make anticheat more independent with y_hooks + fix death bug with explosive rounds
This commit is contained in:
@ -239,7 +239,6 @@ stock
// Forwards (Global)
public OnPlayerCheatDetected( playerid, detection );
public OnPlayerDamagePlayer( playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart );
// Functions (Global)
@ -23,222 +23,434 @@
with this program; if not, see <>.
/* ** Includes ** */
#include < YSI\y_hooks >
// Forwards
public OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage ( playerid, issuerid, &Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart );
public OnPlayerDeathEx ( playerid, killerid, reason, Float: damage, bodypart );
/* ** Variables ** */
static stock
Float: p_PlayerHealth [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_PLAYER_HITPOINTS ],
Float: p_PlayerArmour [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_PLAYER_HITPOINTS ],
Float: p_LastDamageIssued [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_LastTookDamage [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_LastDamageIssuer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { INVALID_PLAYER_ID, ... },
p_LastWeaponIssuer [ MAX_PLAYERS ]
// Function (AC_UpdateKillerData)
/* ** Forwards ** */
forward OnPlayerDamagePlayer ( playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart );
forward OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage ( playerid, issuerid, &Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart );
forward OnPlayerDeathEx ( playerid, killerid, reason, Float: damage, bodypart );
stock AC_UpdateDamageInformation( playerid, attackerid, weaponid )
// Function (AC_UpdateKillerData)
stock AC_UpdateDamageInformation( playerid, attackerid, weaponid )
p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = attackerid;
p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = weaponid;
// Function (AC_GetPlayerHealth)
stock Float: AC_GetPlayerHealth( playerid )
return p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ];
// Function (AddPlayerHealth)
stock AC_AddPlayerHealth( playerid, Float:amount )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] += amount;
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false;
return SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
// Function Hook (SetPlayerHealth)
stock AC_SetPlayerHealth( playerid, Float:amount )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = amount;
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false;
if( amount <= 0.0 && p_acSpawned{ playerid } )
p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = attackerid;
p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = weaponid;
if( ( GetTickCount( ) - p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] ) > 2500 ) {
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = 47;
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead!
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ], p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ], 3.3, 3 );
return SetPlayerHealth( playerid, amount );
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerHealth
#undef SetPlayerHealth
#define _ALS_SetPlayerHealth
#define SetPlayerHealth AC_SetPlayerHealth
// Function Hook (SetPlayerArmour)
stock AC_SetPlayerArmour( playerid, Float:amount )
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = amount;
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false;
return SetPlayerArmour( playerid, amount );
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerArmour
#undef SetPlayerArmour
#define _ALS_SetPlayerArmour
#define SetPlayerArmour AC_SetPlayerArmour
// Function Hook (SetPlayerTeam)
stock AC_SetPlayerTeam( playerid, teamid )
if( teamid != AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ) {
printf("[ACWarning] You cannot use SetPlayerTeam as you have hitpoint hack detection enabled (teamid %d, default %d).", teamid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM );
return SetPlayerTeam( playerid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM );
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerTeam
#undef SetPlayerTeam
#define _ALS_SetPlayerArmour
#define SetPlayerTeam AC_SetPlayerTeam
/* ** Callback Hooks ** */
hook OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
if ( 0 <= playerid < MAX_PLAYERS )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
return 1;
hook OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
// Health/Armour Hack
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 100.0;
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
SetPlayerTeam( playerid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ); // Set everyone the same team
return 1;
hook OnPlayerTakeDamage( playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart )
is_npc = IsPlayerNPC( issuerid );
p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = issuerid;
p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = weaponid;
p_LastDamageIssued[ playerid ] = amount;
//if( !( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( issuerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( issuerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) ) )
// return 0;
// Allow hunter damage/sparrow
if( !( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( issuerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( issuerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) ) && !is_npc )
// Ignore unreliable and invalid damage
if( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidDamageGiven ) || s_ValidDamageGiven[ weaponid ] )
return 0;
// Function (AC_GetPlayerHealth)
stock Float: AC_GetPlayerHealth( playerid )
return p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ];
// Function (AddPlayerHealth)
stock AC_AddPlayerHealth( playerid, Float:amount )
if( ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] += amount;
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false;
return SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
// Function Hook (SetPlayerHealth)
stock AC_SetPlayerHealth( playerid, Float:amount )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = amount;
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false;
if( amount <= 0.0 && p_acSpawned{ playerid } )
if( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && ! is_npc )
if( OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage( playerid, issuerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart ) )
new Float: tmp, Float: tmp_amount = amount;
if( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] )
if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ];
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
} else {
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp;
tmp_amount = 0.0;
if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead!
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, issuerid, weaponid, amount, bodypart );
SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDamagePlayer", "ddfdd", issuerid, playerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart );
new Float: tmp, Float: tmp_amount = amount;
if( !( weaponid == 53 || weaponid == 54 || weaponid == 50 ) && p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] )
if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ];
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
} else {
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp;
tmp_amount = 0.0;
// printf("OnPlayerTakeDamage( %d, %d, %f, %d, %d ) %f", playerid, issuerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) <= ( weaponid == 37 ? 0.99999 : 0.0 ) ) {
// find any possible killers prior
if( ( GetTickCount( ) - p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] ) > 2500 ) {
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = issuerid, p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = weaponid;
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead!
if ( weaponid == 37 || weaponid == 51 ) SetPlayerHealth( playerid, -1 ); // Death bug fix
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ], p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ], amount, bodypart );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerGiveDamage( playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart )
// Ignore unreliable and invalid damage
if ( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidDamageGiven ) || !s_ValidDamageGiven[ weaponid ] )
return 0;
if( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidMaxDamage ) || amount > s_ValidMaxDamage[ weaponid ] + 2.0 ) // 2.0 safety margin
return 0;
if( damagedid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
return 0;
if( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( playerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) )
return 0;
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( damagedid ) )
if( !ac_IsPlayerSpawned( damagedid ) )
return 0;
if( ( !IsPlayerStreamedIn( playerid, damagedid ) && !( GetTickCount( ) - p_acUpdateTime[ damagedid ] >= 2595 ) ) || !IsPlayerStreamedIn( damagedid, playerid ) )
return 0;
//printf("OnPlayerGiveDamage( %d, %d, %f, %d, %d )", playerid, damagedid, amount, weaponid, bodypart );
//p_LastTookDamage[ damagedid ] = GetTickCount( );
//p_LastDamageIssuer[ damagedid ] = playerid;
//p_LastWeaponIssuer[ damagedid ] = weaponid;
//p_LastDamageIssued[ damagedid ] = amount;
if( OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage( damagedid, playerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart ) )
Float: tmp,
Float: distance = ac_GetDistanceBetweenPlayers( playerid, damagedid ), // Calc distance between players
Float: tmp_amount = amount // this amount is extremely unreliable
//printf("Proposed dmg %f kinda %f (min: %f, max: %f, rng: %f)", amount, tmp_amount, GetWeaponMinRange( weaponid ), GetWeaponMaxRange( weaponid ), distance );
if( distance > s_WeaponRange[ weaponid ] + 2.0 )
return 0; //printf(" INVALID RANGE %f (MAX %f)", distance, GetWeaponMaxRange( weaponid ) ), 0;
if( p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] )
if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ];
p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
} else {
p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp;
tmp_amount = 0.0;
if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
p_acSpawned{ damagedid } = false; // They're dead!
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", damagedid, playerid, weaponid, amount, bodypart );
SetPlayerArmour( damagedid, p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
SetPlayerHealth( damagedid, p_PlayerHealth[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDamagePlayer", "ddfdd", playerid, damagedid, amount, weaponid, bodypart );
return 1;
// Functions (Player)
stock vCheckForHealthHacks( playerid, iTicks )
Float: currentHealth,
Float: currentArmour
GetPlayerHealth( playerid, currentHealth );
GetPlayerArmour( playerid, currentArmour );
// Lag Calculations
Float: fHitDamage = p_LastDamageIssued[ playerid ],
Float: fArmourDamage,
Float: fHealthDamage
if( fHitDamage > currentArmour ) {
fArmourDamage = currentArmour;
fHealthDamage = fHitDamage - currentArmour;
else fArmourDamage = fHitDamage;
// Begin Health Hack Detection
if( iTicks > p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] )
new currentHealthInt = floatround( currentHealth, floatround_floor );
new healthShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
if( currentHealthInt == healthShouldBeInt )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = true;
if( !p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] )
if( currentHealthInt > healthShouldBeInt )
switch( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ]++ )
case 0 .. 9: SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
case 10: SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xa9c4e4ff, "You have been kicked as you are desynced from the server. Please relog!" ), KickPlayerTimed( playerid ), printf("[health] Player %d was desynced thus kicked.", playerid);
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
if( healthShouldBeInt > currentHealthInt )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = currentHealth;
if( currentHealthInt > healthShouldBeInt && currentHealthInt <= 255 && currentHealthInt > 0 )
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
currentHealthInt = floatround( currentHealth, floatround_floor );
healthShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
new dmgOne = floatround( currentHealthInt - fHealthDamage, floatround_floor );
new dmgTwo = floatround( currentHealthInt - fHealthDamage, floatround_ceil );
if( !( currentHealthInt == healthShouldBeInt || dmgOne == healthShouldBeInt || dmgTwo == healthShouldBeInt ) )
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
//printf("[health][%d] %d seems to health hack (server health: %d and client health: %d, health dmg: %f, armour dmg: %f).", playerid, playerid, healthShouldBeInt, currentHealthInt, fHealthDamage, fArmourDamage );
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] = iTicks + 1000;
// Begin Armour Hack Detection
if( iTicks > p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] )
new currentArmourInt = floatround( currentArmour, floatround_floor );
new ArmourShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
if( currentArmourInt == ArmourShouldBeInt )
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = true;
if( !p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] )
if( currentArmourInt > ArmourShouldBeInt )
switch( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ]++ )
case 0 .. 9: SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
case 10: SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xa9c4e4ff, "You have been kicked as you are desynced from the server. Please relog!" ), KickPlayerTimed( playerid ), printf("[armour] Player %d was desynced thus kicked.", playerid);
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
if( ArmourShouldBeInt > currentArmourInt )
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = currentArmour;
if( currentArmourInt > ArmourShouldBeInt && currentArmourInt <= 255 && currentArmourInt > 0 )
SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
currentArmourInt = floatround( currentArmour, floatround_floor );
ArmourShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
new dmgOne = floatround( currentArmourInt - fArmourDamage, floatround_floor );
new dmgTwo = floatround( currentArmourInt - fArmourDamage, floatround_ceil );
if( !( currentArmourInt == ArmourShouldBeInt || dmgOne == ArmourShouldBeInt || dmgTwo == ArmourShouldBeInt ) )
SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
//printf("[armour] %d seems to armour hack (server armour: %d and client armour: %d, health dmg: %f, armour dmg: %f).", playerid, ArmourShouldBeInt, currentArmourInt, fHealthDamage, fArmourDamage );
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] = iTicks + 1000;
hook OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
// Health/Armour Hack
if( GetPVarInt( playerid, "CustomKill" ) )
customKiller = GetPVarInt( playerid, "KillerID" );
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, customKiller != playerid ? customKiller : INVALID_PLAYER_ID, GetPVarInt( playerid, "WeaponID" ), 3.3, 3 );
DeletePVar( playerid, "KillerID" );
DeletePVar( playerid, "WeaponID" );
DeletePVar( playerid, "CustomKill" );
// Died in Vehicle
else if( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) && ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
if( ( GetTickCount( ) - p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] ) > 2500 )
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = 47;
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = 51;
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead!
OnPlayerDeathEx( playerid, p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ], p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ], 3.3, 3 );
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ], p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ], 3.3, 3 );
return SetPlayerHealth( playerid, amount );
// General
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false;
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerHealth
#undef SetPlayerHealth
#define _ALS_SetPlayerHealth
#define SetPlayerHealth AC_SetPlayerHealth
// Airbrake
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
return 1;
// Function Hook (SetPlayerArmour)
/* ** Functions ** */
stock ForcePlayerKill( playerid, killerid, weaponid )
SetPVarInt( playerid, "KillerID", killerid );
SetPVarInt( playerid, "WeaponID", weaponid );
SetPVarInt( playerid, "CustomKill", 1 );
stock AC_SetPlayerArmour( playerid, Float:amount )
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = amount;
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = false;
return SetPlayerArmour( playerid, amount );
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerArmour
#undef SetPlayerArmour
#define _ALS_SetPlayerArmour
#define SetPlayerArmour AC_SetPlayerArmour
// Function Hook (SetPlayerTeam)
stock AC_SetPlayerTeam( playerid, teamid )
if( teamid != AC_DEFAULT_TEAM )
printf("[ACWarning] You cannot use SetPlayerTeam as you have hitpoint hack detection enabled (teamid %d, default %d).", teamid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM );
return SetPlayerTeam( playerid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM );
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerTeam
#undef SetPlayerTeam
#define _ALS_SetPlayerArmour
#define SetPlayerTeam AC_SetPlayerTeam
// Functions (Player)
stock vCheckForHealthHacks( playerid, iTicks )
Float: currentHealth,
Float: currentArmour
GetPlayerHealth( playerid, currentHealth );
GetPlayerArmour( playerid, currentArmour );
// Lag Calculations
Float: fHitDamage = p_LastDamageIssued[ playerid ],
Float: fArmourDamage,
Float: fHealthDamage
if( fHitDamage > currentArmour ) {
fArmourDamage = currentArmour;
fHealthDamage = fHitDamage - currentArmour;
else fArmourDamage = fHitDamage;
// Begin Health Hack Detection
if( iTicks > p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] )
new currentHealthInt = floatround( currentHealth, floatround_floor );
new healthShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
if( currentHealthInt == healthShouldBeInt )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = true;
if( !p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] )
if( currentHealthInt > healthShouldBeInt )
switch( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ]++ )
case 0 .. 9: SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
case 10: SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xa9c4e4ff, "You have been kicked as you are desynced from the server. Please relog!" ), KickPlayerTimed( playerid ), printf("[health] Player %d was desynced thus kicked.", playerid);
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
if( healthShouldBeInt > currentHealthInt )
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = currentHealth;
if( currentHealthInt > healthShouldBeInt && currentHealthInt <= 255 && currentHealthInt > 0 )
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
currentHealthInt = floatround( currentHealth, floatround_floor );
healthShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
new dmgOne = floatround( currentHealthInt - fHealthDamage, floatround_floor );
new dmgTwo = floatround( currentHealthInt - fHealthDamage, floatround_ceil );
if( !( currentHealthInt == healthShouldBeInt || dmgOne == healthShouldBeInt || dmgTwo == healthShouldBeInt ) )
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
//printf("[health][%d] %d seems to health hack (server health: %d and client health: %d, health dmg: %f, armour dmg: %f).", playerid, playerid, healthShouldBeInt, currentHealthInt, fHealthDamage, fArmourDamage );
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] = iTicks + 1000;
// Begin Armour Hack Detection
if( iTicks > p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] )
new currentArmourInt = floatround( currentArmour, floatround_floor );
new ArmourShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
if( currentArmourInt == ArmourShouldBeInt )
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] = true;
if( !p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_SYNCED ] )
if( currentArmourInt > ArmourShouldBeInt )
switch( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ]++ )
case 0 .. 9: SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
case 10: SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xa9c4e4ff, "You have been kicked as you are desynced from the server. Please relog!" ), KickPlayerTimed( playerid ), printf("[armour] Player %d was desynced thus kicked.", playerid);
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
if( ArmourShouldBeInt > currentArmourInt )
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = currentArmour;
if( currentArmourInt > ArmourShouldBeInt && currentArmourInt <= 255 && currentArmourInt > 0 )
SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
currentArmourInt = floatround( currentArmour, floatround_floor );
ArmourShouldBeInt = floatround( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ], floatround_floor );
new dmgOne = floatround( currentArmourInt - fArmourDamage, floatround_floor );
new dmgTwo = floatround( currentArmourInt - fArmourDamage, floatround_ceil );
if( !( currentArmourInt == ArmourShouldBeInt || dmgOne == ArmourShouldBeInt || dmgTwo == ArmourShouldBeInt ) )
SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
//printf("[armour] %d seems to armour hack (server armour: %d and client armour: %d, health dmg: %f, armour dmg: %f).", playerid, ArmourShouldBeInt, currentArmourInt, fHealthDamage, fArmourDamage );
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_TIME ] = iTicks + 1000;
@function ForcePlayerKill
@description forces a kill on a player
@return void
stock ForcePlayerKill( playerid, killerid, weaponid )
SetPVarInt( playerid, "KillerID", killerid );
SetPVarInt( playerid, "WeaponID", weaponid );
SetPVarInt( playerid, "CustomKill", 1 );
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, -1 );
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, -1 );
@ -24,525 +24,182 @@
#if !defined AC_INCLUDED
#include < a_samp >
// Function Hook (PutPlayerInVehicle)
/* ** Includes ** */
#include < YSI\y_hooks >
stock AC_PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, seatid)
// Function Hook (PutPlayerInVehicle)
stock AC_PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, seatid)
// Remote Jacking
p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_VEH ] = vehicleid;
// Airbreak
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
return PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, seatid);
#if defined _ALS_PutPlayerInVehicle
#undef PutPlayerInVehicle
#define _ALS_PutPlayerInVehicle
#define PutPlayerInVehicle AC_PutPlayerInVehicle
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerConnect)
hook OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
// Remote Jacking
p_remoteJackData[ playerid ] [ E_LAST_VEH ] = vehicleid;
// Remove Vending Machines
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1302, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1209, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 955, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.00 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 956, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.00 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1775, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1776, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1977, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
// Airbreak
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
return PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, seatid);
// Reset Variables
p_acSpawned { playerid } = false;
//p_SpectatePermission { playerid } = false;
p_abDetected { playerid } = 0;
p_abResetTimer [ playerid ] = -1;
p_abLastTick [ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
p_FlyHacksWarns { playerid } = 3;
p_cbugWarns { playerid } = 0;
for ( new i = 0; i < AC_MAX_WEAPONS; i++ )
p_PlayerHasWeapon [ playerid ] { i } = false;
return 1;
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerSpawn)
hook OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
// General
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = true;
// Weapon Hack
for ( new i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
weaponid = mAvailableSpawns[ p_SelectedClassID[ playerid ] ] [ E_WEAPONS ] [ i ];
if( weaponid != -1 && weaponid < AC_MAX_WEAPONS )
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { weaponid } = true;
#if defined _ALS_PutPlayerInVehicle
#undef PutPlayerInVehicle
#define _ALS_PutPlayerInVehicle
#define PutPlayerInVehicle AC_PutPlayerInVehicle
// Airbrake
p_abDetected{ playerid } = 0;
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
return 1;
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerConnect)
// Hook (OnPlayerStateChange)
public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
hook OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate )
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
// Spectate Hacks
/*if( oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING && newstate != PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING ) {
p_PlayerSpectateUpdateTime[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 1250;
p_SpectatePermission{ playerid } = false; // Bugs otherwise dunno why
// Weapon Hacks - credits to wups
if( newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || newstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER )
// Remove Vending Machines
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1302, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1209, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 955, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.00 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 956, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.00 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1775, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1776, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
RemoveBuildingForPlayer( playerid, 1977, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6000.0 );
switch ( GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) )
case 457:
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { 2 } = true;
// Reset Variables
p_PlayerHealth [ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
p_PlayerArmour [ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
p_acSpawned { playerid } = false;
//p_SpectatePermission { playerid } = false;
p_abDetected { playerid } = 0;
p_abResetTimer [ playerid ] = -1;
p_abLastTick [ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
p_FlyHacksWarns { playerid } = 3;
p_cbugWarns { playerid } = 0;
case 592, 577, 511, 512, 520, 593, 553, 476, 519, 460, 513, 548, 425, 417, 487, 488, 497, 563, 447, 469, 539:
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { 46 } = true;
for ( new i = 0; i < AC_MAX_WEAPONS; i++ )
p_PlayerHasWeapon [ playerid ] { i } = false;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerConnect
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerConnect( playerid );
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerConnect
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerConnect( playerid );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#undef OnPlayerConnect
#define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#define OnPlayerConnect SAMPAC_OnPlayerConnect
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerSpawn)
public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
// General
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = true;
// Health/Armour Hack
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 100.0;
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_UPDATE_FAIL ] = 0;
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
SetPlayerTeam( playerid, AC_DEFAULT_TEAM ); // Set everyone the same team
// Weapon Hack
for ( new i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
weaponid = mAvailableSpawns[ p_SelectedClassID[ playerid ] ] [ E_WEAPONS ] [ i ];
if( weaponid != -1 && weaponid < AC_MAX_WEAPONS )
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { weaponid } = true;
case 596, 597, 598, 599:
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { 25 } = true;
// Airbrake
p_abDetected{ playerid } = 0;
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerSpawn
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerSpawn( playerid );
return 1;
// Hook (OnPlayerUpdate)
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerSpawn
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerSpawn( playerid );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
#undef OnPlayerSpawn
#define _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
#define OnPlayerSpawn SAMPAC_OnPlayerSpawn
hook OnPlayerUpdate( playerid )
if( !ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
return 0; // Not Spawned, No SYNC!
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerDeath)
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
if( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
// Health/Armour Hack
if( GetPVarInt( playerid, "CustomKill" ) )
customKiller = GetPVarInt( playerid, "KillerID" );
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, customKiller != playerid ? customKiller : INVALID_PLAYER_ID, GetPVarInt( playerid, "WeaponID" ), 3.3, 3 );
DeletePVar( playerid, "KillerID" );
DeletePVar( playerid, "WeaponID" );
DeletePVar( playerid, "CustomKill" );
else if( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) && ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) ) // Died in Vehicle
if( ( GetTickCount( ) - p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] ) > 2500 )
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = 51;
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead!
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ], p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ], 3.3, 3 );
// General
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false;
// Airbrake
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerDeath
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason);
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerDeath
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason);
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerDeath
#undef OnPlayerDeath
#define _ALS_OnPlayerDeath
#define OnPlayerDeath SAMPAC_OnPlayerDeath
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerTakeDamage)
public OnPlayerTakeDamage( playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart )
is_npc = IsPlayerNPC( issuerid );
p_LastTookDamage[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
p_LastDamageIssuer[ playerid ] = issuerid;
p_LastWeaponIssuer[ playerid ] = weaponid;
p_LastDamageIssued[ playerid ] = amount;
//if( !( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( issuerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( issuerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) ) )
// return 0;
// Allow hunter damage/sparrow
if( !( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( issuerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( issuerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) ) && !is_npc )
// Ignore unreliable and invalid damage
if( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidDamageGiven ) || s_ValidDamageGiven[ weaponid ] )
return 0;
if( ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
if( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && ! is_npc )
if( OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage( playerid, issuerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart ) )
new Float: tmp, Float: tmp_amount = amount;
if( p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] )
if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ];
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
} else {
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp;
tmp_amount = 0.0;
if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead!
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, issuerid, weaponid, amount, bodypart );
SetPlayerArmour( playerid, p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
SetPlayerHealth( playerid, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDamagePlayer", "ddfdd", issuerid, playerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart );
new Float: tmp, Float: tmp_amount = amount;
if( !( weaponid == 53 || weaponid == 54 || weaponid == 50 ) && p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] )
if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ];
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
} else {
p_PlayerArmour[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp;
tmp_amount = 0.0;
//printf("OnPlayerTakeDamage( %d, %d, %f, %d, %d ) %f", playerid, issuerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart, p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ playerid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) <= ( weaponid == 37 ? 0.99999 : 0.0 ) ) {
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false; // They're dead!
if ( weaponid == 37 ) SetPlayerHealth( playerid, -1 );
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", playerid, issuerid, weaponid, amount, bodypart );
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerTakeDamage
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart);
return 0;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerTakeDamage
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart);
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerTakeDamage
#undef OnPlayerTakeDamage
#define _ALS_OnPlayerTakeDamage
#define OnPlayerTakeDamage SAMPAC_OnPlayerTakeDamage
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerGiveDamage)
public OnPlayerGiveDamage( playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart )
// Ignore unreliable and invalid damage
if ( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidDamageGiven ) || !s_ValidDamageGiven[ weaponid ] )
return 0;
if( weaponid < 0 || weaponid >= sizeof( s_ValidMaxDamage ) || amount > s_ValidMaxDamage[ weaponid ] + 2.0 ) // 2.0 safety margin
return 0;
if( damagedid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
return 0;
if( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) && GetPlayerVehicleSeat( playerid ) == 0 && ( weaponid == WEAPON_M4 || weaponid == WEAPON_MINIGUN ) )
return 0;
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( damagedid ) )
if( !ac_IsPlayerSpawned( damagedid ) )
return 0;
if( ( !IsPlayerStreamedIn( playerid, damagedid ) && !( GetTickCount( ) - p_acUpdateTime[ damagedid ] >= 2595 ) ) || !IsPlayerStreamedIn( damagedid, playerid ) )
return 0;
//printf("OnPlayerGiveDamage( %d, %d, %f, %d, %d )", playerid, damagedid, amount, weaponid, bodypart );
//p_LastTookDamage[ damagedid ] = GetTickCount( );
//p_LastDamageIssuer[ damagedid ] = playerid;
//p_LastWeaponIssuer[ damagedid ] = weaponid;
//p_LastDamageIssued[ damagedid ] = amount;
if( OnPlayerTakePlayerDamage( damagedid, playerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart ) )
Float: tmp,
Float: distance = ac_GetDistanceBetweenPlayers( playerid, damagedid ), // Calc distance between players
Float: tmp_amount = amount // this amount is extremely unreliable
//printf("Proposed dmg %f kinda %f (min: %f, max: %f, rng: %f)", amount, tmp_amount, GetWeaponMinRange( weaponid ), GetWeaponMaxRange( weaponid ), distance );
if( distance > s_WeaponRange[ weaponid ] + 2.0 )
return 0; //printf(" INVALID RANGE %f (MAX %f)", distance, GetWeaponMaxRange( weaponid ) ), 0;
if( p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] )
if( ( tmp = p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] - tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
tmp_amount -= p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ];
p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] = 0.0;
} else {
p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] = tmp;
tmp_amount = 0.0;
if( ( p_PlayerHealth[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] -= tmp_amount ) < 0.0 ) {
p_acSpawned{ damagedid } = false; // They're dead!
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDeathEx", "ddfd", damagedid, playerid, weaponid, amount, bodypart );
SetPlayerArmour( damagedid, p_PlayerArmour[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
SetPlayerHealth( damagedid, p_PlayerHealth[ damagedid ] [ E_POINTS ] );
CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerDamagePlayer", "ddfdd", playerid, damagedid, amount, weaponid, bodypart );
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerGiveDamage
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerGiveDamage( playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart );
return 0;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerGiveDamage
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerGiveDamage( playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerGiveDamage
#undef OnPlayerGiveDamage
#define _ALS_OnPlayerGiveDamage
#define OnPlayerGiveDamage SAMPAC_OnPlayerGiveDamage
// Hook (OnPlayerStateChange)
public OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate )
if ( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
// Spectate Hacks
/*if( oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING && newstate != PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING ) {
p_PlayerSpectateUpdateTime[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 1250;
p_SpectatePermission{ playerid } = false; // Bugs otherwise dunno why
// Weapon Hacks - credits to wups
if( newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || newstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER )
switch ( GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) )
case 457:
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { 2 } = true;
case 592, 577, 511, 512, 520, 593, 553, 476, 519, 460, 513, 548, 425, 417, 487, 488, 497, 563, 447, 469, 539:
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { 46 } = true;
case 596, 597, 598, 599:
p_PlayerHasWeapon[ playerid ] { 25 } = true;
// Airbrake
p_abLastTick[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( ) + 3000;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerStateChange
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate );
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerStateChange
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerStateChange
#undef OnPlayerStateChange
#define _ALS_OnPlayerStateChange
#define OnPlayerStateChange SAMPAC_OnPlayerStateChange
// Hook (OnPlayerUpdate)
public OnPlayerUpdate( playerid )
if( !ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
return 0; // Not Spawned, No SYNC!
if( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
iState = GetPlayerState( playerid );
p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
//bCheckForSpectatingHacks ( playerid, iState, iTicks );
bCheckForAirbrake ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ], iState );
vCheckForHealthHacks ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] );
vCheckForFlyHacks ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] );
//vWeaponHackCheck ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] );
bCheckPlayerRemoteJacking ( playerid );
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerUpdate
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerUpdate( playerid );
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerUpdate
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerUpdate( playerid );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
#undef OnPlayerUpdate
#define _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
#define OnPlayerUpdate SAMPAC_OnPlayerUpdate
// Hook (OnPlayerRequestClass)
public OnPlayerRequestClass( playerid, classid )
// General
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false;
p_SelectedClassID[ playerid ] = classid;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerRequestClass
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerRequestClass( playerid, classid );
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerRequestClass
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerRequestClass( playerid, classid );
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerRequestClass
#undef OnPlayerRequestClass
#define _ALS_OnPlayerRequestClass
#define OnPlayerRequestClass SAMPAC_OnPlayerRequestClass
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerKeyStateChange)
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
vWeaponHackCheck ( playerid, newkeys );
vAutoCbugKeyState ( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys );
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#undef OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#define _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#define OnPlayerKeyStateChange SAMPAC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerWeaponShot)
public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ)
//printf("OnPlayerWeaponShot(%d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %f)",playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, fX, fY, fZ);
iState = GetPlayerState( playerid );
if( iState == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED || !ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
return 0; // Why bother, he's dead!
p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
//bCheckForSpectatingHacks ( playerid, iState, iTicks );
vCheckForAutoCbug( playerid, weaponid );
vCheckForSilentAimbot( playerid, hittype, hitid );
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerWeaponShot
return SAMPAC_OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, fX, fY, fZ);
return 1;
bCheckForAirbrake ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ], iState );
vCheckForHealthHacks ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] );
vCheckForFlyHacks ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] );
//vWeaponHackCheck ( playerid, p_acUpdateTime[ playerid ] );
bCheckPlayerRemoteJacking ( playerid );
return 1;
#if defined SAMPAC_OnPlayerWeaponShot
forward SAMPAC_OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ);
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerWeaponShot
#undef OnPlayerWeaponShot
#define _ALS_OnPlayerWeaponShot
#define OnPlayerWeaponShot SAMPAC_OnPlayerWeaponShot
// Hook (OnPlayerRequestClass)
hook OnPlayerRequestClass( playerid, classid )
// General
p_acSpawned{ playerid } = false;
p_SelectedClassID[ playerid ] = classid;
return 1;
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerKeyStateChange)
hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if( !IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
vWeaponHackCheck ( playerid, newkeys );
vAutoCbugKeyState ( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys );
return 1;
// Callback Hook (OnPlayerWeaponShot)
hook OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ)
//printf("OnPlayerWeaponShot(%d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %f)",playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, fX, fY, fZ);
iState = GetPlayerState( playerid );
if( iState == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED || !ac_IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) )
return 0; // Why bother, he's dead!
vCheckForAutoCbug( playerid, weaponid );
vCheckForSilentAimbot( playerid, hittype, hitid );
return 1;
@ -48,14 +48,6 @@ new
bool: p_acSpawned [ MAX_PLAYERS char ],
p_acUpdateTime [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
// Health/Armour
Float: p_PlayerHealth [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_PLAYER_HITPOINTS ],
Float: p_PlayerArmour [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_PLAYER_HITPOINTS ],
Float: p_LastDamageIssued [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_LastTookDamage [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
p_LastDamageIssuer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { INVALID_PLAYER_ID, ... },
p_LastWeaponIssuer [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
// Weapon Hacks
bool: p_PlayerHasWeapon [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ AC_MAX_WEAPONS char ],
//p_PlayerWeaponUpdateTime [ MAX_PLAYERS ],
Reference in New Issue
Block a user