lumberjack in minijobs module ... and update readme
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
# Irresistible Gaming Development Framework
#### Copyright (C) 2011-2018
Irresistible Gaming Development Framework
Copyright (c) 2018
**Source Contributors:** Lorenc ("Lorenc") Pekaj, Steven ("Stev") Howard
**BIG THANKS to Stev, Nibble, Banging7Grams, Kova, Queen and Panther for making this possible.**
This framework allows you to easily collaborate on Irresistible Gaming servers.
### Script Callbacks
Internal Server Callbacks (Hookable):
- SetPlayerRandomSpawn( )
* When a player is attempting to spawn somewhere randomly
- OnServerUpdate( )
- OnPlayerUpdateEx( )
- OnNpcConnect( npcid )
- OnPlayerDriveVehicle( playerid, vehicleid )
- `public SetPlayerRandomSpawn( playerid )`
- Called when a player is attempting to be respawned somewhere randomly
- `public OnServerUpdate( )`
- Called every second (or sooner) indefinitely
- `public OnPlayerUpdateEx( playerid )`
- Same interval as OnServerUpdate, but it is called indefinitely for every player in-game
- When you wish to update something frequently, but not use OnPlayerUpdate
- `OnServerGameDayEnd( )`
- Called every 24 minutes in-game (basically when a new day starts)
- `OnNpcConnect( npcid )`
- Called specifically when an NPC connects, as OnPlayerConnect will not
- `OnNpcDisconnect( npcid, reason )`
- Called specifically when an NPC disconnects, as OnPlayerDisconnect will not
- `OnPlayerDriveVehicle( playerid, vehicleid )`
- Called when a player enters a vehicle as a driver
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
#include "irresistible\cnr\features\minijobs\trucking.pwn"
#include "irresistible\cnr\features\minijobs\pilot.pwn"
#include "irresistible\cnr\features\minijobs\traindriver.pwn"
#include "irresistible\cnr\features\minijobs\lumberjack.pwn"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
* Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018
* Developed by Lorenc Pekaj
* Module:
* Purpose:
/* ** Includes ** */
#include < YSI\y_hooks >
/* ** Definitions ** */
#define MAX_TREES ( 16 )
/* ** Variables ** */
Text3D: E_LABEL, bool: E_CUT, bool: E_CHOPPED,
Float: E_X, Float: E_Y, Float: E_Z
static stock
Float: g_treeExportLocations [ ] [ 3 ] =
{ -520.2759, -504.32880, 24.6917 },
{ -377.7403, -1438.5587, 25.7266 },
{ -62.98320, -1122.2581, 1.21400 },
{ 89.445900, -311.85220, 1.57810 },
{ 362.28260, 865.053800, 20.4063 },
{ 2399.5352, 2798.89310, 10.8203 },
{ -2002.906, -2409.2000, 30.6250 }
p_treeExportLocation [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 0xFF, ... },
g_treeData [ MAX_TREES ] [ E_TREE_DATA ],
Iterator: trees < MAX_TREES >,
g_LogCountObject = INVALID_OBJECT_ID,
g_LogsInStock = 0,
g_LumberjackCP = -1,
/* ** Hooks ** */
hook OnScriptInit( )
// create the sign for wood count
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( CreateDynamicObject( 19353, -2337.8610, -107.4217, 36.2978, 0.0000, 0.0000, 90.0551 ), 0, "Wood Chipper", 130, "impact", 80, 0, -1, 0, 1 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( CreateDynamicObject( 19353, -2336.3244, -113.2057, 40.6778, 0.0000, 0.0000, 179.9560 ), 0, "Lumberjack", 130, "impact", 100, 0, -1, 0, 1 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( ( g_LogCountObject = CreateDynamicObject( 3074, -2329.4724, -106.0164, 33.1678, 0.0000, 0.0000, 90.000000 ) ), 0, "0 Logs Ready", 130, "Arial", 0, 1, -1, 0, 1);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial( CreateDynamicObject( 12814, -2337.1, -94.00, 34.28, 0.0, 0.0, 270.0, .streamdistance = 500.0, .priority = 100 ), 0, 19381, "all_walls", "desgreengrass" );
SetDynamicObjectMaterial( CreateDynamicObject( 12814, -2337.6, -105.3, 34.28, 0.0, 0.0, 90.00, .streamdistance = 500.0, .priority = 100 ), 0, 19381, "all_walls", "desgreengrass" );
// checkpoint for chainsaw
g_LumberjackCP = CreateDynamicCP( -2323.5676, -97.2582, 35.3078, 1.0, -1, -1, -1, 100.0 );
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "[LUMBERJACK JOB]", COLOR_GOLD, -2323.5676, -97.2582, 35.3078, 20.0 );
// create the trees near san fierro
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2358.10000000, -84.60000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2349.90000000, -85.40000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2341.20000000, -86.20000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2341.20000000, -93.70000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2350.90000000, -92.80000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2357.40000000, -92.20000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2357.90000000, -97.40000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2350.90000000, -98.10000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2341.70000000, -99.00000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2334.80000000, -86.00000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2334.90000000, -93.20000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2334.80000000, -98.80000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2335.00000000, -103.9000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2341.50000000, -103.5000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2350.40000000, -103.3000000, 34.10000000 );
Lumberjack_CreateTree( -2358.34000000, -103.0300000, 34.10000000 );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerUpdateEx( playerid )
keys, weaponid;
GetPlayerKeys( playerid, keys, weaponid, weaponid );
weaponid = GetPlayerWeapon( playerid );
if ( ( keys & KEY_FIRE ) && weaponid == 9 ) // Lumberjack
Float: fX, Float: fY, Float: fZ;
foreach ( new i : trees ) if ( ! g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CUT ] )
if ( GetDynamicObjectPos( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ], fX, fY, fZ ) )
fZ += 2.3;
if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, fX, fY, fZ ) )
if ( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] > 0.0 )
if ( ( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] -= ( 1.75 + fRandomEx( 1, 5 ) ) ) < 0.0 )
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 0.0;
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ], COLOR_YELLOW, sprintf( "%0.1f", g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] ) );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, 250 );
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 0.0;
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CUT ] = true;
GetDynamicObjectPos( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ], fX, fY, fZ );
MoveDynamicObject( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ], fX + 0.1, fY + 0.1, fZ + 0.1, ( 0.05 ), 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have cut the tree down, now chop the logs down! "COL_ORANGE"/wood chop{FFFFFF}!" );
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ], COLOR_YELLOW, sprintf( "%0.1f", g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] ) );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
Lumberjack_StopDelivery( playerid );
return 1;
#if defined AC_INCLUDED
hook OnPlayerDeathEx( playerid, killerid, reason, Float: damage, bodypart )
hook OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
if ( Lumberjack_StopDelivery( playerid ) ) {
GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~r~job stopped!", 4000, 0 );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP( playerid, checkpointid )
if ( checkpointid == g_Checkpoints[ CP_LUMBERJACK ] )
if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN )
return SendError( playerid, "Only civilians can access this feature." );
szLargeString[ 0 ] = '\0';
strcat( szLargeString, ""COL_WHITE"Welcome to the "COL_ORANGE"Lumberjack"COL_WHITE" job! \n\nHere we cut trees, chop them further then process them into crates.\nWe pay well for cutting a tree down and processing the logs. You can also\nbe a driver that will transport the boxes to the" );
strcat( szLargeString, "factory that requires it.\n\nOnly a specific vehicle can be driven to have these boxes delivered.\nIf it's not there and somewhere lost, contact an administrator to bring it back!" );
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_LUMBERJACK, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}Lumberjack Job", szLargeString, "Join", "Cancel" );
return 1;
return 1;
hook OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[ ] )
if ( dialogid == DIALOG_LUMBERJACK && response )
if ( IsPlayerJailed( playerid ) )
return SendError( playerid, "This feature is disabled if you are jailed." );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Thank you for your participation, you have been given a chainsaw!" );
GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, 9, 1 );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate )
if ( newstate != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER ) { // Driver has a new state?
if ( Lumberjack_StopDelivery( playerid ) ) {
GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~r~job stopped!", 4000, 0 );
return 1;
hook OnPlayerEnterDynRaceCP( playerid, checkpointid )
static aPlayer[ 1 ]; aPlayer[ 0 ] = playerid;
if ( p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] == checkpointid )
Float: fDistance = GetDistanceFromPointToPoint( -2330.8535, -113.9084, g_treeExportLocations[ p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] ] [ 0 ], g_treeExportLocations[ p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] ] [ 1 ] ),
iTimeElapsed = g_iTime - p_LumberjackTimeElapsed[ playerid ],
iTheoreticalFinish = floatround( fDistance / 30.0 ) // distance / 25m/s (2000m / 25m/s)
// Check if it is really quick to finish
if ( iTimeElapsed < iTheoreticalFinish ) {
SendServerMessage( playerid, "You've been kicked due to suspected teleport hacking (0xBC-%d-%d).", iTheoreticalFinish, iTimeElapsed );
KickPlayerTimed( playerid );
return 1;
new cash = floatround( fDistance ) + 5000;
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 7500, "Great job! You've earned ~y~%s~w~~h~!~n~~n~Navigate to the import location to pack your truck with logs.~n~~n~~y~~h~Info: The truck blip has been updated, navigate to it.", cash_format( cash ) );
//SendServerMessage( playerid, "You've made "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE" from exporting. Go and pick another box up!" );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, cash );
GivePlayerScore( playerid, 5 );
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicMapIconEx( -2330.8535, -113.9084, 34.00, 51, 0, MAPICON_GLOBAL, 6000.0, { -1 }, { -1 }, aPlayer );
p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP( 0, -2330.8535, -113.9084, 34.00, g_treeExportLocations[ p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] ] [ 0 ], g_treeExportLocations[ p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] ] [ 1 ], g_treeExportLocations[ p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] ] [ 2 ], 4.0, -1, -1, playerid );
Beep( playerid );
return 1;
else if ( p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] == checkpointid )
if ( g_LogsInStock < 1 )
return SendError( playerid, "There is not enough logs in stock to export." );
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
UpdateWoodStockObject( );
new id = random( sizeof( g_treeExportLocations ) );
p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] = id;
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicMapIconEx( g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 0 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 1 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 2 ], 51, 0, MAPICON_GLOBAL, 6000.0, { -1 }, { -1 }, aPlayer );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 7500, "You've packed your truck with logs. ~g~~h~Navigate your way to the export location.~n~~n~Info:~y~~h~ The truck blip has been updated, navigate to it." );
p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP( 0, g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 0 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 1 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 2 ], -2330.8535, -113.9084, 34.00, 4.0, -1, -1, playerid );
Beep( playerid );
return 1;
return 1;
hook OnServerGameDayEnd( )
foreach ( new i : trees ) if ( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CHOPPED ] )
DestroyDynamicObject( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] );
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CUT ] = false;
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CHOPPED ] = false;
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 100.0;
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ], COLOR_YELLOW, "100.0" );
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] = CreateDynamicObject( 618, g_treeData[ i ] [ E_X ], g_treeData[ i ] [ E_Y ], g_treeData[ i ] [ E_Z ], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
return 1;
/* ** Commands ** */
CMD:wood( playerid, params[ ] )
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z;
if ( strmatch( params, "chop" ) )
count = 0;
foreach ( new i : trees )
if ( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CUT ] == false ) continue;
GetDynamicObjectPos( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ], X, Y, Z );
if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 4.0, X, Y, Z ) && g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CHOPPED ] == false )
StopDynamicObject( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] );
DestroyDynamicObject( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] );
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] = CreateDynamicObject( 831, X, Y, Z + 0.75, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
SetPlayerPos( playerid, X, Y + 2, Z + 0.75 );
p_Wood[ playerid ]++;
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CHOPPED ] = true;
GivePlayerCash( playerid, 250 );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Tree successfully chopped into smaller pieces. Go to the wood chipper and type "COL_ORANGE"/wood chip{FFFFFF}!" );
if ( ! count ) {
SendError( playerid, "You are not next to any chopped tree." );
return 1;
else if ( strmatch( params, "chip" ) )
if ( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot use this feature while in a vehicle." );
if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 4.0, -2338.20, -106.51, 34.00 ) )
if ( p_Wood[ playerid ] < 1 )
return SendError( playerid, "You are not carrying any chopped wood." );
new object = CreateDynamicObject( 14872, -2338.20, -106.51, 34.00, -27.78, 89.40, 1.92 );
MoveDynamicObject( object, -2338.20, -106.51, 33.5, 0.10 );
Streamer_Update( playerid ); // SyncObject( playerid );
PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1153, -2338.20, -106.51, 33.99 );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, 500 );
SetTimerEx( "lumberjack_RemoveWood", 9000, false, "d", object );
p_Wood[ playerid ]--;
g_LogsInStock ++;
UpdateWoodStockObject( );
return SendServerMessage( playerid, "You've placed a chopped log in the wood chipper. You have made a total of "COL_GOLD"$1,000!" );
return SendError( playerid, "You are not next to the wood chipper." );
else if ( strmatch( params, "start" ) )
if ( p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } == true )
return SendError( playerid, "You are already doing this job." );
if ( !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) )
return SendError( playerid, "You are not in any vehicle." );
if ( GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) != 455 )
return SendError( playerid, "You are not inside the wood exporting truck." );
if ( GetPlayerState( playerid ) != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER )
return SendError( playerid, "You must be a driver of this vehicle to proceed." );
if ( g_LogsInStock < 1 )
return SendError( playerid, "There is not enough logs in stock to export." );
new id = random( sizeof( g_treeExportLocations ) );
p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] = id;
static aPlayer[ 1 ]; aPlayer[ 0 ] = playerid;
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicMapIconEx( -2330.8535, -113.9084, 34.00, 51, 0, MAPICON_GLOBAL, 6000.0, { -1 }, { -1 }, aPlayer );
p_LumberjackTimeElapsed[ playerid ] = g_iTime;
p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP( 0, -2330.8535, -113.9084, 34.00, g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 0 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 1 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 2 ], 4.0, -1, -1, playerid );
p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } = true;
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 7500, "A ~g~~h~truck blip~w~~h~ has been shown on your radar. Go to where the truck blip is located to export and import logs." );
return 1;
else if ( strmatch( params, "stop" ) )
if ( Lumberjack_StopDelivery( playerid ) ) {
return GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~r~job stopped!", 4000, 0 );
} else {
return SendError( playerid, "You are not doing this job." );
return SendUsage( playerid, "/wood [CHOP/CHIP/START/STOP]" );
/* ** Functions ** */
stock Lumberjack_CreateTree( Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z )
treeid = Iter_Free( trees );
if ( treeid != -1 )
Iter_Add( trees, treeid );
g_treeData[ treeid ] [ E_CUT ] = false;
g_treeData[ treeid ] [ E_CHOPPED ] = false;
g_treeData[ treeid ] [ E_X ] = X;
g_treeData[ treeid ] [ E_Y ] = Y;
g_treeData[ treeid ] [ E_Z ] = Z;
g_treeData[ treeid ] [ E_OBJECT ] = CreateDynamicObject( 618, X, Y, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
g_treeData[ treeid ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 100.0;
g_treeData[ treeid ] [ E_LABEL ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "100.0", COLOR_YELLOW, X, Y, Z + 0.5, 10.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1 );
return treeid;
function lumberjack_RemoveWood( objectid ) {
StopDynamicObject( objectid ), DestroyDynamicObject( objectid );
stock UpdateWoodStockObject( ) {
return SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( g_LogCountObject, 0, sprintf( "%d Logs Ready", g_LogsInStock ), 130, "Arial", 0, 1, -1, 0, 1 );
stock Lumberjack_StopDelivery( playerid )
if ( ! p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } )
return 0;
p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } = false;
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] = 0xFF;
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
return 1;
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ new
g_WorldClockSeconds = 0,
g_WorldDayCount = 0,
g_WorldWeather = 10,
g_LogsInStock = 0,
g_PingLimit = 1024,
g_circleall_CD = false,
log__Text [ 6 ][ 90 ],
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ new bool: False = false;
#define UpdatePlayerTime(%0) SetPlayerTime(%0,floatround(g_WorldClockSeconds/60),g_WorldClockSeconds-floatround((g_WorldClockSeconds/60)*60))
#define GetPlayerTotalCash(%0) (p_BankMoney[%0] + GetPlayerCash(%0)) // Bank Money and Money
#define Achievement:: ach_
#define UpdateWoodStockObject() (format(szNormalString,32,"%d Logs Ready",g_LogsInStock),SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(g_LogCountObject,0,szNormalString,130,"Arial",0,1,-1,0,1))
#define IsPlayerInEntrance(%0,%1) (p_LastEnteredEntrance[%0]==(%1))
#define IsPlayerInPlayerGang(%0,%1) (p_Class[%0] == p_Class[%1] && p_Class[%0] == CLASS_CIVILIAN && p_GangID[%0] == p_GangID[%1] && p_GangID[%0] != INVALID_GANG_ID)
#define IsPlayerNpcEx(%0) (IsPlayerNPC(%0) || strmatch(p_PlayerIP[%0], ""))
@ -332,31 +331,6 @@ new
public OnPlayerTakeOutFire ( playerid, fireid );
/* ** Lumberjack ** */
#define MAX_TREES ( 16 )
Text3D: E_LABEL, bool: E_CUT, bool: E_CHOPPED,
Float: E_X, Float: E_Y, Float: E_Z
Float: g_treeExportLocations [ ] [ 3 ] =
{ -520.2759, -504.32880, 24.6917 },
{ -377.7403, -1438.5587, 25.7266 },
{ -62.98320, -1122.2581, 1.21400 },
{ 89.445900, -311.85220, 1.57810 },
{ 362.28260, 865.053800, 20.4063 },
{ 2399.5352, 2798.89310, 10.8203 },
{ -2002.906, -2409.2000, 30.6250 }
p_treeExportLocation [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 0xFF, ... },
g_treeData [ MAX_TREES ] [ E_TREE_DATA ],
g_LogCountObject = INVALID_OBJECT_ID
/* ** Mining ** */
#define MAX_ROCKS ( 72 )
#define MAX_ORE_STORAGE 14
@ -1279,7 +1253,6 @@ public OnHelpHTTPResponse( index, response_code, data[ ] );
public OnRulesHTTPResponse( index, response_code, data[ ] );
public OnTwitterHTTPResponse( index, response_code, data[ ] );
public OnDonationRedemptionResponse( index, response_code, data[ ] );
public OnPlayerChainsawTree( playerid, treeid );
public OnPlayerArrested( playerid, victimid, totalarrests, totalpeople );
public OnPlayerProgressUpdate( playerid, progressid, params );
public OnProgressCompleted( playerid, progressid, params );
@ -2026,24 +1999,6 @@ public OnGameModeInit()
CreateATM( 2230.132324, 1647.986816, 1007.97900, -90.0 ); // Caligs
CreateATM( 2241.676269, 1649.486816, 1007.97900, 90.00 ); // Caligs
/* ** Lumberjack ** */
CreateLumberjackTree( -2358.10000000, -84.60000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2349.90000000, -85.40000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2341.20000000, -86.20000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2341.20000000, -93.70000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2350.90000000, -92.80000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2357.40000000, -92.20000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2357.90000000, -97.40000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2350.90000000, -98.10000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2341.70000000, -99.00000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2334.80000000, -86.00000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2334.90000000, -93.20000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2334.80000000, -98.80000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2335.00000000, -103.9000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2341.50000000, -103.5000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2350.40000000, -103.3000000, 34.10000000 );
CreateLumberjackTree( -2358.34000000, -103.0300000, 34.10000000 );
/* ** Mining Rock ** */
CreateMiningRock( ORE_COAL, 868, -2751.8393, 1245.06689, 11.4003100, 0.000000, 0.000000, -54.8999 );
CreateMiningRock( ORE_COAL, 867, -2746.3259, 1241.43030, 11.1903100, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 );
@ -2197,10 +2152,7 @@ public OnGameModeInit()
// Signs - User friendly addition
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( CreateDynamicObject( 7301, -2418.657714, 743.686523, 1058.593750, 0.000000, 0.000000, -44.899974 ), 0, "Use /shop!", 120, "impact", 100, 0, -65536, 0, 1 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( CreateDynamicObject( 19353, -2337.8610, -107.4217, 36.2978, 0.0000, 0.0000, 90.0551 ), 0, "Wood Chipper", 130, "impact", 80, 0, -1, 0, 1 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( CreateDynamicObject( 19353, -2336.3244, -113.2057, 40.6778, 0.0000, 0.0000, 179.9560 ), 0, "Lumberjack", 130, "impact", 100, 0, -1, 0, 1 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( CreateDynamicObject( 19353, -1496.6134, 920.0287, 6.0990, 0.0, -90.0, -180 ), 0, "BANK", 100, "Times New Roman", 100, 0, -9170, 0, 1 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( ( g_LogCountObject = CreateDynamicObject(3074, -2329.4724, -106.0164, 33.1678, 0.0000, 0.0000, 90.000000) ), 0, "0 Logs Ready", 130, "Arial", 0, 1, -1, 0, 1);
// Parking
CreateDynamicObject( 19485, -1909.55, 497.22, 25.71, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, .streamdistance = 500.0, .priority = 1 );
@ -2259,10 +2211,6 @@ public OnGameModeInit()
SetDynamicObjectMaterial( tmpVariable, 2, 8463, "vgseland", "tiadbuddhagold", 0 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( tmpVariable, 1, "a", 0, "arial", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// Lumberjack
SetDynamicObjectMaterial( CreateDynamicObject( 12814, -2337.1, -94.00, 34.28, 0.0, 0.0, 270.0, .streamdistance = 500.0, .priority = 100 ), 0, 19381, "all_walls", "desgreengrass" );
SetDynamicObjectMaterial( CreateDynamicObject( 12814, -2337.6, -105.3, 34.28, 0.0, 0.0, 90.00, .streamdistance = 500.0, .priority = 100 ), 0, 19381, "all_walls", "desgreengrass" );
// Mining
SetDynamicObjectMaterial( CreateDynamicObject( 9864, -2724.33, 1230.44, 30.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, .streamdistance = -1.0, .priority = 100 ), 3, 4845, "griffobs_las", "dirt64b2" );
@ -2643,19 +2591,6 @@ public OnPlayerTakeOutFire( playerid, fireid )
return 1;
public OnPlayerChainsawTree( playerid, treeid )
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z
GetDynamicObjectPos( g_treeData[ treeid ] [ E_OBJECT ], X, Y, Z );
MoveDynamicObject( g_treeData[ treeid ] [ E_OBJECT ], X + 0.1, Y + 0.1, Z + 0.1, ( 0.05 ), 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
g_treeData[ treeid ] [ E_CUT ] = true;
return 1;
function lumberjack_RemoveWood( obj ) return StopDynamicObject( obj ), DestroyDynamicObject( obj ), 1;
public OnGameModeExit( )
KillTimer( rl_ServerUpdate );
@ -2994,37 +2929,6 @@ public OnServerUpdateTimer( )
if ( ( iKeys & KEY_FIRE ) && iWeapon == 9 ) // Lumberjack
for( new i; i < MAX_TREES; i++ ) if ( !( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] == false || g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CUT ] == true ) )
if ( GetDynamicObjectPos( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ], fX, fY, fZ ) )
fZ += 2.3;
if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, fX, fY, fZ ) )
if ( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] > 0.0 )
if ( ( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] -= ( 1.75 + fRandomEx( 1, 5 ) ) ) < 0.0 )
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 0.0;
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ], COLOR_YELLOW, sprintf( "%0.1f", g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] ) );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, 250 );
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 0.0;
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerChainsawTree", "dd", playerid, i );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have cut the tree down, now chop the logs down! "COL_ORANGE"/wood chop{FFFFFF}!" );
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ], COLOR_YELLOW, sprintf( "%0.1f", g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] ) );
// Check if the player's VIP has expired
CheckPlayerVipExpiry( playerid );
@ -3272,6 +3176,9 @@ public ZoneTimer( )
if ( g_WorldClockSeconds >= 1440 )
// call a function when the server day ends
CallLocalFunction( "OnServerGameDayEnd", "" );
g_WorldWeather = randarg( 10, 11, 12 );
g_WorldClockSeconds = 0;
g_WorldDayCount = ( g_WorldDayCount == 6 ? 0 : g_WorldDayCount + 1 );
@ -3280,6 +3187,7 @@ public ZoneTimer( )
CreateFire( );
RenewWeed( );
PlayerPlaceRandomHits( );
Lumberjack_RecreateTrees( );
foreach(new p : Player) {
if ( !p_VIPLevel[ p ] && !IsPlayerUsingRadio( p ) ) {
@ -3323,23 +3231,6 @@ public ZoneTimer( )
for( new i; i < 20; i++ )
if ( i < MAX_TREES )
if ( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] == true && g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CHOPPED ] == true )
DestroyDynamicObject( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] );
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] = true;
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CUT ] = false;
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CHOPPED ] = false;
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 100.0;
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_LABEL ], COLOR_YELLOW, "100.0" );
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] = CreateDynamicObject( 618, g_treeData[ i ] [ E_X ], g_treeData[ i ] [ E_Y ], g_treeData[ i ] [ E_Z ], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
@ -4154,7 +4045,6 @@ public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
p_LastEnteredEntrance[ playerid ] = -1;
p_ViewingGangTalk[ playerid ] = -1;
p_forcedAnticheat[ playerid ] = 0;
p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } = false;
p_PlayerAltBind[ playerid ] = -1;
p_RconLoginFails{ playerid } = 0;
p_SpawningKey[ playerid ] [ 0 ] = '\0';
@ -4163,7 +4053,6 @@ public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
p_VehicleBringCooldown[ playerid ] = 0;
p_DamageSpamCount{ playerid } = 0;
p_AntiTextSpamCount{ playerid } = 0;
p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] = 0xFF;
Delete3DTextLabel( p_SpawnKillLabel[ playerid ] );
p_SpawnKillLabel[ playerid ] = Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID;
Delete3DTextLabel( p_AdminLabel[ playerid ] );
@ -4176,14 +4065,8 @@ public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
p_WeedLabel[ playerid ] = Text3D: INVALID_3DTEXT_ID;
p_AntiSpawnKillEnabled{ playerid } = false;
//p_CopTutorialProgress{ playerid } = 0;
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_MiningExport[ playerid ] );
p_MiningExport[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ]= 0xFFFF;
KillTimer( p_FireDistanceTimer[ playerid ] );
p_FireDistanceTimer[ playerid ] = 0xFF;
DestroyDynamicObject( p_GPSObject[ playerid ] );
@ -5144,19 +5027,6 @@ public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
/* ** End Of Tax And Medical Fees ** */
if ( p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } == true )
p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } = false;
GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~r~job stopped!", 4000, 0 );
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] = 0xFF;
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
playerGangId = p_GangID[ playerid ];
@ -5270,7 +5140,6 @@ public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
CreateCrimeReport( killerid );
if ( p_Class[ killerid ] == CLASS_CIVILIAN && JobEquals( killerid, JOB_HITMAN ) )
@ -8534,107 +8403,6 @@ CMD:achievements( playerid, params[ ] )
return 1;
CMD:wood( playerid, params[ ] )
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z
if ( isnull( params ) ) return SendUsage( playerid, "/wood [CHOP/CHIP/START/STOP]" );
else if ( strmatch( params, "chop" ) )
new count = 0;
for( new i; i < MAX_TREES; i++ )
if ( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] == false || g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CUT ] == false ) continue;
GetDynamicObjectPos( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ], X, Y, Z );
if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 4.0, X, Y, Z ) && g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CHOPPED ] == false )
StopDynamicObject( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] );
DestroyDynamicObject( g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] );
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_OBJECT ] = CreateDynamicObject( 831, X, Y, Z + 0.75, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
SetPlayerPos( playerid, X, Y + 2, Z + 0.75 );
p_Wood[ playerid ]++;
g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CHOPPED ] = true;
GivePlayerCash( playerid, 250 );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Tree successfully chopped into smaller pieces. Go to the wood chipper and type "COL_ORANGE"/wood chip{FFFFFF}!" );
if ( !count ) SendError( playerid, "You are not next to any chopped tree." );
else if ( strmatch( params, "chip" ) )
if ( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot use this feature while in a vehicle." );
if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 4.0, -2338.20, -106.51, 34.00 ) )
if ( p_Wood[ playerid ] < 1 )
return SendError( playerid, "You are not carrying any chopped wood." );
new object = CreateDynamicObject( 14872, -2338.20, -106.51, 34.00, -27.78, 89.40, 1.92 );
MoveDynamicObject( object, -2338.20, -106.51, 33.5, 0.10 );
Streamer_Update( playerid ); // SyncObject( playerid );
PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1153, -2338.20, -106.51, 33.99 );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, 500 );
SetTimerEx( "lumberjack_RemoveWood", 9000, false, "d", object );
p_Wood[ playerid ]--;
g_LogsInStock ++;
UpdateWoodStockObject( );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "You've placed a chopped log in the wood chipper. You have made a total of "COL_GOLD"$1,000!" );
else SendError( playerid, "You are not next to the wood chipper." );
else if ( strmatch( params, "start" ) )
if ( p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } == true )
return SendError( playerid, "You are already doing this job." );
if ( !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) )
return SendError( playerid, "You are not in any vehicle." );
if ( GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) != 455 )
return SendError( playerid, "You are not inside the wood exporting truck." );
if ( GetPlayerState( playerid ) != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER )
return SendError( playerid, "You must be a driver of this vehicle to proceed." );
if ( g_LogsInStock < 1 )
return SendError( playerid, "There is not enough logs in stock to export." );
new id = random( sizeof( g_treeExportLocations ) );
p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] = id;
static aPlayer[ 1 ]; aPlayer[ 0 ] = playerid;
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicMapIconEx( -2330.8535, -113.9084, 34.00, 51, 0, MAPICON_GLOBAL, 6000.0, { -1 }, { -1 }, aPlayer );
p_LumberjackTimeElapsed[ playerid ] = g_iTime;
p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP( 0, -2330.8535, -113.9084, 34.00, g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 0 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 1 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 2 ], 4.0, -1, -1, playerid );
p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } = true;
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 7500, "A ~g~~h~truck blip~w~~h~ has been shown on your radar. Go to where the truck blip is located to export and import logs." );
else if ( strmatch( params, "stop" ) )
if ( p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } != true )
return SendError( playerid, "You are not doing this job." );
p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } = false;
GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~r~job stopped!", 4000, 0 );
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] = 0xFF;
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
else SendUsage( playerid, "/wood [CHOP/CHIP/START/STOP]" );
return 1;
CMD:idof( playerid, params[ ] )
new pID;
@ -11961,18 +11729,6 @@ public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
if ( newstate != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER ) // Driver has a new state?
if ( p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } == true )
p_StartedLumberjack{ playerid } = false;
GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~r~job stopped!", 4000, 0 );
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] = 0xFF;
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ]= 0xFFFF;
if ( p_PawnStoreExport[ playerid ] != 0xFFFF )
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_PawnStoreMapIcon[ playerid ] );
@ -12090,18 +11846,6 @@ public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
if ( checkpointid == g_Checkpoints[ CP_PAWNSHOP ] )
return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_TOYS_BUY, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFFFFF}Purchase Toys", getToyCategories( .pawnshop = true ), "Select", "Cancel" );
if ( checkpointid == g_Checkpoints[ CP_LUMBERJACK ] )
if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN )
return SendError( playerid, "Only civilians can access this feature." );
szLargeString[ 0 ] = '\0';
strcat( szLargeString, ""COL_WHITE"Welcome to the "COL_ORANGE"Lumberjack"COL_WHITE" job! \n\nHere we cut trees, chop them further then process them into crates.\nWe pay well for cutting a tree down and processing the logs. You can also\nbe a driver that will transport the boxes to the" );
strcat( szLargeString, "factory that requires it.\n\nOnly a specific vehicle can be driven to have these boxes delivered.\nIf it's not there and somewhere lost, contact an administrator to bring it back!" );
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_LUMBERJACK, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}Lumberjack Job", szLargeString, "Join", "Cancel" );
return 1;
houseid = p_InHouse[ playerid ];
@ -12556,58 +12300,6 @@ public OnPlayerEnterDynamicRaceCP( playerid, checkpointid )
return 1;
else if ( p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] == checkpointid )
Float: fDistance = GetDistanceFromPointToPoint( -2330.8535, -113.9084, g_treeExportLocations[ p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] ] [ 0 ], g_treeExportLocations[ p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] ] [ 1 ] ),
iTimeElapsed = g_iTime - p_LumberjackTimeElapsed[ playerid ],
iTheoreticalFinish = floatround( fDistance / 30.0 ) // distance / 25m/s (2000m / 25m/s)
// Check if it is really quick to finish
if ( iTimeElapsed < iTheoreticalFinish ) {
SendServerMessage( playerid, "You've been kicked due to suspected teleport hacking (0xBC-%d-%d).", iTheoreticalFinish, iTimeElapsed );
KickPlayerTimed( playerid );
return 1;
new cash = floatround( fDistance ) + 5000;
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 7500, "Great job! You've earned ~y~%s~w~~h~!~n~~n~Navigate to the import location to pack your truck with logs.~n~~n~~y~~h~Info: The truck blip has been updated, navigate to it.", cash_format( cash ) );
//SendServerMessage( playerid, "You've made "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE" from exporting. Go and pick another box up!" );
GivePlayerCash( playerid, cash );
GivePlayerScore( playerid, 5 );
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicMapIconEx( -2330.8535, -113.9084, 34.00, 51, 0, MAPICON_GLOBAL, 6000.0, { -1 }, { -1 }, aPlayer );
p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP( 0, -2330.8535, -113.9084, 34.00, g_treeExportLocations[ p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] ] [ 0 ], g_treeExportLocations[ p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] ] [ 1 ], g_treeExportLocations[ p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] ] [ 2 ], 4.0, -1, -1, playerid );
Beep( playerid );
return 1;
else if ( p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] == checkpointid )
if ( g_LogsInStock < 1 )
return SendError( playerid, "There is not enough logs in stock to export." );
DestroyDynamicRaceCP( p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackReturn[ playerid ] = 0xFFFF;
UpdateWoodStockObject( );
new id = random( sizeof( g_treeExportLocations ) );
p_treeExportLocation[ playerid ] = id;
DestroyDynamicMapIcon( p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] );
p_LumberjackMapIcon[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicMapIconEx( g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 0 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 1 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 2 ], 51, 0, MAPICON_GLOBAL, 6000.0, { -1 }, { -1 }, aPlayer );
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 7500, "You've packed your truck with logs. ~g~~h~Navigate your way to the export location.~n~~n~Info:~y~~h~ The truck blip has been updated, navigate to it." );
p_LumberjackDeliver[ playerid ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP( 0, g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 0 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 1 ], g_treeExportLocations[ id ] [ 2 ], -2330.8535, -113.9084, 34.00, 4.0, -1, -1, playerid );
Beep( playerid );
return 1;
else if( raceid != -1 && g_raceData[ raceid ] [ E_FINISH_CHECKPOINT ] == checkpointid )
if ( ! g_raceData[ raceid ] [ E_STARTED ] )
@ -15265,12 +14957,6 @@ public OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[ ] )
p_VIPWeaponRedeem[ playerid ] = g_iTime + ( p_VIPLevel[ playerid ] == VIP_BRONZE ? 60 : 300 );
if ( ( dialogid == DIALOG_LUMBERJACK ) && response )
if ( IsPlayerJailed( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "This feature is disabled if you are jailed." );
GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, 9, 1 );
SendServerMessage( playerid, "Thank you for your participation, you have been given a chainsaw!" );
if ( ( dialogid == DIALOG_FIGHTSTYLE ) && response )
switch( listitem )
@ -20776,33 +20462,6 @@ stock SyncObject( playerid, Float: offsetX = 0.005, Float: offsetY = 0.005, Floa
SetPlayerPos( playerid, X + offsetX, Y + offsetY, Z + offsetZ );
CreateLumberjackTree( Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z )
new ID = -1;
for( new i; i < MAX_TREES; i++ )
if ( !g_treeData[ i ] [ E_CREATED ] )
ID = i;
if ( ID != -1 )
g_treeData[ ID ] [ E_CREATED ] = true;
g_treeData[ ID ] [ E_CUT ] = false;
g_treeData[ ID ] [ E_CHOPPED ] = false;
g_treeData[ ID ] [ E_X ] = X;
g_treeData[ ID ] [ E_Y ] = Y;
g_treeData[ ID ] [ E_Z ] = Z;
g_treeData[ ID ] [ E_OBJECT ] = CreateDynamicObject( 618, X, Y, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
g_treeData[ ID ] [ E_HEALTH ] = 100.0;
g_treeData[ ID ] [ E_LABEL ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "100.0", COLOR_YELLOW, X, Y, Z + 0.5, 10.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1 );
return ID;
CreateWeedPlant( Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: rX, Float: rY, Float: rZ )
new ID = -1;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user