fix lookup script

This commit is contained in:
Lorenc 2018-08-02 02:28:27 +02:00
parent 5e3f808b82
commit c3adf46b2c

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
// Variables
E_CODE[ 3 ], E_COUNTRY[ 45 ]
E_COUNTRY[ 45 ], E_CODE[ 5 ]
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ stock LookupPlayerIP( playerid ) {
GetPlayerIp( playerid, szIP, sizeof( szIP ) );
format( szQuery, sizeof( szQuery ), "", szIP );
format( szQuery, sizeof( szQuery ), "", szIP );
return HTTP( playerid, HTTP_GET, szQuery, "", "OnLookupResponse" );
@ -80,32 +80,31 @@ public OnLookupResponse( playerid, response, data[ ] ) {
firstComma = strfind( data, ",", true ),
secondComma = strfind( data, ",", true, firstComma + 1 ),
thirdComma = strfind( data, ",", true, secondComma + 1 )
// format to length of 96
format( CountryData, sizeof( CountryData ), "%s", data );
strmid( CountryData, data, firstComma + 1, thirdComma );
//printf("Received data:%s",CountryData);
// search for a quote mark
long_name = strfind( CountryData[ 1 ], "\"," );
if( sscanf( CountryData, "p<,>e<s[3]s[45]>", g_lookup_PlayerData[ playerid ] ) ) // "p< >e<s[60]s[3]s[45]s[43]s[128]d>"
if ( long_name != -1 )
// Incase a country appears "This, Is, A, Country", TIAC
strmid( g_lookup_PlayerData[ playerid ] [ E_COUNTRY ], CountryData, 1, long_name + 1 );
strmid( g_lookup_PlayerData[ playerid ] [ E_CODE ], CountryData, long_name + 3, sizeof( CountryData ) );
else if ( sscanf( CountryData, "p<,>e<s[45]s[5]>", g_lookup_PlayerData[ playerid ] ) )
if( !g_lookup_Retry{ playerid } ) {
g_lookup_Retry{ playerid } = 1;
return LookupPlayerIP( playerid );
} else {
ResetPlayerIPData( playerid );
//printf("Information: %s %s \n",g_lookup_PlayerData[ playerid ] [ E_CODE ], g_lookup_PlayerData[ playerid ] [ E_COUNTRY ] );
strreplacechar( g_lookup_PlayerData[ playerid ] [ E_COUNTRY ], '_', ' ' );
//strreplacechar( g_lookup_PlayerData[ playerid ] [ E_ISP ], '_', ' ' );
g_lookup_Success{ playerid } = 1;
strreplacechar( g_lookup_PlayerData[ playerid ] [ E_COUNTRY ], '_', ' ' );
g_lookup_Success{ playerid } = 1;
return CallLocalFunction( "OnLookupComplete", "ii", playerid, g_lookup_Success{ playerid } );