Merged in pilot-minijob (pull request #10)
rebuilding pilot minijob, fully tested and working, attempted cleaning aswell Approved-by: Lorenc Pekaj <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,132 +9,90 @@
#include < YSI\y_hooks >
/* ** Definitions ** */
#define CARGO_PAYOUT_LOW 6000
#define CARGO_PAYOUT_HIGH 15000
#define RISK_EASY 0
#define RISK_HARD 1
#define PILOT_BONUS ( 6000 )
/* ** Variables ** */
E_NAME[ 32 ],
Float: E_X, Float: E_Y, Float: E_Z,
E_NAME[ 32 ],
Float: E_X, Float: E_Y, Float: E_Z,
Float: g_CargoStart [ 3 ] = { 180.3708, 2502.9565, 16.4844 },
g_CargoData [ ] [ E_CARGO_DATA ] =
g_DropOffLocations[ ] [ E_PILOT_DATA ] =
{ 511, RISK_EASY, { 7000, 12000 } },
{ 593, RISK_EASY, { 7000, 12000 } },
{ 460, RISK_HARD, { 10000, 15000 } },
{ 512, RISK_HARD, { 10000, 15000 } }
Float: g_AirportLocations [ ][ 3 ] =
{ 1818.4377, -2493.9846, 13.5547 },
{ 1477.4904, 1474.5323, 10.8203 },
{ -1491.7163, 0.8244, 14.1484 }
CARGO_NAMES [ ][ 8 ] = {"Weed", "Meth", "Coke", "Weapons", "Clothes", "Drinks"},
// SF
{ "SF City Hall", -2706.2783, 376.4467, 4.9684 },
{ "Whetstone Farm", -1442.2671, -1492.7599, 101.7578 },
{ "Militia Ship", -2396.2244, 1543.2428, 31.8594 },
bool: p_hasPilotJob [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
p_PilotMapIcon [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 0xFFFF, ... },
p_PilotCheckPoint [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 0xFFFF, ... },
p_PilotCancelTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 0xFFFF, ... },
p_PilotPositionTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
Float: p_PilotDistance [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_PilotTimeElapsed [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_PilotTaskID [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_PilotAirportID [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_PilotProgress [ MAX_PLAYERS ]
// LV
{ "Greenglass College", 1087.6841, 1073.0309, 10.8382 },
{ "LV Baseball Ground", 1355.2606, 2156.7888, 11.0156 },
{ "The Visage", 1965.2771, 1915.5419, 130.9375},
{ "Spinybed", 2400.8699, 2777.5608, 17.3643 },
// LS
{ "Santa Maria Beach", 369.9119, -2022.7925, 7.6719 },
{ "Pershing Square", 1480.7731, -1638.8020, 14.1484 },
{ "Glen Park", 1970.1884, -1201.0854, 25.6119 },
// Assorted
{ "Red County", 1929.0541, 170.9540, 37.2813 },
{ "Blueberry Acres", -76.9925, 1.9632, 3.1172 },
{ "Bayside", -2465.4614, 2234.1575, 4.8042 }
g_AirportLocations[ ] [ E_AIRPORT_DATA ] =
{ "San Fierro Airport", -1233.8186, -128.0793, 14.1484 },
{ "San Fierro Airport", -1340.1185, 152.5395, 14.1484 },
{ "Las Venturas Airport", 1477.1909, 1532.9949, 10.8125 },
{ "Las Venturas Airport", 1620.1753, 1531.3868, 10.8011 },
{ "Los Santos Airport", 1797.7118, -2493.8835, 13.5547 },
{ "Los Santos Airport", 1921.8281, -2252.9990, 13.5469 },
{ "Abandoned Airstrip", 175.2288, 2504.6611, 16.4844 },
{ "Abandoned Airstrip", 266.3593, 2535.8496, 16.8125 }
g_CargoName[ ][ 8 ] = { "Wheat", "Weed", "Meth", "Coke", "Weapons", "Clothes", "Drinks" },
bool: p_hasPilotJob [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
p_PilotMapIcon [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 0xFFFF, ... },
p_PilotCheckPoint [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 0xFFFF, ... },
p_PilotPositionTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 0xFFFF, ... },
p_PilotCancelTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 0xFFFF, ... },
p_PilotLoadTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 0xFFFF, ... },
p_PilotCargo [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_PilotVehicle [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_PilotTimeElapsed [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
Float: p_PilotDistance [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_PilotRoute [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ 2 char ]
/* ** Hooks ** */
hook OnPlayerEnterDynRaceCP( playerid, checkpointid )
hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
if ( checkpointid == p_PilotCheckPoint[ playerid ] )
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_PilotMapIcon[ playerid ] );
DestroyDynamicRaceCP ( p_PilotCheckPoint[ playerid ] );
if ( p_PilotProgress[ playerid ] == 0)
static aPlayer[ 1 ]; aPlayer[ 0 ] = playerid;
iAirport = random( sizeof( g_AirportLocations ));
p_PilotCheckPoint[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP(0, g_AirportLocations[ iAirport ] [ 0 ] , g_AirportLocations[ iAirport ] [ 1 ] , g_AirportLocations[ iAirport ] [ 2 ], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, -1, -1, playerid );
p_PilotMapIcon[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicMapIconEx( g_AirportLocations[ iAirport ] [ 0 ] , g_AirportLocations[ iAirport ] [ 1 ] , g_AirportLocations[ iAirport ] [ 2 ] , 51, 0, MAPICON_GLOBAL, 6000.0, { -1 }, { -1 }, aPlayer );
p_PilotAirportID[ playerid ] = iAirport;
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 7500, "Alright! You have found the cargo, deliever it to the location on your radar!");
GivePlayerWantedLevel( playerid, ( g_CargoData[ p_PilotTaskID[ playerid ] ] [ E_RISK ] == RISK_EASY ? 6 : 12 ) );
return ( p_PilotProgress[ playerid ] = 1), 1;
else if ( p_PilotProgress[ playerid ] == 1)
//p_PilotDistance[ playerid ] = GetDistanceBetweenPoints(g_CargoStart[ 0 ], g_CargoStart[ 1 ], g_CargoStart[ 2 ], g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotAirportID[ playerid ] ] [ 0 ] , g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotAirportID[ playerid ] ] [ 1 ] , g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotAirportID[ playerid ] ] [ 2 ]);
iElapsed = g_iTime - p_PilotTimeElapsed[ playerid ],
iTheoreticalFinish = floatround( p_PilotDistance[ playerid ] / 30.0 ) // distance / 25m/s (2000m / 25m/s)
// Check if it is really quick to finish
if ( iElapsed < iTheoreticalFinish ) {
SendServerMessage( playerid, "You've been kicked due to suspected teleport hacking (0xBC-%d-%d).", iTheoreticalFinish, iElapsed );
KickPlayerTimed( playerid );
return 1;
GivePlayerScore( playerid, 2 );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, iCashEarned );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "You have earned ~y~%s ~w~for exporting %s!", cash_format( iCashEarned ), CARGO_NAMES[ p_PilotTaskID[ playerid ] ] );
p_PilotDistance [ playerid ] = 0.0;
p_PilotCancelTimer [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotCheckPoint [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotMapIcon [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotAirportID [ playerid ] = -1;
p_hasPilotJob [ playerid ] = false;
return ( p_PilotProgress[ playerid ] = 0), 1;
return 1;
StopPlayerPilotWork( playerid );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerUpdateEx( playerid )
iVehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ),
iModel = GetVehicleModel( iVehicle ),
iState = GetPlayerState( playerid )
new player_vehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid );
// check if the player has detached their trailer
if ( iState == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && iVehicle && p_hasPilotJob{ playerid } && ! IsVehicleCargoPlane( iModel ) && p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] == 0xFFFF ) {
cancelPlayerPilotWork( playerid, iVehicle, .ticks = 60 );
if ( GetPlayerState( playerid ) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && player_vehicle && p_hasPilotJob{ playerid } && p_PilotVehicle[ playerid ] != player_vehicle && p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] == 0xFFFF ) {
cancelPlayerPilotWork( playerid, player_vehicle, .ticks = 60 );
return 1;
@ -142,114 +100,231 @@ hook OnPlayerUpdateEx( playerid )
hook OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate )
if ( newstate != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && p_hasPilotJob{ playerid } ) {
cancelPlayerPilotWork( playerid, GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), .ticks = 0 );
if ( newstate != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && p_hasPilotJob{ playerid } ) {
cancelPlayerPilotWork( playerid, GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), .ticks = 60 );
else if ( newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) ) {
if ( IsVehicleCargoPlane( GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) ) ) {
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 3000, "You can begin a pilot job by typing ~g~~h~/pilot~n~~n~Mission Risk: %s", ( g_CargoData[ p_PilotTaskID[ playerid ] ] [ E_RISK ] == RISK_EASY ? ( "~y~Low Risk" ) : ( "~r~High Risk" ) ) );
else if ( newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && oldstate != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && p_hasPilotJob{ playerid } ) {
KillTimer( p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] );
p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
else if ( newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && !p_hasPilotJob{ playerid }) {
if ( IsVehiclePlane( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) ) {
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 3000, "You can begin a pilot job by typing ~g~~h~/pilot" );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
hook OnPlayerEnterDynRaceCP( playerid, checkpointid )
StopPlayerPilotWork( playerid );
if ( checkpointid == p_PilotCheckPoint[ playerid ] )
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_PilotMapIcon[ playerid ] );
DestroyDynamicRaceCP ( p_PilotCheckPoint[ playerid ] );
KillTimer ( p_PilotPositionTimer[ playerid ] );
GivePlayerWantedLevel( playerid, 6 );
if ( p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } != INVALID_PILOT_ROUTE )
static aPlayer[ 1 ]; aPlayer[ 0 ] = playerid;
p_PilotPositionTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "OnPilotPositionUpdate", 750, false, "dd", playerid, p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } );
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, p_TruckingTD[ playerid ] );
KillTimer( p_PilotLoadTimer[ playerid ] );
p_PilotLoadTimer [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotLoadTimer [ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "OnPilotLoadCargo", 5000, false, "d", playerid );
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, false);
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "Please wait while your cargo is getting loaded into your vehicle!" );
p_PilotMapIcon [ playerid ] = CreateDynamicMapIconEx( g_DropOffLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } ] [ E_X ], g_DropOffLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } ] [ E_Y ], g_DropOffLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } ] [ E_Z ], 51, 0, MAPICON_GLOBAL, 6000.0, { -1 }, { -1 }, aPlayer );
p_PilotCheckPoint [ playerid ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP( 4, g_DropOffLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } ] [ E_X ], g_DropOffLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } ] [ E_Y ], g_DropOffLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } ] [ E_Z ] + 50.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, -1, -1, playerid );
return ( p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } = INVALID_PILOT_ROUTE ), 1;
else if ( p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } != INVALID_PILOT_ROUTE )
iCashEarned = floatround( p_PilotDistance[ playerid ] * 2.0 + PILOT_BONUS );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, p_TruckingTD[ playerid ] );
GivePlayerScore( playerid, 1 + floatround( p_PilotDistance[ playerid ] / 1000.0 ) );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, iCashEarned );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "You have earned ~y~%s ~w~for exporting %s!", cash_format( iCashEarned ), g_CargoName[ p_PilotCargo[ playerid ] ] );
p_PilotDistance [ playerid ] = 0.0;
p_hasPilotJob [ playerid ] = false;
p_PilotCheckPoint [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotMapIcon [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotCancelTimer [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotLoadTimer [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotVehicle [ playerid ] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
p_PilotRoute [ playerid ] { 0 } = INVALID_PILOT_ROUTE;
p_PilotRoute [ playerid ] { 1 } = INVALID_PILOT_ROUTE;
return ( p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } = INVALID_PILOT_ROUTE ), 1;
return 1;
return 1;
/* ** Functions ** */
stock StopPlayerPilotWork( playerid )
stock getClosestPilotRoute( playerid, &Float: distance = FLOAT_INFINITY )
DestroyDynamicMapIcon ( p_PilotMapIcon[ playerid ] );
DestroyDynamicRaceCP ( p_PilotCheckPoint[ playerid ] );
iCurrent = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, Float:fTmp;
KillTimer ( p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] );
for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_AirportLocations ); i++ )
if ( 0.0 < ( fTmp = GetDistanceFromPlayerSquared( playerid, g_AirportLocations[ i ] [ E_X ], g_AirportLocations[ i ] [ E_Y ], g_AirportLocations[ i ] [ E_Z ] ) ) < distance )
distance = fTmp, iCurrent = i;
p_PilotDistance [ playerid ] = 0.0;
p_hasPilotJob [ playerid ] = false;
p_PilotCancelTimer [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotCheckPoint [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotMapIcon [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotAirportID [ playerid ] = -1;
return iCurrent;
stock IsVehicleCargoPlane( modelid )
stock StopPlayerPilotWork( playerid )
for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof ( g_CargoData ); i ++ )
if ( g_CargoData[ i ] [ E_VEHICLE ] == modelid ) {
return 1;
if ( !p_hasPilotJob { playerid } )
return SendError( playerid, "You cannot cancel a pilot job that hasn't started.");
DestroyDynamicRaceCP ( p_PilotCheckPoint[ playerid ] );
DestroyDynamicMapIcon ( p_PilotMapIcon[ playerid ] );
KillTimer ( p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] );
KillTimer ( p_PilotPositionTimer[ playerid ] );
p_PilotDistance [ playerid ] = 0.0;
p_hasPilotJob { playerid } = false;
p_PilotCheckPoint [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotMapIcon [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotCancelTimer [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotPositionTimer [ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_PilotRoute [ playerid ] { 0 } = INVALID_PILOT_ROUTE;
p_PilotRoute [ playerid ] { 1 } = INVALID_PILOT_ROUTE;
p_PilotCargo [ playerid ] = -1;
p_PilotVehicle [ playerid ] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, p_TruckingTD[ playerid ] );
return SendServerMessage( playerid, "Your pilot mission has been stopped." );
stock IsVehiclePlane ( vehicleid )
if ( GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ) == 553 || GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ) == 519 || GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ) == 593 )
return 1;
return 0;
/* ** Commands ** */
function OnPilotPositionUpdate( playerid, routeid )
if ( !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) && !p_hasPilotJob{ playerid } && ( p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } == 0 && p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } == 0 ) ) {
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, p_TruckingTD[ playerid ] );
return ( p_PilotPositionTimer[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF );
Float: fDistance = 0.0;
if ( routeid == p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 }) {
fDistance = GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint( playerid, g_AirportLocations[ routeid ] [ E_X ], g_AirportLocations[ routeid ] [ E_Y ], g_AirportLocations[ routeid ] [ E_Z ] );
TextDrawSetString( p_TruckingTD[ playerid ], sprintf( "~b~Location:~w~ %s~n~~b~Distance:~w~ %0.2fm", g_AirportLocations[ routeid ] [ E_NAME ], fDistance ) );
else if ( routeid == p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 }) {
fDistance = GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint( playerid, g_DropOffLocations[ routeid ] [ E_X ], g_DropOffLocations[ routeid ] [ E_Y ], g_DropOffLocations[ routeid ] [ E_Z ] );
TextDrawSetString( p_TruckingTD[ playerid ], sprintf( "~b~Location:~w~ %s~n~~b~Distance:~w~ %0.2fm", g_DropOffLocations[ routeid ] [ E_NAME ], fDistance ) );
return ( p_PilotPositionTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "OnPilotPositionUpdate", 750, false, "dd", playerid, routeid ) );
function cancelPlayerPilotWork( playerid, vehicleid, ticks )
if ( p_PilotVehicle[ playerid ] == vehicleid && ticks )
return KillTimer( p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] ), p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
if ( ticks < 1 || !IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) || !IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
StopPlayerPilotWork( playerid );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 1000, "You have %d seconds to get back inside the plane you were using.", ticks - 1 );
p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "cancelPlayerPilotWork", 980, false, "ddd", playerid, vehicleid, ticks - 1 );
return 1;
function OnPilotLoadCargo( playerid )
if (!IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
return 0;
if ( !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) )
return 0;
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, true);
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 7500, "Great! The cargo full of %s has been loaded, deliver it to the drop off location on your radar!", g_CargoName[ p_PilotCargo[ playerid ] ]);
return KillTimer( p_PilotLoadTimer[ playerid ] ), p_PilotLoadTimer[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF, 1;
/* ** Commands ** */
CMD:pilot( playerid, params[ ] )
iVehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ),
iModel = GetVehicleModel( iVehicle );
iVehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid );
if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN ) return SendError( playerid, "You must be an ordinary civilian to use this command." );
else if ( strmatch( params, "STOP" ))
StopPlayerPilotWork( playerid );
return SendServerMessage( playerid, "Your pilot mission has been stopped." );
return StopPlayerPilotWork( playerid ), 1;
else if ( !strmatch( params, "WORK" )) return SendUsage( playerid, "/pilot [WORK/STOP]" );
else if ( GetPlayerState( playerid ) != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER ) return SendError( playerid, "You must be a driver of a vehicle to work." );
else if ( !iModel ) return SendError( playerid, "You are not in any vehicle." );
else if ( !iVehicle ) return SendError( playerid, "You are not in any vehicle." );
if ( IsVehicleCargoPlane( iModel ))
if ( IsVehiclePlane( iVehicle ))
if ( !p_hasPilotJob{ playerid })
if ( !p_hasPilotJob{ playerid } )
if ( p_WorkCooldown[ playerid ] > g_iTime )
return SendError( playerid, "You must wait %d seconds before working again.", p_WorkCooldown[ playerid ] - g_iTime );
static aPlayer[ 1 ]; aPlayer[ 0 ] = playerid;
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_PilotMapIcon[ playerid ] );
iItem = RandomEx(0, sizeof( g_CargoData ));
p_hasPilotJob { playerid } = true;
p_WorkCooldown [ playerid ] = g_iTime + 60;
p_hasPilotJob { playerid } = true;
p_PilotTaskID [ playerid ] = iItem;
p_PilotProgress [ playerid ] = 0;
p_PilotVehicle [ playerid ] = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid );
p_PilotCargo [ playerid ] = random( sizeof( g_CargoName ) );
p_PilotRoute [ playerid ] { 0 } = random ( sizeof ( g_AirportLocations ) );
p_PilotRoute [ playerid ] { 1 } = random ( sizeof( g_DropOffLocations ) );
p_PilotTimeElapsed [ playerid ] = g_iTime;
p_PilotCheckPoint [ playerid ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP( 0, g_CargoStart[ 0 ], g_CargoStart[ 1 ], g_CargoStart[ 2 ], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, -1, -1, playerid );
p_PilotMapIcon [ playerid ] = CreateDynamicMapIconEx( g_CargoStart[ 0 ], g_CargoStart[ 1 ], g_CargoStart[ 2 ], 51, 0, MAPICON_GLOBAL, 6000.0, { -1 }, { -1 }, aPlayer );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 7500, "A ~g~~h~truck blip~w~~h~ has been shown on your radar. Go to where the truck blip is to pickup your cargo full of %s.", CARGO_NAMES[ iItem ] );
p_PilotDistance [ playerid ] = GetDistanceBetweenPoints( g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } ] [ E_X ], g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } ] [ E_Y ], g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } ] [ E_Z ], g_DropOffLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } ] [ E_X ], g_DropOffLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } ] [ E_Y ], g_DropOffLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 1 } ] [ E_Z ] );
p_PilotMapIcon [ playerid ] = CreateDynamicMapIconEx( g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } ] [ E_X ], g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } ] [ E_Y ], g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } ] [ E_Z ], 51, 0, MAPICON_GLOBAL, 6000.0, { -1 }, { -1 }, aPlayer );
p_PilotCheckPoint [ playerid ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP( 0, g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } ] [ E_X ], g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } ] [ E_Y ], g_AirportLocations[ p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } ] [ E_Z ], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, -1, -1, playerid );
p_PilotPositionTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "OnPilotPositionUpdate", 750, false, "dd", playerid, p_PilotRoute[ playerid ] { 0 } );
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, p_TruckingTD[ playerid ] );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 7500, "A ~g~~h~truck blip~w~~h~ has been shown on your radar. Go to where the truck blip is to pickup your cargo full of %s.", g_CargoName[ p_PilotCargo[ playerid ] ] );
else SendError( playerid, "You already have a pilot job started! Cancel it with "COL_GREY"/pilot stop"COL_WHITE"." );
else SendError( playerid, "There are currently no jobs for this particular vehicle." );
return 1;
function cancelPlayerPilotWork( playerid, vehicleid, ticks )
if (GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) == vehicleid && ticks )
return KillTimer( p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] ), p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
if ( ticks < 1 || !IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) || !IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
StopPlayerPilotWork( playerid );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Your pilot mission has been stopped." );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 1000, "You have %d seconds to get back inside your plane you were using.", ticks - 1 );
p_PilotCancelTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "cancelPlayerPilotWork", 980, false, "ddd", playerid, vehicleid, ticks - 1 );
return 1;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user