remove help dialog when a player spawns ... fix issue with supa not hiding help dialog
This commit is contained in:
@ -364,3 +364,14 @@ stock GetEntrancePos( entranceid, &Float: X, &Float: Y, &Float: Z ) {
Y = g_entranceData[ entranceid ] [ E_EY ];
Z = g_entranceData[ entranceid ] [ E_EZ ];
stock GetEntranceInsidePos( entranceid, &Float: X, &Float: Y, &Float: Z ) {
X = g_entranceData[ entranceid ] [ E_LX ];
Y = g_entranceData[ entranceid ] [ E_LY ];
Z = g_entranceData[ entranceid ] [ E_LZ ];
return 1;
stock GetEntranceWorld( entranceid ) {
return g_entranceData[ entranceid ] [ E_WORLD ];
@ -334,6 +334,31 @@ stock getClosestRobberySafe( playerid, &Float: dis = 99999.99 )
return object;
stock GetEntranceClosestRobberySafe( entranceid, &Float: distance = FLOAT_INFINITY )
new iCurrent = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, Float: fTmp;
new world = GetEntranceWorld( entranceid );
foreach ( new robberyid : RobberyCount )
if ( world != 0 && g_robberyData[ robberyid ] [ E_WORLD ] != -1 && g_robberyData[ robberyid ] [ E_WORLD ] != world )
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z;
if ( GetEntranceInsidePos( entranceid, X, Y, Z ) )
if ( 0.0 < ( fTmp = GetDistanceBetweenPoints( g_robberyData[ robberyid ] [ E_DOOR_X ], g_robberyData[ robberyid ] [ E_DOOR_Y ], g_robberyData[ robberyid ] [ E_DOOR_Z ], X, Y, Z ) ) < distance ) // Y_Less mentioned there's no need to sqroot
distance = fTmp;
iCurrent = robberyid;
return iCurrent;
stock GetXYInFrontOfSafe( robberyid, &Float: X, &Float: Y, &Float: Z, Float: distance = 1.1 ) // old 1.25
@ -1731,6 +1731,7 @@ public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
p_InGarage[ playerid ] = -1;
StopSound( playerid );
CancelEdit( playerid );
HidePlayerHelpDialog( playerid );
// Money Bags
if ( p_MoneyBag{ playerid } && p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_POLICE ) // SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 1, 1550, 1, 0.131999, -0.140999, 0.053999, 11.299997, 65.599906, 173.900054, 0.652000, 0.573000, 0.594000 );
@ -7390,6 +7391,25 @@ public OnPlayerAccessEntrance( playerid, entranceid )
if ( g_entranceData[ entranceid ] [ E_VIP ] && p_VIPLevel[ playerid ] < VIP_REGULAR ) {
return SendError( playerid, "You are not a V.I.P, to become one visit "COL_GREY"" ), 0;
// robbery helper
if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_POLICE )
if ( ! IsPlayerInBank( playerid ) ) p_SafeHelperTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "OnSafeHelperUpdate", 500, false, "dd", playerid, GetEntranceClosestRobberySafe( entranceid ) );
new iCity, iWorld = GetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid );
for( iCity = 0; iCity < sizeof( g_bankvaultData ); iCity++ )
if ( iWorld != 0 && iWorld == g_bankvaultData[ iCity ] [ E_WORLD ] )
if ( g_bankvaultData[ iCity ] [ E_TIMESTAMP ] < g_iTime && !g_bankvaultData[ iCity ] [ E_DISABLED ] )
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "This ~g~~h~bank~w~~h~ is available for a heist." );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "This bank is ~r~~h~unavailable for a heist." );
return 1;
@ -7503,42 +7523,14 @@ public OnPlayerExitedMenu( playerid )
public OnPlayerInteriorChange( playerid, newinteriorid, oldinteriorid )
if ( p_InHouse[ playerid ] == -1 && p_LastEnteredEntrance[ playerid ] != -1 && newinteriorid != 0 && oldinteriorid == 0 && p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_POLICE ) {
if ( !IsPlayerInBank( playerid ) ) p_SafeHelperTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "OnSafeHelperUpdate", 500, false, "dd", playerid, -1 );
iWorld = GetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid )
for( iCity = 0; iCity < sizeof( g_bankvaultData ); iCity++ )
if ( iWorld != 0 && iWorld == g_bankvaultData[ iCity ] [ E_WORLD ] )
if ( g_bankvaultData[ iCity ] [ E_TIMESTAMP ] < g_iTime && !g_bankvaultData[ iCity ] [ E_DISABLED ] )
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "This ~g~~h~bank~w~~h~ is available for a heist." );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "This bank is ~r~~h~unavailable for a heist." );
SyncSpectation( playerid );
return 1;
function OnSafeHelperUpdate( playerid, robberyid )
if ( robberyid == -1 )
p_SafeHelperTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "OnSafeHelperUpdate", 500, false, "dd", playerid, getClosestRobberySafe( playerid ) );
return 1;
Float: distance = distanceFromSafe( playerid, robberyid )
Float: distance = distanceFromSafe( playerid, robberyid );
if ( robberyid == INVALID_OBJECT_ID || distance > 100.0 || ! IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) || ! IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) || IsPlayerInCasino( playerid ) || IsPlayerPlayingPool( playerid ) )
@ -7554,7 +7546,7 @@ function OnSafeHelperUpdate( playerid, robberyid )
return 0;
if ( distance < 2.0 )
if ( 0.0 < distance < 2.0 )
p_SafeHelperTimer[ playerid ] = -1;
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 7500, "Great, you've ~g~~h~found the safe.~w~~h~~n~~n~To rob the safe, hit ~r~~h~Left Alt~w~~h~ key." );
@ -12032,11 +12024,8 @@ stock ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, timeout, format[ ], va_args<> )
function HidePlayerHelpDialog( playerid )
if ( p_HideHelpDialogTimer[ playerid ] != -1 )
p_HideHelpDialogTimer[ playerid ] = -1;
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_HelpBoxTD[ playerid ] );
p_HideHelpDialogTimer[ playerid ] = -1;
PlayerTextDrawHide( playerid, p_HelpBoxTD[ playerid ] );
stock fix_NightThermalVisionHack( playerid ) // Created by wups
Reference in New Issue
Block a user