/* * Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018 * Developed by Lorenc * Module: cnr\features\business\business.pwn * Purpose: business system for sa-mp */ /* ** Includes ** */ #include < YSI\y_hooks > /* ** Definitions ** */ #define MAX_BUSINESSES ( 250 ) #define MAX_DROPS ( 5 ) #define MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS ( 8 ) #define MAX_BIZ_VEH_MODELS ( 18 ) #define MAX_BIZ_ACTORS ( 9 ) #define BUSINESS_WEED ( 0 ) #define BUSINESS_METH ( 1 ) #define BUSINESS_COKE ( 2 ) #define BUSINESS_WEAPON ( 3 ) #define MAX_WEED_AMOUNT ( 30 ) #define MAX_METH_AMOUNT ( 20 ) #define MAX_COKE_AMOUNT ( 10 ) #define MAX_WEAPON_AMOUNT ( 10 ) #define PROGRESS_CRACKING_BIZ ( 8 ) /* ** Macros ** */ #define UpdateBusinessTitle(%0) \ mysql_function_query(dbHandle,sprintf("SELECT f.`NAME` FROM `USERS` f LEFT JOIN `BUSINESSES` m ON m.`OWNER_ID`=f.`ID` WHERE m.`ID`=%d",%0),true,"OnUpdateBusinessTitle","i",%0) #define IsValidBusiness(%0) \ ( 0 <= %0 < MAX_BUSINESSES && Iter_Contains( business, %0 ) ) /* ** Variables ** */ enum E_BUSINESS_DATA { E_NAME[ 32 ], E_COST, E_WORLD, E_OWNER_ID, E_INTERIOR_TYPE, E_MEMBERS[ MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS ], E_SUPPLIES, E_PRODUCT, Text3D: E_PROD_LABEL, E_PROD_TIMESTAMP, E_BANK, E_SECURITY_LEVEL, E_CAR_MODEL_ID, E_HELI_MODEL_ID, E_EXTRA_MEMBERS, bool: E_CAR_NOS, bool: E_CAR_RIMS, E_UPGRADES, bool: E_CRACKED, bool: E_BEING_CRACKED, E_CRACKED_TS, E_CRACKED_WAIT, E_ROBBERY_ID, E_EXPORT_CP[ MAX_DROPS ], E_EXPORT_ICON[ MAX_DROPS ], E_EXPORT_INDEX[ MAX_DROPS ], E_EXPORT_VALUE, E_EXPORT_CIRCLE[ MAX_DROPS ], E_EXPORT_STARTED, E_EXPORT_CITY, bool: E_EXPORTED[ MAX_DROPS ], E_EXPORTED_AMOUNT, Float: E_X, Float: E_Y, Float: E_Z, E_ENTER_CP, E_EXIT_CP, E_VEHICLE_DECOR, Text3D: E_ENTER_LABEL, Text3D: E_EXIT_LABEL, }; enum E_BUSINESS_INT_DATA { E_NAME[ 8 ], Float: E_X, Float: E_Y, Float: E_Z, Float: E_PROD_X, Float: E_PROD_Y, Float: E_PROD_Z, E_COST_PRICE, E_PRODUCTION_TIME, E_MAX_SUPPLIES, E_UPGRADE_COST, Float: E_SAFE_X, Float: E_SAFE_Y, Float: E_SAFE_Z, Float: E_SAFE_ROTATION }; enum E_BUSINESS_VEHICLE_DATA { E_ID, // used only for saving it in the database (change MAX_BIZ_VEH_MODEL on new entry) E_NAME[ 12 ], E_MODEL, E_BOOT_OPEN, E_OBJECT_MODEL, Float: E_O_X, Float: E_O_Y, Float: E_O_Z, Float: E_O_RX, Float: E_O_RY, Float: E_O_RZ, E_COST }; /*enum E_SECURITY_LEVEL_DATA { E_LEVEL[ 17 ], Float: E_COST_MULTIPLIER, E_BREAKIN_COOLDOWN };*/ new g_businessInteriorData [ 4 ] [ E_BUSINESS_INT_DATA ] = { { "Weed", -1719.1877, -1377.3049, 5874.8721, -1734.094, -1374.4567, 5874.1475, 10000, 6, MAX_WEED_AMOUNT, 2500000, -1741.97705, -1380.14294, 5873.60009, -90.00000 }, // 12 { "Meth", 2040.54810, 1011.41470, 1513.2777, 2029.2456, 1003.55200, 1510.2416, 18000, 8, MAX_METH_AMOUNT, 4000000, 2031.918945, 1000.044006, 1509.69104, 180.00000 }, // 16 { "Coke", 2566.50070, -1273.2887, 1143.7203, 2558.5261, -1290.6298, 1143.7242, 50000, 10, MAX_COKE_AMOUNT, 7500000, 2555.145019, -1314.12695, 1143.17395, 180.00000 }, // 20 { "Weapons", -6962.5542, -269.4713, 836.5154, -6969.2417, -248.1167, 836.5154, 125000, 24, MAX_WEAPON_AMOUNT, 16000000, -6942.84814, -246.391998, 836.989990, 90.000000 } // 48 }, g_businessCarModelData[ ] [ E_BUSINESS_VEHICLE_DATA ] = { { -1, "Yosemite", 554, 0, 3800, 0.000000, -1.200000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0 }, { 0, "Buccaneer", 518, 0, 1279, 0.000000, -2.250000, -0.07500, 21.60000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 500000 }, { 1, "Dune", 573, 0, 0, 0.000000, 0.0000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1000000 }, { 2, "Sabre", 475, 1, 1279, 0.000000, -2.175000, -0.07500, 24.30000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2500000 }, { 3, "Patriot", 470, 1, 1279, 0.000000, -1.800000, 0.150000, 29.70000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 10000000 }, { 4, "Buffalo", 402, 1, 1279, 0.000000, -2.250000, 0.225000, 140.3999, 0.000000, 0.000000, 15000000 }, { 5, "Elegy", 562, 1, 1279, 0.000000, -1.875000, 0.075000, 21.60000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 18000000 }, { 6, "Savanna", 567, 1, 1279, 0.000000, -1.875000, 0.075000, 21.60000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 20000000 }, { 7, "Sultan", 560, 1, 1279, 0.000000, -1.875000, 0.150000, 29.70000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 25000000 }, { 8, "Infernus", 411, 0, 0, 0.000000, 0.0000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 27500000 }, { 9, "Turismo", 451, 0, 18694, 0.000000, -2.475000, -1.95000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 180.0000, 30000000 }, { 10, "ChuffSec", 428, 0, 19601, -0.075000, 3.000001, -0.52499, -10.800000, 0.0000, 180.8998, 1337 } }, g_businessAirModelData[ ] [ E_BUSINESS_VEHICLE_DATA ] = { { -1, "Levetian", 417, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0 }, { 11, "Raindance", 563, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5000000 }, { 12, "Sparrow", 469, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 12500000 }, { 13, "Shamal", 519, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 17500000 }, { 14, "Dodo", 593, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20000000 }, { 15, "Maverick", 487, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 25000000 }, { 16, "Rustler", 476, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 30000000 }, { 17, "Seasparrow", 447, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1337 } }, /*g_businessSecurityData[ 4 ] [ E_SECURITY_LEVEL_DATA ] = { { ""COL_RED"NONE", 0.0, 300 }, { ""COL_ORANGE"LOW", 0.25, 14400 }, { ""COL_YELLOW"Medium", 0.75, 28800 }, { ""COL_GREEN"High", 1.65, 43200 } },*/ Float: g_roadBusinessExportData[ 3 ] [ 20 ] [ 3 ] = { // sf { { -1955.7727, -859.1984, 31.6437 }, { -1821.7363, -175.0119, 8.97350 }, { -2052.4871, -42.96680, 34.9414 }, { -2474.6616, -128.5411, 25.2988 }, { -2755.9614, -130.8518, 6.41240 }, { -2796.0234, 772.94480, 50.2686 }, { -2471.4382, 786.22140, 35.1719 }, { -2438.4072, 1038.4346, 50.1885 }, { -2513.1267, 1217.6478, 36.9885 }, { -2141.8496, 1217.6788, 47.1079 }, { -2049.0244, 1108.5524, 53.1531 }, { -1822.6821, 1302.3539, 59.2771 }, { -1629.2491, 886.42290, 8.97560 }, { -1808.1614, 781.52560, 30.2879 }, { -1758.9180, 515.09530, 28.1970 }, { -2191.0745, 1031.4736, 79.8809 }, { -2495.9778, 322.49280, 30.3050 }, { -2496.6187, 153.75120, 7.07910 }, { -2278.0718, 0.8677000, 34.9636 }, { -1931.6978, 268.7024, 40.6186 } }, // lv { { 2213.5220, 1968.3105, 10.4767 }, { 2636.1663, 1070.0991, 10.5039 }, { 2524.9036, 918.76700, 10.5057 }, { 2452.5000, 697.58150, 11.1406 }, { 2493.1589, 1211.8390, 10.5000 }, { 2810.7197, 2021.3927, 10.5000 }, { 2825.9368, 2602.4082, 10.5000 }, { 2113.6406, 2416.5217, 49.2031 }, { 1747.8733, 2240.5823, 10.5000 }, { 1062.3818, 2071.9485, 10.5000 }, { 1165.3585, 1998.6810, 10.5000 }, { 1091.2410, 1890.5908, 10.5000 }, { 1461.9596, 972.89570, 9.81850 }, { 1696.4849, 918.22110, 10.4934 }, { 1920.3811, 959.92890, 10.4965 }, { 2490.7720, 2397.3308, 3.89006 }, { 423.12482, 2547.1460, 16.2824 }, { -141.1849, 1239.3811, 19.4340 }, { -106.3463, 1373.7528, 10.2663 }, { -830.0345, 1461.5646, 14.3749 } }, // ls { { 2473.6917, -1692.1799, 13.0918 }, { 2299.9851, -1796.2080, 13.1327 }, { 2185.0979, -1669.2697, 14.1983 }, { 2087.7139, -1569.9736, 12.7890 }, { 2352.3740, -1159.1722, 27.2014 }, { 1027.1260, -1364.0104, 13.4350 }, { 369.96310, -2043.9053, 7.54070 }, { 1449.2119, -1842.7052, 13.4189 }, { 1859.6608, -1855.0867, 13.4456 }, { 1924.1621, -2124.3977, 13.4511 }, { 2107.5293, -2416.4065, 13.4130 }, { 2174.3906, -2265.9956, 13.2424 }, { 2780.3481, -2494.4780, 13.5250 }, { 2457.3801, -1969.2207, 13.3801 }, { 1826.3085, -1125.9072, 23.8518 }, { 973.43920, -1257.8624, 16.6373 }, { 1344.5089, -1752.9572, 13.0808 }, { 1315.9122, -918.28160, 37.7431 }, { 995.74950, -921.07030, 41.8990 }, { 659.64170, -1417.0704, 13.5658 } } }, Float: g_airBusinessExportData[ 3 ] [ 20 ] [ 3 ] = { // SF { //-1860.0874,801.0096,117.2762 { -2031.557617, -32.978599, 56.509998 }, { -2150.111572, -251.47599, 47.49000 }, { -2550.367431, 64.2822030, 25.639999 }, { -2786.211425, 784.576416, 59.41999 }, { -2632.868896, 1417.777709, 24.76000 }, { -1542.633800, 924.657800, 6.611400 }, { -1466.235473, 920.849975, 29.129999 }, { -1538.288696, 86.039398, 17.319999 }, { -1854.864379, -153.065704, 21.64999 }, { -2522.358642, -654.40240, 147.8999 }, { -2676.479248, 250.410903, 14.350000 }, { -2476.141357, 785.419372, 35.16999 }, { -1421.171142, -559.867370, 14.14000 }, { -1944.489624, -1035.7249, 53.34000 }, { -1983.709960, 751.809082, 85.919998 }, { -1870.065917, 970.645812, 49.79999 }, { -1864.599975, 807.597290, 112.54000 }, { -1778.899047, 574.798583, 234.8899 }, { -2232.311035, 133.423599, 57.900001 }, { -1766.309082, 1018.421386, 97.7099 } }, // LV { { 1529.842651, 1028.566040, 10.819999 }, { 2586.644042, 1120.391113, 16.729999 }, { 2644.996826, 1771.328125, 18.799999 }, { 2778.071289, 2595.210449, 10.81999 }, { 2555.316650, 2312.920410, 10.819999 }, { 2484.965087, 2342.515625, 10.819999 }, { 2388.430664, 2813.810058, 10.819999 }, { 923.603027, 2164.776367, 10.819999 }, { 1742.377441, 2216.271240, 10.819999 }, { 1141.489501, 1961.233642, 10.819999 }, { 697.5897820, 1983.606567, 8.6300000 }, { 431.901306, 2544.465820, 21.600000 }, { 1449.718750, 2370.324462, 10.819999 }, { 2046.728759, 2233.209716, 10.819999 }, { 1714.863769, 1795.094116, 10.819999 }, { 2301.520751, 1734.541748, 10.81999 }, { 2436.147949, 716.4329830, 10.819999 }, { 1902.672119, 950.4011230, 10.819999 }, { -164.004104, 1227.733764, 19.739999 }, { -823.314025, 1454.987060, 13.93999 } }, // LS { { 2491.046875, -1669.197143, 13.329999 }, { 2418.060302, -1232.265502, 24.43000 }, { 1211.151855, -1097.152343, 25.459999 }, { 666.427124, -1289.167236, 13.460000 }, { 1289.633911, -787.4636230, 96.449996 }, { 656.0767820, -1865.779418, 5.460000 }, { 369.996093, -2029.1451410, 7.6700000 }, { 708.949829, -1430.432617, 13.529999 }, { 1005.249572, -1349.099853, 13.340000 }, { 1480.326782, -1895.195922, 22.27000 }, { 1119.803833, -2037.035400, 78.209999 }, { 1657.912231, -1705.729614, 20.47999 }, { 1923.681030, -1679.990112, 13.539999 }, { 1700.012207, -2146.625732, 13.53999 }, { 1700.012207, -2146.625732, 13.539999 }, { 2746.048583, -2445.280273, 13.64000 }, { 1908.276855, -1319.675048, 14.189999 }, { 1286.067504, 181.42990100, 20.27000 }, { 2314.976318, -4.973299000, 32.529998 }, { 665.014404, -614.880187, 16.3299999 } } }, g_businessData [ MAX_BUSINESSES ] [ E_BUSINESS_DATA ], g_businessActors [ MAX_BUSINESSES ] [ MAX_BIZ_ACTORS ], g_isBusinessVehicle [ MAX_VEHICLES ] = { -1, ... }, g_businessVehicle [ MAX_BUSINESSES ] = { INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, ... }, bool: g_businessVehicleUnlocked [ MAX_BUSINESSES ] [ MAX_BIZ_VEH_MODELS char ], Iterator: business < MAX_BUSINESSES > //g_BusinessUpdateTickCount = 0 ; /* ** Hooks ** */ hook OnScriptInit( ) { mysql_function_query( dbHandle, "SELECT * FROM `BUSINESSES`", true, "OnBusinessLoad", "" ); return 1; } hook OnServerUpdate( ) { /*new current_tickcount = GetTickCount( ); if ( current_tickcount < g_BusinessUpdateTickCount ) { // incase the server update timer is faster than 960ms g_BusinessUpdateTickCount = current_tickcount + 950; return 1; }*/ // Replenish product foreach ( new businessid : business ) if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] ) { new members = 0; GetOnlineBusinessAssociates( businessid, members ); if ( members ) { // reduce business production time by a second g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] --; // if the production timestamp is less than 0 ... refuel if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] <= 0 ) { // update the timestamps and switch stock for product g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ] += g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ]; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] = 0; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ] = 0; // alert any associates foreach ( new p : Player ) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( p, businessid ) ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( p, -1, ""COL_GREY"[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" Production has completed for "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE".", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ); } // update db UpdateBusinessData( businessid ); } else if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] % 60 == 0 ) // every minute that passes, update in the sql { mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `BUSINESSES` SET `PROD_TIMESTAMP` = %d WHERE `ID` = %d", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ], businessid ) ); } // update label anyway UpdateBusinessProductionLabel( businessid ); } } return 1; } hook OnVehicleDeath( vehicleid, killerid ) { if ( g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ] != -1 && Iter_Contains( business, g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ] ) ) { new businessid = g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ], attackerid = g_VehicleLastAttacker[ vehicleid ], payout = floatround( float( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_VALUE ] * ( MAX_DROPS - g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED_AMOUNT ] ) ) * ( p_Class[ killerid ] == CLASS_POLICE ? 0.3 : 0.25 ) ) ; if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_STARTED ] == 1 ) { // printf("2.is associate %d, ticks %d", IsBusinessAssociate( attackerid, businessid ), g_iTime - g_VehicleLastAttacked[ vehicleid ] ); if ( IsPlayerConnected( attackerid ) && ! IsBusinessAssociate( attackerid, businessid ) && ( g_iTime - g_VehicleLastAttacked[ vehicleid ] ) < 8 ) { GivePlayerScore( attackerid, 2 ); GivePlayerCash( attackerid, payout ); if ( p_Class[ attackerid ] != CLASS_POLICE ) GivePlayerWantedLevel( attackerid, 6 ), GivePlayerExperience( attackerid, E_ROBBERY ); else GivePlayerExperience( attackerid, E_POLICE ); SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_GREY"[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has destroyed a business vehicle and earned "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE"!", ReturnPlayerName( attackerid ), attackerid, cash_format( payout ) ); } else { if ( IsPlayerConnected( killerid ) ) { if ( IsBusinessAssociate( killerid, businessid ) ) SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_GREY"[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d)'s business vehicle with "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE" in inventory got destroyed!", ReturnPlayerName( killerid ), killerid, cash_format( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_VALUE ] * ( MAX_DROPS - g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED_AMOUNT ] ) ) ); else { GivePlayerScore( killerid, 2 ); GivePlayerCash( killerid, payout ); if ( p_Class[ killerid ] != CLASS_POLICE ) GivePlayerWantedLevel( killerid, 6 ), GivePlayerExperience( killerid, E_ROBBERY ); else GivePlayerExperience( killerid, E_POLICE ), StockMarket_UpdateEarnings( E_STOCK_GOVERNMENT, payout, 0.05 ); SendGlobalMessage( -1, ""COL_GREY"[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has destroyed a business vehicle and earned "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE"!", ReturnPlayerName( killerid ), killerid, cash_format( payout ) ); } } } // stop the mission StopBusinessExportMission( businessid ); } } return 1; } hook OnPlayerAttemptBreakIn( playerid, houseid, businessid ) { new is_fbi = GetPlayerClass( playerid ) == CLASS_POLICE && p_inFBI{ playerid } && ! p_inArmy{ playerid } && ! p_inCIA{ playerid }; new is_burglar = GetPlayerClass( playerid ) == CLASS_CIVILIAN && IsPlayerJob( playerid, JOB_BURGLAR ); // prohibit non-cop, if ( ! ( ! is_fbi && is_burglar || ! is_burglar && is_fbi ) ) return 0; if ( IsValidBusiness( businessid ) ) { new current_time = GetServerTime( ); new crackpw_cooldown = GetPVarInt( playerid, "crack_biz_cool" ); if ( crackpw_cooldown > current_time ) { return SendError( playerid, "You are unable to attempt a house break-in for %d seconds.", crackpw_cooldown - current_time ), 0; } if ( g_iTime > g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CRACKED_TS ] && g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CRACKED ] ) g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CRACKED ] = false; // The Virus Is Disabled. if ( IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You are an associate of this business, you cannot crack it." ); if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CRACKED_WAIT ] > g_iTime ) return SendError( playerid, "This house had its password recently had a cracker run through. Come back later." ); if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CRACKED ] || g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BEING_CRACKED ] ) return SendError( playerid, "This house is currently being cracked or is already cracked." ); // alert foreach ( new ownerid : Player ) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( ownerid, businessid ) ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( ownerid, -1, ""COL_RED"[BURGLARY]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) is attempting to break into your business %s"COL_WHITE"!", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ); } // crack pw g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BEING_CRACKED ] = true; SetPVarInt( playerid, "crackpw_biz", businessid ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "crack_biz_cool", current_time + 40 ); ShowProgressBar( playerid, "Cracking Password", PROGRESS_CRACKING_BIZ, 7500, COLOR_WHITE ); } return 1; } hook OnPlayerProgressUpdate( playerid, progressid, bool: canceled, params ) { if ( progressid == PROGRESS_CRACKING_BIZ ) { new businessid = GetPVarInt( playerid, "crackpw_biz" ); if ( ! IsPlayerSpawned( playerid ) || ! IsPlayerInDynamicCP( playerid, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_ENTER_CP ] ) || !IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) || IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) || canceled ) { g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BEING_CRACKED ] = false; return StopProgressBar( playerid ), 1; } } return 1; } hook OnProgressCompleted( playerid, progressid, params ) { if ( progressid == PROGRESS_CRACKING_BIZ ) { new szLocation[ MAX_ZONE_NAME ]; new businessid = GetPVarInt( playerid, "crackpw_biz" ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BEING_CRACKED ] = false; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CRACKED_WAIT ] = g_iTime + 120; // g_businessSecurityData[ g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SECURITY_LEVEL ] ] [ E_BREAKIN_COOLDOWN ]; if ( random( 100 ) < 75 ) { foreach ( new ownerid : Player ) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( ownerid, businessid ) ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( ownerid, -1, ""COL_RED"[BURGLARY]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has broken into your business %s"COL_WHITE"!", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ); } g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CRACKED ] = true; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CRACKED_TS ] = g_iTime + 180; SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have successfully cracked this business' password. It will not be accessible in 3 minutes." ); GivePlayerWantedLevel( playerid, 12 ); GivePlayerScore( playerid, 2 ); //GivePlayerExperience( playerid, E_BURGLAR ); ach_HandleBurglaries( playerid ); } else { foreach ( new ownerid : Player ) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( ownerid, businessid ) ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( ownerid, -1, ""COL_RED"[BURGLARY]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) failed to break in business %s"COL_WHITE"!", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ); } GetZoneFromCoordinates( szLocation, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_X ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_Y ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_Z ] ); SendClientMessageToCops( -1, ""COL_BLUE"[BURGLARY]"COL_WHITE" %s has failed to crack a business' password near %s.", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), szLocation ); SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[SERVER]"COL_WHITE" You have failed to crack this business' password." ); GivePlayerWantedLevel( playerid, 6 ); CreateCrimeReport( playerid ); } } return 1; } /* ** Command ** */ CMD:b( playerid, params[ ] ) return cmd_business( playerid, params ); CMD:business( playerid, params[ ] ) { if ( ! IsPlayerSecurityVerified( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You must be verified in order to use this feature. "COL_YELLOW"(use /verify)" ); new iBusiness = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( strmatch( params, "production" ) ) { new bool: has = false; szLargeString = ""COL_WHITE"Name\t"COL_WHITE"Production Time\t"COL_WHITE"Product\t"COL_WHITE"Bank\n"; foreach ( new businessid : business ) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) { format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%s%s\t%s\t"COL_GOLD"%s\t"COL_GREEN"%s\n", szLargeString, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] ? ( secondstotime( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ], ", ", 5 ) ) : ( ""COL_GREEN"Production Finished" ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ] == 0 ? ( ""COL_RED"No Product" ) : ( cash_format( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ] * GetProductPrice( businessid ) ) ), cash_format( g_businessData[ businessid ][ E_BANK ] ) ), has = true; } if ( ! has ) { return SendError( playerid, "You cannot use this command since you don't own any businesses." ); } else { return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_NULL, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, ""COL_WHITE"Business Production", szLargeString, "Close", "" ); } } else if ( strmatch( params, "spawn" )) { SendServerMessage( playerid, "We have changed the command to simply "COL_GREY"/spawn"COL_WHITE"." ); return ShowPlayerSpawnMenu( playerid ); } if ( strmatch( params, "buy" ) ) { if ( p_OwnedBusinesses[ playerid ] >= GetPlayerBusinessSlots( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot purchase any more businesses, you've reached the limit." ); if ( GetPlayerScore( playerid ) < 1000 ) return SendError( playerid, "You need at least 1,000 score to buy a business." ); foreach ( new b : business ) { if ( IsPlayerInDynamicCP( playerid, g_businessData[ b ] [ E_ENTER_CP ] ) || ( iBusiness != -1 && iBusiness == b ) ) { if ( ! g_businessData[ b ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] ) { if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < g_businessData[ b ] [ E_COST ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You don't have enough money to purchase this business." ); p_OwnedBusinesses[ playerid ] ++; g_businessData[ b ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] = p_AccountID[ playerid ]; UpdateBusinessData( b ); UpdateBusinessTitle( b ); GivePlayerCash( playerid, -( g_businessData[ b ] [ E_COST ] ) ); SendClientMessageFormatted( playerid, -1, ""COL_GREY"[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" You have bought this business for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE".", cash_format( g_businessData[ b ] [ E_COST ] ) ); return 1; } else return SendError( playerid, "This business isn't for sale." ); } } SendError( playerid, "You are not near any business entrances." ); return 1; } else if ( strmatch( params, "sell" ) ) { if ( iBusiness == -1 ) return SendError( playerid, "You are not in any business." ); else if ( g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] != p_AccountID[ playerid ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You are not the owner of this business." ); else { new iCashMoney = floatround( g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_COST ] / 2 ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "biz_sell_id", iBusiness ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_SELL_CONFIRM, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_WHITE"Sell Business", sprintf( ""COL_WHITE"Are you sure you want to sell this business for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE"?", cash_format( iCashMoney ) ), "Sell", "Cancel" ); } return 1; } else if ( strmatch( params, "leave" ) ) { if ( iBusiness == -1 ) return SendError( playerid, "You are not in any business." ); else if ( g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] == p_AccountID[ playerid ] ) return SendError( playerid, "This command is only for your business members." ); else if ( ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, iBusiness ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You're not an associate of this business" ); else { // alert business members foreach (new i : Player) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( i, iBusiness ) ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( i, -1, ""COL_GREY"[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has left "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE".", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_NAME ] ); } // nullify user for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS; i ++ ) if ( g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ] == p_AccountID[ playerid ] ) { g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ] = 0; } // save and update title UpdateBusinessData( iBusiness ), UpdateBusinessTitle( iBusiness ); } return 1; } return SendUsage( playerid, "/(b)usiness [BUY/PRODUCTION/SELL/LEAVE]" ); } hook OnPlayerDriveVehicle( playerid, vehicleid ) { if ( g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ] != -1 && Iter_Contains( business, g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ] ) ) { if ( IsPlayerPassive( playerid ) ) { ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 2000, "Passive players cannot enter business vehicles." ); RemovePlayerFromVehicle( playerid ); return 1; } new businessid = g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ]; if ( IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) { new model = GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ); if ( p_WantedLevel[ playerid ] < 12 ) GivePlayerWantedLevel( playerid, 12 - p_WantedLevel[ playerid ] ); if ( IsBusinessAerialVehicle( businessid, model ) && g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_STARTED ] == 2 ) { new ignore_drop_ids[ sizeof( g_airBusinessExportData[ ] ) ] = { -1, ... }; for ( new x = 0; x < MAX_DROPS; x ++ ) { new drop_off_index = randomExcept( ignore_drop_ids, sizeof( ignore_drop_ids ) ), city = random( sizeof( g_airBusinessExportData ) ) ; // so we get random drops always ignore_drop_ids[ drop_off_index ] = drop_off_index; // clear them incase g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED ] [ x ] = false; DestroyDynamicMapIcon( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ x ] ); DestroyDynamicRaceCP( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ x ] ); DestroyDynamicArea( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CIRCLE ] [ x ] ); // assign indexes (used for dropping the shit off) g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CITY ] = city; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_INDEX ] [ x ] = drop_off_index; // map icons, cp, areas g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ x ] = CreateDynamicMapIcon( g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 0 ], g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 1 ], g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 2 ], 53, -1, -1, -1, 0, 6000.0, MAPICON_GLOBAL ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ x ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP( 1, g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 0 ], g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 1 ], g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 2 ], 0, 0, 0, 5.0, -1, -1, 0 ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CIRCLE ] [ x ] = CreateDynamicCircle( g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 0 ], g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 1 ], 15.0 ); // reset players in map icon/cp Streamer_RemoveArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ x ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, 0 ); Streamer_RemoveArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_RACE_CP, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ x ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, 0 ); // stream to players foreach (new i : Player) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( i, businessid ) ) { Streamer_AppendArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ x ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, i ); Streamer_AppendArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_RACE_CP, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ x ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, i ); } } // message people g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_STARTED ] = 1; ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "Drop the drugs off on the flag blips of your radar." ); SendGlobalMessage( COLOR_GREY, "[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has begun transporting "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE" of business product!", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, cash_format( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_VALUE ] * ( MAX_DROPS - g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED_AMOUNT ] ) ) ); } } } return 1; } hook OnPlayerEnterDynArea( playerid, areaid ) { new player_state = GetPlayerState( playerid ); new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ); if ( player_state == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && vehicleid != 0 ) { new modelid = GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ); // alert player if hes near the drugs if ( g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ] != -1 && Iter_Contains( business, g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ] )) { new businessid = g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ]; if ( IsBusinessAerialVehicle( businessid, modelid ) && IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) { for ( new i = 0; i < 2; i ++ ) if ( areaid == g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CIRCLE ] [ i ] ) { ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "~y~~h~Press ~k~~PED_FIREWEAPON~ to drop off the drugs!" ); } } } } return 1; } hook OnPlayerEnterDynRaceCP( playerid, checkpointid ) { new iVehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ); if ( p_Class[ playerid ] == CLASS_CIVILIAN && g_isBusinessVehicle[ iVehicle ] != -1 && Iter_Contains( business, g_isBusinessVehicle[ iVehicle ] ) ) { new businessid = g_isBusinessVehicle[ iVehicle ]; // printf("Is Associate : {user:%s,veh:%d,associate:%d}", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), iVehicle, IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid )); if ( ! IsBusinessAerialVehicle( businessid, GetVehicleModel( iVehicle ) ) && IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) { for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_DROPS; i ++ ) { if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ i ] == checkpointid ) { if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED ] [ i ] ) return SendError( playerid, "This location has already been sold product recently." ); // count drugs exported SellBusinessProduct( playerid, businessid, i ); break; } } return 1; } } return 1; } hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys ) { if ( PRESSED( KEY_FIRE ) ) { if ( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) ) { new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ); if ( p_Class[ playerid ] == CLASS_CIVILIAN && g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ] != -1 && Iter_Contains( business, g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ] ) ) { new businessid = g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ]; if ( IsBusinessAerialVehicle( businessid, GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ) ) && IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) { new Float: playerZ, tempObject, moveSpeed; for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_DROPS; i ++ ) if ( IsPlayerInDynamicArea( playerid, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CIRCLE ] [ i ] ) ) { new city = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CITY ], drop_off_index = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_INDEX ] [ i ]; GetVehiclePos( vehicleid, playerZ, playerZ, playerZ ); //if ( g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 2 ] > finalZ + 20.0 ) // finalZ = g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 2 ]; if ( playerZ - g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 2 ] < 20.0 ) return SendError( playerid, "You need to be HIGHER to drop off the drugs (%0.1f metres).", 20.0 - ( playerZ - g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 2 ] ) ); if ( playerZ - g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 2 ] > 100.0 ) return SendError( playerid, "You need to be LOWER to drop off the drugs (%0.1f metres).", 100.0 - ( playerZ - g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 2 ] ) ); if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED ] [ i ] ) return SendError( playerid, "This location has already been sold product recently." ); // create temporary bag object tempObject = CreateDynamicObject( 18849, g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 0 ], g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 1 ], playerZ + 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); moveSpeed = MoveDynamicObject( tempObject, g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 0 ], g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 1 ], g_airBusinessExportData[ city ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 2 ] + 7.0, 8.0 ); SetTimerEx( "Timer_DestroyObject", moveSpeed + 4000, false, "d", tempObject ); // count drugs exported SellBusinessProduct( playerid, businessid, i ); break; } } } } } return 1; } function Timer_DestroyObject( objectid ) return DestroyDynamicObject( objectid ), 1; hook OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[ ] ) { if ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_SELL_CONFIRM && response ) { new iBusiness = GetPVarInt( playerid, "biz_sell_id" ); if ( ! Iter_Contains( business, iBusiness ) || ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, iBusiness ) ) { return SendError( playerid, "You do not have access to this feature." ); } new iCashMoney = floatround( g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_COST ] / 2 ); p_OwnedBusinesses[ playerid ] --; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] = 0; ResetBusiness( iBusiness, .hard_reset = true ); StopBusinessExportMission( iBusiness ); UpdateBusinessData( iBusiness ); UpdateBusinessTitle( iBusiness ); // No point querying (add on resale) GivePlayerCash( playerid, iCashMoney ); SetPlayerPosEx( playerid, g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_X ], g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_Y ], g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_Z ], 0 ), SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have successfully sold your business for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE".", cash_format( iCashMoney ) ); DeletePVar( playerid, "biz_sell_id" ); return 1; } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESSES ) { if ( ! response ) return ShowPlayerSpawnMenu( playerid ); new x = 0; foreach ( new b : business ) { if ( IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, b ) ) { if ( x == listitem ) { SetPlayerSpawnLocation( playerid, "BIZ", b ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "Business spawning has been set at "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE".", g_businessData[ b ] [ E_NAME ] ); break; } x ++; } } return 1; } else if ( ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_TERMINAL ) && response ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN || ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) || ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You do not have access to this feature." ); new business_type = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ]; switch ( listitem ) { // rename business case 0: ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_NAME, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_GREY"Business System", sprintf( ""COL_WHITE"The current business name is %s\n\n"COL_WHITE"Enter below the new name for it", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ), "Update", "Back" ); // bank account case 1: ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_WITHDRAW, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_GREY"Business System", sprintf( ""COL_WHITE"Enter the amount that you are willing to withdraw from your business bank account.\n\n"COL_GREY"Current Balance:"COL_WHITE" %s", cash_format( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BANK ] ) ), "Withdraw", "Back" ); // add members case 2: ShowBusinessMembers( playerid, businessid ); // sell stock case 3: { new prod = GetProductPrice( businessid, true ), prod_hardened = GetProductPrice( businessid, false ); format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), ""COL_WHITE"Your business has %d product\t \nSell Product Locally\t%s%s\nSell Product Nationally\t%s%s", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ], prod > g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_COST_PRICE ] ? ( COL_GREEN ) : ( COL_RED ), cash_format( prod ), prod_hardened > g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_COST_PRICE ] ? ( COL_GREEN ) : ( COL_RED ), cash_format( prod_hardened ) ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_SELL, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, ""COL_GREY"Business System", szBigString, "Select", "Back" ); } // buy stock case 4: ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_BUY, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, ""COL_GREY"Business System", sprintf( ""COL_WHITE"Your business has %d supplies\t \nBuy Supply\t%s\nSteal Supplies\t"COL_YELLOW"FREE", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ], cash_format( GetResupplyPrice( business_type ) ) ), "Select", "Back" ); // upgrade case 5: ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ); } return 1; } /*else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_SECURITY ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN || ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) || ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You do not have access to this feature." ); if ( ! response ) return ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ); new business_type = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ]; new security_cost = floatround( float( g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_UPGRADE_COST ] ) * g_businessSecurityData[ listitem ] [ E_COST_MULTIPLIER ] ); if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < security_cost ) SendError( playerid, "You do not have enough money for this business upgrade (%s).", cash_format( security_cost ) ); else if ( listitem < g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SECURITY_LEVEL ] ) SendError( playerid, "You cannot downgrade your security level." ); else if ( listitem == g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SECURITY_LEVEL ] ) SendError( playerid, "You have already upgraded your business to this security level." ); else { g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SECURITY_LEVEL ] = listitem; UpdateBusinessData( businessid ); GivePlayerCash( playerid, -security_cost ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have upgraded your business security to %s"COL_WHITE" for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE".", g_businessSecurityData[ listitem ] [ E_LEVEL ], cash_format( security_cost ) ); return 1; } return ShowBusinessSecurityUpgrades( playerid, businessid ); }*/ else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_UPGRADES ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN || ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) || ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You do not have access to this feature." ); if ( ! response ) return ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ); new business_type = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ]; switch ( listitem ) { // upgrade security // case 0: return ShowBusinessSecurityUpgrades( playerid, businessid ); // upgrade car case 0: { szLargeString = ""COL_WHITE"Vehicle\t"COL_WHITE"Cost\n"; for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_businessCarModelData ); i ++ ) { new vehicle_model_index = g_businessCarModelData[ i ] [ E_ID ], bool: is_unlocked = ( 0 <= vehicle_model_index < MAX_BIZ_VEH_MODELS ) ? ( g_businessVehicleUnlocked[ businessid ] { vehicle_model_index } ) : false; format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%s%s%s\t"COL_GOLD"%s\n", szLargeString, is_unlocked ? ( COL_LGREEN ) : ( "" ), g_businessCarModelData[ i ] [ E_NAME ], cash_format( g_businessCarModelData[ i ] [ E_COST ] ) ); } return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_CAR, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, ""COL_GREY"Business System", szLargeString, "Purchase", "Back" ); } // upgrade heli case 1: { szLargeString = ""COL_WHITE"Vehicle\t"COL_WHITE"Cost\n"; for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_businessAirModelData ); i ++ ) { new vehicle_model_index = g_businessAirModelData[ i ] [ E_ID ], bool: is_unlocked = ( 0 <= vehicle_model_index < MAX_BIZ_VEH_MODELS ) ? ( g_businessVehicleUnlocked[ businessid ] { vehicle_model_index } ) : false; format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "%s%s%s\t"COL_GOLD"%s\n", szLargeString, is_unlocked ? ( COL_LGREEN ) : ( "" ), g_businessAirModelData[ i ] [ E_NAME ], cash_format( g_businessAirModelData[ i ] [ E_COST ] ) ); } return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_HELI, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, ""COL_GREY"Business System", szLargeString, "Purchase", "Back" ); } // upgrade staff case 2: { if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_UPGRADES ] ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "Your business production has been already upgraded." ); if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_UPGRADE_COST ] ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "You don't have enough money to upgrade this business (%s).", cash_format( g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_UPGRADE_COST ] ) ); CreateBusinessActors( businessid ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_UPGRADES ] = 1; GivePlayerCash( playerid, - g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_UPGRADE_COST ] ); mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `BUSINESSES` SET `UPGRADES`=1 WHERE `ID`=%d", businessid ) ); return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have upgraded business production for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE".", cash_format( g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_UPGRADE_COST ] ) ); } // upgrade slots case 3: { if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXTRA_MEMBERS ] >= 4 ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "You have maximized the number of business member slots." ); if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < 500000 ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "You don't have enough money to buy an additional member slot ($500,000)." ); GivePlayerCash( playerid, -500000 ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXTRA_MEMBERS ] ++; mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `BUSINESSES` SET `EXTRA_MEMBERS`=%d WHERE `ID`=%d", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXTRA_MEMBERS ], businessid ) ); return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have bought an additional member slot for "COL_GOLD"$500,000"COL_WHITE"." ); } // nos case 4: { if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_NOS ] ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "You have already purchased business car nitrous." ); if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < 250000 ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "You don't have enough money to buy business car nitrous ($250,000)." ); GivePlayerCash( playerid, -250000 ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_NOS ] = true; mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `BUSINESSES` SET `HAS_NOS`=1 WHERE `ID`=%d", businessid ) ); return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have bought nitrous for "COL_GOLD"$250,000"COL_WHITE"." ); } // rims case 5: { if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_RIMS ] ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "You have already purchased gold rims for the business vehicle." ); if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < 250000 ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "You don't have enough money to buy gold rims ($250,000)." ); GivePlayerCash( playerid, -250000 ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_RIMS ] = true; mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `BUSINESSES` SET `HAS_RIMS`=1 WHERE `ID`=%d", businessid ) ); return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have bought gold rims for "COL_GOLD"$250,000"COL_WHITE"." ); } } return 1; } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_HELI ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN || ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) || ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You do not have access to this feature." ); if ( ! response ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ); new vehicle_model_index = g_businessAirModelData[ listitem ] [ E_ID ]; if ( vehicle_model_index != -1 && vehicle_model_index < MAX_BIZ_VEH_MODELS && ! g_businessVehicleUnlocked[ businessid ] { vehicle_model_index } ) { if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < g_businessAirModelData[ listitem ] [ E_COST ] ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "You cannot afford this vehicle." ); if ( g_businessAirModelData[ listitem ] [ E_COST ] == 1337 && ! ( p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 314783 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 13 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 341204 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 30 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 479950 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 25 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 1 ) ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "You did not contribute enough to the crowdfund to use this feature." ); g_businessVehicleUnlocked[ businessid ] { vehicle_model_index } = true; GivePlayerCash( playerid, -g_businessAirModelData[ listitem ] [ E_COST ] ); mysql_single_query( sprintf( "INSERT INTO `BUSINESS_VEHICLES` VALUES (%d, %d)", businessid, vehicle_model_index ) ); } g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_HELI_MODEL_ID ] = g_businessAirModelData[ listitem ] [ E_MODEL ]; foreach (new p : Player) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( p, businessid ) ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( p, COLOR_GREY, "[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has upgraded the business air vehicle to a "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE".", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, g_businessAirModelData[ listitem ] [ E_NAME ] ); } mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `BUSINESSES` SET `AIR_MODEL`=%d WHERE `ID`=%d", g_businessAirModelData[ listitem ] [ E_MODEL ], businessid ) ); return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), 1; } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_CAR ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN || ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) || ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You do not have access to this feature." ); if ( ! response ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ); new vehicle_model_index = g_businessCarModelData[ listitem ] [ E_ID ]; if ( vehicle_model_index != -1 && vehicle_model_index < MAX_BIZ_VEH_MODELS && ! g_businessVehicleUnlocked[ businessid ] { vehicle_model_index } ) { if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < g_businessCarModelData[ listitem ] [ E_COST ] ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "You cannot afford this vehicle." ); if ( g_businessCarModelData[ listitem ] [ E_COST ] == 1337 && ! ( p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 314783 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 13 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 341204 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 30 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 479950 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 25 || p_AccountID[ playerid ] == 1 ) ) return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), SendError( playerid, "You did not contribute enough to the crowdfund to use this feature." ); g_businessVehicleUnlocked[ businessid ] { vehicle_model_index } = true; GivePlayerCash( playerid, -g_businessCarModelData[ listitem ] [ E_COST ] ); mysql_single_query( sprintf( "INSERT INTO `BUSINESS_VEHICLES` VALUES (%d, %d)", businessid, vehicle_model_index ) ); } g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_MODEL_ID ] = g_businessCarModelData[ listitem ] [ E_MODEL ]; foreach (new p : Player) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( p, businessid ) ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( p, COLOR_GREY, "[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has upgraded the business car to a "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE".", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, g_businessCarModelData[ listitem ] [ E_NAME ] ); } mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `BUSINESSES` SET `CAR_MODEL`=%d WHERE `ID`=%d", g_businessCarModelData[ listitem ] [ E_MODEL ], businessid ) ); return ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ), 1; } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_WITHDRAW ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) || g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] != p_AccountID[ playerid ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You must be the owner of the business to use this feature." ); if ( ! response ) return ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ); new iWithdraw; if ( sscanf( inputtext, "d", iWithdraw ) ) SendError( playerid, "Invalid amount specified." ); else if ( iWithdraw > 99999999 || iWithdraw < 0 ) SendError( playerid, "Invalid amount specified." ); else if ( iWithdraw > g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BANK ] ) SendError( playerid, "The business bank account does not have this much money." ); else { g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BANK ] -= iWithdraw; GivePlayerCash( playerid, iWithdraw ); UpdateBusinessData( businessid ); UpdateBusinessProductionLabel( businessid ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have withdrawn %s from your business account.", cash_format( iWithdraw ) ); } return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_WITHDRAW, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_GREY"Business System", sprintf( ""COL_WHITE"Enter the amount that you are willing to withdraw from your business bank account.\n\n"COL_GREY"Current Balance:"COL_WHITE" %s", cash_format( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BANK ] ) ), "Withdraw", "Back" ); } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_MEMBERS ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) || g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] != p_AccountID[ playerid ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You must be the owner of the business to use this feature." ); if ( ! response ) return ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ); if ( listitem == 0 ) return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_ADD_MEMBER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_GREY"Business System", ""COL_WHITE"Type the name of the player you wish to add as a member.", "Add", "Back" ); for( new i, x = 1; i < MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS; i ++ ) { if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ] ) { if ( x == listitem ) { if ( g_Debugging ) { printf( "[business remove member] {listitem: %d, user: %d, businessid: %d}", x, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ], businessid ); } // alert player if online foreach (new p : Player) if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ] == p_AccountID[ p ] ) { SendServerMessage( p, "You have been removed as a member of "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE".", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ); break; } // null entry g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ] = 0; // save UpdateBusinessData( businessid ), UpdateBusinessTitle( businessid ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have removed a member from the business." ); break; } x ++; } } ShowBusinessMembers( playerid, businessid ); return 1; } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_ADD_MEMBER ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) || g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] != p_AccountID[ playerid ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You must be the owner of the business to use this feature." ); if ( ! response ) return ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ); new memberid; if ( sscanf( inputtext, "u", memberid ) ) SendError( playerid, "Specify a name or id of the player you wish to add as a business member." ); else if ( ! IsPlayerConnected( memberid ) || IsPlayerNPC( memberid ) ) SendError( playerid, "The player specified is not connected." ); else if ( p_OwnedBusinesses[ memberid ] >= GetPlayerBusinessSlots( memberid ) ) SendError( playerid, "This player cannot be added to any more businesses." ); else { new slotid = -1; // get slot for new member anyway for ( new x = 0; x < MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS; x ++ ) if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ x ] == 0 ) { slotid = x; break; } // proceed if ( slotid == -1 ) SendError( playerid, "The business has reached the maximum number of members." ); else if ( IsBusinessAssociate( memberid, businessid ) ) SendError( playerid, "This member is already apart of your organization." ); else { new current_members = GetBusinessAssociates( businessid ) - 1; // not including owner if ( current_members >= 4 + g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXTRA_MEMBERS ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You must pay to add more than %d members.", 4 + g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXTRA_MEMBERS ] ); // add member in p_OwnedBusinesses[ memberid ] ++; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ slotid ] = p_AccountID[ memberid ]; // alert and save foreach (new i : Player) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( i, businessid ) ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( i, -1, ""COL_GREY"[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has been added as a member to "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE".", ReturnPlayerName( memberid ), memberid, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ); } UpdateBusinessData( businessid ), UpdateBusinessTitle( businessid ); return ShowBusinessMembers( playerid, businessid ); } } return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_ADD_MEMBER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_GREY"Business System", ""COL_WHITE"Type the name of the player you wish to add as a member.", "Add", "Back" ); } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_NAME ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN || ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) || ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You do not have access to this feature." ); if ( ! response ) return ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ); if ( textContainsIP( inputtext ) ) return SendError( playerid, "We do not condone advertising." ); if ( ! ( 3 <= strlen( inputtext ) <= 32 ) ) { SendError( playerid, "Please make sure your business name is between 3 and 32 characters." ); } else { format( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ], 32, "%s", inputtext ); UpdateBusinessData( businessid ), UpdateBusinessTitle( businessid ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "The business name has now been set to "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE".", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ); } return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_NAME, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_GREY"Business System", sprintf( ""COL_WHITE"The current business name is %s\n\n"COL_WHITE"Enter below the new name for it", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ), "Update", "Back" ); } else if ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_SELL ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN || ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) || ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You do not have access to this feature." ); if ( ! response ) return ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ); new current_product_levels = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ]; if ( current_product_levels - MAX_DROPS < 0 ) return SendError( playerid, "Your business needs %d more product to allow for distribution.", MAX_DROPS - current_product_levels ); if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_STARTED ] ) return SendError( playerid, "Product exporting has already started for the business." ); // destroy preexisting shit incase StopBusinessExportMission( businessid ); // update product levels g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED_AMOUNT ] = 0; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ] -= MAX_DROPS; UpdateBusinessProductionLabel( businessid ); // create a new export mission switch ( listitem ) { case 0: { g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_STARTED ] = 1; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_VALUE ] = GetProductPrice( businessid, .hardened = true ); SetRandomDropoffLocation( playerid, businessid, .heli = false ); return 1; } case 1: { g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_STARTED ] = 2; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_VALUE ] = GetProductPrice( businessid, .hardened = false ); SetRandomDropoffLocation( playerid, businessid, .heli = true ); return 1; } } return 1; } else if ( ( dialogid == DIALOG_BUSINESS_BUY ) && response ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN || ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) || ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You do not have access to this feature." ); new business_type = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ]; switch ( listitem ) { case 0: { // check we havent breached any limits if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ] >= g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_MAX_SUPPLIES ] ) { if ( ! g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] ) { return StartBusinessDrugProduction( businessid ); } else { return ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ), SendError( playerid, "The business met the limit of %d supplies.", g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_MAX_SUPPLIES ] ); } } if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] ) return ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ), SendError( playerid, "You cannot resupply the business as it is currently in its production phase." ); // buy with cash new price = GetResupplyPrice( business_type ); if ( GetPlayerCash( playerid ) < price ) return ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ), SendError( playerid, "You don't have enough money to resupply your business." ); if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ] >= g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_MAX_SUPPLIES ] * 3 ) return ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ), SendError( playerid, "Your business has too much product that has not been exported yet." ); if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_STARTED ] ) return SendError( playerid, "Supplies cannot be purchased when you have begun an exporting mission." ); // commence GivePlayerCash( playerid, -price ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ] ++; UpdateBusinessProductionLabel( businessid ); // alert and redirect SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have bought business supplies for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE". "COL_ORANGE"(%d/%d)", cash_format( price ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ], g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_MAX_SUPPLIES ] ); // start prod if viable StartBusinessDrugProduction( businessid ); } case 1: { ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ); SendError( playerid, "This feature is currently under construction." ); } } return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_BUY, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, ""COL_GREY"Business System", sprintf( ""COL_WHITE"Your business has %d supplies\t \nBuy Supply\t%s\nSteal Supplies\t"COL_YELLOW"FREE", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ], cash_format( GetResupplyPrice( business_type ) ) ), "Select", "Back" ), 1; } return 1; } hook OnVehicleStreamIn( vehicleid, forplayerid ) { if ( g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ] != -1 && Iter_Contains( business, g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ] ) ) { // new businessid = g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ]; // if ( IsBusinessAssociate( forplayerid, businessid ) ) SetVehicleParamsForPlayer( vehicleid, forplayerid, 1, 0 ); } return 1; } hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason ) { foreach ( new businessid : business ) if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_STARTED ] && IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) { new members = 0; GetOnlineBusinessAssociates( businessid, members, playerid ); // printf ("%d online players for business %d, stopping mission?", members, businessid ); if ( members <= 0 ) { // print( "stopped" ); StopBusinessExportMission( businessid ); } } return 1; } hook OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP( playerid, checkpointid ) { if ( CanPlayerExitEntrance( playerid ) && ! IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) ) { // Enter Business foreach ( new b : business ) { if ( checkpointid == g_businessData[ b ] [ E_ENTER_CP ] ) { if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN ) return SendError( playerid, "You must be a civilian to access this business." ); if ( g_iTime > g_businessData[ b ] [ E_CRACKED_TS ] && g_businessData[ b ] [ E_CRACKED ] ) g_businessData[ b ] [ E_CRACKED ] = false; // The Virus Is Disabled. if ( ! g_businessData[ b ] [ E_CRACKED ] && ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, b ) ) { CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerAttemptBreakIn", "ddd", playerid, -1, b ); // attempting a break in as a burglar/cop return SendError( playerid, "You cannot access this business as you are not an associate of it." ); } new bType = g_businessData[ b ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ]; pauseToLoad( playerid ); p_InBusiness[ playerid ] = b; UpdatePlayerEntranceExitTick( playerid ); SetPlayerPos( playerid, g_businessInteriorData[ bType ] [ E_X ], g_businessInteriorData[ bType ] [ E_Y ], g_businessInteriorData[ bType ] [ E_Z ] ); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, g_businessData[ b ] [ E_WORLD ] ); SetPlayerInterior( playerid, g_businessData[ b ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ] + 20 ); return 1; } else if ( checkpointid == g_businessData[ b ] [ E_EXIT_CP ] ) { p_InBusiness[ playerid ] = -1; TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, 0 ); UpdatePlayerEntranceExitTick( playerid ); SetTimerEx( "ope_Unfreeze", 1250, false, "d", playerid ); SetPlayerPosEx( playerid, g_businessData[ b ] [ E_X ], g_businessData[ b ] [ E_Y ], g_businessData[ b ] [ E_Z ], 0 ), SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 ); } } } return 1; } /* ** Threads ** */ thread OnBusinessLoad( ) { new rows, fields, i = -1, loadingTick = GetTickCount( ) ; cache_get_data( rows, fields ); if ( rows ) { new szName[ 32 ], szMembers[ 96 ]; while( ++i < rows ) { new businessid = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "ID", dbHandle ); // get business name cache_get_field_content( i, "NAME", szName, sizeof( szName ) ); cache_get_field_content( i, "MEMBERS", szMembers, sizeof( szMembers ) ); // create business new b = CreateBusiness( cache_get_field_content_int( i, "OWNER_ID", dbHandle ), szName, cache_get_field_content_int( i, "COST", dbHandle ), cache_get_field_content_int( i, "TYPE", dbHandle ), cache_get_field_content_float( i, "X", dbHandle ), cache_get_field_content_float( i, "Y", dbHandle ), cache_get_field_content_float( i, "Z", dbHandle ), cache_get_field_content_int( i, "SUPPLIES", dbHandle ), cache_get_field_content_int( i, "PRODUCT", dbHandle ), cache_get_field_content_int( i, "PROD_TIMESTAMP", dbHandle ), cache_get_field_content_int( i, "BANK", dbHandle ), cache_get_field_content_int( i, "SECURITY", dbHandle ), businessid ); // check if valid business if ( b != ITER_NONE ) { // add members if ( sscanf( szMembers, sprintf( "a[%d]", MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] ) ) { // must have fucked up, we'll reset members for ( new x = 0; x < MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS; x ++ ) g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ x ] = 0; } // apply upgrades g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_MODEL_ID ] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "CAR_MODEL", dbHandle ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_HELI_MODEL_ID ] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "AIR_MODEL", dbHandle ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXTRA_MEMBERS ] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "EXTRA_MEMBERS", dbHandle ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_UPGRADES ] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "UPGRADES", dbHandle ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_NOS ] = !! cache_get_field_content_int( i, "HAS_NOS", dbHandle ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_RIMS ] = !! cache_get_field_content_int( i, "HAS_RIMS", dbHandle ); // add bots inside if neccessary if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_UPGRADES ] ) CreateBusinessActors( businessid ); // unlock models? mysql_function_query( dbHandle, sprintf( "SELECT * FROM `BUSINESS_VEHICLES` WHERE `BUSINESS_ID`=%d", businessid ), true, "OnBusinessVehicleLoad", "d", businessid ); } else printf( "[BUSINESS ERROR]: Unable to create business id %d", b ); } } printf( "[BUSINESSES]: %d businesses have been loaded. (Tick: %dms)", i, GetTickCount( ) - loadingTick ); return 1; } thread OnBusinessVehicleLoad( businessid ) { new rows, fields, i = -1; cache_get_data( rows, fields ); if ( rows ) { while( ++i < rows ) { new vehicle_index = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "VEHICLE_INDEX", dbHandle ); if ( vehicle_index < MAX_BIZ_VEH_MODELS ) // Must be something wrong otherwise... g_businessVehicleUnlocked[ businessid ] { vehicle_index } = true; } } return 1; } thread OnUpdateBusinessTitle( businessid ) { new rows, szOwner[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ] = "No-one", associates = GetBusinessAssociates( businessid ); cache_get_data( rows, tmpVariable ); if ( rows ) cache_get_field_content( 0, "NAME", szOwner ); new biz_type = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ]; // update robbery checkpoints /*foreach ( new robberyid : RobberyCount ) if ( robberyid == g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_ROBBERY_ID ] ) { format( g_robberyData[ robberyid ] [ E_NAME ], 32, "%s", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ); UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_robberyData[ robberyid ] [ E_LABEL ], COLOR_GREY, sprintf( "%s\n"COL_WHITE"Left ALT To Crack Safe", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ) ); }*/ // update business title format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), ""COL_GOLD"%s Business:"COL_WHITE" %s(%d)\n"COL_GOLD"Owner:"COL_WHITE" %s\n"COL_GOLD"Price:"COL_WHITE" %s\n"COL_GOLD"Members:"COL_WHITE" %d", g_businessInteriorData[ biz_type ] [ E_NAME ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ], businessid, szOwner, cash_format( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_COST ] ), associates ); UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_ENTER_LABEL ], COLOR_GOLD, szBigString ); return 1; } /* ** Functions ** */ stock CreateBusiness( iAccountID, const szBusiness[ 32 ], iPrice, iType, Float: fX, Float: fY, Float: fZ, iSupply = 0, iProduct = 0, iProductionTimestamp = 0, iBank = 0, iSecurity = 0, iExistingID = ITER_NONE ) { new iBusiness = iExistingID != ITER_NONE ? iExistingID : Iter_Free(business); if ( Iter_Contains( business, iExistingID ) ) iBusiness = ITER_NONE; // In the unlikelihood... if ( iBusiness != ITER_NONE ) { format( g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_NAME ], 32, "%s", szBusiness ); ResetBusiness( iBusiness ); // reset data just incase first g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] = iAccountID; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_COST ] = iPrice; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ] = iType; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_WORLD ] = iBusiness + ( MAX_BUSINESSES ); // Random g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_X ] = fX; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_Y ] = fY; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_Z ] = fZ; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_BANK ] = iBank; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_PRODUCT ] = iProduct; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_SUPPLIES ] = iSupply; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_SECURITY_LEVEL ] = iSecurity; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] = iProductionTimestamp; // add robbery safe lmao /*new robberyid = CreateRobberyCheckpoint( szBusiness, 0, g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_SAFE_X ], g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_SAFE_Y ], g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_SAFE_Z ], g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_SAFE_ROTATION ], g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_WORLD ] ); if ( robberyid != ITER_NONE ) { g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_ROBBERY_ID ] = robberyid; g_robberyData[ robberyid ] [ E_BUSINESS_ID ] = iBusiness; } else { g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_ROBBERY_ID ] = ITER_NONE; }*/ // reset actor id (otherwise it defaults as 0) for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_businessActors[ ] ); i ++ ) { g_businessActors[ iBusiness ] [ i ] = -1; } // production label g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_PROD_LABEL ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "... Loading ...", COLOR_GOLD, g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_PROD_X ], g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_PROD_Y ], g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_PROD_Z ], 20.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_WORLD ], g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ] + 20 ); UpdateBusinessProductionLabel( iBusiness ); // add a private vehicle! if ( iType == BUSINESS_WEAPON ) { new baggage = CreateVehicle( 485, -4301.9580, 209.8583, 1303.1013, 90.0, -1, -1, 360 ); SetVehicleVirtualWorld( baggage, g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_WORLD ] ); LinkVehicleToInterior( baggage, 20 + iType ); } // checkpoints g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_ENTER_CP ] = CreateDynamicCP( fX, fY, fZ, 1.0, -1, 0, -1, 100.0 ); g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_EXIT_CP ] = CreateDynamicCP( g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_X ], g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_Y ], g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_Z ], 1.0, g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_WORLD ], g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ] + 20, -1, 100.0 ); format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), ""COL_GOLD"%s Business:"COL_WHITE" %s(%d)\n"COL_GOLD"Owner:"COL_WHITE" No-one\n"COL_GOLD"Price:"COL_WHITE" %s\n"COL_GOLD"Members:"COL_WHITE" 0", g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_NAME ], szBusiness, iBusiness, cash_format( g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_COST ] ) ); g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_ENTER_LABEL ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( szBigString, COLOR_GOLD, fX, fY, fZ, 20.0 ); g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_EXIT_LABEL ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "[EXIT]", COLOR_GOLD, g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_X ], g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_Y ], g_businessInteriorData[ iType ] [ E_Z ], 20.0 ); // just incase, reset variables StopBusinessExportMission( iBusiness ); // insert or readjust name if ( iExistingID != ITER_NONE && iAccountID != 0 ) UpdateBusinessTitle( iBusiness ); else if ( iExistingID == ITER_NONE ) { format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "INSERT INTO `BUSINESSES`(`ID`, `OWNER_ID`, `NAME`, `COST`, `TYPE`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`) VALUES (%d,%d,'%s',%d,%d,%f,%f,%f)", iBusiness, iAccountID, szBusiness, iPrice, iType, fX, fY, fZ ); mysql_single_query( szBigString ); } Iter_Add(business, iBusiness); } return iBusiness; } stock DestroyBusiness( businessid ) { if ( !Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) ) return 0; new playerid = GetPlayerIDFromAccountID( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] ); if ( IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) ) { p_OwnedBusinesses[ playerid ] --; SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, ""COL_PINK"[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" One of your businesses has been destroyed."); } mysql_single_query( sprintf( "DELETE FROM `BUSINESSES` WHERE `ID`=%d", businessid ) ); Iter_Remove(business, businessid); // DestroyRobberyCheckpoint( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_ROBBERY_ID ] ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] = 0; DestroyDynamicCP( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_ENTER_CP ] ); DestroyDynamicCP( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXIT_CP ] ); DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_LABEL ] ); DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_ENTER_LABEL ] ); DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXIT_LABEL ] ); StopBusinessExportMission( businessid ); ResetBusiness( businessid, .hard_reset = true ); return 1; } stock ResetBusiness( iBusiness, bool: hard_reset = false ) { // data g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_PRODUCT ] = 0; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_SUPPLIES ] = 0; // upgrades g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_CAR_MODEL_ID ] = 554; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_HELI_MODEL_ID ] = 417; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_EXTRA_MEMBERS ] = 0; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_UPGRADES ] = 0; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_CAR_NOS ] = false; g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_CAR_RIMS ] = false; // reset members for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS; i ++ ) g_businessData[ iBusiness ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ] = 0; // reset vehicle models for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_BIZ_VEH_MODELS; i ++ ) g_businessVehicleUnlocked[ iBusiness ] { i } = false; // reset actors for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_businessActors[ ] ); i ++ ) DestroyActor( g_businessActors[ iBusiness ] [ i ] ), g_businessActors[ iBusiness ] [ i ] = -1; // queries if ( hard_reset ) { mysql_single_query( sprintf( "DELETE FROM `BUSINESS_VEHICLES` WHERE `BUSINESS_ID`=%d", iBusiness ) ); mysql_single_query( sprintf( "UPDATE `USERS` SET `SPAWN`=NULL WHERE `SPAWN`='BIZ %d'", iBusiness ) ); } } stock GetBusinessAssociates( businessid ) { new members = 0; for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS; i ++ ) if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ] != 0 ) members ++; if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] != 0 ) members ++; return members; } stock StartBusinessDrugProduction( businessid ) { if ( ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) ) return 0; new business_type = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ]; // only if the stock is maxed if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ] >= g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_MAX_SUPPLIES ] ) { if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_UPGRADES ] ) { g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] = 1800 * g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_PRODUCTION_TIME ]; // doubles time necessary } else { g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] = 3600 * g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_PRODUCTION_TIME ]; } UpdateBusinessProductionLabel( businessid ); UpdateBusinessData( businessid ); // alert players foreach (new i : Player) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( i, businessid ) ) { SendClientMessageFormatted( i, -1, ""COL_GREY"[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" Supply levels for "COL_GREY"%s"COL_WHITE" have replenished. Production will commence.", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ); } } return 1; } stock GetPlayerOwnedBusinesses( playerid ) { new count = 0; foreach (new businessid : business) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) { count ++; } return count; } stock CreateBusinessActors( businessid ) { static const g_businessActorData[ 4 ] [ MAX_BIZ_ACTORS ] [ E_ACTOR_DATA ] = { // Weed lab { { 21, -1747.3533, -1372.9813, 5874.1333, 2.07910, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 22, -1749.7698, -1377.1772, 5874.1333, 87.3066, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 41, -1749.7698, -1378.2697, 5874.1333, 87.9333, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 143, -1746.3678, -1377.1827, 5874.1333, 89.5236, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 183, -1734.0258, -1359.8907, 5874.1372, 49.1026, "COP_AMBIENT", "Coplook_think", 0 }, { 184, -1730.9587, -1370.6337, 5874.1455, 320.139, "INT_SHOP", "shop_pay", 0 }, { 220, -1734.9357, -1379.7953, 5874.1475, 242.118, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 222, -1727.6835, -1367.3120, 5874.1436, 86.0996, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 168, -1743.6840, -1368.3126, 5874.1333, 339.252, "INT_SHOP", "shop_shelf", 0 } }, // Meth Lab { { 70,2023.7355, 1001.6071, 1510.2416, 182.2146, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 70,2019.7291, 1001.6071, 1510.2416, 179.7077, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 153,2026.5404, 1008.3461, 1510.2416, 178.4305, "COP_AMBIENT", "Coplook_think", 0 }, { 259,2026.3182, 1005.4316, 1510.2416, 359.1620, "COP_AMBIENT", "Copbrowse_loop", 0 }, { 290,2026.3282, 1000.9877, 1510.2416, 177.4259, "INT_SHOP", "shop_pay", 0 }, { 71,2034.8290, 1006.0858, 1510.2416, 88.77530, "COP_AMBIENT", "Coplook_loop", 0 }, { -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "", "", 0 }, { -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "", "", 0 }, { -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "", "", 0 } }, // Cocaine Lab { { 146, 2554.8198, -1287.2550, 1143.7559, 358.8902, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 146, 2553.5564, -1293.3484, 1143.7539, 180.9151, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 145, 2555.1589, -1295.2550, 1143.7559, 0.433400, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 146, 2560.0005, -1294.4984, 1143.7559, 269.8790, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 146, 2562.7671, -1293.3485, 1143.7539, 177.1313, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 145, 2564.3228, -1293.3485, 1143.7539, 181.2047, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 146, 2560.0005, -1286.4615, 1143.7559, 267.9984, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 146, 2564.1406, -1285.3485, 1143.7539, 180.8909, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 }, { 145, 2548.4253, -1297.8320, 1143.7242, 89.43240, "INT_SHOP", "shop_loop", 0 } }, // Bunker { { 108, -6977.029785, -266.735992, 836.515014, 47.79999, "ped", "Gun_stand", 0 }, { 116, -6977.370117, -257.923004, 836.515014, 70.59999, "camera", "picstnd_take", 0 }, { 173, -6976.370117, -260.894012, 836.515014, 68.19999, "ped", "Gun_stand", 0 }, { 202, -6982.250000, -228.962005, 838.228027, -129.899, "crack", "Bbalbat_Idle_02", 0 }, { 122, -6976.950195, -248.820007, 838.174987, 81.69999, "graffiti", "spraycan_fire", 0 }, { 133, -6976.729980, -246.692001, 838.174987, 105.0000, "graffiti", "graffiti_Chkout", 0 }, { 179, -6963.290039, -258.019012, 836.515014, -39.2000, "Wuzi", "Wuzi_Greet_Plyr", 0 }, { 206, -6960.500000, -269.334014, 836.515014, 0.000000, "dealer", "DEALER_IDLE", 0 }, { -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "", "", 0 } } } ; new biz_type = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ]; for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_BIZ_ACTORS; i ++ ) if ( g_businessActorData[ biz_type ] [ i ] [ E_SKIN ] != -1 ) { g_businessActors[ businessid ] [ i ] = CreateDynamicActor( g_businessActorData[ biz_type ] [ i ] [ E_SKIN ], g_businessActorData[ biz_type ] [ i ] [ E_X ], g_businessActorData[ biz_type ] [ i ] [ E_Y ], g_businessActorData[ biz_type ] [ i ] [ E_Z ], g_businessActorData[ biz_type ] [ i ] [ E_RZ ] ); SetDynamicActorInvulnerable( g_businessActors[ businessid ] [ i ], true ); SetDynamicActorVirtualWorld( g_businessActors[ businessid ] [ i ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_WORLD ] ); ApplyDynamicActorAnimation( g_businessActors[ businessid ] [ i ], g_businessActorData[ biz_type ] [ i ] [ E_ANIM_LIB ], g_businessActorData[ biz_type ] [ i ] [ E_ANIM_NAME ], 4.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 ); ApplyDynamicActorAnimation( g_businessActors[ businessid ] [ i ], g_businessActorData[ biz_type ] [ i ] [ E_ANIM_LIB ], g_businessActorData[ biz_type ] [ i ] [ E_ANIM_NAME ], 4.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 ); } return 1; } stock UpdateBusinessProductionLabel( businessid ) { new prod_price = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ] * GetProductPrice( businessid ), supply_price = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ] * GetResupplyPrice( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ] ); // check if its processing if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ] ) { format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), ""COL_GREEN"Bank:"COL_WHITE" %s\n"COL_GREEN"Product:"COL_WHITE" %d (%s)\n"COL_GREEN"Supplies:"COL_WHITE" %d (%s)\n"COL_ORANGE"%s until production finishes", cash_format( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BANK ] ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ], cash_format( prod_price ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ], cash_format( supply_price ), secondstotime( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ], ", ", 5 ) ); } else { format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), ""COL_GREEN"Bank:"COL_WHITE" %s\n"COL_GREEN"Product:"COL_WHITE" %d (%s)\n"COL_GREEN"Supplies:"COL_WHITE" %d (%s)\n"COL_GREEN"Production finished", cash_format( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BANK ] ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ], cash_format( prod_price ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ], cash_format( supply_price ) ); } // update label UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_LABEL ], -1, szBigString ); } stock UpdateBusinessData( businessid ) { new members[ 96 ]; for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS; i ++ ) format( members, sizeof( members ), "%s%d ", members, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ] ); print( members ); format( szLargeString, sizeof( szLargeString ), "UPDATE `BUSINESSES` SET `OWNER_ID`=%d,`NAME`='%s',`SUPPLIES`=%d,`PRODUCT`=%d,`MEMBERS`='%s',`PROD_TIMESTAMP`=%d,`BANK`=%d,`SECURITY`=%d WHERE `ID`=%d", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_OWNER_ID ], mysql_escape( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ] ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ], members, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PROD_TIMESTAMP ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BANK ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SECURITY_LEVEL ], businessid ); mysql_single_query( szLargeString ); return 1; } stock GetProductPrice( businessid, bool: hardened = false ) { new Float: price, player_count = Iter_Count(Player); // based on formula : https://i.gyazo.com/af5796ce25aee7c871adcddc5eb0a0ac.png // calculate here : https://www.geogebra.org/m/eBHzJyKt switch ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ] ) { // (10,125), (100,350) case BUSINESS_WEAPON: price = 111487.4 * floatpower( 1.0115, player_count ); // 111487.4 * 1.0115^x for x in [25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150] // (10,50), (100,140) case BUSINESS_COKE: price = 43211.7 * floatpower( 1.0147, player_count ); // 43211.7 * 1.0147^x for x in [25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150] // (10,18), (100,50) case BUSINESS_METH: price = 15757.0 * floatpower( 1.0134, player_count ); // 15757.0 * 1.0134^x for x in [25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150] // (10,10), (100,28) case BUSINESS_WEED: price = 8909.0 * floatpower( 1.0116, player_count ); // 8909.0 * 1.0116^x for x in [25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150] } // San Fierro Priority static szCity[ MAX_ZONE_NAME ]; Get2DCity( szCity, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_X ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_Y ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_Z ] ); if ( strmatch( szCity, "San Fierro" ) ) { price *= 1.10; } // hardened with vehicle, 25% more profit if ( hardened ) { price *= 1.25; } return floatround( price ); } stock GetResupplyPrice( business_type ) { return g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_COST_PRICE ]; } stock ShowBusinessTerminal( playerid ) { new businessid = p_InBusiness[ playerid ]; if ( ! Iter_Contains( business, businessid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "The server can't detect what business you're in. Re-enter the facility." ); if ( ! IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You're not an associate of this business." ); new members = GetBusinessAssociates( businessid ); format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "Rename Business\t"COL_GREY"%s\nWithdraw Bank Money\t"COL_GREY"%s\nManage Members\t"COL_GREY"%d %s\nSell Inventory\t"COL_GREY"%d product\nResupply Business\t"COL_GREY"%d %s\nBusiness Upgrades\t ", g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_NAME ], cash_format( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BANK ] ), members, members == 1 ? ( "member" ) : ( "members" ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_PRODUCT ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SUPPLIES ] == 1 ? ( "supply" ) : ( "supplies" ) ); return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_TERMINAL, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST, ""COL_GREY"Business System", szBigString, "Select", "Cancel" ); } stock ShowBusinessUpgrades( playerid, businessid ) { new business_type = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ]; /*format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "Security Level\t%s\nUpgrade Car\t"COL_GREY"%s\nUpgrade Air Vehicle\t"COL_GREY"%s\n", g_businessSecurityData[ g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_SECURITY_LEVEL ] ] [ E_LEVEL ], GetVehicleName( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_MODEL_ID ] ), GetVehicleName( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_HELI_MODEL_ID ] ) );*/ format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "Upgrade Car\t"COL_GREY"%s\nUpgrade Air Vehicle\t"COL_GREY"%s\n", GetVehicleName( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_MODEL_ID ] ), GetVehicleName( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_HELI_MODEL_ID ] ) ); format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "%sUpgrade Production\t"COL_GREEN"%s\nAdd Member Slot\t"COL_GREEN"%s\n", szBigString, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_UPGRADES ] >= 1 ? ( "MAXED" ) : ( cash_format( g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_UPGRADE_COST ] ) ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXTRA_MEMBERS ] >= 4 ? ( "MAXED" ) : ( "$500,000" ) ); format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "%sAdd Nitrous To Car\t"COL_GREEN"%s\nAdd Gold Rims\t"COL_GREEN"%s\n", szBigString, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_NOS ] ? ( "ADDED" ) : ( "$250,000" ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_RIMS ] ? ( "ADDED" ) : ( "$250,000" ) ); return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_UPGRADES, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST, ""COL_GREY"Business System", szBigString, "Select", "Back" ); } stock IsBusinessAssociate( playerid, businessid ) { if ( ! IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) ) return 0; if ( businessid == -1 ) return 0; new accountid = p_AccountID[ playerid ]; if ( accountid == 0 ) return 0; for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS; i ++ ) if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ] == accountid ) return 1; return g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_OWNER_ID ] == accountid; } stock SetRandomDropoffLocation( playerid, businessid, bool: heli = false ) { static const Float: g_helicopterSpawns[ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] = { // san fierro { { -1279.6904, -8.909900, 14.4117, 113.0514 }, { -1475.6725, -172.7831, 14.3233, 107.4014 }, { -1480.9645, -561.67210, 14.3281, 224.6014 } }, // las ventuas { { 1570.4276, 1473.7267, 11.07640, 94.42440 }, { 1551.9801, 1428.9448, 11.03680, 87.83020 }, { 1310.77920, 1400.50050, 11.3766, 214.995 } }, // los santos { { 1914.0532, -2339.2131, 13.8111, 162.1368 }, { 2023.2230, -2436.9309, 13.7232, 73.29400 }, { 1828.49350, -2420.6563, 13.9001, 121.6646 } } } ; static szLocation[ MAX_ZONE_NAME ], city_id; // figure the city of the business Get2DCity( szLocation, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_X ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_Y ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_Z ] ); // assign index if ( strmatch( szLocation, "Las Venturas" ) ) city_id = 1; else if ( strmatch( szLocation, "Los Santos" ) ) city_id = 2; else city_id = 0; // create checkpoints etc if ( ! heli ) { new Float: nodeX, Float: nodeY, Float: nodeZ, Float: nextX, Float: nextY, nodeid = NearestNodeFromPoint( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_X ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_Y ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_Z ] ), nextNodeid = NearestNodeFromPoint( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_X ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_Y ], g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_Z ], 9999.9, nodeid ) ; GetNodePos( nextNodeid, nextX, nextY, nodeZ ); GetNodePos( nodeid, nodeX, nodeY, nodeZ ); new business_car = GetBusinessCarModelIndex( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_MODEL_ID ] ), Float: rotation = atan2( nextY - nodeY, nextX - nodeX ) - 90.0 ; g_businessVehicle[ businessid ] = CreateVehicle( g_businessCarModelData[ business_car ] [ E_MODEL ], nodeX, nodeY, nodeZ, rotation, 3, 3, -1 ); if ( g_businessCarModelData[ business_car ] [ E_OBJECT_MODEL ] != 0 ) { g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_VEHICLE_DECOR ] = CreateDynamicObject( g_businessCarModelData[ business_car ] [ E_OBJECT_MODEL ], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_VEHICLE_DECOR ], g_businessVehicle[ businessid ], g_businessCarModelData[ business_car ] [ E_O_X ], g_businessCarModelData[ business_car ] [ E_O_Y ], g_businessCarModelData[ business_car ] [ E_O_Z ], g_businessCarModelData[ business_car ] [ E_O_RX ], g_businessCarModelData[ business_car ] [ E_O_RY ], g_businessCarModelData[ business_car ] [ E_O_RZ ] ); } else g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_VEHICLE_DECOR ] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID; // just incase of index bug if ( g_businessVehicle[ businessid ] ) { g_isBusinessVehicle[ g_businessVehicle[ businessid ] ] = businessid; // add nos if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_NOS ] ) { AddVehicleComponent( g_businessVehicle[ businessid ], 1010 ); } // gold rim if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_CAR_RIMS ] ) { AddVehicleComponent( g_businessVehicle[ businessid ], 1080 ); } if ( g_businessCarModelData[ business_car ] [ E_BOOT_OPEN ] ) { GetVehicleParamsEx( g_businessVehicle[ businessid ], engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective ); SetVehicleParamsEx( g_businessVehicle[ businessid ], engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, VEHICLE_PARAMS_ON, objective ); } } // create new drop locations new ignore_drop_ids[ sizeof( g_roadBusinessExportData[ ] ) ] = { -1, ... }; for ( new x = 0; x < MAX_DROPS; x ++ ) { new drop_off_index = randomExcept( ignore_drop_ids, sizeof( ignore_drop_ids ) ); // so we get random drops always ignore_drop_ids[ drop_off_index ] = drop_off_index; // clear them incase g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED ] [ x ] = false; DestroyDynamicMapIcon( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ x ] ); DestroyDynamicRaceCP( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ x ] ); DestroyDynamicArea( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CIRCLE ] [ x ] ); // assign indexes (used for dropping the shit off) g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CITY ] = city_id; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_INDEX ] [ x ] = drop_off_index; // map icons, cp, areas g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ x ] = CreateDynamicMapIcon( g_roadBusinessExportData[ city_id ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 0 ], g_roadBusinessExportData[ city_id ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 1 ], g_roadBusinessExportData[ city_id ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 2 ], 53, -1, -1, -1, 0, 6000.0, MAPICON_GLOBAL ); g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ x ] = CreateDynamicRaceCP( 1, g_roadBusinessExportData[ city_id ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 0 ], g_roadBusinessExportData[ city_id ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 1 ], g_roadBusinessExportData[ city_id ] [ drop_off_index ] [ 2 ], 0, 0, 0, 5.0, -1, -1, 0 ); // reset players in map icon/cp Streamer_RemoveArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ x ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, 0 ); Streamer_RemoveArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_RACE_CP, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ x ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, 0 ); // stream to players foreach (new i : Player) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( i, businessid ) ) { Streamer_AppendArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ x ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, i ); Streamer_AppendArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_RACE_CP, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ x ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, i ); } } // alert player ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "Exit the facility and enter the business vehicle marked outside." ); SendGlobalMessage( COLOR_GREY, "[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has begun transporting "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE" of business product!", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, cash_format( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_VALUE ] * ( MAX_DROPS - g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED_AMOUNT ] ) ) ); } else { // create the heli new business_heli = GetBusinessAirModelIndex( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_HELI_MODEL_ID ] ), random_index = random( sizeof( g_helicopterSpawns[ ] ) ) ; g_businessVehicle[ businessid ] = CreateVehicle( g_businessAirModelData[ business_heli ] [ E_MODEL ], g_helicopterSpawns[ city_id ] [ random_index ] [ 0 ], g_helicopterSpawns[ city_id ] [ random_index ] [ 1 ], g_helicopterSpawns[ city_id ] [ random_index ] [ 2 ], g_helicopterSpawns[ city_id ] [ random_index ] [ 3 ], -1, -1, -1 ); if ( g_businessVehicle[ businessid ] ) { g_isBusinessVehicle[ g_businessVehicle[ businessid ] ] = businessid; } // map icon to heli g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ 0 ] = CreateDynamicMapIcon( g_helicopterSpawns[ city_id ] [ random_index ] [ 0 ], g_helicopterSpawns[ city_id ] [ random_index ] [ 1 ], g_helicopterSpawns[ city_id ] [ random_index ] [ 2 ], 5, -1, -1, -1, 0, 6000.0, MAPICON_GLOBAL ); // reset players in map icon/cp Streamer_RemoveArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ 0 ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, 0 ); // stream to players foreach (new i : Player) if ( IsBusinessAssociate( i, businessid ) ) { Streamer_AppendArrayData( STREAMER_TYPE_MAP_ICON, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ 0 ], E_STREAMER_PLAYER_ID, i ); } // destroy cp, unnused DestroyDynamicRaceCP( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ 0 ] ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ 0 ] = -1; // alert ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "Exit the facility and go to your local airport." ); } return 1; } stock StopBusinessExportMission( businessid ) { new vehicleid = g_businessVehicle[ businessid ], modelid = GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ); // reset variables for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_DROPS; i ++ ) { g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED ] [ i ] = false; DestroyDynamicMapIcon( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ i ] ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ i ] = -1; DestroyDynamicRaceCP( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ i ] ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ i ] = -1; DestroyDynamicArea( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CIRCLE ] [ i ] ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CIRCLE ] [ i ] = -1; } // export stop g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_STARTED ] = 0; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED_AMOUNT ] = 0; // destroy vehicle DestroyVehicle( g_businessVehicle[ businessid ] ), g_businessVehicle[ businessid ] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID; DestroyDynamicObject( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_VEHICLE_DECOR ] ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_VEHICLE_DECOR ] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID; // reset vehicle variable if needed if ( vehicleid != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID ) g_isBusinessVehicle[ vehicleid ] = -1; // slap the player in the heli high and stop the mission foreach (new playerid : Player) if ( IsPlayerInVehicle( playerid, vehicleid ) && IsBusinessAerialVehicle( businessid, modelid ) ) { SyncObject( playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0 ); GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, 46, 1 ); } } stock SellBusinessProduct( playerid, businessid, locationid ) { // destroy checkpoint g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED ] [ locationid ] = true; DestroyDynamicMapIcon( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ locationid ] ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_ICON ] [ locationid ] = -1; DestroyDynamicRaceCP( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ locationid ] ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CP ] [ locationid ] = -1; DestroyDynamicArea( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CIRCLE ] [ locationid ] ), g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_CIRCLE ] [ locationid ] = -1; // count drugs exported new drugsSold = ++ g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORTED_AMOUNT ]; // award business new product_amount = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_EXPORT_VALUE ]; g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_BANK ] += product_amount; UpdateBusinessData( businessid ); UpdateBusinessProductionLabel( businessid ); //GivePlayerExperience( playerid, E_TRANSPORT ); GivePlayerScore( playerid, 2 ); GivePlayerWantedLevel( playerid, 6 ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have successfully exported "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE" worth of product. "COL_ORANGE"(%d/%d)", cash_format( product_amount ), drugsSold, MAX_DROPS ); // calculate if it was the last batch if ( drugsSold == MAX_DROPS ) { new business_type = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ], profit = ( product_amount - g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_COST_PRICE ] ) * MAX_DROPS ; // P&L SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have completed selling all business product. Total profit %s%s"COL_WHITE".", profit > 0 ? ( COL_GREEN ) : ( COL_RED ), cash_format( profit ) ); // Destroy checkpoint and vehicle StopBusinessExportMission( businessid ); } // just send alerts fuck it SendGlobalMessage( COLOR_GREY, "[BUSINESS]"COL_WHITE" %s(%d) has dropped off their %d%s batch of drugs for "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE"!", ReturnPlayerName( playerid ), playerid, drugsSold, positionToString( drugsSold ), cash_format( product_amount ) ); } stock ShowBusinessMembers( playerid, businessid ) { new szMembers[ 96 ] = "0"; for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_BUSINESS_MEMBERS; i ++ ) if ( g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ] ) { format( szMembers, sizeof( szMembers ), "%s,%d", szMembers, g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_MEMBERS ] [ i ] ); } format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "SELECT `ID`, `NAME` FROM `USERS` WHERE `ID` IN (%s) ORDER BY `ID`", szMembers ); mysql_function_query( dbHandle, szBigString, true, "OnShowBusinessMembers", "dd", playerid, businessid ); return 1; } function OnShowBusinessMembers( playerid, businessid ) { new rows, fields, member[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]; cache_get_data( rows, fields ); if ( rows ) { szBigString = ""COL_GREY"Add a new member...\n"; for( new i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) { // get member name cache_get_field_content( i, "NAME", member, sizeof( member ) ); format( szBigString, sizeof( szBigString ), "%s%s\n", szBigString, member ); } ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_MEMBERS, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ""COL_GREY"Business System", szBigString, "Kick", "Back" ); } else { SendServerMessage( playerid, "Couldn't find any members for the business, add one if you desire." ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_ADD_MEMBER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_GREY"Business System", ""COL_WHITE"Type the name of the player you wish to add as a member.", "Add", "Back" ); } } stock GetBusinessCarModelIndex( modelid ) { new index = 0; for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_businessCarModelData ); i ++ ) if ( g_businessCarModelData[ i ] [ E_MODEL ] == modelid ) { index = i; break; } return index; } stock GetBusinessAirModelIndex( modelid ) { new index = 0; for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_businessAirModelData ); i ++ ) if ( g_businessAirModelData[ i ] [ E_MODEL ] == modelid ) { index = i; break; } return index; } stock IsBusinessAerialVehicle( businessid, vehicleid ) { return ( vehicleid == g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_HELI_MODEL_ID ] ); } /*stock ShowBusinessSecurityUpgrades( playerid, businessid ) { new business_type = g_businessData[ businessid ] [ E_INTERIOR_TYPE ], security_cost; new security[ 400 ] = ""COL_WHITE"Security Level\t"COL_WHITE"Protection\t"COL_WHITE"Price\n"; format( security, sizeof( security ), "%s"COL_RED"NONE\t25%s Safe Security + 50%s chance of breaking in\t"COL_GOLD"$0\n", security, "%", "%" ); security_cost = floatround( float( g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_UPGRADE_COST ] ) * g_businessSecurityData[ 1 ] [ E_COST_MULTIPLIER ] ); format( security, sizeof( security ), "%s"COL_ORANGE"LOW\t50%s Safe Security + 25%s chance of breaking in\t"COL_GOLD"%s\n", security, "%", "%", cash_format( security_cost ) ); security_cost = floatround( float( g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_UPGRADE_COST ] ) * g_businessSecurityData[ 2 ] [ E_COST_MULTIPLIER ] ); format( security, sizeof( security ), "%s"COL_YELLOW"MEDIUM\t75%s Safe Security + 10.0%s chance of breaking in\t"COL_GOLD"%s\n", security, "%", "%", cash_format( security_cost ) ); security_cost = floatround( float( g_businessInteriorData[ business_type ] [ E_UPGRADE_COST ] ) * g_businessSecurityData[ 3 ] [ E_COST_MULTIPLIER ] ); format( security, sizeof( security ), "%s"COL_GREEN"HIGH\t100%s Safe Security + 0.0%s chance of breaking in\t"COL_GOLD"%s\n", security, "%", "%", cash_format( security_cost ) ); return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_BUSINESS_SECURITY, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, ""COL_GREY"Business System", security, "Purchase", "Back" ); }*/ stock GetOnlineBusinessAssociates( businessid, &members = 0, playerid = -1 ) { foreach ( new i : Player ) if ( playerid != i && IsBusinessAssociate( i, businessid ) ) { members ++; } }