facility takeover work in progress
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,9 +9,13 @@
#include < YSI\y_hooks >
/* ** Definitions ** */
#define MAX_FACILITIES ( 24 )
#define MAX_FACILITY_BOMB ( 2 )
#define FACILITY_AMMU_RESPECT ( 75000.0 )
#define DIALOG_GANG_JOIN ( 9238 )
#define DIALOG_FACILITY_AMMU ( 9239 )
@ -28,7 +32,12 @@ enum E_GANG_FACILITIES
Float: E_X, Float: E_Y, Float: E_Z,
bool: E_BLOWN[ 2 ]
@ -38,7 +47,9 @@ enum E_FACILITY_INTERIOR
Float: E_AMMU_POS[ 4 ],
Float: E_SHOP_POS[ 4 ],
Float: E_TRAVEL_POS[ 4 ],
Float: E_ATM_POS[ 4 ]
Float: E_ATM_POS[ 4 ],
Float: E_BOMB_POS_1[ 4 ],
Float: E_BOMB_POS_2[ 4 ]
//Float: E_MECHANIC_POS[ 4 ]
@ -52,7 +63,9 @@ new
{ 248.5042, 1797.5060, 1857.4143, 0.000000 },
{ 259.9110, 1850.9300, 1858.7600, 0.000000 },
{ 261.0079, 1869.5808, 1858.7600, 90.00000 },
{ 262.5575, 1850.0053, 1858.3671, 180.0000 }
{ 262.5575, 1850.0053, 1858.3671, 180.0000 },
{ 246.722503, 1816.183593, 1855.371826, 90.000000 },
{ 246.722503, 1827.754516, 1855.371826, 90.000000 }
g_gangFacilities [ MAX_FACILITIES ] [ E_GANG_FACILITIES ],
@ -393,6 +406,12 @@ thread OnGangFaciltiesLoad( )
CreateDynamicActor( 268, 244.6742, 1843.2554, 1858.7576, 0.000000, true, 100.0, .worldid = g_gangFacilities[ id ] [ E_WORLD ] );
ApplyDynamicActorAnimation( CreateDynamicActor( 70, 212.868576, 1819.894531, 1856.413818, 117.200050, true, 100.0, .worldid = g_gangFacilities[ id ] [ E_WORLD ] ), "COP_AMBIENT", "Coplook_loop", 4.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 );
ApplyDynamicActorAnimation( CreateDynamicActor( 70, 213.705627, 1827.192993, 1856.413818, 60.300289, true, 100.0, .worldid = g_gangFacilities[ id ] [ E_WORLD ] ), "COP_AMBIENT", "Coplook_think", 4.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 );
// labels
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "Server\n"COL_WHITE"Press ALT to Plant C4", COLOR_GREY, g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 0 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 1 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 2 ], 20.0, .worldid = g_gangFacilities[ id ] [ E_WORLD ] );
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "Server\n"COL_WHITE"Press ALT to Plant C4", COLOR_GREY, g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 0 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 1 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 2 ], 20.0, .worldid = g_gangFacilities[ id ] [ E_WORLD ] );
@ -425,6 +444,209 @@ stock GetFacilityInteriorType( gang_sql_id )
return 0;
CMD:plant( playerid, params[ ] ) {
PlantFacilityC4( playerid, GetPVarInt( playerid, "in_facility" ) );
return 1;
CMD:war( playerid, params[ ] ) {
StartFacilityWar( GetPVarInt( playerid, "in_facility" ), 0 );
return 1;
stock PlantFacilityC4( playerid, facility )
new type = g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ];
new Float: infront_x, Float: infront_y, Float: infront_z;
if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 0 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 1 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 2 ] ) )
if ( IsValidDynamicObject( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BOMB_OBJECT ] [ 0 ] ) )
return 1;
infront_x = g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 0 ] + 0.75 * floatsin( g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 3 ], degrees );
infront_y = g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 1 ] + 0.75 * floatcos( g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 3 ], degrees );
infront_z = g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 2 ] - 0.5;
SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 3 ] );
ShowProgressBar( playerid, "Planting C4", PROGRESS_FACILITY_PLANT, 3000, COLOR_RED, 0 );
else if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 0 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 1 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 2 ] ) )
if ( IsValidDynamicObject( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BOMB_OBJECT ] [ 1 ] ) )
return 1;
infront_x = g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 0 ] + 0.75 * floatsin( g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 3 ], degrees );
infront_y = g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 1 ] + 0.75 * floatcos( g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 3 ], degrees );
infront_z = g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 2 ] - 0.5;
SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 3 ] );
ShowProgressBar( playerid, "Planting C4", PROGRESS_FACILITY_PLANT, 3000, COLOR_RED, 1 );
else return 1;
TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, 0 );
SetPlayerPos( playerid, infront_x, infront_y, infront_z );
SetPVarInt( playerid, "planting_facility", facility );
return 1;
hook OnProgressCompleted( playerid, progressid, params )
if ( progressid == PROGRESS_FACILITY_PLANT )
new facility = GetPVarInt( playerid, "planting_facility" );
if ( ! Iter_Contains( gangfacilities, facility ) || ( params != 0 && params != 1 ) )
return 0;
new type = g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ];
// plant according to which site
if ( ! params )
g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BOMB_OBJECT ] [ 0 ] = CreateDynamicObject( 363,
g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 0 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 1 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 2 ],
0.000000, 0.000000, g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 3 ],
.worldid = g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WORLD ]
// alarm
foreach ( new i : Player ) if ( GetPVarInt( i, "in_facility" ) == facility ) {
PlayerPlaySound( i, 14800, g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 0 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 1 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 2 ] );
g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BOMB_OBJECT ] [ 1 ] = CreateDynamicObject( 363,
g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 0 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 1 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 2 ],
0.000000, 0.000000, g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 3 ],
.worldid = g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WORLD ]
// alarm
foreach ( new i : Player ) if ( GetPVarInt( i, "in_facility" ) == facility ) {
PlayerPlaySound( i, 14800, g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 0 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 1 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 2 ] );
TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, 1 );
g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWN ] [ params ] = false;
g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWUP_COUNT ] [ params ] = FACILITY_BLOWUP_TIME + 1;
return 1;
return 1;
function OnFacilityWarUpdate( facility )
type = g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ];
// decrement timer
if ( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WAR_TICK ] -- <= 0 ) {
print( "End Round" );
// bomb timers
for ( new siteid = 0; siteid < 2; siteid ++ ) if ( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWUP_COUNT ] [ siteid ] >= 0 )
if ( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWUP_COUNT ] [ siteid ] -- <= 0 && IsValidDynamicObject( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BOMB_OBJECT ] [ siteid ] ) )
if ( siteid == 0 ) {
CreateExplosion( g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 0 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 1 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_1 ] [ 2 ], 0, 10.0 );
} else if ( siteid == 1 ) {
CreateExplosion( g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 0 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 1 ], g_gangFacilityInterior[ type ] [ E_BOMB_POS_2 ] [ 2 ], 0, 10.0 );
Streamer_SetIntData( STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BOMB_OBJECT ] [ siteid ], E_STREAMER_MODEL_ID, 18689 );
g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWN ] [ siteid ] = true;
return ShowServerStatus( facility );
stock StartFacilityWar( facility, attacker )
if ( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WAR ] )
return 0;
g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WAR ] = true;
g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WAR_TICK ] = 300;
g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWUP_COUNT ] [ 0 ] = FACILITY_BLOWUP_TIME + 1;
g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWUP_COUNT ] [ 1 ] = FACILITY_BLOWUP_TIME + 1;
g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WAR_TIMER ] = SetTimerEx( "OnFacilityWarUpdate", 960, true, "d", facility );
return 1;
stock EndFacilityWar( facility, bool: attacker_won )
if ( ! g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WAR ] )
return 1;
g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WAR ] = 0;
// add respect
if ( attacker_won )
defender_facility_count = 0;
foreach ( new f : gangfacilities ) if ( g_gangFacilities[ f ] [ E_GANG_SQL_ID ] == g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_GANG_SQL_ID ] ) {
defender_facility_count ++;
respect_earned = floatround( float( g_gangFacilities[ attacker ] [ E_RESPECT ] ) * ( 0.25 / float( defender_facility_count ) ) );
printf("Earned %d respect (defender had %d facilities)", respect_earned, defender_facility_count);
return 1;
static stock ShowServerStatus( facility )
color[ 2 ] = "g";
if ( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WAR_TICK ] < 150 ) color = "y";
else if ( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WAR_TICK ] < 30 ) color = "r";
format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "~%s~~h~Time Remaining: %s~w~~n~~n~Server 1: ", color, TimeConvert ( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_WAR_TICK ] ) );
// server 1
if ( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWUP_COUNT ] [ 0 ] > FACILITY_BLOWUP_TIME ) {
strcat( szNormalString, "~g~Secure~w~~n~" );
} else if ( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWUP_COUNT ] [ 0 ] <= 0 ) {
strcat( szNormalString, "~r~Blown~w~~n~" );
} else {
format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "%s~r~~h~~h~%d until blown~w~~n~", szNormalString, g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWUP_COUNT ] [ 0 ] );
strcat( szNormalString, "Server 2: ");
// server 2
if ( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWUP_COUNT ] [ 1 ] >= 10 ) {
strcat( szNormalString, "~g~Secure~w~" );
} else if ( g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWUP_COUNT ] [ 1 ] <= 0 ) {
strcat( szNormalString, "~r~Blown~w~" );
} else {
format( szNormalString, sizeof( szNormalString ), "%s~r~~h~~h~%d until blown", szNormalString, g_gangFacilities[ facility ] [ E_BLOWUP_COUNT ] [ 1 ] );
// alert
foreach ( new i : Player ) if ( GetPVarInt( i, "in_facility" ) == facility ) {
ShowPlayerHelpDialog( i, 0, szNormalString );
return 1;
static stock initializeFacilityObjects( )
tmpVariable = CreateDynamicObject( 16647, 249.156005, 1860.953002, 1860.366943, 0.000000, 0.000000, 180.000000, -1, -1, -1, .streamdistance = -1 );
@ -657,8 +879,6 @@ static stock initializeFacilityObjects( )
CreateDynamicObject( 1885, 256.321441, 1858.931884, 1857.696533, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -1, -1, -1 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( CreateDynamicObject( 2662, 238.587280, 1849.567504, 1860.304809, 0.000000, 0.000000, 90.000000, -1, -1, -1 ), 0, "Gang Vehicles", 120, "Impact", 84, 0, -13421773, 0, 1 );
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText( CreateDynamicObject( 2662, 263.417633, 1869.281738, 1860.304809, 0.000000, 0.000000, -90.000000, -1, -1, -1 ), 0, "Fast Travel", 120, "Impact", 84, 0, -13421773, 0, 1 );
CreateDynamicObject( 363, 246.722503, 1816.183593, 1855.371826, 0.000000, 0.000000, 90.000000, -1, -1, -1 );
CreateDynamicObject( 363, 246.722503, 1827.754516, 1855.371826, 0.000000, 0.000000, 90.000000, -1, -1, -1 );
/* ** SCHEMA ** */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018
* Developed by Lorenc Pekaj
* Module:
* Purpose:
/* ** Includes ** */
#include < YSI\y_hooks >
/* ** Definitions ** */
/* ** Variables ** */
/* ** Hooks ** */
/* ** Functions ** */
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include < irresistible\features\gangs\facilities >
#include < irresistible\features\gangs\turfs >
#include < irresistible\features\gangs\cannon >
// #include < irresistible\features\gangs\gvehicles >
// visage casino
#include < irresistible\features\visage\roulette >
Reference in New Issue
Block a user