diff --git a/gamemodes/irresistible/cnr/features/vehicles/vmodifications.pwn b/gamemodes/irresistible/cnr/features/vehicles/vmodifications.pwn index a4493ca..2160ecc 100644 --- a/gamemodes/irresistible/cnr/features/vehicles/vmodifications.pwn +++ b/gamemodes/irresistible/cnr/features/vehicles/vmodifications.pwn @@ -445,6 +445,16 @@ hook OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[ ] ) SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_y", g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RY ] [ i ] ); SetPVarFloat( playerid, "component_rot_z", g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RZ ] [ i ] ); + ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 0, "~g~/px - ~w~X axis~n~\ + ~g~/py - ~w~Y axis~n~\ + ~g~/pz - ~w~Z axis~n~\ + ~g~/rx - ~w~X rotation~n~\ + ~g~/ry - ~w~Y rotation~n~\ + ~g~/rz - ~w~Z rotation~n~\ + ~g~Press Y - ~w~Save~n~\ + ~g~Press N - ~w~Cancel~n~\ + ~g~Hold SPACE - ~w~Faster edit" ); + SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[GARAGE]"COL_WHITE" You have started editing the component." ); SetTimerEx( "OnUpdateVehicleComponents", TIMER_UPDATE_RATE, false, "d", playerid ); } @@ -591,16 +601,6 @@ public OnUpdateVehicleComponents( playerid ) if ( v == -1 || playerid != ownerid || ! g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_CREATED ] [ slotid ] || g_vehiclePimpData[ ownerid ] [ v ] [ E_DISABLED ] [ slotid ] ) return SendServerMessage( playerid, "Vehicle component editing was cancelled." ), EndPlayerEditComponent( playerid ); - ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 60, "~g~/px - ~w~X axis~n~\ - ~g~/py - ~w~Y axis~n~\ - ~g~/pz - ~w~Z axis~n~\ - ~g~/rx - ~w~X rotation~n~\ - ~g~/ry - ~w~Y rotation~n~\ - ~g~/rz - ~w~Z rotation~n~\ - ~g~Press Y - ~w~Save~n~\ - ~g~Press N - ~w~Cancel~n~\ - ~g~Hold SPACE - ~w~Faster edit" ); - new LR, KEYS, @@ -726,6 +726,8 @@ stock EndPlayerEditComponent( playerid, vehicleid = -1, slotid = -1, bool: save g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RY ] [ slotid ], g_vehiclePimpData[ playerid ] [ vehicleid ] [ E_RZ ] [ slotid ] ); } + + HidePlayerHelpDialog( playerid ); return 1; }