/* * Irresistible Gaming (c) 2018 * Developed by Lorenc * Module: cnr\features\minijobs\meth.pwn * Purpose: meth minijob */ /* ** Includes ** */ #include < YSI\y_hooks > /* ** Definitions ** */ #define CHEMICAL_CS 0 #define CHEMICAL_MU 1 #define CHEMICAL_HLC 2 #define PROGRESS_CHEMICAL 6 #define PROGRESS_GRAB_METH 7 #define VW_METH 110 /* ** Variables ** */ enum E_METH_PROCEEDURE { E_CHEMICAL, E_NAME[ 98 ] }; static const sz_mu_MethProduction[ ] [ 56 ] = { { "This batch looks like it needs some muriatic. Add some." }, { "Continue the cooking process by adding some acid." }, { "Soda. Actually, acid. Yeah, that's it." }, { "It's cooking fine. However, it needs more acid." }, { "If you have any muriatic, pour it in." }, { "Chloride, or... Acid. Muriatic. Add that."}, { "Stone Cleaner, add that in." } }, sz_cs_MethProduction[ ] [ 54 ] = { { "It's getting blue, add some soda in though." }, { "Got any soda? Drop it in." }, { "This batch needs some club soda." }, { "Add hydrogen chloride. Actually, add soda!" }, { "Continue the process with some caustic soda." }, { "Cooking up real fine. Needs some caustic soda though." }, { "Get the temperature up by adding caustic soda." }, { "Caustic soda... Or muriatic. Actually, add soda." } }, sz_hcl_MethProduction[ ] [ 46 ] = { { "Add some of that chloride." }, { "It needs some bubbles, hydrogen should be it." }, { "This batch needs hydrogen." }, { "Continue the process by adding a gas tank." }, { "Add soda. Actually, add hydrogen." }, { "A gas, what could it be? Hydrogen?" }, { "Cooking right away, needs more gas though." } } ; static stock p_MuriaticAcid [ MAX_PLAYERS char ], p_CausticSoda [ MAX_PLAYERS char ], p_HydrogenChloride [ MAX_PLAYERS char ], p_Methamphetamine [ MAX_PLAYERS char ] ; /* ** Forwards ** */ forward OnMethamphetamineCooking( playerid, vehicleid, last_chemical ); forward OnPlayerVehicleDestroyed( playerid, slot ); /* ** Hooks ** */ hook OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason ) { p_MuriaticAcid{ playerid } = 0; p_CausticSoda{ playerid } = 0; p_Methamphetamine{ playerid } = 0; p_HydrogenChloride{ playerid } = 0; return 1; } hook OnPlayerEnterVehicle( playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger ) { new vehicle_model = GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ); if ( ispassenger && vehicle_model == 508 && GetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid ) == 0 ) // Journey { SetPlayerPos( playerid, 2087.2339, 1233.6448, 414.7454 ); SetPlayerInterior( playerid, VW_METH ); // Li SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, vehicleid + VW_METH ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "inMethLab", 1 ); pauseToLoad( playerid ); } return 1; } hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys ) { static Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: Angle; if ( PRESSED( KEY_FIRE ) ) { if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, 2084.2842, 1234.0254, 414.7454 ) && IsPlayerInMethlab( playerid ) && p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_POLICE ) { new vehicleid = GetPlayerMethLabVehicle( playerid ), objectid = GetGVarInt( "meth_yield", vehicleid ), Float: fAimDistance = 0.4 ; if ( IsValidDynamicObject( objectid ) && Streamer_GetIntData( STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, objectid, E_STREAMER_MODEL_ID ) == 1579 ) { if ( GetDynamicObjectPos( objectid, X, Y, Z ) ) { if ( IsPlayerAimingAt( playerid, X, Y, Z, fAimDistance ) ) ApplyAnimation( playerid, "CARRY", "liftup105", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ), ShowProgressBar( playerid, "Taking Meth", PROGRESS_GRAB_METH, 3000, 0x87CEEBFF ); } } else { if ( GetGVarType( "meth_chef", vehicleid ) != GLOBAL_VARTYPE_NONE && IsPlayerConnected( GetGVarInt( "meth_chef", vehicleid ) ) && GetGVarType( "meth_cooktimer", vehicleid ) == GLOBAL_VARTYPE_NONE && ! IsPlayerProgressBarStarted( playerid ) ) { if ( IsPlayerAimingAt( playerid, 2083.489990, 1234.743041, 414.821014, fAimDistance ) ) { if ( !p_CausticSoda{ playerid } ) return SendError( playerid, "You don't have any caustic soda." ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "pouring_chemical", CHEMICAL_CS ); ApplyAnimation( playerid, "CARRY", "putdwn105", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ); ShowProgressBar( playerid, "Pouring Caustic Soda", PROGRESS_CHEMICAL, 2500, 0x3E7EFFFF ); } else if ( IsPlayerAimingAt( playerid, 2083.282958, 1234.025024, 415.028009, fAimDistance ) ) { if ( !p_HydrogenChloride{ playerid } ) return SendError( playerid, "You don't have any hydrogen chloride." ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "pouring_chemical", CHEMICAL_HLC ); ApplyAnimation( playerid, "CARRY", "putdwn105", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ); ShowProgressBar( playerid, "Pouring Hydrogen Chloride", PROGRESS_CHEMICAL, 2500, 0xEE9911FF ); } else if ( IsPlayerAimingAt( playerid, 2083.638916, 1233.254028, 415.020996, fAimDistance ) ) { if ( !p_MuriaticAcid{ playerid } ) return SendError( playerid, "You don't have any muriatic acid." ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "pouring_chemical", CHEMICAL_MU ); ApplyAnimation( playerid, "CARRY", "putdwn105", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ); ShowProgressBar( playerid, "Pouring Muriatic Acid", PROGRESS_CHEMICAL, 2500, 0xFF0000FF ); } } } } } else if ( PRESSED( KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) ) { if ( IsPlayerInMethlab( playerid ) && CanPlayerExitEntrance( playerid ) ) { new vehicleid = GetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid ) - VW_METH; if ( IsValidVehicle( vehicleid ) && IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 1.5, 2087.2339, 1233.6448, 414.7454 ) ) { GetVehiclePos( vehicleid, X, Y, Z ); GetVehicleZAngle( vehicleid, Angle ); X += ( 2.0 * floatsin( -( Angle - 45.0 ), degrees ) ); Y += ( 2.0 * floatcos( -( Angle - 45.0 ), degrees ) ); SetPlayerInterior( playerid, 0 ); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 ); SetPlayerPos( playerid, X, Y, Z - 0.94 ); SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, Angle ); haltMethamphetamine( playerid, vehicleid ); DeletePVar( playerid, "inMethLab" ); UpdatePlayerEntranceExitTick( playerid ); pauseToLoad( playerid ); } } } return 1; } hook OnVehicleSpawn( vehicleid ) { ResetVehicleMethlabData( vehicleid, true ); return 1; } hook OnVehicleDeath( vehicleid, killerid ) { ResetVehicleMethlabData( vehicleid, true ); return 1; } hook OnPlayerProgressUpdate( playerid, progressid, bool: canceled, params ) { if ( progressid == PROGRESS_CHEMICAL || progressid == PROGRESS_GRAB_METH ) { if ( !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, 2084.2842, 1234.0254, 414.7454 ) || !IsPlayerInMethlab( playerid ) || canceled ) return DeletePVar( playerid, "pouring_chemical" ), StopProgressBar( playerid ), 1; } return 1; } hook OnProgressCompleted( playerid, progressid, params ) { static Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z; if ( progressid == PROGRESS_CHEMICAL ) { if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, 2084.2842, 1234.0254, 414.7454 ) && IsPlayerInMethlab( playerid ) ) { new chemical = GetPVarInt( playerid, "pouring_chemical" ), vehicleid = GetPlayerMethLabVehicle( playerid ) ; DeletePVar( playerid, "pouring_chemical" ); switch( chemical ) { case CHEMICAL_MU: p_MuriaticAcid{ playerid } --, SetGVarInt( "meth_acid", 0, vehicleid ); case CHEMICAL_CS: p_CausticSoda{ playerid } --, SetGVarInt( "meth_soda", 0, vehicleid ); case CHEMICAL_HLC: p_HydrogenChloride{ playerid } --, SetGVarInt( "meth_chloride", 0, vehicleid ); } if ( GetGVarInt( "meth_ingredient", vehicleid ) != chemical ) { DeleteGVar( "meth_ingredient", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_soda", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_acid", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_chloride", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_chef", vehicleid ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have put the whole chemical. The methlab has exploded." ); GetPlayerPos( playerid, X, Y, Z ); CreateExplosionForPlayer( playerid, X, Y, Z - 0.75, 0, 10.0 ); SetPlayerHealth( playerid, -1 ); } else { SetGVarInt( "meth_chef", playerid, vehicleid ); SetGVarInt( "meth_smoke", CreateDynamicObject( 18726, 0.0, 0.0, -1000.0, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 ), vehicleid ); AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle( GetGVarInt( "meth_smoke", vehicleid ), vehicleid, -0.524999, -0.974999, -0.375000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 ); ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "Okay, okay, everything seems to be cooking fine. Wait till for the next chemical to be added." ); // if ( !IsPlayerUsingRadio( playerid ) ) PlayAudioStreamForPlayer( playerid, "http://files.sfcnr.com/game_sounds/meth_cooking.mp3", 1476.0394, 1464.3358, 1012.1190, 5.0, 1 ); SetGVarInt( "meth_cooktimer", SetTimerEx( "OnMethamphetamineCooking", 10000, false, "ddd", playerid, vehicleid, chemical ), vehicleid ); } } } else if ( progressid == PROGRESS_GRAB_METH ) { if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, 2084.2842, 1234.0254, 414.7454 ) && IsPlayerInMethlab( playerid ) ) { new vehicleid = GetPlayerMethLabVehicle( playerid ), objectid = GetGVarInt( "meth_yield", vehicleid ) ; if ( !( IsValidDynamicObject( objectid ) && Streamer_GetIntData( STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, objectid, E_STREAMER_MODEL_ID ) == 1579 ) ) return SendError( playerid, "Someone just took the last batch of the meth!" ); if ( p_Methamphetamine{ playerid } >= 128 ) return SendError( playerid, "You can only export a maximum of 128 pounds of meth." ); p_Methamphetamine{ playerid } ++; DestroyDynamicObject( GetGVarInt( "meth_yield", vehicleid ) ); // Reset meth data DeleteGVar( "meth_yield", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_ingredient", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_soda", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_acid", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_chloride", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_chef", vehicleid ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You've yielded a pound of meth. Take your bags over to "COL_GREY"Cluckin' Bell"COL_WHITE" for exportation." ); } } return 1; } /* ** Callbacks ** */ public OnMethamphetamineCooking( playerid, vehicleid, last_chemical ) { DeleteGVar( "meth_cooktimer", vehicleid ); // Remove it, useless... if ( IsValidVehicle( vehicleid ) && IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) && IsPlayerInMethlab( playerid ) ) { DestroyDynamicObject( GetGVarInt( "meth_smoke", vehicleid ) ); DeleteGVar( "meth_smoke", vehicleid ); if ( ! GetGVarInt( "meth_acid", vehicleid ) && ! GetGVarInt( "meth_soda", vehicleid ) && ! GetGVarInt( "meth_chloride", vehicleid ) ) { ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 5000, "The process is done. Bag it up and do another round if you wish." ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "Process is done. Bag it up, and do another round if you wish. Export it for money." ); GivePlayerWantedLevel( playerid, 12 ); GivePlayerExperience( playerid, E_ROLEPLAY ); GivePlayerScore( playerid, 3 ); ach_HandleMethYielded( playerid ); SetGVarInt( "meth_yield", CreateDynamicObject( 1579, 2083.684082, 1233.945922, 414.875244, 0.000000, 0.000000, 90.000000, GetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid ) ), vehicleid ); PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); Streamer_Update( playerid ); } else { new available_meth[ 3 ] = { -1, ... }; if ( ! GetGVarInt( "meth_soda", vehicleid ) ) available_meth[ CHEMICAL_CS ] = CHEMICAL_CS; if ( ! GetGVarInt( "meth_acid", vehicleid ) ) available_meth[ CHEMICAL_MU ] = CHEMICAL_MU; if ( ! GetGVarInt( "meth_chloride", vehicleid ) ) available_meth[ CHEMICAL_HLC ] = CHEMICAL_HLC; new iMethIngredient = randomExcept( available_meth, sizeof( available_meth ) ); switch( iMethIngredient ) { case CHEMICAL_HLC: ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 17500, "%s", sz_hcl_MethProduction[ random( sizeof( sz_hcl_MethProduction ) ) ] ); case CHEMICAL_MU: ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 17500, "%s", sz_mu_MethProduction[ random( sizeof( sz_mu_MethProduction ) ) ] ); case CHEMICAL_CS: ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 17500, "%s", sz_cs_MethProduction[ random( sizeof( sz_cs_MethProduction ) ) ] ); } SetGVarInt( "meth_ingredient", iMethIngredient, vehicleid ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "Okay, let's cook. New chemical to be added." ); PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1056, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); } } else { ResetVehicleMethlabData( vehicleid ); } return 1; } public OnPlayerVehicleDestroyed( playerid, slot ) { if ( g_vehicleData[ playerid ][ slot ][ E_MODEL ] == 508 ) RemovePlayersFromJourney( g_vehicleData[ playerid ][ slot ][ E_VEHICLE_ID ] ); return 1; } /* ** Commands ** */ CMD:meth( playerid, params[ ] ) { if ( strmatch( params, "cook" ) ) { if ( !IsPlayerInMethlab( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You need to be in a methlab to use this command." ); new vehicleid = GetPlayerMethLabVehicle( playerid ), objectid = GetGVarInt( "meth_yield", vehicleid ) ; if ( IsValidVehicle( vehicleid ) && GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ) == 508 ) { if ( !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, 2084.2842, 1234.0254, 414.7454 ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You're not near the lab." ); if ( GetGVarInt( "meth_soda", vehicleid ) != 0 || GetGVarInt( "meth_acid", vehicleid ) != 0 || GetGVarInt( "meth_chloride", vehicleid ) != 0 ) return SendError( playerid, "This methlab is already in operation." ); if ( GetGVarType( "meth_cooktimer", vehicleid ) != GLOBAL_VARTYPE_NONE ) return SendError( playerid, "This methlab is already in operation." ); if ( IsValidDynamicObject( objectid ) && Streamer_GetIntData( STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, objectid, E_STREAMER_MODEL_ID ) == 1579 ) return SendError( playerid, "You must grab the meth before you continue." ); if ( !p_CausticSoda{ playerid } && !p_HydrogenChloride{ playerid } && !p_MuriaticAcid{ playerid } ) return SendError( playerid, "You're light on Caustic Soda, Hydrogen Chloride and Muriatic Acid." ); if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN ) return SendError( playerid, "This is restricted to civilians only." ); new iMethIngredient = random( 3 ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You're now beginning the methamphetamine production. Follow the dialog to yield a pound of meth." ); SetGVarInt( "meth_ingredient", iMethIngredient, vehicleid ); SetGVarInt( "meth_soda", 1, vehicleid ); SetGVarInt( "meth_acid", 1, vehicleid ); SetGVarInt( "meth_chloride", 1, vehicleid ); SetGVarInt( "meth_chef", playerid, vehicleid ); switch( iMethIngredient ) { case CHEMICAL_HLC: ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 12500, "%s", sz_hcl_MethProduction[ random( sizeof( sz_hcl_MethProduction ) ) ] ); case CHEMICAL_MU: ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 12500, "%s", sz_mu_MethProduction[ random( sizeof( sz_mu_MethProduction ) ) ] ); case CHEMICAL_CS: ShowPlayerHelpDialog( playerid, 12500, "%s", sz_cs_MethProduction[ random( sizeof( sz_cs_MethProduction ) ) ] ); } } else SendError( playerid, "An unexpected error has occurred, please re-enter your methlab." ); } else if ( strmatch( params, "export" ) ) { if ( GetPlayerInterior( playerid ) != 9 ) return SendError( playerid, "You must be inside Cluckin' Bell to use this command." ); if ( ! p_Methamphetamine{ playerid } ) return SendError( playerid, "You don't have any meth to export." ); if ( p_Class[ playerid ] != CLASS_CIVILIAN ) return SendError( playerid, "This is restricted to civilians only." ); new cashEarned = p_Methamphetamine{ playerid } * ( 5000 + random( 1000 ) ); GivePlayerCash( playerid, cashEarned ); GivePlayerExperience( playerid, E_ROLEPLAY, float( p_Methamphetamine{ playerid } ) * 0.2 ); StockMarket_UpdateEarnings( E_STOCK_CLUCKIN_BELL, cashEarned, .factor = 0.3 ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have exported %d bags of meth, earning you "COL_GOLD"%s"COL_WHITE".", p_Methamphetamine{ playerid }, cash_format( cashEarned ) ); p_Methamphetamine{ playerid } = 0; } else SendUsage( playerid, "/meth [COOK/EXPORT]" ); return 1; } /* ** Functions ** */ stock ResetVehicleMethlabData( vehicleid, bool: death = false ) { // Attempt to at least remove meth smoke DestroyDynamicObject( GetGVarInt( "meth_smoke", vehicleid ) ); DeleteGVar( "meth_smoke", vehicleid ); // Validate vehicle model if ( GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ) != 508 ) return; static Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z; if ( death ) { foreach(new playerid : Player) { if ( GetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid ) == ( vehicleid + VW_METH ) && !p_Spectating{ playerid } ) { haltMethamphetamine( playerid, vehicleid ); GetPlayerPos( playerid, X, Y, Z ); CreateExplosionForPlayer( playerid, X, Y, Z - 0.75, 0, 10.0 ); SetPlayerHealth( playerid, -1 ); GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~r~The vehicle and the methlab have exploded.", 4000, 0 ); } } } new timer = GetGVarInt( "meth_cooktimer", vehicleid ); if ( timer ) KillTimer( timer ); // Could be invalid lol DeleteGVar( "meth_ingredient", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_soda", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_acid", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_chloride", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_chef", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_cooktimer", vehicleid ); } stock haltMethamphetamine( playerid, vehicleid, canceled=1 ) { if ( playerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID ) return; if ( !IsValidVehicle( vehicleid ) ) return; if ( GetGVarInt( "meth_chef", vehicleid ) == playerid ) { if ( canceled ) GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~r~Cooking Operation Canceled!", 4000, 0 ); new timer = GetGVarInt( "meth_cooktimer", vehicleid ); if ( timer ) KillTimer( timer ); // Could be invalid lol DestroyDynamicObject( GetGVarInt( "meth_smoke", vehicleid ) ); DeletePVar( playerid, "pouring_chemical" ); DeleteGVar( "meth_ingredient", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_soda", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_acid", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_chloride", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_chef", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_cooktimer", vehicleid ); DeleteGVar( "meth_smoke", vehicleid ); HidePlayerHelpDialog( playerid ); } } stock IsPlayerInMethlab( playerid ) { return ( GetPVarInt( playerid, "inMethLab" ) == 1 && GetPlayerInterior( playerid ) == VW_METH ); } stock GetPlayerMethLabVehicle( playerid ) { return ( GetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid ) - VW_METH ); } stock GetPlayerMeth( playerid ) return p_Methamphetamine{ playerid }; stock SetPlayerMeth( playerid, amount ) { p_Methamphetamine{ playerid } = amount; } stock GetPlayerMuriaticAcid( playerid ) return p_MuriaticAcid{ playerid }; stock SetPlayerMuriaticAcid( playerid, amount ) { p_MuriaticAcid{ playerid } = amount; } stock GetPlayerHydrogenChloride( playerid ) return p_HydrogenChloride{ playerid }; stock SetPlayerHydrogenChloride( playerid, amount ) { p_HydrogenChloride{ playerid } = amount; } stock GetPlayerCausticSoda( playerid ) return p_CausticSoda{ playerid }; stock SetPlayerCausticSoda( playerid, amount ) { p_CausticSoda{ playerid } = amount; } stock RemovePlayersFromJourney( vehicleID ) { new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, Float: Angle; foreach ( new playerid : Player ) { if ( GetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid ) == ( vehicleID + VW_METH ) && !p_Spectating{ playerid } ) { haltMethamphetamine( playerid, vehicleID ); GetVehiclePos( vehicleID, x, y, z ); GetVehicleZAngle( vehicleID, Angle ); x += ( 5.0 * floatsin( -( Angle - 45.0 ), degrees ) ); y += ( 5.0 * floatcos( -( Angle - 45.0 ), degrees ) ); SetPlayerPos( playerid, x, y, z ); SetPlayerInterior( playerid, 0 ); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 ); SendServerMessage( playerid, "You have been removed from a player-owned Journey as the player who owned it has left the server." ); } } return 1; }