUpdateTime[ playerid ] = iTicks + 1000;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
PROJECT <> SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in
LICENSE <> See LICENSE in the top level directory.
AUTHOR(S) <> Lorenc_ (
PURPOSE <> Providing datastructures for the internal SA:MP Server.
Copyright (C) 2014 SA:MP Anticheat Plug-in.
The Project is available on
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, see <>.
#include < a_samp >
#include < anticheat\global >
#include < anticheat\player >
// Function Hook (GivePlayerWeapon)
stock AC_GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, weaponid, ammo )
//p_PlayerWeaponUpdateTime[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 2000;
if( weaponid < MAX_WEAPONS )
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { weaponid } = true;
return GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, weaponid, ammo );
#if defined _ALS_GivePlayerWeapon
#undef GivePlayerWeapon
#define _ALS_GivePlayerWeapon
#define GivePlayerWeapon AC_GivePlayerWeapon
// Function Hook (ResetPlayerWeapons)
stock AC_ResetPlayerWeapons( playerid )
bReset = ResetPlayerWeapons( playerid );
//p_PlayerWeaponUpdateTime[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 2000;
for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++ )
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { i } = false;
return bReset;
#if defined _ALS_ResetPlayerWeapons
#undef ResetPlayerWeapons
#define _ALS_ResetPlayerWeapons
#define ResetPlayerWeapons AC_ResetPlayerWeapons
// Function Hook (SetSpawnInfo)
stock AC_SetSpawnInfo( playerid, team, skin, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, Float: Angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo )
if ( weapon1 != -1 && weapon1 < MAX_WEAPONS ) p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { weapon1 } = true;
if ( weapon2 != -1 && weapon2 < MAX_WEAPONS ) p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { weapon2 } = true;
if ( weapon3 != -1 && weapon3 < MAX_WEAPONS ) p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { weapon3 } = true;
return SetSpawnInfo( playerid, team, skin, x, y, z, Angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo );
#if defined _ALS_SetSpawnInfo
#undef SetSpawnInfo
#define _ALS_SetSpawnInfo
#define SetSpawnInfo AC_SetSpawnInfo
// Function Hook (AddPlayerClass)
stock AC_AddPlayerClass( skin, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, Float: Angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo )
classid = Iter_Free(classes);
if( classid != -1 )
mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS ] [ 0 ] = weapon1;
//mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS_AMMO ] [ 0 ] = static_cast<int>(params[7]);
mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS ] [ 1 ] = weapon2;
//mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS_AMMO ] [ 1 ] = static_cast<int>(params[9]);
mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS ] [ 2 ] = weapon3;
//mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS_AMMO ] [ 2 ] = static_cast<int>(params[11]);
Iter_Add(classes, classid);
return AddPlayerClass( skin, x, y, z, Angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo );
#if defined _ALS_AddPlayerClass
#undef AddPlayerClass
#define _ALS_AddPlayerClass
#define AddPlayerClass AC_AddPlayerClass
// Function Hook (AddPlayerClass)
stock AC_AddPlayerClassEx( teamid, skin, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:Angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo )
classid = Iter_Free(classes);
if( classid != -1 )
mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS ] [ 0 ] = weapon1;
//mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS_AMMO ] [ 0 ] = static_cast<int>(params[7]);
mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS ] [ 1 ] = weapon2;
//mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS_AMMO ] [ 1 ] = static_cast<int>(params[9]);
mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS ] [ 2 ] = weapon3;
//mAvailableSpawns[ classid ] [ E_WEAPONS_AMMO ] [ 2 ] = static_cast<int>(params[11]);
Iter_Add(classes, classid);
return AddPlayerClassEx( teamid, skin, x, y, z, Angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo )
#if defined _ALS_AddPlayerClassEx
#undef AddPlayerClassEx
#define _ALS_AddPlayerClassEx
#define AddPlayerClassEx AC_AddPlayerClassEx
// Function Hook (CreateDynamicPickup)
stock AC_CreateDynamicPickup( modelid, type, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float: streamdistance = 100.0 )
id = CreateDynamicPickup( modelid, type, x, y, z, worldid, interiorid, playerid, streamdistance );
if( type == 2 || type == 3 || type == 15 || type == 22 )
for( new i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i ++ )
if( GetWeaponModel( i ) == modelid )
SetGVarInt( "ac_WeaponPickup", i, id );
return id;
#if defined _ALS_CreateDynamicPickup
#undef CreateDynamicPickup
#define _ALS_CreateDynamicPickup
#define CreateDynamicPickup AC_CreateDynamicPickup
// Functions
stock vWeaponHackCheck( playerid, keys )
if( ( keys & KEY_FIRE ) && ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) ) {
iWeapon = GetPlayerWeapon( playerid );
if( iWeapon > -1 && iWeapon < MAX_WEAPONS )
if( !p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { iWeapon } && ( iWeapon != 0 && iWeapon != 40 ) ) {
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCheatDetected", "dd", playerid, CHEAT_TYPE_WEAPON );
printf("[weapon] %d seems to weapon hack (weapon id %d).", playerid, iWeapon );
/*stock vWeaponHackCheck( playerid, iTicks )
if( iTicks > p_PlayerWeaponUpdateTime[ playerid ] )
iWeapon, iAmmo;
for( new iSlot = 0; iSlot != 13; iSlot++ )
GetPlayerWeaponData( playerid, iSlot, iWeapon, iAmmo );
if( !p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { iWeapon } && ( iAmmo > 0 && iWeapon != 0 && iWeapon != 40 ) ) {
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCheatDetected", "dd", playerid, CHEAT_TYPE_WEAPON );
printf("[weapon] %d seems to weapon hack (weapon id %d).", playerid, iWeapon );
p_PlayerWeaponUpdateTime[ playerid ] = iTicks + 750;
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-d3 -r
Reference in New Issue
Block a user