move discord commands / functionality to cnr/discord/
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
#include "irresistible\cnr\player_settings.pwn"
#include "irresistible\cnr\player_settings.pwn"
#include "irresistible\cnr\model_preview.pwn"
#include "irresistible\cnr\model_preview.pwn"
// discord feature
#include "irresistible\cnr\discord\_discord.pwn"
// static cnr features
// static cnr features
#include "irresistible\cnr\static\_cnr_static.pwn"
#include "irresistible\cnr\static\_cnr_static.pwn"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018
* Developed by Lorenc
* Module: cnr\discord\_discord.pwn
* Purpose: encloses all discord modules & components (cnr)
/* ** Includes ** */
#include "irresistible\cnr\discord\discord_relay.pwn"
#include "irresistible\cnr\discord\discord_commands.pwn"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
* Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018
* Developed by Lorenc
* Module: cnr\discord\discord_commands.pwn
* Purpose: commands that can be used on the discord channel
/* ** Error Checking ** */
/* ** Definitions ** */
DQCMD:lastlogged( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
player[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];
if ( sscanf( params, "s[24]", player ) ) return 0;
format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "SELECT `LASTLOGGED` FROM `USERS` WHERE `NAME` = '%s' LIMIT 0,1", mysql_escape( player ) );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, szNormalString, true, "OnPlayerLastLogged", "iis", INVALID_PLAYER_ID, 1, player );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
DQCMD:weeklytime( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
if ( sscanf( params, "s[24]", player ) ) return 0;
format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "SELECT `UPTIME`,`WEEKEND_UPTIME` FROM `USERS` WHERE `NAME` = '%s' LIMIT 0,1", mysql_escape( player ) );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, szNormalString, true, "OnPlayerWeeklyTime", "iis", INVALID_PLAYER_ID, 1, player );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
DQCMD:idof( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID;
if ( sscanf( params, "u", pID ) ) return 0;
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( pID ) || IsPlayerNPC( pID ) ) return 0;
format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "**In-game ID of %s:** %d", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordGeneralChan, szNormalString );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
DQCMD:say( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
szAntispam[ 64 ];
printf("SAY %s", params);
if ( !isnull( params ) && !textContainsIP( params ) )
format( szAntispam, 64, "!say_%s", ReturnDiscordName( user ) );
if ( GetGVarInt( szAntispam ) < g_iTime )
bool: hasAdmin;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasAdmin );
if ( hasAdmin )
SetGVarInt( szAntispam, g_iTime + 2 );
// send message
SendClientMessageToAllFormatted( -1, "{4DFF88}(Discord %s) {00CD45}%s:{FFFFFF} %s", discordLevelToString( user ), ReturnDiscordName( user ), params );
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordGeneralChan, "**(Discord %s) %s:** %s", discordLevelToString( user ), ReturnDiscordName( user ), params );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "You must wait 2 seconds before speaking again." );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
DQCMD:players( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
print("Called players");
if ( hasPermission )
print("Has permission");
iPlayers = Iter_Count(Player);
szLargeString[ 0 ] = '\0';
if ( iPlayers <= 25 )
foreach(new i : Player) {
if ( IsPlayerConnected( i ) ) {
format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%s%s(%d), ", szLargeString, ReturnPlayerName( i ), i );
format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%sThere are %d player(s) online.", szLargeString, iPlayers );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordGeneralChan, szLargeString );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
DQCMD:admins( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new count = 0;
szBigString[ 0 ] = '\0';
foreach(new i : Player) {
if ( IsPlayerConnected( i ) && p_AdminLevel[ i ] > 0 ) {
format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "%s%s(%d), ", szBigString, ReturnPlayerName( i ), i );
format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "%sThere are %d admin(s) online.", szBigString, count );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordGeneralChan, szBigString );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
/* HALF OP */
DQCMD:acmds( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "__**Lead Admin:**__ !kick, !ban, !suspend, !warn, !jail, !getip, !(un)mute\n"\
"__**Admin:**__ !unban, !unbanip" );
return 1;
DQCMD:kick( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, reason[64];
if (sscanf( params, "uS(No reason)[64]", pID, reason)) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !kick [PLAYER_ID] [REASON]" );
if (IsPlayerConnected(pID))
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d) has been kicked.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[DISCORD ADMIN]{FFFFFF} %s(%d) has been kicked by %s "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnPlayerName(pID), pID, ReturnDiscordName( user ), reason);
KickPlayerTimed( pID );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
DQCMD:ban( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, reason[64];
if (sscanf( params, "uS(No reason)[64]", pID, reason)) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !ban [PLAYER_ID] [REASON]" );
if (IsPlayerConnected(pID))
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d) has been banned.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[DISCORD ADMIN]{FFFFFF} %s has banned %s(%d) "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnDiscordName( user ), ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, reason );
AdvancedBan( pID, "Discord Administrator", reason, ReturnPlayerIP( pID ) );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
DQCMD:suspend( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, reason[50], hours, days;
if ( sscanf( params, "uddS(No Reason)[50]", pID, hours, days, reason ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !suspend [PLAYER_ID] [HOURS] [DAYS] [REASON]" );
if ( hours < 0 || hours > 24 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Please specify an hour between 0 and 24." );
if ( days < 0 || days > 60 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Please specifiy the amount of days between 0 and 60." );
if ( days == 0 && hours == 0 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Invalid time specified." );
if ( IsPlayerConnected( pID ) )
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d) has been suspended for %d hour(s) and %d day(s).", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, hours, days );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[DISCORD ADMIN]{FFFFFF} %s has suspended %s(%d) for %d hour(s) and %d day(s) "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnDiscordName( user ), ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, hours, days, reason );
new time = g_iTime + ( hours * 3600 ) + ( days * 86400 );
AdvancedBan( pID, "Discord Administrator", reason, ReturnPlayerIP( pID ), time );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
DQCMD:warn( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, reason[50];
if ( sscanf( params, "uS(No Reason)[32]", pID, reason ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !warn [PLAYER_ID] [REASON]" );
if ( IsPlayerConnected( pID ) )
p_Warns[ pID ] ++;
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d) has been warned [%d/3].", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, p_Warns[ pID ] );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[ADMIN]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has been warned by %s "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, ReturnDiscordName( user ), reason );
if ( p_Warns[ pID ] >= 3 )
p_Warns[ pID ] = 0;
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[ADMIN]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has been kicked from the server. "COL_GREEN"[REASON: Excessive Warns]", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID );
KickPlayerTimed( pID );
return 1;
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
DQCMD:jail( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, reason[50], Seconds;
if ( sscanf( params, "udS(No Reason)[32]", pID, Seconds, reason ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !jail [PLAYER_ID] [SECONDS] [REASON]" );
if ( Seconds > 20000 || Seconds < 1 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** You're misleading the seconds limit! ( 0 - 20000 )");
if ( IsPlayerConnected( pID ) )
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d) has been jailed for %d seconds.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, Seconds );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_GOLD"[DISCORD JAIL]{FFFFFF} %s(%d) has been sent to jail for %d seconds by %s "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, Seconds, ReturnDiscordName( user ), reason );
JailPlayer( pID, Seconds, 1 );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
DQCMD:mute( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, seconds, reason[ 32 ];
if ( sscanf( params, "udS(No Reason)[32]", pID, seconds, reason ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !amute [PLAYER_ID] [SECONDS] [REASON]");
else if ( !IsPlayerConnected( pID ) ) DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Invalid Player ID.");
else if ( p_AdminLevel[ pID ] > 4 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** No sexy head admin targetting!");
else if ( seconds < 0 || seconds > 10000000 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Specify the amount of seconds from 1 - 10000000." );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[DISCORD ADMIN]{FFFFFF} %s has been muted by %s for %d seconds "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), ReturnDiscordName( user ), seconds, reason );
GameTextForPlayer( pID, "~r~Muted!", 4000, 4 );
p_Muted{ pID } = true;
p_MutedTime[ pID ] = g_iTime + seconds;
return 1;
DQCMD:unmute( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID;
if ( sscanf( params, "u", pID )) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "/mute [PLAYER_ID]");
else if ( !IsPlayerConnected( pID ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Invalid Player ID");
else if ( !p_Muted{ pID } ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** This player isn't muted" );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[DISCORD ADMIN]{FFFFFF} %s has been un-muted by %s.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), ReturnDiscordName( user ) );
GameTextForPlayer( pID, "~g~Un-Muted!", 4000, 4 );
p_Muted{ pID } = false;
p_MutedTime[ pID ] = 0;
return 1;
DQCMD:getip( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID;
if ( sscanf( params, "u", pID ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !warn [PLAYER_ID] [REASON]" );
if ( IsPlayerConnected( pID ) )
if ( p_AdminLevel[ pID ] > 4 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** No sexy head admin targetting!");
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d)'s IP is 14%s", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, ReturnPlayerIP( pID ) );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
/* OP */
DQCMD:unban( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleHead, hasPermission );
if ( ! hasPermission ) return 0;
else if ( sscanf( params, "s[24]", player ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !unban [PLAYER]" );
format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "SELECT `NAME` FROM `BANS` WHERE `NAME` = '%s'", mysql_escape( player ) );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, Query, true, "OnPlayerUnbanPlayer", "dds", INVALID_PLAYER_ID, 1, player );
return 1;
DQCMD:unbanip( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleHead, hasPermission );
if ( ! hasPermission ) return 0;
else if (sscanf(params, "s[16]", address)) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !unbanip [IP]" );
format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "SELECT `IP` FROM `BANS` WHERE `IP` = '%s'", mysql_escape( address ) );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, Query, true, "OnPlayerUnbanIP", "dds", INVALID_PLAYER_ID, 0, address );
return 1;
/* Executive */
DQCMD:kickall( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleExecutive, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[ADMIN]"COL_WHITE" Everyone has been kicked from the server due to a server update." );
for( new i, g = GetMaxPlayers( ); i < g; i++ )
if ( IsPlayerConnected( i ) )
Kick( i );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** All users have been kicked from the server." );
return 1;
DQCMD:rcon( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleExecutive, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
if ( ! isnull( params ) )
if ( strcmp( params, "exit", true ) != 0 )
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "RCON command **%s** has been executed.", params );
SendRconCommand( params );
return 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
* Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018
* Developed by Lorenc
* Module: irresistible\cnr\discord\discord.pwn
* Purpose: discord implementation in-game
/* ** Includes ** */
#include < YSI\y_hooks >
//#include < discord-connector >
/* ** Definitions ** */
#define DISCORD_GENERAL "191078670360641536"
#define DISCORD_ADMINISTRATION "191078670360641536"
#define DISCORD_SPAM "364725535256870913"
#define DISCORD_ROLE_EXEC "191727949404176384"
#define DISCORD_ROLE_HEAD "191134988354191360"
#define DISCORD_ROLE_LEAD "191080382689443841"
#define DISCORD_ROLE_VIP "191180697547833344"
#define DISCORD_ROLE_VOICE "364678874681966592"
/* ** Variables ** */
new stock
DCC_Guild: discordGuild,
DCC_Channel: discordGeneralChan,
DCC_Channel: discordAdminChan,
DCC_Channel: discordSpamChan,
DCC_Role: discordRoleExecutive,
DCC_Role: discordRoleHead,
DCC_Role: discordRoleLead,
DCC_Role: discordRoleVIP,
DCC_Role: discordRoleVoice
/* ** Error Checking ** */
stock DCC_SendChannelMessage( DCC_Channel: channel, const message[ ] ) {
#pragma unused channel
#pragma unused message
return 1;
stock DCC_SendUserMessage( DCC_User: user, const message[ ] )
#pragma unused user
#pragma unused message
return 1;
/* ** Hooks ** */
hook OnScriptInit( )
discordGuild = DCC_FindGuildById( DISCORD_GENERAL );
discordGeneralChan = DCC_FindChannelById( DISCORD_GENERAL );
discordSpamChan = DCC_FindChannelById( DISCORD_SPAM );
discordRoleExecutive = DCC_FindRoleById( DISCORD_ROLE_EXEC );
discordRoleHead = DCC_FindRoleById( DISCORD_ROLE_HEAD );
discordRoleLead = DCC_FindRoleById( DISCORD_ROLE_LEAD );
discordRoleVIP = DCC_FindRoleById( DISCORD_ROLE_VIP );
discordRoleVoice = DCC_FindRoleById( DISCORD_ROLE_VOICE );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordGeneralChan, "**The discord plugin has been initiaized.**" );
return 1;
/* ** Commands ** */
CMD:discordpm( playerid, params[ ] )
msg[ 128 ];
if ( sscanf( params, "s[100]", msg ) ) SendUsage( playerid, "/discordpm [message]" );
Beep( playerid );
format( msg, sizeof( msg ), "__[Discord PM]__ **%s(%d):** %s", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, msg );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordGeneralChan, msg );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Your typed message has been sent to the Discord #sfcnr channel!" );
return 1;
/* ** Functions ** */
hook DCC_OnChannelMessage( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: author, const message[ ] )
// ignore outside of #sfcnr and #admin
if ( channel != discordGeneralChan && channel != discordAdminChan )
return 1;
// process commands
if ( message[ 0 ] == '!' )
functiona[ 32 ], posi = 0;
while ( message[ ++posi ] > ' ' ) {
functiona[ posi - 1 ] = tolower( message[ posi ] );
format( functiona, sizeof( functiona ), "discord_%s", functiona );
while ( message[ posi ] == ' ' ) {
if ( ! message[ posi ] ) {
CallLocalFunction( functiona, "dds", _: channel, _: author, "\1" );
} else {
CallLocalFunction( functiona, "dds", _: channel, _: author, message[ posi ] );
return 1;
stock ReturnDiscordName( DCC_User: user ) {
name[ 32 ];
DCC_GetUserName( user, name, sizeof( name ) );
return name;
stock discordLevelToString( DCC_User: user )
szRank[ 12 ], bool: hasExecutive, bool: hasHead, bool: hasLead, bool: hasVIP;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleExecutive, hasExecutive );
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleHead, hasHead );
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasLead );
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVIP, hasVIP );
if ( hasExecutive ) szRank = "Executive";
else if ( hasHead ) szRank = "Head Admin";
else if ( hasLead ) szRank = "Lead Admin";
else if ( hasVIP ) szRank = "VIP";
else szRank = "Voice";
return szRank;
stock DCC_SendUserMessage( DCC_User: user, const message[ ] )
user_id[ 64 ];
DCC_GetUserId( user, user_id, sizeof( user_id ) );
format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "<@%s> ... %s", user_id, message );
return DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordSpamChan, szBigString );
@ -83,33 +83,6 @@ new bool: False = false;
#define VW_SHAMAL 220
#define VW_SHAMAL 220
/* ** Discord ** */
//#include <discord-connector>
#define ENABLE_DISCORD false
#define DISCORD_GENERAL "191078670360641536"
#define DISCORD_ADMINISTRATION "191078670360641536"
#define DISCORD_SPAM "364725535256870913"
#define DISCORD_ROLE_EXEC "191727949404176384"
#define DISCORD_ROLE_HEAD "191134988354191360"
#define DISCORD_ROLE_LEAD "191080382689443841"
#define DISCORD_ROLE_VIP "191180697547833344"
#define DISCORD_ROLE_VOICE "364678874681966592"
new stock
DCC_Guild: discordGuild,
DCC_Channel: discordGeneralChan,
DCC_Channel: discordAdminChan,
DCC_Channel: discordSpamChan,
DCC_Role: discordRoleExecutive,
DCC_Role: discordRoleHead,
DCC_Role: discordRoleLead,
DCC_Role: discordRoleVIP,
DCC_Role: discordRoleVoice
/* ** Forwards ** */
/* ** Forwards ** */
public OnPlayerDriveVehicle( playerid, vehicleid );
public OnPlayerDriveVehicle( playerid, vehicleid );
public OnServerUpdateTimer( );
public OnServerUpdateTimer( );
@ -147,21 +120,6 @@ public OnGameModeInit()
AddServerVariable( "connectsong", "", GLOBAL_VARTYPE_STRING );
AddServerVariable( "connectsong", "", GLOBAL_VARTYPE_STRING );
AddServerVariable( "discordurl", "", GLOBAL_VARTYPE_STRING );
AddServerVariable( "discordurl", "", GLOBAL_VARTYPE_STRING );
/* ** Discord configuration ** */
#if ENABLE_DISCORD == true
discordGuild = DCC_FindGuildById( DISCORD_GENERAL );
discordGeneralChan = DCC_FindChannelById( DISCORD_GENERAL );
discordSpamChan = DCC_FindChannelById( DISCORD_SPAM );
discordRoleExecutive = DCC_FindRoleById( DISCORD_ROLE_EXEC );
discordRoleHead = DCC_FindRoleById( DISCORD_ROLE_HEAD );
discordRoleLead = DCC_FindRoleById( DISCORD_ROLE_LEAD );
discordRoleVIP = DCC_FindRoleById( DISCORD_ROLE_VIP );
discordRoleVoice = DCC_FindRoleById( DISCORD_ROLE_VOICE );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordGeneralChan, "**The discord plugin has been initiaized.**" );
/* ** Custom Vehicles ** */
/* ** Custom Vehicles ** */
g_TrolleyVehicles[ 0 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 457, -2511.7935, 760.5610, 34.8990, 90.6223, 123, 1 ); // trolley
g_TrolleyVehicles[ 0 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 457, -2511.7935, 760.5610, 34.8990, 90.6223, 123, 1 ); // trolley
g_TrolleyVehicles[ 1 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 457, -2511.5742, 766.5329, 34.8990, 91.5108, 112, 1 ); // trolley
g_TrolleyVehicles[ 1 ] = AddStaticVehicle( 457, -2511.5742, 766.5329, 34.8990, 91.5108, 112, 1 ); // trolley
@ -910,6 +868,7 @@ thread OnPlayerBanCheck( playerid )
return 1;
return 1;
public OnNpcDisconnect( npcid, reason )
public OnNpcDisconnect( npcid, reason )
return 1;
return 1;
@ -3745,24 +3704,6 @@ CMD:rules( playerid, params[ ] )
return 1;
return 1;
#if ENABLE_DISCORD == true
CMD:discordpm( playerid, params[ ] )
msg[ 128 ];
if ( sscanf( params, "s[100]", msg ) ) SendUsage( playerid, "/discordpm [message]" );
Beep( playerid );
format( msg, sizeof( msg ), "__[Discord PM]__ **%s(%d):** %s", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, msg );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordGeneralChan, msg );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Your typed message has been sent to the Discord #sfcnr channel!" );
return 1;
CMD:viewguns( playerid, params[ ] )
CMD:viewguns( playerid, params[ ] )
/* ** COOL DOWN ** */
/* ** COOL DOWN ** */
@ -5007,455 +4948,6 @@ CMD:rape( playerid, params[ ] )
#include "irresistible\cnr\commands\admin\admin_six.pwn" // move to irresistible\cnr\commands\admin\_admin.pwn
#include "irresistible\cnr\commands\admin\admin_six.pwn" // move to irresistible\cnr\commands\admin\_admin.pwn
#include "irresistible\cnr\commands\admin\admin_rcon.pwn" // move to irresistible\cnr\commands\admin\_admin.pwn
#include "irresistible\cnr\commands\admin\admin_rcon.pwn" // move to irresistible\cnr\commands\admin\_admin.pwn
/* End of admin commands */
#if ENABLE_DISCORD == true
/* ** IRC ** */
DQCMD:lastlogged( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
player[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];
if ( sscanf( params, "s[24]", player ) ) return 0;
format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "SELECT `LASTLOGGED` FROM `USERS` WHERE `NAME` = '%s' LIMIT 0,1", mysql_escape( player ) );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, szNormalString, true, "OnPlayerLastLogged", "iis", INVALID_PLAYER_ID, 1, player );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
DQCMD:weeklytime( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
if ( sscanf( params, "s[24]", player ) ) return 0;
format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "SELECT `UPTIME`,`WEEKEND_UPTIME` FROM `USERS` WHERE `NAME` = '%s' LIMIT 0,1", mysql_escape( player ) );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, szNormalString, true, "OnPlayerWeeklyTime", "iis", INVALID_PLAYER_ID, 1, player );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
DQCMD:idof( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID;
if ( sscanf( params, "u", pID ) ) return 0;
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( pID ) || IsPlayerNPC( pID ) ) return 0;
format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "**In-game ID of %s:** %d", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordGeneralChan, szNormalString );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
DQCMD:say( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
szAntispam[ 64 ];
printf("SAY %s", params);
if ( !isnull( params ) && !textContainsIP( params ) )
format( szAntispam, 64, "!say_%s", ReturnDiscordName( user ) );
if ( GetGVarInt( szAntispam ) < g_iTime )
bool: hasAdmin;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasAdmin );
if ( hasAdmin )
SetGVarInt( szAntispam, g_iTime + 2 );
// send message
SendClientMessageToAllFormatted( -1, "{4DFF88}(Discord %s) {00CD45}%s:{FFFFFF} %s", discordLevelToString( user ), ReturnDiscordName( user ), params );
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordGeneralChan, "**(Discord %s) %s:** %s", discordLevelToString( user ), ReturnDiscordName( user ), params );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "You must wait 2 seconds before speaking again." );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
DQCMD:players( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
print("Called players");
if ( hasPermission )
print("Has permission");
iPlayers = Iter_Count(Player);
szLargeString[ 0 ] = '\0';
if ( iPlayers <= 25 )
foreach(new i : Player) {
if ( IsPlayerConnected( i ) ) {
format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%s%s(%d), ", szLargeString, ReturnPlayerName( i ), i );
format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%sThere are %d player(s) online.", szLargeString, iPlayers );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordGeneralChan, szLargeString );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
DQCMD:admins( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVoice, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new count = 0;
szBigString[ 0 ] = '\0';
foreach(new i : Player) {
if ( IsPlayerConnected( i ) && p_AdminLevel[ i ] > 0 ) {
format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "%s%s(%d), ", szBigString, ReturnPlayerName( i ), i );
format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "%sThere are %d admin(s) online.", szBigString, count );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordGeneralChan, szBigString );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Error:** This command requires voice." );
return 1;
/* HALF OP */
DQCMD:acmds( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "__**Lead Admin:**__ !kick, !ban, !suspend, !warn, !jail, !getip, !(un)mute\n"\
"__**Admin:**__ !unban, !unbanip" );
return 1;
DQCMD:kick( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, reason[64];
if (sscanf( params, "uS(No reason)[64]", pID, reason)) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !kick [PLAYER_ID] [REASON]" );
if (IsPlayerConnected(pID))
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d) has been kicked.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[DISCORD ADMIN]{FFFFFF} %s(%d) has been kicked by %s "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnPlayerName(pID), pID, ReturnDiscordName( user ), reason);
KickPlayerTimed( pID );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
DQCMD:ban( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, reason[64];
if (sscanf( params, "uS(No reason)[64]", pID, reason)) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !ban [PLAYER_ID] [REASON]" );
if (IsPlayerConnected(pID))
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d) has been banned.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[DISCORD ADMIN]{FFFFFF} %s has banned %s(%d) "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnDiscordName( user ), ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, reason );
AdvancedBan( pID, "Discord Administrator", reason, ReturnPlayerIP( pID ) );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
DQCMD:suspend( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, reason[50], hours, days;
if ( sscanf( params, "uddS(No Reason)[50]", pID, hours, days, reason ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !suspend [PLAYER_ID] [HOURS] [DAYS] [REASON]" );
if ( hours < 0 || hours > 24 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Please specify an hour between 0 and 24." );
if ( days < 0 || days > 60 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Please specifiy the amount of days between 0 and 60." );
if ( days == 0 && hours == 0 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Invalid time specified." );
if ( IsPlayerConnected( pID ) )
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d) has been suspended for %d hour(s) and %d day(s).", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, hours, days );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[DISCORD ADMIN]{FFFFFF} %s has suspended %s(%d) for %d hour(s) and %d day(s) "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnDiscordName( user ), ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, hours, days, reason );
new time = g_iTime + ( hours * 3600 ) + ( days * 86400 );
AdvancedBan( pID, "Discord Administrator", reason, ReturnPlayerIP( pID ), time );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
DQCMD:warn( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, reason[50];
if ( sscanf( params, "uS(No Reason)[32]", pID, reason ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !warn [PLAYER_ID] [REASON]" );
if ( IsPlayerConnected( pID ) )
p_Warns[ pID ] ++;
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d) has been warned [%d/3].", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, p_Warns[ pID ] );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[ADMIN]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has been warned by %s "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, ReturnDiscordName( user ), reason );
if ( p_Warns[ pID ] >= 3 )
p_Warns[ pID ] = 0;
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[ADMIN]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has been kicked from the server. "COL_GREEN"[REASON: Excessive Warns]", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID );
KickPlayerTimed( pID );
return 1;
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
DQCMD:jail( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, reason[50], Seconds;
if ( sscanf( params, "udS(No Reason)[32]", pID, Seconds, reason ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !jail [PLAYER_ID] [SECONDS] [REASON]" );
if ( Seconds > 20000 || Seconds < 1 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** You're misleading the seconds limit! ( 0 - 20000 )");
if ( IsPlayerConnected( pID ) )
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d) has been jailed for %d seconds.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, Seconds );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_GOLD"[DISCORD JAIL]{FFFFFF} %s(%d) has been sent to jail for %d seconds by %s "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, Seconds, ReturnDiscordName( user ), reason );
JailPlayer( pID, Seconds, 1 );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
DQCMD:mute( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID, seconds, reason[ 32 ];
if ( sscanf( params, "udS(No Reason)[32]", pID, seconds, reason ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !amute [PLAYER_ID] [SECONDS] [REASON]");
else if ( !IsPlayerConnected( pID ) ) DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Invalid Player ID.");
else if ( p_AdminLevel[ pID ] > 4 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** No sexy head admin targetting!");
else if ( seconds < 0 || seconds > 10000000 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Specify the amount of seconds from 1 - 10000000." );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[DISCORD ADMIN]{FFFFFF} %s has been muted by %s for %d seconds "COL_GREEN"[REASON: %s]", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), ReturnDiscordName( user ), seconds, reason );
GameTextForPlayer( pID, "~r~Muted!", 4000, 4 );
p_Muted{ pID } = true;
p_MutedTime[ pID ] = g_iTime + seconds;
return 1;
DQCMD:unmute( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID;
if ( sscanf( params, "u", pID )) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "/mute [PLAYER_ID]");
else if ( !IsPlayerConnected( pID ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Invalid Player ID");
else if ( !p_Muted{ pID } ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** This player isn't muted" );
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[DISCORD ADMIN]{FFFFFF} %s has been un-muted by %s.", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), ReturnDiscordName( user ) );
GameTextForPlayer( pID, "~g~Un-Muted!", 4000, 4 );
p_Muted{ pID } = false;
p_MutedTime[ pID ] = 0;
return 1;
DQCMD:getip( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
new pID;
if ( sscanf( params, "u", pID ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !warn [PLAYER_ID] [REASON]" );
if ( IsPlayerConnected( pID ) )
if ( p_AdminLevel[ pID ] > 4 ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** No sexy head admin targetting!");
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** %s(%d)'s IP is 14%s", ReturnPlayerName( pID ), pID, ReturnPlayerIP( pID ) );
else DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Command Error:** Player is not connected!" );
return 1;
/* OP */
DQCMD:unban( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleHead, hasPermission );
if ( ! hasPermission ) return 0;
else if ( sscanf( params, "s[24]", player ) ) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !unban [PLAYER]" );
format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "SELECT `NAME` FROM `BANS` WHERE `NAME` = '%s'", mysql_escape( player ) );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, Query, true, "OnPlayerUnbanPlayer", "dds", INVALID_PLAYER_ID, 1, player );
return 1;
DQCMD:unbanip( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleHead, hasPermission );
if ( ! hasPermission ) return 0;
else if (sscanf(params, "s[16]", address)) return DCC_SendUserMessage( user, "**Usage:** !unbanip [IP]" );
format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "SELECT `IP` FROM `BANS` WHERE `IP` = '%s'", mysql_escape( address ) );
mysql_function_query( dbHandle, Query, true, "OnPlayerUnbanIP", "dds", INVALID_PLAYER_ID, 0, address );
return 1;
/* Executive */
DQCMD:kickall( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleExecutive, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_PINK"[ADMIN]"COL_WHITE" Everyone has been kicked from the server due to a server update." );
for( new i, g = GetMaxPlayers( ); i < g; i++ )
if ( IsPlayerConnected( i ) )
Kick( i );
DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordAdminChan, "**Command Success:** All users have been kicked from the server." );
return 1;
DQCMD:rcon( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: user, params[ ] )
bool: hasPermission;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleExecutive, hasPermission );
if ( hasPermission )
if ( ! isnull( params ) )
if ( strcmp( params, "exit", true ) != 0 )
DCC_SendChannelMessageFormatted( discordAdminChan, "RCON command **%s** has been executed.", params );
SendRconCommand( params );
return 1;
/* ** End of Commands ** */
public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
@ -10528,72 +10020,6 @@ stock TextDrawShowForAllSpawned( Text: textdrawid ) {
* Read all incoming UDP data from discord users that fire commands
* Read all incoming UDP data from discord users that fire commands
* @return true
* @return true
#if ENABLE_DISCORD == true
public DCC_OnChannelMessage( DCC_Channel: channel, DCC_User: author, const message[ ] )
// ignore outside of #sfcnr and #admin
if ( channel != discordGeneralChan && channel != discordAdminChan )
return 1;
// process commands
if ( message[ 0 ] == '!' )
functiona[ 32 ], posi = 0;
while ( message[ ++posi ] > ' ' ) {
functiona[ posi - 1 ] = tolower( message[ posi ] );
format( functiona, sizeof( functiona ), "discord_%s", functiona );
while ( message[ posi ] == ' ' ) {
if ( ! message[ posi ] ) {
CallLocalFunction( functiona, "dds", _: channel, _: author, "\1" );
} else {
CallLocalFunction( functiona, "dds", _: channel, _: author, message[ posi ] );
return 1;
stock ReturnDiscordName( DCC_User: user ) {
name[ 32 ];
DCC_GetUserName( user, name, sizeof( name ) );
return name;
* Sends a message to a channel
* @return true
stock discordLevelToString( DCC_User: user )
szRank[ 12 ], bool: hasExecutive, bool: hasHead, bool: hasLead, bool: hasVIP;
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleExecutive, hasExecutive );
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleHead, hasHead );
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleLead, hasLead );
DCC_HasGuildMemberRole( discordGuild, user, discordRoleVIP, hasVIP );
if ( hasExecutive ) szRank = "Executive";
else if ( hasHead ) szRank = "Head Admin";
else if ( hasLead ) szRank = "Lead Admin";
else if ( hasVIP ) szRank = "VIP";
else szRank = "Voice";
return szRank;
public OnVehicleStreamOut(vehicleid, forplayerid)
public OnVehicleStreamOut(vehicleid, forplayerid)
return 1;
return 1;
@ -10606,29 +10032,6 @@ public OnVehicleSirenStateChange(playerid, vehicleid, newstate)
return 1;
return 1;
#if ENABLE_DISCORD == false
stock DCC_SendChannelMessage( DCC_Channel: channel, const message[ ] ) {
#pragma unused channel
#pragma unused message
return 1;
stock DCC_SendUserMessage( DCC_User: user, const message[ ] )
#pragma unused user
#pragma unused message
return 1;
stock DCC_SendUserMessage( DCC_User: user, const message[ ] )
user_id[ 64 ];
DCC_GetUserId( user, user_id, sizeof( user_id ) );
format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "<@%s> ... %s", user_id, message );
return DCC_SendChannelMessage( discordSpamChan, szBigString );
stock ShowPlayerAirportMenu( playerid )
stock ShowPlayerAirportMenu( playerid )
Reference in New Issue
Block a user